Leo Gura

New War In Israel / Gaza

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   Sad to see this:

   Did a body language analysis of Owen before, so here no different but there's a bit more emphasizing, and disappointment here of how this man was treated here in his POV.

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@Leo Gura Please ban @Danioover9000 This guy does nothing but publishing propaganda.

It’s a discussion not a publication of your agenda.

Edited by Heaven

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1 hour ago, Danioover9000 said:


   As I stated before, both sides are doing propaganda here, just that Israel is more with it's propaganda.

I think that if you zoom out to the average of the truth : distortion ratio of a stage RED-blue side, and compare it to the ratio of the blue-orange-green side, the results will be in the favor of the latter and in a very big gap.

When you grow up in democracy from birth you will take it for granted, and then actually the different "creature" will seem to you more sexy, and you will tend to symphatize with him more in many cases. And then of course to give over weight to his claims.

Not that it is bad to be interested in very different cultures, this is a beautiful thing and has its purpose, but when in such tricky conflict like we have now, this is a double edged sword.

Edited by Nivsch

🌻Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF.

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   Here's the moment of TRUTH, if you guys cannot see how blatantly propagandist this Levy is, that's the strongest sign you have been mund fucked by Israeli propaganda:

   REALLY BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF! Not me, or others, or Leo or mods, but YOURSELF! Notice how he's words are poisoning your mind, just NOTICE! Apply your mindfulness to this situation, and see for yourself.

   Same with the other side, go apply mindfulness and see for yourself how damaging propaganda can be. Demanding me to get banned over getting triggered, the levels of lack of mindfulness...is wild.

Edited by Danioover9000

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@Danioover9000 Bro I can clearly see how emotional you’re about this topic..You keep publishing cherry picking of information and look micro rather than macro. 
You keep brainwashing yourself with YT Islamic content and then you get mad with us not agreeing with you.

You are not here to discuss. You are here to show how wrong the other side is and criticizing us. 
You need to be honest with yourself and ask what are you trying to do here.

You lead to war instead of finding common ground.

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Most of the anti Jews are listening to opinions rather than facts. Instead of watching the entire 30-60 minutes video they pin point about 10 secs and misinterpret in purpose. 
Media is clearly on the Islamic side because there are 2 billions Islamic people verses 15 millions Jews. Not to talk about TikTok who is controlled by China(Obviously they are on the terrorist side).
Focus on facts. See the world as it is. 

Less than a hundred years ago, terror organization killed 50% of the Jews. Than proceeded with killing almost 100 million people. 
Jews are in a danger of extinction.
Anti semitism is in all time high. 
Yes it’s almost impossible to be unbiased when your life depends on it.

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Edited by Raze

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@Leo Gura Please ban @Raze

Citing things from Al Jazeera is like showing things from Israel channel 14(The extreme right). 
Again you are not being objective and biased. For some reason I am not surprised.

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IFJ to take Israel to court if journalists are targeted

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has pledged to prosecute Israeli officials if they do not comply with the International Court of Justice’s orders in regards to targeting journalists.

In a letter addressed to Netanyahu and Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant, IFJ noted that “the death toll now represents around ten per cent of journalists in the enclave”.

It added that the death rate for journalists is around three times that of health workers – “it is impossible to believe that this is a matter of chance”, it said.

“Our hope would be that humanity and a desire to promote a free media is sufficient to persuade you to take these steps. If this does not happen, however, we will have no hesitation in initiating action in the international courts against politicians and IDF commanders and encouraging our 187 affiliates to do the same where their domestic jurisdictions allow.”



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13 minutes ago, Heaven said:

@Leo Gura Please ban @Raze

Citing things from Al Jazeera is like showing things from Israel channel 14(The extreme right). 
Again you are not being objective and biased. For some reason I am not surprised.

This is appalling and turns my stomach to see this cruel distortions.

Cherry picking can make even the sun to look dark, with focusing only on sunspots.

I have never saw Israeli children sing things like that thats why I am sure 99.999% of Israeli children are not like that.

I grew up here from birth and I know Israelis for 36 years, and this kind of cruelty manipulation comes from aljazeera is equivalent to hamas mantality just without the physical violence. @Heaven I am totally agree with you here.

Edited by Nivsch

🌻Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF.

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2 minutes ago, Nivsch said:

This is appalling and turns my stomach to see this cruel distortions.

Cherry picking can make even the sun to look dark, with focusing only on sunspots.

I have never saw Israeli children sing things like that thats why I am sure 99.999% of Israeli children are not like that.

