Leo Gura

New War In Israel / Gaza

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Posted (edited)

6 minutes ago, lina said:

Without having a moral legitimacy such strategies don't work long term. Israel has officially set itself up as an enemy for billions of people around the world. Remember that impermanence is the only truth and power dynamics sooner or later will change. 

Moral legitimacy is relative, you can debating about the right of Israel to occupy that land for years . The thing is that Israel fight for survival. Maybe at the end it will be destroyed, maybe no. And the end who wins is who is right 

Was mao Zedong good or bad? Or the french revolution, or anything else? Depending of the results 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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@linaA normal human with compassion will stand against what Israel is doing in Palestine. In the future, there will be tons of documentaries made about how world leaders / Media were mere spectators when this was being done. The brutality is unimaginable. This was played sometime back in Iraq where more than 1 million people have lost their lives.

Many Jews openly oppose what their country is doing to Palestine but the media is so one-sided & that they have spread deep hatred/negativity to a level that the killing of humans who belong to a particular religion is being celebrated by some people across the globe now (The number of people joining them will increase in future). We saw this happening during the Hitler era when Germans were presented with propaganda through various channels that common Germans started seeing the Jewish community with immense hatred.

Now the same thing is happening all over the world. The solution that I can understand at my level of understanding is that Muslims have to first stand up against radical ideas within their community because most of them don't agree with that idea. Once this is being done they have to unite with people (across the religions; countries ; cultures etc) to stand against the bullies.

Edit : The above points trigger some people here as their view against Islam were rigid. For them start reading some Sufi's for example : Ahmed Hulusi ; Rumi . The list goes on.

In spirituality love & compassion are the most brutal understandings to be conquered after multiple insights because they go so deep where human understanding is shattered.

From the Foreign policy side. See the below video which gives insight into this game. It doesn't contain how deep this goes but just a glimpse into how the game is played at the top level. (FYI : The video was posted when war was just started)

Now coming back to spirituality when you go deeper and articulate it into words. The one force / God had created humans with ego which is a tool to survive and thrive but we have gone into a hellish realm of ego where we are just going on eating & eating then vomiting and again going back to eating. Not understanding that too much eating is the problem leading to vomiting. Another example would be at the beach a group of children were making sandcastles. Now when the time came to go home & parents were calling them out as it was going dark. The children were not ready to leave as their minds had imprinted the sandcastle as their home.



Edited by ExplorerMystic

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Posted (edited)

2 hours ago, lina said:

The Israelis here stopped responding to this kind of things because they are tired from those toxic lies 🥱

They have been crashed from the food trucks and the soldiers in the tanks shot in the legs of those who ran deliberately towards them. Happy to help.

Edited by Nivsch

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4 minutes ago, ExplorerMystic said:

Once this is being done they have to unite to stand against the bullies

Yes, and then start an atomic war. I think it would be better be realistic and admit that Israel exist. The other option is being eternally offended and full of hate and aim to the destruction, that is what the Muslims have been done all those 100 years. 

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@BreakingthewallJust taking one sentence out of an entire paragraph and quoting it here is not the best way to debate. First, broaden your horizon & leave the field of narrow-mindedness.

Edit : The paragraph is now elaborated to avoid any narrow perspective to arise.

Edited by ExplorerMystic

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Interesting to see it 

what is now piles of rubble 

Edited by Thought Art

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The before the war, Gaza video above was excellent. Swap it with Vietnamese people and it could have easily been parts of Ho Chi Minh City.

So sad what it’s become now. 

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16 hours ago, Nivsch said:

hamas plans his whole strategy to make it impossible to harm him without harm civilians too.

This his survival strategy. This is his 24/7 job.

The number 1 survival strategy of every gerilla terror organization. To hide behind civilians and use them as a shield.

Imagine 20,000 hamas terrorists hide behind civilians and see how difficult this war is.

Cool story bro. 

This hiding behind civilians story has become void, not sure why you keep peddling it? If you think by saying it enough times we will start to believe it you are wrong. That kind of mind conditioning/brain washing technique works on your countrymen but not on anyone else. 


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I’m sure everyone has seen the Kamala video calling for a ceasefire, just for the next 6 weeks, not a permanent one. 👀 she is just trying to get votes for when Biden steps down for 2024 and she is the potential nominee. She tries to sound and speak like Obama, i find it creepy. Liked her initially, but doubt she could beat trump. 


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@Merkabah Star

5 minutes ago, Merkabah Star said:

I’m sure everyone has seen the Kamala video calling for a ceasefire, just for the next 6 weeks, not a permanent one. 👀 she is just trying to get votes for when Biden steps down for 2024 and she is the potential nominee. She tries to sound and speak like Obama, i find it creepy. Liked her initially, but doubt she could beat trump. 


