Focus Shift

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Posts posted by Focus Shift

  1. Is the Law of Attraction BS? Or at least the way it's marketed anyway. Any of us who follow Leo's work understand that consciousness is powerful. When one is self actualized, they can bring incredible things to the world with the right mix of will power, strategy, and willingness to learn. Is the Law of Attraction a Newtonian process, where beliefs lead to thoughts, thoughts lead to actions, actions lead to results, and so the cycle goes on. Or, is The Law of Attraction a quantum process where your consciousness creates every facet of your existence? 

  2. Leo made a video a while back on The Law of Attraction, and explains that it's actually a very Newtonian, as opposed to metaphysical process (I'm also curious if this has changed at all). You have a vision of being in shape, the images occur in your mind, and you believe that it's time to get in shape for those hot babes on the beach by summer time. You then eat healthier and move your body, eventually losing the weight, gaining confidence, and becoming more attractive in the process. However, there is also a lot in the subconscious that can hold us back, that if not confronted are sure to lead us to failure and misery. Self doubt can be so intense it prevents us from taking even a step out the door. Is the law of attraction just having a vision and then following through on it? Is it just an adjustment of our perception? Or, can one manifest their desires into reality starting from "quantum level" with enough consciousness and concentration as many new agers suggest? I highly recommend The Magic In Your mind by the way, fantastic read. I found out about it by Steve Vai discussing it in an interview. 

  3. As McKenna describes here, it is easy for the ego to accept psychedelics as merely drugs that distort our reality. However, what is more incredible, is the fact that with compounds such as DMT, and higher doses of LSD/psilocybin, there are entities with their own personalities. This experience is very consistent, and can be easily repeated. McKenna describes his encounters with elf machines. I myself have had experience with serpentine and other beings. What kinds of entities have you encountered in the psychedelic realms?

    Merry Xmas/Happy Solstice! 

  4. If we take fractal scaling into account, I often wonder if God or the Cosmos has humanlike qualities to it. The same can be wondered about cells and other microscopic organisms, what life is like from their perspective. When looking out at the stars, though it is awe inspiring, from a material standpoint it's just black, empty space with perhaps some nebulas and gas and planets really far away. What is the context for our existence? Are we just some computer simulation on some galactic beings computer? Is all this just a dream? Is this existence the only one? Or are there infinite copies with infinite variations to them? I would love to hear your thoughts on the vastness of this existence, and the context in which to make sense of it. Also, you're more than welcome to share with a friend and see if their mind is blown ;) 

  5. @aurum How are his books overly cynical? He does admit he has a bias towards the darker side of human nature (i.e. The 48 Laws of Power), but he uses historical examples of these principles. It's a great way to examine how not to get fucked over. Additionally, The Laws of Human Nature is all about empathy to unwire our selfish, neurotic tendencies. 

  6. Not only the election results coming up, but the over all national dialogue of the country seems to have a great deal of fear and anxiety the whole year, for legitimate reasons of course. If I've learned anything from spirituality it's this. It is not our circumstance that determines our success, but our response and ability to adapt to the circumstance. "To the grace of fear, I respect and bow deeply" -Chin-Ning Chu

  7. @Thestarguitarist14 Judging content before seeing any of the arguments presented, that's real enlightened and open minded. Since we're going to appeal to authority, you clearly didn't see any of my sources, so here you go: 

    The Way of Zen (Alan Watts) The Divine Within (Aldous Huxley) Zen Flesh, Zen Bones (Compiled by Paul Reps) Zen Guitar (Philip Tosho Sudo) Zen in The Art of Archery (Eugen Herrigel) Tibetan Book of the Dead (W.Y Evans Wentz) Three Pillars of Zen (Philip Kapleau Roshi) 

  8. @Space It's a commentary on The Perennial Philosophy, a book I highly recommend. You'd be surprised man, the ladies dig my humor and trippy Alex Grey outfit ;) Of course you can always blast off and take a hit of 5 MEO or a 10 day vipassana retreat to have a direct experience of God, which would be 100x more powerful anything I could ever describe in a life time. That's not the point of these videos, this is a philosophy channel after all :D I guess since language is so useless, why did you bother to sign up for a forum? Perhaps some of the Alan Watts videos I have on the channel will be a bit more up your alley.