I grew up here from birth and I know Israelis for 36 years, and this kind of cruelty manipulation comes from aljazeera is equivalent to hamas mantality just without the physical violence. @Heaven I am totally agree with you here.

Al Jazeera didn’t produce the video, they just reported on it.

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32 minutes ago, Nivsch said:

This is appalling and turns my stomach to see this cruel distortions.

Cherry picking can make even the sun to look dark, with focusing only on sunspots.

I liked this metaphor 🔝 

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@Raze Let’s agree to disagree🙏 

Please stop using this platform to promote your agenda. Showing only one side of the story. Emphasizing how bad is the other side.

Imagine that someone broke into your house burned your house, raped your wife and kidnapped your children. 
How would you behave? 

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The United States has created a channel with Israel to discuss concerns over incidents in Gaza in which civilians have been killed or injured by the Israeli military and civilian facilities have been targeted, two U.S. officials with knowledge told Reuters. The channel was set up after a meeting earlier this month between U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Israel's war cabinet during which Blinken expressed concern about the "constant" reports of Israeli strikes that either hit humanitarian sites or resulted in large numbers of civilian deaths."


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56 minutes ago, Heaven said:

@Raze Let’s agree to disagree🙏 

Please stop using this platform to promote your agenda. Showing only one side of the story. Emphasizing how bad is the other side.

Imagine that someone broke into your house burned your house, raped your wife and kidnapped your children. 
How would you behave? 

Disagree on what?

That music video wasn’t made by Al Jazeera, why are they bad for simply reposting it? Should they just ignore it and pretend it didn’t happen?

If that happened to me I would be angry and possibly react in violence, but I’d hope other actors would stop me from doing something that would hurt me. As of now I support a ceasefire because not only does the war hurt Palestinians, it hurts Israeli’s. If I was personally effected I may behave differently, but that doesn’t mean I’d be right, I could be making a more irrational decision. That is what I think Israel is doing, Hamas is not a threat if the Gaza border is guarded, they can only fire largely useless rockets. But the ongoing war risks wider war now and in the future, and risks even more extremism from Palestinians in the future.

Now let me ask you, how would you react if

-you were born in a small extremely population dense strip of land you could not leave

-a blockade is imposed around you so restrictive half of your population is unemployed, a third malnourished, and water supply almost entirely poisoned, and a significant amount of children with dangerous levels of lead poisoning as a result

-regular barrages kill and injure thousands of your people including friends and family just in the last 17 years, including when you try to protest peacefully , barrages so violent a majority of children and teens suffer PTSD before the current war

-2,900 of your people held prisoner without charges as bargaining chips

In this situation, I would also possibly react in violence. But that’s the situation Gazans are in, and doesn’t justify what Hamas did either.

Edited by Raze

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4 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

I agree to learn from every source, and discern truth and agenda, but what if the information ecology is polluted by propaganda, and poisons the well of discerning truth and agendas? 

That's why i said we shouldn't come to conclusions right away.

4 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

Great, I agree the answer isn't to spread more propaganda, yet why is Israel spreading more propaganda than the pro Palestinians?

How can you be sure Israel spreads MORE propaganda? How do you mesure? It's not like we're running short of pro Pales/Hamas propaganda online. Hard to say which one spread more.

5 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

 How is arguing a single isolated event useless? For example, in Andrew Tate's human trafficking trial, they're focused on proving/disproving him being guilty for specifically human trafficking, so is that a useless event and waste of time to gather more details?

You can't compere a single human with a 100 years of Israeli government.
You can't make sense of the big picture just looking at single events, expecially if they are countless and date back to the origin of time.

I'm just saying fixation over minutia is never helpful.

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2 hours ago, Heaven said:

@Danioover9000 Bro I can clearly see how emotional you’re about this topic..You keep publishing cherry picking of information and look micro rather than macro. 
You keep brainwashing yourself with YT Islamic content and then you get mad with us not agreeing with you.

You are not here to discuss. You are here to show how wrong the other side is and criticizing us. 
You need to be honest with yourself and ask what are you trying to do here.

You lead to war instead of finding common ground.

   Bro, you're you. You and you not agreeing with you. You. You. You yourself here you. You lead war you... that's 12 yous. Notice how you deflect and blame others and me, but not you? You do you.🤣

   That post is for every one to read, not just for @Heaven only, please curb your main character syndrome. That post was for every one, including @Vrubel, @Nivsch. Even @Raze, @Karmadhi, @zazen and @StarStruck. Yeah, you guys have your moments of super bias on the pro Palestinian side, don't lie, especially you @StarStruck, stop cheerleading the few users here who instigate drama okay? Because we need to have the most objective discussion here possible...

Edited by Danioover9000

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