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About Aakash

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  1. Proposal for change
    Creating an Abundant Stable World with Less Suffering
    I am a person who contemplates about the state our planet is in and why things happen the way they do. So after really diving deep with in myself and doing a ton of inquiry I realized that most suffering comes from a scarcity mindset and a scarcity mindset leads to a scarcity world. The opposite of that kind of world would be an abundance world. So I created a manifesto that talks about how we can get there. I'm looking for a few good people who can share this vision with me and we can collaborate on it. Here is the manifesto that can open your minds to new possibilities.  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ie1S36c8MTPMgtlLLF0vc74j2xBQjWtU52UzRBLid9U/edit?usp=sharing