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About Chadders

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  • Birthday 03/11/1994

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  1. @Ben2204 Sounds like you had a pretty good bash of that. I have a mate that for one reason or another is a really good wingman. We both appreciate the beauty in women He knows a lot of women. Women feel safe around him lol I feel the fear with and without the wingman. For me it’s more of a mood thing. I’m in a higher state with my mate
  2. @Leo Gura Cool. We need to reflect on the evolution of the human species and civilisation. Go beyond rampant dog eat dog capitalism and scientific reductionism
  3. @Someone here One of the biggest causes of suicide is depression. You feel very numb in this space and life does not feel worth it
  4. @Yimpa I think I would be quite delicious
  5. Insight dawned on me. When we think about loving ourselves we tend to only look at this inwardly but the inner and outer are one To love yourself is to allow yourself to not only feel (introverted side) but to express (extroverted side) Think about it. You are consciousness occupying this particular human entity. How best as consciousness can you help this person bring love into their lives. If you only allow them to feel but not express this is not truly loving yourself and vice versa So love yourself. You are your neighbour, you are your partner, you are the stranger in the street
  6. @Buck Edwards It can be just as equally brutal for men as you could be facing endless torture. I don’t think you can say it’s worse for one sex over the other Women feel more afraid and vulnerable so there is that. Ultimately it’s a decision people make when they join the armed forces. Everyone should be aware of the risks rather than sold a glorified fantasy of war and conflict
  7. Hopefully I’ve added this poll properly so that people can vote because I can’t! Not done a poll on here before
  8. @LastThursday Some good stuff there yoof. Needs to be something I can just do spontaneously
  9. Interested to know if anyone has any techniques to elevate state. I sometimes need to boost myself after my energy is drained from work I find listening to music and singing helps me. I’m an expressive person
  10. @Leo Gura Van life sounds cool. I’ve seen some videos of people doing this in the Uk though it’s not easy as the laws are very strict. Can’t just rock up to a nature reserve and camp out in a van. Everything is private land and the road laws don’t permit overnight parking As for travelling around the world in a van maybe in the future I’d commit to that! I’ve never done actual travelling other than the odd holiday here and there so hostels I’ll start with
  11. @PurpleTree Yeh I think staying in hostels is how I’m going to do it. Need that social element. I’ll be travelling alone but I want to meet new people
  12. @Ramanujan Lol I’ve done enough grinding
  13. Reflecting on my situation recently with my job and business. If by the end of the year we don’t get investment I will be selling my shares. Hopefully I’ll get between 50-60k Job wise I’ve had it with the corporate world. Corporate jobs are just fucking bullshit to me now. I’m at the end of the road and I’m not going back. Rather be a teacher All being well we will get investment but if not I want to go travelling. Get a fresh start and new outlook. Develop in areas of my life that I’ve neglected. I got sucked into the corporate machine Does anyone here have any advice for travelling? Considerations? Anything worth looking into? Bless
  14. @oldhandle You have to prioritise what matters to you in life and commit to change. I can tell you starting a company is fucking hard as a director into one myself When working on a business you will trade one for the other. Ironically I feel that the business has deprived me of the extroverted field of existence so I am now making up for that at 30 but this looks to be the opposite with yourself The next 6 months are critical for me and the business. I have now made it clear that if we do not have the necessary investment by then I will be selling my stake in the company and moving on. Up to the universe what happens now not me