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Posts posted by JayG84

  1. I'm thinking of going back to school to pursue my life purpose in Psychology, but I'm not quite sure that it's the right move considering that I've already studied a lot of what I'm going to learn on my own, and the school system is too close minded to bring a non-dual perspective into. I want to try to bring fresh ideas and insights to humanity and help as many people as possible, but I'm not sure if the status quo of the 'academic path' is going to be receptive to paradigm shifts anytime soon. 

    Do you think that it's worth trying to change the system from inside the estabished paradigms with credentials, or try to come at it from outside the system with no credentials?

  2. Attraction and Repulsion (Magnetism and Sexuality)

    Positive and Negative (Electricity and Thoughts)

    Gravity and Dark Energy (Expantion and Collaspe of the Universe)

    Order and Chaos - (Entropy)

    Nuclear Fusion and Nuclear Fission 

    Love and Fear

    All Divison and Unity...

    Is it all just one force that we call different things?

    Is it all Love? Is that the force that drives all of it?



  3. @Leo Gura

    Just speaking from personal experience, fasting has been life changing for me. I too was dealing with cronic fatigue and brain fog, and fasting was the only thing I found that gave my system a 'reset'. It just takes getting past the first couple of days and you will find that your energy actually increases a lot when you break through into Ketosis, and you get a lot of mental clarity too. I've done a few 2 week long fasts and now I intermittent fast in an 18-6 and it's worked wonders.

    Has your body ever ran on ketones before? From your video you were talking about carbs being an issue for you. By switching your body to Ketones for energy, you might find relief. 

    I wish you luck my friend. ?❤️

  4. 2 hours ago, Artsu said:


    1 x 100 = 100 x 1, therefore 100 = 1?

    What? No. The redundancy gets cancelled.

    100 ➗0 = Infinity

    100 ➗Infinity = 0

    0 = Infinity

    Infinity = 0


    1 x 100 = 100

    100 x 1 = 100

    (1 x 100) = (100 x 1)

    100 = 100

    But from the absolute perspective, Everything = Everything, so you're not exactly wrong...lol

  5. 1 minute ago, VincentArogya said:

    Too intellectual! 

    Lol. Just pointing to the nature of it. Infinity is too complex to explain with symbols and words, but it's fun to think about how infinity and zero always collapse on each other, like a fractal. You're always in the middle, zoom out forever and you'll still be no closer to the end or beginning.

  6. 1 minute ago, Nemo28 said:

    Well as i said I only have assumptions. Everyone is assuming one thing or the other, for some reason i go into negativities which is a perspective one could take, since there are only perspectives. For exmple..I see a friend who today is avoiding me. This makes me assume the worst, which is she/he hates me probably, instead of rejecting this i accept this, forgive and transform it into something more positive. Ofc i could have made better story, like saying, "she/he might have difficulties in personal life and is in pain so  she/he doesnt want to have any social interactions". But i choose the negative interpretation, i dont know why, maybe to grow  in myself more love..hmm

    Exactly, we are nothing but perspective. No perspective is the right one. Your perspective is the one you choose to put on it and believe. The Truth is that there is no true perspective. That's the only true perspective there is. So how can you be attached to any outcome when the outcome of whether your friend wants to hang out is a coin flip. You have no idea what their perspective is. It's limitless possibilities for why they don't feel like it, most of which have nothing to do with you. The only thing you have to realize is that you're looking for love, acceptance, and understanding from this person. Give it to yourself. You are all you need right now, you're perfect in this moment here. You dont need anything more. ?

  7. 7 minutes ago, Nemo28 said:

    it does, its my dirrect experience, i cant argue with that now can i ?  It feels super true. Its like looking t stars outside or the moon.

    That is not your direct experience. It is a filtered experience. It's filtered through the story of you. Look deeper. Your ego won't want to look, but you have to look. It won't be easy, but that's how you know you're looking in the right place.

  8. 9 hours ago, J J said:

    Is the spiritual practice headed towards tapping into this Intelligence?

