
Who feels scared about what's going to happen in 2024?

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In my opinion, the amount of uncertainty and danger in the world is the greatest it has ever been in decades.

The War in Ukraine is still going on with no end in sight, even after it began over a year and half ago. Now, the War in Israel just happened and of course taken even more of psychological toll on everyone around the world, especially those within Israel and Palestine. Not to mention that this war could last for weeks if not months and may widen into a terrible regional war in the Middle Eat. We also are very worried about the serious possibility of China invading Taiwan within the next few years. Moreover, we may be the closest we have ever been to the threat nuclear warfare. 

The US and much of the global economy may be in a recession next year and may experience more supply shocks which would increase inflation significantly.

The democracy of the US is still in grave danger as Trump or Trumpism could still prevail in the 2024 elections. 

How many of you are having trouble going about your day without having to think about all of these threats to the world? I know I am having a very hard time psychologically coping with all of this.

It certainly doesn't help that none of the first world countries in the world have a leader in office who is able to effectively inspire great unity and hope for our world in the midst of all of these crises like the way that FDR, Churchill, Eisenhower, JFK, and Obama were able to during their presidencies.

Edited by Hardkill

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All feeling of safety is self created in the mind. We aren't any more or less safe if someone can push a button we are always one second away from death. If the news makes you scared stop listening to it. Its purpose is to scare you this brings your mood down and now you are increasing risk of death.

Just ignore it and listen to songs about god instead

Edited by Hojo

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2 hours ago, Hojo said:

All feeling of safety is self created in the mind. We aren't any more or less safe if someone can push a button we are always one second away from death. If the news makes you scared stop listening to it. Its purpose is to scare you this brings your mood down and now you are increasing risk of death.

Just ignore it and listen to songs about god instead

I am skeptical about there being a God.

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51 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

I am skeptical about there being a God.

Said god

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4 hours ago, Hardkill said:

In my opinion, the amount of uncertainty and danger in the world is the greatest it has ever been in decades.

The War in Ukraine is still going on with no end in sight, even after it began over a year and half ago. Now, the War in Israel just happened and of course taken even more of psychological toll on everyone around the world, especially those within Israel and Palestine. Not to mention that this war could last for weeks if not months and may widen into a terrible regional war in the Middle Eat. We also are very worried about the serious possibility of China invading Taiwan within the next few years. Moreover, we may be the closest we have ever been to the threat nuclear warfare. 

The US and much of the global economy may be in a recession next year and may experience more supply shocks which would increase inflation significantly.

The democracy of the US is still in grave danger as Trump or Trumpism could still prevail in the 2024 elections. 

How many of you are having trouble going about your day without having to think about all of these threats to the world? I know I am having a very hard time psychologically coping with all of this.

It certainly doesn't help that none of the first world countries in the world have a leader in office who is able to effectively inspire great unity and hope for our world in the midst of all of these crises like the way that FDR, Churchill, Eisenhower, JFK, and Obama were able to during their presidencies.

Absolutely,@Hardkill we are the closest we have ever been to nuclear war in the history of the human race right now (according to Noam Chomsky in the Piers Morgan interview).

There's conflict in Ukraine, escalations with China, and the never ending conflicts in the middle East. 

Then there is the threat of MAGA especially if Trump wins in 2024. So remember to VOTE!!!

Yes 2024 will be an important year for the entire human race and hopefully not the last one. 

PS this isn't fear talking just an observation. I personally wouldn't mind if the world ends actually. 

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@Hardkill okay well then here is a tip. You dont know what will happen, any theory you have of what will happen is made up and probably wont be what happens. the probably of you predicting the future is very low if any at all. so worrying about what will happen in the future is not true and cant be true cause anything you think will happen has as close to 0 percent chance of happening. earth has infinite probability and possibility.

the only thing worrying does is make you upset. and you are being upset by something that probably wont happen its just a made up daydream you are creating and getting scared of. and if you are going to do that you might as well make up that everyone just gets along and then we all get alot of money and and angels come down and we have sex with them. and then the one with the biggest titties comes and gives you a bj

Edited by Hojo

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1 hour ago, Hardkill said:

I am skeptical about there being a God.

There is a God. The only question is "Is God really good and loving? Or is it bastardish and deceptive?". 

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I think there will be localized wars, but not a total war. the holy nukes prevent it. All wars in history are always to gain something. If the atomic arsenal is released, no one wins. look at the history of humanity, war after war, without pause, until Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Afterwards, the normal thing would have been a confrontation between the US and the USSR, but there was none. Never again has an atomic bomb been dropped on someone.

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58 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

I think there will be localized wars, but not a total war. the holy nukes prevent it. All wars in history are always to gain something. If the atomic arsenal is released, no one wins. look at the history of humanity, war after war, without pause, until Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Afterwards, the normal thing would have been a confrontation between the US and the USSR, but there was none. Never again has an atomic bomb been dropped on someone.

I agree, the world isn’t ending or going to shit….it’s just that we are more aware with social media and technology. War has always been the norm since humanity has existed on this planet, and it’s never going anywhere. In fact, one could argue that in the last decade, humanity has seen a sliver of time where war was at its lowest, but that’s an exception not the norm.

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7 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

I think there will be localized wars, but not a total war. the holy nukes prevent it. All wars in history are always to gain something. If the atomic arsenal is released, no one wins. look at the history of humanity, war after war, without pause, until Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Afterwards, the normal thing would have been a confrontation between the US and the USSR, but there was none. Never again has an atomic bomb been dropped on someone.


