
Why Do People Play Silly Games ?

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Just why. Isn't it nonsense to hate on someone for nothing. 

To play politics and games. All drama and trauma when everything can be simple. 

But everything has to be turned into something shitty with silly games. 

Why all the drama, trauma and politics ??

Can't we just live simple .....sigh:(

I am too depressed and tired of bullshit..and nonsense



  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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15 minutes ago, Loreena said:

Isn't it nonsense to hate on someone

Hate is also a kind of love standing upside down. It happens that you can forget your friend, but you cannot forget your enemy. The enemy haunts you more than the friend. You think more of destroying the enemy than helping the friend. The reason is that love is a thesis -- simple. Hate is an antithesis -- it has become more complicated. It has become negation, and negativity has an attraction -- for many reasons.

One is afraid of negativity because you cannot hate someone without creating a wound within yourself. Nobody pretends hate. It is always authentic, because why should one pretend hate? -- It hurts.

People pretend love; they may not be really in love, but the very idea that they are in love is soothing. So love can remain superficial; but hate always goes deep -- it cannot remain superficial. That's why one becomes more concerned about the enemy than about friends.

One has to see how love becomes hate, how hate becomes love -- that they are capable of transforming into each other. Naturally, they cannot be different energies; just different situations, states, of the same energy. The person you were going to die for, you can kill him! Lovers have killed the same person for whom they would have sacrificed themselves. It is the same energy, but it has turned completely upside down.

As you become aware that love and hate are the same energy, then you are not to be concerned with love and hate, because those are only two poles; you have to be more concerned with the energy of which they are the poles: what is that energy? Watching it, you start a new force within yourself which is synthesis.

You come to a point when you know love and hate are one.

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"We cannot change anything until we accept it. Condemnation does not liberate, it oppresses." -Carl Jung

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People are too identified with their self. They want status, they want power, they want to be recognized, they want to be loved, they want to be respected, they want more money. They are actually fully enslaved, fully absorbed in the rat-race.

Better to live in the now, let them all be, we don't need them! 
Right now, there is only you, and the words you are reading now. There is nothing else. This is Now. Forget about anything longer than 1s ago, and anything further than 1s ahead. The only truth is your computer screen and these words. In this truth, you don't actually have problems, how can my words and your computer screen be a problem for you?

Why exhaust your limited energy upon thinking about various douche-bags around the globe. Let them rot, who cares really?
They are not here Now.

Depression is a serious affliction. But it's also an illusion. Depression is a story about the past. You may say, I've felt like this for weeks, so i'm depressed. But there is only the Now, last week doesn't exist except as a memory. How can you be truly certain this depression is not a mental illusion? And does it even matter if you were depressed yesterday, yesterday does not define you... If you can just let go, and start anew from today, wouldn't that be great?


We can live simple. Most people cannot. Forget about them, they are not here now.
There will be nonsense forever. But the nonsense does not define you really. 

When you are walking in the forest, you are walking in the forest. The mind thinks it is pleasant. It will also soon be over.
When you are listening to nonsense, you are listening to nonsense. The mind thinks it is not-pleasant. It will also soon be over.
Everything is impermanent, you just float from Now, to Now, to Now, to Now, to Now, to Now, to Now, to Now, to Now, to Now.
There is really only Now. There is joy in this both ways. The now is fascinating, and that which is horrible is brief. That which is wonderful is also brief. As such there is wonder in the briefness of the now, and nothing really lasts. Isn't that liberating, something new to perceive every moment?

As for the Now, it is only you. Every word i typed here is formulated inside your perception. These are no longer my words, they are your words.
By the time you have parsed the letters on the screen, they have generated meaning in your head. Your mind gives the meaning, by its knowledge of English language, but also it's personal history. You may completely misinterpret the words, such is fine too. Such is the same with anything you perceive. You only perceive yourself, so it's actually your nonsense you're hearing :P 
In this way, you have only ever seen yourself, heard yourself, loved yourself. When you love someone, you love a mental projection of him. An interpretation parsed through sounds, sights, smells and history. In essence, you love your own mental story of the dude, but you never known the dude himself. This is what they mean by, you are the center of reality. It is true because everything is colored by your interpretations. Everyone is isolated in their mind perceptions, people never really meet other people. The eyes, the ears, the mind colors and interprets everything, nothing is pristine, nothing is really true.


PS. My mom is the biggest enemy of my enlightenment practice, and i live alone. Calling me with all kinds of stupid morose questions, needs and problems, its like i'm her father now. Worst of it is, if i set boundaries, i'll feel guilty. Every time she called it used to ruin my entire day, even entire weekends, non stop feeling guilty about not being able to drop everything for her. Now it ruins like 15m, until i manage to let go. Family has enormous power over us, they are a big part of our ego and who we think we self-identify as. Their love is of primary, even primal importance to our body/fake self.

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@Loreena no drama? Then what would people do with their lives? They would get so bored that they constantly have to look at youtube clips on their cell phones. Oh wait!

Seriously though, there is no need in getting involved in the drama. People will try to pull you in but if you don't engage they will stop after a while. Things can escalate before it gets calmer though but after that you're off their radar.

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Maybe you see a different me.



Edited by Loreena

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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1 hour ago, Loreena said:

Maybe you see a different me.

    You cannot meet the same person twice ! Every moment your body is changing, and your mind. Your mind is even more of a flux than your body. Every moment everything changes. Even for a single moment nothing remains the same. In the morning you were different as far as your mind is concerned. In the evening you are totally a different person.