    It's pretty simple. Consciousness is Infinite, which means it's Infinitely Intelligent. You are that Infinitely Intelligent Consciousness, but you forget. You can only remember by raising your state of Consciousness, either by learning (inefficient) or through spiritual work (more efficient). The only limit on your intelligence is your imagined inability to remember what you are.

  9. Well, the way I've come to think of it is that we're born at a very low stage of consciousness, and at lower stages we find it hard to remember things. Kind of for the same reason that animals have very poor memories or like if we go through our day to day lives in a low conscious manner (just going through the motions, doing the same things every day), then we won't register much memory of the events at all. It's only when we are aware of the moment that it gets registered in our memories. At a certain point kids will raise their states of consciousness to where they will 'come online' so to speak, or become conscious enough to become self aware and begin to know who they are. 

    In your purest form (or formlessness), you already have memory of everything that has ever happened or will ever happen, but life is the process of remembering. First, forgetting (Birth), then trying to remember for a few decades (Learning skills and consciousness work) and finally remembering all of it (Death). The process of remembering is the raising of Consciousness.


  10. 1 hour ago, Nemo28 said:

    I can think of so many reasons why people do things, usually there is lots of negativity involved. I feel hate, jelousy, disguist etc., i get so much bad vibes from people. I dont know where all this comming from? The negativity is soul crushing sometimes.. I try to love, accept everyone with my best ability, but usually i dont recieve that back which i give, so it makes me sad. 

    Love has to be found from within first. Notice that you're looking for love from other people which will always result in sadness. You mirror in the world what you feel within, so if you feel hate, jealousy, disgust, you'll continue to attract those things into you're life. 

    When you start to realize that people don't mean to be negative, they don't intend to be selfish, it's just unconscious programming that they're running on, it's all just a false story that they tell themselves and they are completely unaware of it.... then you'll be able to view other people with compassion and acceptance and you'll want to show them Love and guidance to relieve their suffering. But you must see those things in you first, and treat yourself with that same compassion and acceptance or else you won't be able to see it in others and the same suffering in them will also be in you. Remember that we are all connected.

    Write down all the things that you don't want to see in the world anymore and question them deeply. How would a good friend show you love and compassion and give you guidance? Give that to yourself. Self-Love heals all wounds. Show the world the same Love and you'll find what you're looking for. ❤️✌️

  11. 5 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

    What is interesting is that people living in tribal-like conditions outside modern civilization naturally experience a lesser amount of thoughts throughout the day (around 1000), but people in modern societies experience around 30000-90000 thoughts a day. You could argue their experience is less dualistic on average, but true nonduality only really occurs when thoughts are consistenly absent for an extended period of time.

    Interesting ?  I wonder if they accounted for 'how' the tribes people might think. Like they might think in symbols that mean larger concepts than our random thoughts. Their thoughts might be more efficient than ours. The english language seems very messy if you think about it. I always think that there must be a better ways to communicate ideas to people. Like in the movie Arrival or something...lol 

    23 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

    To be able to gauge what an animal's experience is like in this regard, we could assume that the higher the capacity you have for engaging in symbolic thought, the more dualistic your perception becomes on average, and this correlates to brain size relative to body weight. Relatively highly dualistic animals would then be things like dolphins and great apes, but more nondual animals would be things like earthworms and fish. Then the question becomes whether nonduality in animals is in some way less impressive because they have a lower capacity for duality in the first place :D

    The problem is that what we call nonduality only occurs post-rationally or post-self awareness. So animals and humans would have to go through a progression like (pre self nondual - dual self - post self nondual) from very low consciousness states with no self-awareness to low conscious self-awareness state to high concious self-awareness state to nondual state. I think most animals are in the first 2 of these states. 

  12. 5 minutes ago, Nak Khid said:

    this is more specifically about separation and oneness, does it apply to animals 

    Well animals have no concept of dualist and nondualist, or seperation and oneness, so what I was getting at was that from our perspective they seem to experience a sort of pre self awareness consciousness state of survivalism. Which I guess could be considered dualistic, but they do not have a sense of seperation of self from consciousness itself, so it could also be seen as nondualist. Ultimately, the those terms are human terms made inside human states of consciousness to describe the human experience of self-awareness vs conscious awareness, so they don't apply to animals.