6 hours ago, kray said:

I agree, the world isn’t ending or going to shit….it’s just that we are more aware with social media and technology. War has always been the norm since humanity has existed on this planet, and it’s never going anywhere. In fact, one could argue that in the last decade, humanity has seen a sliver of time where war was at its lowest, but that’s an exception not the norm.

Okay, so there probably still won't be a nuclear war in the world. 

But what about threats to democracy and the global economy around the whole world?





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2 hours ago, Hardkill said:


Okay, so there probably still won't be a nuclear war in the world. 

But what about threats to democracy and the global economy around the whole world?





Democracy isn’t going anywhere….it’s alive and well in the US and Western Europe, I have to emphasize Western Europe. 

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36 minutes ago, kray said:

Democracy isn’t going anywhere….it’s alive and well in the US and Western Europe, I have to emphasize Western Europe. 

For now....


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20 hours ago, jimwell said:

There is a God. The only question is "Is God really good and loving? Or is it bastardish and deceptive?". 

   GOD and the devil are two sides of the same coin.

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On 20/10/2023 at 0:04 AM, Hardkill said:

In my opinion, the amount of uncertainty and danger in the world is the greatest it has ever been in decades.

The War in Ukraine is still going on with no end in sight, even after it began over a year and half ago. Now, the War in Israel just happened and of course taken even more of psychological toll on everyone around the world, especially those within Israel and Palestine. Not to mention that this war could last for weeks if not months and may widen into a terrible regional war in the Middle Eat. We also are very worried about the serious possibility of China invading Taiwan within the next few years. Moreover, we may be the closest we have ever been to the threat nuclear warfare. 

The US and much of the global economy may be in a recession next year and may experience more supply shocks which would increase inflation significantly.

The democracy of the US is still in grave danger as Trump or Trumpism could still prevail in the 2024 elections. 

How many of you are having trouble going about your day without having to think about all of these threats to the world? I know I am having a very hard time psychologically coping with all of this.

It certainly doesn't help that none of the first world countries in the world have a leader in office who is able to effectively inspire great unity and hope for our world in the midst of all of these crises like the way that FDR, Churchill, Eisenhower, JFK, and Obama were able to during their presidencies.

   I agree, we're in more times of uncertainty, with the Meta crisis going around us, potential threat of nuclear warfare, bio weapons being used, A.I technology and drone attatcks,misues of C.R.I.S.P.R tech that could result in more dangerous viruses.

   One thing to worry in particular with the Israel and Palestinian conflict, is escalating to regional war,ehich will involve Iran, which will effect the oil production and distribution, making oil more expensive. This will have global knock on effects onto countries that needs that oil. This is probably the one to look out for. China invading Taiwan is likely after the Chinese assesses how the USA handles the Ukraine/Russia conflict and the Israel/Palestinian conflict, if USA handles too poor or passively, the USA gets bogged down on those conflicts and other global situations, China might time that to invade Taiwan. In fact according to John Mearsheimer the greater worryis conflict in the eastern Islands of the south asian sea, instead of Taiwan.

Edited by Danioover9000

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1 hour ago, Danioover9000 said:


   I agree, we're in more times of uncertainty, with the Meta crisis going around us, potential threat of nuclear warfare, bio weapons being used, A.I technology and drone attatcks,misues of C.R.I.S.P.R tech that could result in more dangerous viruses.

   One thing to worry in particular with the Israel and Palestinian conflict, is escalating to regional war,ehich will involve Iran, which will effect the oil production and distribution, making oil more expensive. This will have global knock on effects onto countries that needs that oil. This is probably the one to look out for. China invading Taiwan is likely after the Chinese assesses how the USA handles the Ukraine/Russia conflict and the Israel/Palestinian conflict, if USA handles too poor or passively, the USA gets bogged down on those conflicts and other global situations, China might time that to invade Taiwan. In fact according to John Mearsheimer the greater worryis conflict in the eastern Islands of the south asian sea, instead of Taiwan.

So, do you deal with all of these crises?

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Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.

- Matthew 6:34 -

I feel weirdly comforted by the fact that human society seems to be steering towards a critical tipping point after which business as usual will no longer be possible and the only way forward will be a massive shift in consciousness on a global scale. If that's what it takes for humanity to get to the next level, I am here for it.

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On 20/10/2023 at 4:34 AM, Hardkill said:

In my opinion, the amount of uncertainty and danger in the world is the greatest it has ever been in decades.

In decades, maybe. In the last and present century, definitely not! 

These things happen all the time. But we can live as a human only for 80 to 100 years, so these things seem new to us. Even if there is a possibility of extreme events such as a third world war, things will recover in due time. Already we have recovered from a pandemic despite huge losses of life and economy, and the present wars are smaller in scale compared to the wars we have seen in the past, and Trump is not going to destroy the democractic system, so we can recover sooner than we think even if the damages are heavy. Still, people should worry about how things are becoming worse, since people's voice is important in raising awareness among governments, that's the essence of being democratic.

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On 19/10/2023 at 7:04 PM, Hardkill said:

The US and much of the global economy may be in a recession next year and may experience more supply shocks which would increase inflation significantly.

The smartest economists can't predict recessions accurately. What makes you think you can? In fact big recessions usually happen when virtually nobody sees it coming. (With the exception of small group of fringe traders and/or permabears). 

If the news bothers you, turn off the news!!! Do you really think your worries are going to help the situation? 


Edited by itsadistraction

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Meh..... Business as usual.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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