Leo Gura

New War In Israel / Gaza

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6 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:


   Is that you Royce Da 5'9??? Your Book of Rhymes album is meh, it needs improvement.



   I agree it's deeply contradictory. It's just like @Leo Gura's video on strategic intent, all depends on your strategic intent: if a country wants to increase suffering and humiliation of another country, they aggressively expand into their lands. If they want long term peace, then they expand slowly. If the strategic intent is to create a trap, a place of entanglement to anchor a nomadic peoples into that one piece of land, then you make sweet promises to them, and attach significant meanings for that collective ego to define itself by. Crazy to think that Osho knew about all this.

yeah it's me bro , and i did the improvement . you last time checked on the book was in 2018 and  btw now  im royce da 5'5 ((

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   Are there streamers denying genocide?

   This looks extra bad for Destiny as he in the past initially was objective, but then went far right in denying this and laughing at the genocide happening.

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Former IDF intelligence member masquerading as a journalist in New York Times, Is anyone surprised? 

Edited by lina

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Aaron Bushnell's friend talks about him

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Edited by Raze

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If he wants to see a clearer picture he must put himself in the hostages families shoes and also understand that yes even the decision makers minds are affected by the obligation they feel to the hostages lives and their indentification with them.

But he doesn't want to see the complexity of the situation and prefer to maintain his story of the "bad vs the good" which make him a sense of meaning and put himself as the "good guy" who exposes the "injustices" and so on. Well ok, I understand he needs this meaning for himself. 

What about to call to put more pressure on hamas to release them ones and for all? Nah. Less interesting. This isn't sound as sexy. Ok.

Edited by Nivsch

🌻Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF.

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@Danioover9000 That Osho vid you shared earlier was very interesting to say the least.

On 29/02/2024 at 7:40 AM, lina said:

Former IDF intelligence member masquerading as a journalist in New York Times, Is anyone surprised? 

I read some where that its not just propaganda but atrocity propaganda which is a fitting term. The lies keep piling up. 

@Raze  That bulldozer story is just horrifying, body literally exploding from the pressure. And then the flour massacre.

So a captive population of which half are children are starved (to PrEssUre HaMaS bRo) and then when they run after the aid they are shot at? Then we're told the pressure is to release hostages when deals have been declined to release them for a ceasefire and truce? As if they want us to believe they care about the hostages so much that they bomb a tiny strip of land in which they are held hostage? 

What more does the world need to see and how can Zionists just revert to blaming Hamas for everything with a serious face.


Edited by zazen

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Second to This guy, people dont figth for food, land or resources but they figth fot stories in their minds

What do you think?


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Posted (edited)

@Nivsch You are very biased I think. 

40ish hostages is terrible… a thousand murdered is terrible…

….hundreds of thousands starving and 30,000 dead is a whole other level. 

I continue to study the history of this situation from multiple perspectives. What happened in 1948? What has been the realist in Palestine for the last 70 years? 

Every terrorist, every nation that commits genocide, every murderer, conman, thief, rapist, etc had good intentions. 


Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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@Thought Art I disagree.

hamas has 90-95% of the blame to the situation in Gaza.

To say our government didn't go too far from time to time? It is. I am not denying there is an extra damage in Gaza that could be avoided. There are problems of course.

But Israel right now is a cornered animal and if you can't see that you can't see the situation clearly.

Talking on history, both sides poured fuel to the fire, but the palestinians chose more terror even after a decade long of agreements to their favor.

They don't want compromises. They want the whole cake.

Most of the Palestinians came to the region just a little while before Israel, by the way.

Edited by Nivsch

🌻Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF.

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Posted (edited)

@Nivsch Respect how you consistently hit the nail on its head and remain so principled and gentle. 

Here is a video of another gentle liberal Israeli that makes some good points:

I would add there is a literal-without-the-hyperbolic-bullshit genocide going on in Darfur (again). But nobody cares because it's committed by Arabs against an African people. (I would like to see South Africa file a court complaint for their "brothers".) 

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a conflict deluxe for journalists because they can get easy access and be relatively safe. You cannot say the same about the Sudan for example. So this and the fact there are Jews involved makes it a profitable hot topic for the media. And this time Jews don't stand for Christ-killers, Communism or Capitalism but are the very face of the absolute evils of white colonialism, Western imperialism and nationism (because god forbid people are patriotic and look out for each other and their country). Go Figure the anti-Semitic and anti-historical ignorance.

This major media overrepresentation for views and money overshadows the fact that of all the oppressed people in the world, Palestinians are the least so. Muslims and Arabs are in Conflict from the Western Sahara and all across to Pakistan and even the Philippines had a terrorist insurgency as of late. So don't act like Palestinians are totally innocent and have zero responsibility. Much of what you call occupation consists of necessary security measures. Without "occupation" Hamas would take over and rule a real country and instigate more savagery and war, that's also why it's important that Israel finishes the job and removes Hamas from power.

(I still believe in two states but for that bona fide guarantees are absolutely necessary.)

It's also kind of a cruel joke to the Gazans if they have to live through the hell of this war but Hamas will remain in power. It will be then a matter of time till the next massive war.  


Edited by Vrubel

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:ph34r:@Nivsch I don’t really know the history. 

But, yeah, you are biased. But, who isn’t?

If you were Palestinian you would likely be pro freeing Palestine. Yet, by chance were born into

Again, willing to be wrong and correct myself. 

But uh, what’s happening there is a lot of death and starving of civilians. 

If you are going to talk about putting yourself in the parents of Israeli shoes who have hostages, you also should put your shoes in all the Palestinian mothers clutching their dead babies. 

It’s a conflict, and I’m not trying to judge one side or the other. I am however, trying to see it from both sides and to slowly allow my understanding to develop over time.

1,400 Israeli died in october

25,000 women and children are reported dead in Gaza… 

Biases biases. Whose lives are worth more? Depends who you are 

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Is insteresting watching this blog video from Leo Gura about Property Rigths and then ask: Where in the Universe is writen that Israel Cant do what is doing?

Yes, from a Moral,Ethos, and Legal perspective they cant. But from a Universal and even Nature perspective a Lion cant be stoped to jump over a gazelle. 


Attention. I am not in favor of what is going on. Would be amazing if there was peace in every corner of the planet. But the fact is: No being will come to stop it. So is in the people hands to stop or it will never stop till we destroy everything. 

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Posted (edited)

3 hours ago, Vrubel said:

@Nivsch Respect how you consistently hit the nail on its head and remain so principled and gentle. 

Of all the oppressed people in the world, Palestinians are the least so. Muslims and Arabs are in Conflict from the Western Sahara all across to Pakistan and even the Philippines had a terrorist insurgency as of late. So don't act like Palestinians are totally innocent and have zero responsibility. Much of what you call occupation consists of necessary security measures. Without "occupation" Hamas would take over and rule a real country and instigate more savagery and war, that's also why it's important that Israel finishes the job and removes Hamas from power.

It's also kind of a cruel joke to the Gazans if they have to live through the hell of this war but Hamas will remain in power. It will be then a matter of time till the next massive war.  

Thank you! 🙂

nice to hear.

You too provide high quality insights including this message and you are an asset to this discussion.

Edited by Nivsch

🌻Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF.

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