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Reincarnation doesn't make sense

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 Because what exactly the thing that reincarnates? The body? The soul? The self? The Self? The awareness? The ego? All? Some? What??? 

Because as a matter of observable fact the body decays into dust and rot alright?.. Once your physical body dies it just dissolves into it's essential elements and just evaporates in nature.. Gets diffused into the soil etc.  So that's that.  What is it exactly that reincarnates then because obviously it's not the body?  The self? There is no self "inside "the body lol !.  The body is inside the" Self".  There is no ghost inside the machine. What you really have is a machine inside the ghost lol. The self (ego) is a negative hole that appears as a consequence (byproduct) of entanglement of thoughts.. perceptions.. feelings etc. It's a misidentification really. It's a negative.. not an existing entity onto itself.  So there is no self to reincarnate.   IMO reincarnation is no different from Abrahamic religion's notions of hell and heaven.. Both have ZERO evidence!. 

As for karma as an evidence that supports reincarnation.. Well it's simply that for each up there is a down and for each action there is a reaction. You throw up a ball in the sky.. It falls down in the opposite direction taking the exact time that it took to reach the highest peak to fall from it into the ground. That's karma.   The universe is already at perfect balance. There is no need for reincarnation to achieve balance as if balance could be lost to begin with. Balance is already the case.  It's inconceivable that something unbalanced could even exist!  And if you look at it from a pantheistic worldview.. You are already living inside every creature in this planet.. So at the moment that you are beheading a chicken you are the chicken that's being beheaded and the human who is beheading it simultaneously. Karma is instant. 

Edited by Someone here

"life is not a problem to be solved ..its a mystery to be lived "


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At night, when one dream ends and next begins - what remains?

7 minutes ago, Someone here said:

matter of observable fact the body decays into dust and rot alright?.. Once your physical body dies it just dissolves into it's essential elements and just evaporates in nature.

Once the first dream ends, all dreamed up matter with its essential elements are gone, and in the next dream they are dreamed up anew. What remains is Consciousness/Dreamer.

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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5 minutes ago, Arthogaan said:

At night, when one dream ends and next begins - what remains?


Nothing .

6 minutes ago, Arthogaan said:

Once the first dream ends, all dreamed up matter with its essential elements are gone, and in the next dream they are dreamed up anew. What remains is Consciousness/Dreamer.

And why are you making real life so to speak analogous to a dream ?

You just don't want to accept that death is either an endless bottomless void of nothingness or the mysterious unknown. 

"life is not a problem to be solved ..its a mystery to be lived "


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33 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Nothing .

Consciousness. You can train yourself to realize that it does not fully shut off even in deep sleep.


34 minutes ago, Someone here said:

And why are you making real life so to speak analogous to a dream ?

Because This is a dream.


35 minutes ago, Someone here said:

just don't want to accept that death is either an endless bottomless void of nothingness or the mysterious unknown. 

You just don't want to realize that upper case YOU ARE ETERNAL.

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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@Arthogaan the upper case me is indeed eternal but guess what ? Is nothingness itself .

The ego is gonna vanish forever. 

"life is not a problem to be solved ..its a mystery to be lived "


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4 minutes ago, Someone here said:

The ego is gonna vanish forever. 

Oh, yeah - with that I agree.

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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2 hours ago, Someone here said:

Both have ZERO evidence!

Besides endless amounts of NDEs, OBEs and past life memories...

See the books of Christopher Bache for example, Jürgen Ziewe, Stanislav Grof. And countless reports all over the ages, derived from altered states (psychedelic, meditation, OBE, psychics,...).

If you can keep the Absolute Perspective all the time in this life in fulltime awakened nondual states 24/7 and no longer suffer&resist, and expect that to hold in the next cycles, your reasoning is partly correct. If that is not the case, the attitude there is no next reincarnation & who cares about Karma will kick back big time in the next existence. Like it already does right now.

Basically, its confusing Absolute Truth with Relative Truth.


2 hours ago, Someone here said:

What is it exactly that reincarnates then because obviously it's not the body?  The self?

Do you think Infinite Reality is stupid enough to not to be able to store a bunch of tendencies of your relative self going from life to life (called Karma, mainly consisting out of wisdom/transcendence and compassion/love, and a lot of other imprints/tendencies/Karma) in an information bundle called "soul" on a higher dimension in Indras Net, as pretty much all above mentioned sources report? That is what reincarnates. On the relative/illusion-level, not on the absolute level. But I guess for most is the relative/illusion-level still quite "real" and "serious", like in suffering/resisting...

All of that is relative appearance, part of the illusion/manifestation. Are you free of anything that reality can throw at you on the appearance level, like totally liberated 24/7? Then you can stop caring about these matters pretty much. But even for Enlightenments-gone-sour (lets make a nice cult to satisfy the remaining needs of a halfway-up-the-moutain not really stabilized Enlightenments that expresses itself not in all dimensions of the enlightened being in an integrated and loving way) that attitude of not caring will be kick-back, this life or the next. Mostly already this life.

Anyway, this here is in the opinion of yours truly a quite smart idea:

Although my view is higher than the sky,
My respect for the cause and effect of actions is as fine as grains of flour. - Padmasambhava

But I agree the show-factor (for the spectators) of spiritual bypassing and/or not taking relative truth ("Karma/Reincarnation") serious is way higher.


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I think we need concepts to communicate. So we use these words to express truth as best we can. Words like heaven, hell, god, reincarnation, etc are just shortcuts and short hand of language. I feel it is progress toward truth. Christians start out with god, heaven, and hell and then move on to reincarnation and eventually god realization. The dominoes must fall in sequence in their head to get to the ultimate truth.