   This situation is so bad that we gotta rely on Donald Trump to this this mess, and you know that he's becoming more and more popular is telling a whole lot of a screwed up this situation is.

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Posted (edited)

@Thought Art

5 minutes ago, Thought Art said:


   And another horrific incident painting the IDF and alt right Israel in a not so good light. You can even do some body language analysis on the Israel spokesperson and he's having to do a lot of internal processing and thinking, meanwhile fighting the surprise and shock down.

Edited by Danioover9000

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Posted (edited)

@Danioover9000 Interesting interpretation.  Thanks for sharing.

I watched it, I don't know what is true. I generally watch things but don't cling to hard.

But, I would question that interpretation as well. 

What if they were trying to figure out what was true? Not, simply twist things towards their bias?

Or, what if they are biased toward one side, for some reason, and wanted to make one side look bad?

How do we make that distinction when we watch news?

How do we know the news sources we listen to are accurate? 

How do we know our interpretations of the news we watch is accurate and/or of high quality?

How can we notice when our biases and triggers are distorting what is actually being said?

How can we see or be aware of the bias of the particular news source we are listening to?

How does recontextualization and insight play into understanding complex social situations and conflicts?

What role does listening and observing multiple perspectives play into understanding what is true in a situation?

Edited by Thought Art

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@Thought Art

Just now, Thought Art said:

@Danioover9000 Interesting interpretation.  Thanks for sharing.

I watched it, I don't know what is true. I generally watch things but don't cling to hard.

   You're welcome! I can't bring up the definition again, but it's similar to UN's and what the South African case against Israel, part of their definition of genocide is exemplified by that flour massacre, the IDF soldiers starve them to near death, as part of a fear inducing tactic, and these little incidents with snipers or some random soldiers firing into the crowds is another form to induce further terror into Gazans, keep the terror and fear fresh into the minds of Gazans and some potential HAMMAs among them. It's part of that whole package of genocide, it's not just mass killings of armed or unarmed civilians only, it's a sequence of patterns to eventually allow the occupying force into newer territory. But thanks for overseeing this thread again you're level headed that I can take long breaks.

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I don’t know what is true. 

But, I have a deep respect for Israel. 

I have a deep respect for the innocent of Palestine. 

I hope for Peace and healing. 

I Hope i have not offended anyone in this thread. 

I wish you Peace and health. 

“Out Beyond Ideas of Wrongdoing and Rightdoing

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
There is a field. I'll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass,
The world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase each other
Doesn't make any sense.”  - Rumi



 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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I think something like a terror attack is always going to have a huge fallout. 

You should seek to transcend the limitations of the ego and the mind in order to experience a sense of unity with the universe or ultimate reality. You can do meditation,sef inquiry and contemplating for that. To recognize the underlying oneness that is believed to exist beyond the realm of dualistic perception.



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Posted (edited)

7 hours ago, Merkabah Star said:

Cool story bro. 

This hiding behind civilians story has become void, not sure why you keep peddling it? If you think by saying it enough times we will start to believe it you are wrong. That kind of mind conditioning/brain washing technique works on your countrymen but not on anyone else. 

Thank you for putting down your mask 🙂

Now I understand better how immaturity there is here, and that 90% of the pro palestine / Anti Israel propaganda is rubbish.

I will keep trying to relate and make discussion with the sane 10%, although, this is difficult to find. Not so common as I used to think.

Edited by Nivsch

🇮🇱5th at Eurovision and 2nd in public vote with 'Hurricane' performance Here.

🌻Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF.

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16 hours ago, Nivsch said:

The Israelis here stopped responding to this kind of things because they are tired from those toxic lies 🥱

They have been crashed from the food trucks and the soldiers in the tanks shot in the legs of those who ran deliberately towards them. Happy to help.

Human rights organizations are also spreading lies? 

Are you referring to the flour massacre? the link I shared is a different war crime, and it's not even the first time just look up Rachel Corrie. As for the the flour massacre 112 were killed by gunshot and even if some were killed due to the crowd that's still Israel's fault because they are deliberately starving a population. 

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2 hours ago, Nivsch said:

Thank you for putting down your mask 🙂

Now I understand better how immaturity there is here, and that 90% of the pro palestine / Anti Israel propaganda is rubbish.

I will keep trying to relate and make discussion with the sane 10%, although, this is difficult to find. Not so common as I used to think.

Spare us the repetitive nonsense. 

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