  13. I was thinking of what fear does to us the other day, specifically anxiety. When we are anxious, we tend to get into one of 4 states. Flight, fight, freeze, or you pass out (faint). I would say that these 4 states are the lowest possible states of consciousness either humans or animals can be in, and most animals tend to be in these states most of the time. Flight is the highest state of these because you are still conscious enough to make the decision to run, fight is a lower state because you can only instinctually lash out and protect your life. Freeze is even lower than that because you are completely overwhelmed with fear that you can't even make a conscious decision to save your life and your survival strategy goes out the window. And then obviously passing out is the end of the extreme and God Consciousness at that point pretty much says "Well, this ego can't cope, so I'll take it from here" lol

    Fear really is the greatest limiter to our states of consciousness. A fearful being cannot raise their state to self-awareness. Have you ever noticed that when we get fearful or angry be get a sort of 'tunnel vision' and we go into an auto-pilot mode? We come out of it and say "man, I lost it there. I don't know what came over me." We completely lose our "self" in that moment, but not in a meditative state, which is post-ego. This is a pre-ego state. I think that animals live in this state permanently. Except for domestic animals. I think there starting to develop some low-level self-awareness. Probably stage purple/red awareness.

  14. 18 minutes ago, Nak Khid said:

    If a larger the brain is more capable of creating its own reality separate from the reality itself, that means a smaller brain would be less separate from the reality itself.   

    I think that our brains are in the goldie-lock zone where it just powerful enough to develop an awareness of ourselves, to know that we know, but at the same time we are also in a relatively low state of conscious awareness to the infinite amounts that it could be. Animals are in a lower state of consciousness than us due to their fearful nature and there instinctual survival stategy. Some animals are at a similar state of consciousness that humans were in stage Beige/Purple of spiral development. Just think about when a human gets fearful, selfish, and in a 'survival and all cost' paradigm. You could say they become more animal like in nature.

  15. 4 minutes ago, Someone here said:

    How does that free me of anything?  All that does  is just ruining  your mind literally it's like a mind virus.   If one is not conscious of such things really he shouldn't ramble about it as if you actually gonna live your life assuming that "objects do Not exist when you are not perceiving them" bla bla .   Untill the last day of your life you will live assuming that objects exist independently from your perception and the consistency of that will reinforce that belief. Because every time you look away from the moon and then look back at it you find it exactly as it is.    

    Isn't it weird that everyone is telling the "other" that he is the only one out there? lol ..he forgot that he himself is aware and if he is talking to a real person then he contradicted his own statement.  And then when  someone makes a thread about Solipsism syndrome or suffering from derealizaton.. everyone goes like "no that's false.. Solipsism is false.. Everything is real.. We were just" philosophizing " don't take these teachings so seriously and enjoy your life".  I'm kinda sick of this hypocrisy.  If you don't believe others exist independently from your awareness then save us your wise words and stop talking to nonexistent figments of your mind. 

    All I meant was it'll free you from attaching to any 'ideas' of anything 'benefiting' you, or that there are people who are 'mentally unstable'. These are filters that you're seeing the world through and questioning them make an ego fearful and defensive. I didn't say anything about 'objects not existing'. They do and they don't, everything is relative if you haven't noticed it already. You choose how you want to see them, but ultimately, everything is One, and all dualities collapse if you look and question hard enough. 

  16. 7 hours ago, Unwiring said:

    I don’t know, this could all be purely projection and speculation though.

    Exactly. Notice this. Think about it deeper. How is she feeling? How does it make her sense of self feel? How does it effect her whole life construction and survival strategy. He's pretty much telling her that everything she cares about is an illusion. Nobody will want to look at that in themselves and the ego is going to do everything it can to to prevent her from looking inward. She's going to laugh at him, and think he's crazy, and probably feel like she's superior. These are all defense mechanisms. And you're projecting your own ego and uncomforability onto how she feels about the situation too. Look at why you feel this way. Just questioning it will tell you all you need to know.  