    Someone loves you and then you go on expecting love. But the next moment he hates you; then you are disturbed – not because of his hate, but only because of your expectation. He has changed. He is alive, so he is bound to change. But if you can see the reality as it is you will not be disturbed. The one who was in love a moment before can be in hate a moment later, but wait! One moment later he will be in love again. So don’t be in a hurry, just be patient. And if the other can also see this changing pattern, then he will not be fighting for changing patterns. They change; that is natural.

       So you have two realms or two dimensions existing together in you. You are both – the changing which is always changing and the non-changing which is always remaining non-changing. 

       Only that which is changing, and that you are not. Someone honors you; if you take it that he is honoring YOU, you will be in difficulty. He honors a particular manifestation in you, not you. How can he know you? You don’t even know yourself. He honors a particular manifestation; he honors something which has come into your changing personality. You are kind, loving; he honors it. But this kindness and this love are just on the periphery. The next moment you will not be loving, you may be filled with hate. There may be no flowers – only thorns. You may not be so happy. You may be just sad, depressed. You may be cruel, angry. Then he will dishonor you. Then again the loving manifestation. Others come in contact not with you, but with your manifestations.

      Remember this, they are not honoring and dishonoring YOU. They cannot do either because they don’t know you; they cannot know you. If even you are not aware of yourself, how can they be? They have their own formulas, they have their theories, they have their measurements and criteria. They have their touchstones and they say, ”If a man is such and such we will honor him, and if a man is such and such we will dishonor him.” So they act according to their criteria, and you are never near their touchstones – only your manifestations.

     They can call you a sinner one day and a saint another. They can call you a saint today, and the next day they may go against you, stone you to death. What is happening? They come in contact with your periphery, they never come in contact with you. Remember this, that whatsoever they are saying, it is not about you. You remain beyond; you remain outside. Their condemnations, their appreciations, whatsoever they do is not really concerned with you, just with your manifestations in time.

Edited by Prabhaker

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@Loreena When you cease playing games yourself, you will -- at that very moment -- understand why others prefer to keep playing.


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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15 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@Loreena When you cease playing games yourself, you will -- at that very moment -- understand why others prefer to keep playing.


You did not answer my other question.

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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10 hours ago, Loreena said:

Can't we just live simple .....sigh:(

You sound like a monk

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Edited by Loreena

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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Thanks everyone for all the answers 


  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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Because we don't realise fully that: 

Our Mind's problems aren't Our problems and our body's problems aren't Our problems! 

Long live consciousness :)


Free yourself from attachment; Free yourself from fear; Free yourself from desire; Take deep breaths through the diaphragm and train that muscle; Meditate and meld with reality; Never skip spirit day 🙏 🤲 Don't have enemies, they are you.

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@Loreena Everyone see's a different you. And you see a different everyone. No two people look at a person and see the same thing, some may see a daughter, others may see a beautiful girl, another may see a hated enemy, but all 3 are you.
Everything the eye sees, is translated inside the brain, and sprinkled with interpretation and feelings. Nobody has ever truly seen another person, everybody is looking at themselves. Like the entire world is a mirror into your own consciousness.
That is my interpretation when teachers say, "I am the center of my universe", or "I am the only one in the universe".

People live fully isolated, the senses are just interfaces to consciousness.

When you look at the clouds, and think they look wonderful, you yourself are looking wonderful.
If you look at something ugly, and think it looks ugly, you yourself are looking ugly.

How does this help you? Well, you want to live simple, you want to avoid drama, you don't want things to turn into something shitty, and you want to avoid silly games.

  • simple : personal mental label pasted on stuff happening.
  • drama : personal mental label pasted on stuff happening.
  • shitty : personal mental label pasted on stuff happening.
  • games : personal mental label pasted on stuff happening.

You see the folly here? Don't give people power over you like that. I remember a song I liked from when i was a teen "if you still hate me, you're thinking off me", it applies here. We must learn to let go.
I know you are reading Tolle from other posts. This is another view on Now i am talking about really. You try to stop judging and labeling shit all the time, and just experience what is, as it is Now. And when it is not, when it is in the past, it disappears. This way no one, or no thing has power over your happiness, unless they are physically detaining you. This way you can just live your own life, and let everything else be what it is. 
Try to say to yourself as a mantra, when shit happens: "It is what it is", and let out a sigh of relief with it.

I don't know how old you are, or if you still live with parents or family, that may be a constant stressful situation for you.
In that case, it still applies but is very hard for you. You can try to find very tiny moments of Now, where you are alone or with good friends, and try to realize the beauty of those Now moments. Let everything else just fade away. The more Now moments you can find, the better you will get at finding more Now moments, until everything is one big Now moment.

Because problems are not following  us around, we are carrying them around by thinking of them. It's like a huge boulder we are dragging along on a chain, everywhere we go, making us tired. We need to just put the boulder down and leave it where it is.

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Ralph calls them psychic vampires and just moves into nature and does his own thing.


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23 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@Loreena When you cease playing games yourself, you will -- at that very moment -- understand why others prefer to keep playing.


@Leo Gura Oh god, I didn't do this. What made you think like this.

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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Lol i like game. Playing i do it all day drives most nuts. And yes Lorena you doing or karma. Smile play along just stay one step ahead of the gamer.

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17 minutes ago, SLICKHAWK said:

Lol i like game. Playing i do it all day drives most nuts. And yes Lorena you doing or karma. Smile play along just stay one step ahead of the gamer.

One step ahead... two steps. .. good

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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