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About Cosmic-Resplendence

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  1. It gets tricky talking about "unconditioned mind" or "original mind” even “no mind” referring to a state of mind that is pure, free from the conditioning and experiences that shape a person’s perceptions and reactions. A return to a naturally clear, untainted state of awareness. In one sense that sounds like the way a baby’s mind might be, but its not likely that exactly. It’s also different probably from enlightened mind, or Cosmic Consciousness, Christ Consciousness, etc.
  2. Yes one type is You are correct, I doubt Christ Consciousness, or being in divinity with the infinite, enlightenment is quite the same thing as how a baby or cat experiences its existence, however transcending the mind is subjective in and of itself, there’s likely a variety, possibly an infinite number of states of transcending consciousness, what Leo calls, different flavors of consciousness. It gets complicated very quickly, and no two experiences are the same thing really. Reminds me of the saying “The hand that points to the moon, is not the moon”.
  3. Yup, I’ve heard her story a few times from different places, this Ted Talk is quite good. I think in another interview she said that as great as it was being in that Nirvana like state, that there’s a downside too, and that she’d have a difficult time choosing only one or the other. Both sides have pros and cons it sounds like. I thought she lost connection to that conscious state after a while, after having lived that way for several years while she relearned how to talk, and get her left brain, logic, analytical thinking back in order again. However in this talk she sounds like she maintained a connection to it.
  4. Anyone here know about the story of Jill Bolte Taylor? She’s a brain scientist who woke up with having a stroke one morning causing a major shift in her consciousness. In her particular case, It caused her thinking part of her brain to stop functioning, and she basically became like a baby or infant again for some time, living purely in the present moment, very similar to what they call no mind. She had to relearn how to speak, and everything. Her experience is very interesting.
  5. The only problem with chasing mystical experiences is that the more of them you have, a person might start thinking they’re more advanced, special, or better in some way than the next person. It can quickly turn into puffing up the ego, and attachment to their experiences instead of letting go of attachment and shrinking ones ego. You see it in psychedelic users too who think they’re something special because of all of their psychedelic use. It can become almost like competition between each other. Most spiritual knowledge say this is a trap, and the prison is ones own ego, not keeping it in check. I think in Buddhism they say to not pay much attention to your meditation experiences, just accept them and keep up with the practice month to month, year to year. The ego is a slippery slope indeed. On the other hand, mystical experiences are fine, they help lead a person deeper in their spiritual quest, you know? Just so long as it doesn’t go to their head.
  6. I just wanted to add that this technique works in making mystical experiences happen. Just realize that chasing after spiritual experiences is a sort of ego stroking which may keep one tied to their egoic mind in the long run. Some philosophies, Hindu and Buddhism would suggest against doing this. The same with psychedelic use, in chasing spiritual / mystical experiences.
  7. Another powerful technique you can do that will take you VERY DEEP in your meditation, is to wake up around 3:30 - 4:00 AM, after having slept for several hours. Wake up and start meditating then. Your mind having already been in deep sleep for a few hours will easily slip back into deep states of consciousness. However your biggest obstacle will be to not immediately fall back to sleep. Just don’t be surprised if you find yourself having very strange experiences. Once My whole body felt like intense vibrations moving through it after doing this, and it was actually quite intense, kinda freaked me out actually. This technique is well known with trying to induce Out of Body experiences. Might take a bit of effort in practicing this, but you’re more likely to have meditation break throughs doing this, then meditating in the middle of the day when you’re wide awake. Doing this only once or twice probably won’t be enough, but consider doing this technique regularly for several weeks or even months and you’ll get positive experiential results.
  8. Good topic! I was going to try and add something to this discussion, but I come up with nothing.
  9. Instead of fighting against your distractions, give them a little love and acceptance, and they’ll cease being distractions.
  10. I discovered a simple technique that has helped me, try it, perhaps it might help you… I for a while would get distractions while meditating in the form of an itch, or scratchiness on my face or shoulder or something similar… I used to just itch it, but each time I’d do this… It would set me back for a bit of time, and it would take me a little while to get back to where I was before I moved my arm. Instead of scratching it… I started to imagine myself lovingly embracing the distraction… Literally noticing the itch, and visualizing myself embracing the itch like hugging it as a form of acceptance. Sometimes I’d even say in my mind that I accept this distraction. Not sure exactly how or why, but this changed my meditations very quickly and now I rarely ever have a distracting itch or scratch anymore. I try to use this technique now if I have any sort of distraction that appears while meditating.
  11. Have you ever read the “Tibetan Book of Living and Dying”? Its one of the best books about -Detaching.
  12. Some probably won’t agree with me, but I say Its wrong simply because its like the biggest insult you could give back to the universe. In a way its like kicking God in the balls basically. Maybe “God” isn’t the best word to use, but you get the idea?
  13. Not sure if this goes with the conversation exactly. I was just reading something about that, true awakenings, the really big ones, only happen once or twice in a persons lifetime, and you aren’t in control of making it happen, even if you’re doing everything right, the right meditation, the right practice, Its completely outside of what the ego wants. Further that when it comes, a person must be ready for it and grab onto it or else it’ll pass and you’ll miss the moment or opportunity. However with that said, these moments come usually around either the peak of a persons development in their life, or during their worst times, “Dark night of the soul”. Something about opposites, can’t have good without bad, up without down, as above so below, etc, that’s why it happens, if it happens, at the best and or worst periods of a persons life. Something about this seems to feel right in my mind… maybe.
  14. And if you aren’t getting up I guess you’re dying?
  15. Maybe higher consciousness was simply bored, and wanted to go through the whole process of working back up to higher consciousness again. Think of it like being at Disney World, after you ride the roller coaster, what does a person do…. Get back in line to ride it again.