    Jim is just playing the game here. He sees the meaningless behind everything that everyone is caring about. He's just having fun with it. Toying with the absurdity of it all. Sometimes he's more restrained, but he just felt like being more playful here, that'll all. 

  17. I've been contemplating this morning about human senses and perception and I keep coming to the realization that everything functions as frequencies. Light, electricity, sound, time, touch sensations, etc. Everything that we can perceive can be deconstructed to frequencies, and we are just 'tuning in' to a very limited part of the frequency range (which is Infinite for all of them). We only see 'certain' things, only hear 'certain' things, only feel 'certain' things, but the potential is limitless. The frequencies go on infinitely. I think we are seeing a limited part of Consciousness itself when we measure these frequencies. They only become relative when we 'look' at them, just like Quantum Fields. There are most definitely Energies and frequencies that we cannot even feel or perceive in anyway. We just don't have the tools in limited form. 

    Can thoughts and emotions be seen as a frequency or wave that just happens in Consciousness similar to Light. It's just a frequency of Infinite Intelligence (thoughts) and Love (emotion) that we 'tune' into? Is this what teachers mean when they talk about 'attunement'? There are frequencies of energies that we have to become more conscious of? 

  18. @seeking_brilliance @Artsu Thanks for the advice ?

    46 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

    Relatively; yes.

    Absolutely; no.

    See this was my understanding before I started listening to LOA teachers. Like in the Absolute sense, everything is perfect and God doesn't care what choice I make because God Loves all of it and wants to experience everything. But in a Relative sense, if I choose to quit my job and become homeless, there is no devine power that will stop me from doing that. And on the other hand, if I decide to go for my wildest dreams, there's no guarantee that it'll work out either. There is no 'plan' for me right? So in a sense no LOA either, because either way every decision, it's a flip of a coin, God doesn't care how in lands, it's all good.

    47 minutes ago, Elham said:

    What is your life purpose and passion in life?

    I've been trying to figure that out for 15 years. After high school I didn't know what I wanted to do and I chose to go into a career that my parents approved of 'just cause'. But there's been this nagging feeling all these years that I'm never going to be fulfiled doing what I'm doing, and every year I go through the same pattern of rethinking my life, never being able to come to a conclusion.

    I'm interested in Music, Film, Photography, Philosophy, Psychology, Physics, and (of course) Spirituality. These are the things I learn about in my free time. They're strong interests, but I wouldn't call them passions, as in, being able to devote my life to just one, I don't have a 'stand out' talent in any, I just enjoy them. But I do like helping people and I would like to be of service to humanity some how.

    31 minutes ago, James123 said:

    Brother you are not even alive or exist. You are nothing and infinite. Just dreaming any dualities with so called separate sensations, feelings, thoughts, visiuals vs. 

    I know man. It's an incredible gift and I'm grateful to be here in this dream. But at the same time, we're stuck here. ?‍♂️

  19. There seems to be a variety of perspectives on whether it's possible to make a 'wrong' choice in life. (I know right and wrong are relative) but many people say things like 'You're right where you need to be' or 'Trust that the universe will show you the way' or 'there is no wrong path'. This seems to be the consensus of spirtual teachers, but I just have a hard time seeing it in my life. I feel like I've followed intuition a lot in my life, and I led me down a path that I know is not right for me. (or not the plan for me?) . It does seem to me that life has had a 'one step back, two step forward' kind of flow to it, and all the decisions I've made had lead me to being a more conscious individual that I was 5 years ago. But my 'outer life' has been stagnant for a while now. After 5 years of meditation, self-inquiry, and contemplation, I haven't moved forward at all in building a life that I actually want. I don't even know what I want. I've been learning skills (Music, Filmmaking, Editing, Photography, Computers) all that have nothing to do with the career I have now or the path I'm going down in life in general. I like all these things but don't feel enough of a passion to change my whole life over. I know I want a different life than the one I have now, but I can't follow my intuition, or even know what I'm looking for. I'm sort of spinning my wheels wondering if this is right where I need to be, or is the universe going to give me a sign of what path I should head down next. I feel sort of 'in limbo', and I can't figure it out.

    Am I just wasting my time or am I right where I need to be? Is there a plan for me?