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About _Archangel_

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  • Birthday 02/14/1997

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  1. @NightHawkBuzz No one si gonna make you participate in some gay-fest. This is a dystopian fantasy made up by the right wing media you surely eaten-up during the years. In a democracy no one is gonna make you forcefully attend a socio-cultural event. LGBTQ+s just wanna live in a world where being gay isn't regarded as a disease.
  2. @Bobby_2021 @Karmadhi My bad then. I misunderstood.
  3. @Bobby_2021 @Karmadhi Guys, The West is superior to the Middle East in basically every metric of developement you can think of. That shouldn't even be in question. Israel is easely the most developed country in the area. If you think this is not the case, this is one of your core-biases in plain sight.
  4. @Raze Hamas will never represent reasonable leadership for palestinians. They are sacrificing their own poeple in order to hurt Israel, They don't give a shit about Palestinians well-being. Hamas need to disappear form the universe, as they are a threat to both Israelis and Palestinians. On the other hand, If Israel were more developed, they would free the more moderate leaders from theirs prisons and push a cooperation plan that could involve an internal insurrection by the more liberal population of Palestine and prospects of a real and fair 2-state solution, pairing that with Surgical strikes, like they do on Iranian territory. But this costant threat is what blinds them and makes it impossible for that leap to happen. - so what they do instead is vengful carpet bombing, which is like repairing a virus filled computer by phisically hammering it. (because that's how fascists operate).
  5. Creativity is the original combination of different elements. When the combination is original enough, we give it a new name to differentiate from the previous, such as "Punk Rock" or "Cubism" " or "Existentialism" There is no such thin as creation without recombination. Otherwise we wouldn't even be able to understand what we are looking at.
  6. @Leo Gura What kind of evidence would you consider a proof though? I think you know pretty well that some insight and achievements are so radical you cannot give a tangible proof of them. That's why i'm surprised by your attitude. Daily poeple challenge you attaiments and you obviously cannot give them a proof of Alien Intelligence, cause the evidence would be the experience you had, that you cannot transfer to any other. This seems to me like a double-standard in you thinking, unless i'm missing a peace of it and there is something i'm not awere of.
  7. @Leo Gura I'm awere of you opinion about Buddhism and Advaita Leo, but it still surprises me how you are so dogmatic about this suffering topic. How can you be so sure this is the case? full freedom from suffering might be extremely hard, but it's not unreasonable to think it can possibly be echieved. What's your reasoning on this? ------------ @Someone here Not every hardship in life is linked to the dark night. Actually, most of the times it isn't.
  8. 8+ months and the bias is still rock-solid i see. reality-bending, even. And the problems for israel won't end if dudes like you keep having this attitude. To say 35000 pople died because of Hamas is ridicoulus and luckily more and more poeple are realising how inadequate this Israeli governemnt is at finding a sustainable solution to this mess, which they are part of.
  9. @mac99 Moderation is key. Lust is fine as long as it doesn't interfere with other areas of your life, including your spiritual practice. If you think about sex for most of your day, to the point you fell like you can't execute you usual task that is when it becomes a problem. If something is obsessing you, the i suggest you to whatch Leo's video called " Burning Through Karma " No true Buddhist will tell you that. Go gently. Renunciations to worldy obbsessions will decade automatically if you practice correcly and tenaciously. Forcing renunciation it will only make your Lust stronger. Buddhism is about the elimiation of Attachment, not Desires. Some desires will abandon you in the process of eliminating the Attachment to Desires. But that isn't a given. Many buddhists with hight attainments still have a sex life, but they are certainly not obsessed by it.
  10. @GLORY Karma, as one of the possible answers. If we wanna get as deconstructive as possible, there actually isn't any logic about why or how thing appear in the present moment. Logic and causation only become a factor when we speak about the world in its duality. In this case, if you wanna find a chain of reactions you will definitely find it. Why did you decide to eat ice cream today? an infinite number of apparition in consciousness prior to that one, all linked to one another through by a thread of association, same archetype etc.
  11. @Majed For how i see it, in art are present both objective and subjective elements: what is objective: Popularity, influence (on other artists), originality, tecnichal ability, level of equipement, sales. What is subjective: all the rest. "x is better then" is a subjective statement. objectivity cannot measure what is "better", because "better" is not a measurable.
  12. @Nivsch The second itfifada lasted atleast 5 years, 2002 was just a part of it. And the total result is always more civilians casualties then combatants. I never said Israel should sit and wait to be attacked. The problem is that we have arrived to this situation mostly because of what i wrote above. Whenever the most powerful in the reagion make it habitual to kill civillian like rain in the hope of chopping down some terrorists, something has gone wrong. I don't have a solution, i just know bombing a whole territory over and over has proved to be ineffective. The point is, Isreael never had the nuanced, sophisticated and compassionate level of strategical thinking that was needed to solve the contentions with its problematic neighborhood. And this is reflected in poeple like you, who use "they can't do anyting else" as an excuse for all that it's happening, without understanding that errors were made and errors and actions birthed from those errors must be condamned, as mush as any terrorist attacks must be condamned. Israel current actions will backfire, like it always had happened, bringing forth an endless cycle of suffering for everyone, until a more advanced leadership will take power.
  13. @Nivsch Doesnt matter the aim. The premise is always to defend Israel, the result is brutality. And brutality isn't surgical. Yes and it is shameful. Israel answer? they "cut the grass". Israel problem has always been its comprehensible belligerant bias and its inability to solve problems in any way other than bombings and police abuse of force. --------- @Danioover9000 what? what do you mean?
  14. @Danioover9000 = The suffering of palestinians and Israelis will continue for a rather long bit i'm afraid
  15. @Nivsch Second intifada / 2014 operation - are this a better example? yes, let's call it a "loose" occupation Killing thousend's of civilians is always despicable, no metter if offensive or difensive. Funnily enough, the scope of the casualites of the recent are certainly not symmetrical, but that's because the Israel Military is completely out-doing Hamas in terms of devastation.