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3 minutes ago, Soul Flight said:

I think we need concepts to communicate.

There are states of consciousness in which this is not true. It’ll be as if you’re communicating in a foreign language fluently for the first time. 

Why did the snake need glasses? Because it had a reptile dysfunction!

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If you observe reality you will see that everything is evolutionary, reality copies itself, modifying itself step by step, from bosons to the human brain there are many steps.

It would be logical to think that at a metaphysical level there is a similar evolution, that the energetic patterns that constitute the essence of what we are are taken as a mold for a next pattern. How exactly we cannot know, but it seems obvious that each person is born with clear tendencies, defined patterns. It seems plausible that everything is an evolutionary movement, the cosmos moves that way. How does that affect you personally? Well, perhaps more than it seems, many talk about remembering past lives, karmic evolution, etc. We will see it in a few years, or months, or days, or minutes, when the machine stops.

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4 hours ago, Someone here said:


 Because what exactly the thing that reincarnates? The body? The soul? The self? The Self? The awareness? The ego? All? Some? What??? 

Because as a matter of observable fact the body decays into dust and rot alright?.. Once your physical body dies it just dissolves into it's essential elements and just evaporates in nature.. Gets diffused into the soil etc.  So that's that.  What is it exactly that reincarnates then because obviously it's not the body?  The self? There is no self "inside "the body lol !.  The body is inside the" Self".  There is no ghost inside the machine. What you really have is a machine inside the ghost lol. The self (ego) is a negative hole that appears as a consequence (byproduct) of entanglement of thoughts.. perceptions.. feelings etc. It's a misidentification really. It's a negative.. not an existing entity onto itself.  So there is no self to reincarnate.   IMO reincarnation is no different from Abrahamic religion's notions of hell and heaven.. Both have ZERO evidence!. 

As for karma as an evidence that supports reincarnation.. Well it's simply that for each up there is a down and for each action there is a reaction. You throw up a ball in the sky.. It falls down in the opposite direction taking the exact time that it took to reach the highest peak to fall from it into the ground. That's karma.   The universe is already at perfect balance. There is no need for reincarnation to achieve balance as if balance could be lost to begin with. Balance is already the case.  It's inconceivable that something unbalanced could even exist!  And if you look at it from a pantheistic worldview.. You are already living inside every creature in this planet.. So at the moment that you are beheading a chicken you are the chicken that's being beheaded and the human who is beheading it simultaneously. Karma is instant. 

Consciousness imagines itself incarnating into a physical body.  There actually is onlly Consicousness.  It is absolutely amazing.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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It is simply being. Reality is Mind, Top down

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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You are nothing. I am nothing. How can the nothing YOU are, be different from the nothing I am? All something is an incarnation of the same nothing. The nothing "you" were "before birth", the same nothing "you" will be "after death". So what would keep the nothingness after your death from being born once more? Think of how radical of a claim YOU are making. There was a point in time where you (as in the ego) didn't exist. Now you do. You went from a state of non-existence to a state of existence. You literally pulled off the impossibility of going from nothing to the experience of something. If your ego will become nothing after it dies, what would keep that nothing from doing what it did prior to your birth, which is to "be born"?

You're claiming one nothing to be different from the other nothing.

There are issues with reincarnation though. A lot of people believe that they will be reborn on this planet, when you can't even guarantee that you will be born inside this universe. It also assume that time is real, in that it assumes that you will turn into something or someone else at a different point in time. When you are talking to another person, you are talking to yourself actively reincarnating as that person. It's you from a different pov. All life is a incarnaton of you. You're always going through infinite reincarnation. You could even go as far as to say that every single moment is a reincarnation. It's a death, but it's also a birth. You die into the moment and you are born back out of it.

Edited by DefinitelyNotARobot

beep boop

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7 hours ago, Someone here said:

Because what exactly the thing that reincarnates?

THIS, of course.

Reincarnation is simply change of form. So, look around. Does form change? Yes or no?


Edited by Bazooka Jesus

Why so serious?


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9 hours ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

THIS, of course.

Reincarnation is simply change of form. So, look around. Does form change? Yes or no?


Who created form? 

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17 minutes ago, MellowEd said:

Who created form? 

Probably this guy:


Why so serious?


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Consciousness respawns. You can find conciousness by contemplating this question what is going to respawn. The thing that has always been there and never aged respawns. There is a part of you that has remained consistent your entire life but its invisible.

Edited by Hojo

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57 minutes ago, Hojo said:

Consciousness respawns. You can find conciousness by contemplating this question what is going to respawn. The thing that has always been there and never aged respawns. There is a part of you that has remained consistent your entire life but its invisible.

Precisely.  Sadly the cost for this is the attachment God has for the form its currently in.  It is to forfeit that.  Depending on how attached God got, that could be a fuckery.    But that was precisley by intention.  And as a bonus, if you can realize you are God while in a particular form, especially one you got attached to - it is most satsifying.

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@Inliytened1 it feel like atlas putting down the earth. You feel like you will start flying as your soul stretches.Its like someone carrying a 1000 pound backpack and the someone say why don't you just put it down. I can do that?! OH MY GOD!

Edited by Hojo

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I haven't recalled past lives in this lifetime so I don't claim to know the Truth of reincarnation, my acceptance of it has been shaped however by the influence of Paramahansa Yogananda, saints of similar aptitude claiming its reality, the countless NDE experiences expressed on YouTube, and The Big Book of Reincarnation.

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