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About kray

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  1. I’m just appalled that people are already creating conspiracy theories. Can we as Americans just fucking take a break from all the delusions! No right wingers, the left did not plot the trump assasination, and no left wingers, this wasn’t trump trying to do some theatrics for votes. Why can’t people see that in this case, a crazy guy (we don’t know if he had a motivation or not) tried to carry out an assassination on a former president? Why all the speculation, and why base facts on speculation. As Americans we need to detach from our emotions a little and actually see the situation for what it is! People are getting led too much by their emotions, and further causing more division. That’s the last thing we need right now. We all need to agree that such violence is horrendous and should not be entertained whatever the reason. I hate it when politicians and influential people make claims based on baseless speculation, they are literally playing off of our division. It’s sad.
  2. This was not political….dude was just tryna seek attention. He was bullied, and instead of shooting up his school, he decided to get attention from the world in other ways. This guy was able to get a gun, and hopefully republicans finally wake up to just how bad the gun issue is in this country.
  3. Look I’m not anti immigration, but we definitely need to close that southern border. The fact that these suspected terrorists came from the southern border just shows how vulnerable we really are down there. We need to close this southern border immediately and have a more solid vetting process than we do now to vet out the good apples from the bad apples.
  4. My bad out for a while… was crazy, got super trippy from just half a gummy
  5. Came across this random anti Marijuana ad sponsored by a cigarette company. Not sure if this was supposed to be funny or not, but if this was serious, it’s really crazy how just in the 90s the anti weed hysteria was this strong.
  6. There are only two genders: male and female. Instead of brainwashing kids with this shitty identity politics, maybe we should teach them how to find their life purpose. Let who you want to fuck/what you think of yourself be your own battle.
  7. Hey guys so it turns that the entire package has 100 mg of thc, and there are 10 servings. So that means 10 mg per gummy….i can definitely have like two. Sorry for the confusion everyone 😂
  8. Then ima trip calls from cannabis tomorrow 🤷🏽‍♂️
  9. Alright, so I guess I’ll start with a fourth of that gummy 😂
  10. But you didn’t answer my question 😂….is 100 mg too much, would it be one of those highs where I would trip absolute balls and melt in the couch?
  11. It’s a from a legal dispensary, so would they lie tho?
  12. Yea I don’t plan on having it all at once, but have like a bite and see where that takes me (I’ve taken edibles many times so this is usually my approach)
  13. Planning on taking an edible tomorrow night. As someone who does use cannabis on a weekly basis (once upon a time daily), will a 100 mg cannabis pebble be too much all at once, or will it barely have an effect on me given my weed tolerance.
  14. But china is a highly traditional Asian society. Most of the commoners in china believe in some form of religion or superstition
  15. Unfortunately I don't have a specifc video or article or any source, but why does it seem that right wingers of America and the west sympathize with Russia and see Russia as a potential ally, where as these same people see China as an enemy. Is it because they see Russia as simply a buffer, or do they see Russia as the last white christian imperial power which should be used to fight against China? Kinda confused on that whole logic and the geopolitics behind it.