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About Heaven

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  1. Obviously the cop could dodge her and the amount of damage would be close to nothing. He needs to go to jail and never have a weapon in his life. Shameful but we also can’t jump to conclusions about all the cops in the USA. Relatively speaking US cops are great when you compare it to other countries.
  2. It’s obvious that peace cannot happen in the world. Look how you guys behave. Comparing Bibi to Hitler is far from the truth and you all know that. 99% here are living in a Western country and complaining about the US and democratic countries. Ungrateful kids. I dare you to live in Iran/Iraq/Egypt/Syria/Lebanon.
  3. Definitely agree and I don’t see it in an extremely bad way. Based on the Jewish’s past it’s obvious why they will react to a massacre like that. Not speaking about the hostages that are still there. Would you prefer your family to die or someone else is? If we are honest..You will sacrifice someone else’s family. I feel like people here are trying to be saints and missing reality check.
  4. If you call survival devilish, so you are. The reason why you care in the first place and have an opinion is because you’re selfish. I admit to be selfish. You are in a state of denial. That’s the difference.
  5. Maybe you’re wrong? Obviously he does. The US government is smarter than you.
  6. I bet, better than yours. You’re bitter than a lemon and softer than a cloud.
  7. @Leo Gura You lost touch with reality. (Comparing the Jews with the Nazis is an insult and far from the truth) If someone will break to your house and kill/rape your family..You will accuse the government and send this person on his way. Gazanians are far from innocent. On October 7th when Hamas brought the hostages to Gaza, they were cheering and singing.(I’ll send you a proof if you want. The ultimate goals of this terror organization is the spread Islam all over the world. I hope that you will eventually see reality as it is. Life isn’t rainbows and butterflies. If you will be selfless, they will eat you alive
  8. So rich that when they escaped from Europe without anything and 50% less in population. The only reason why Israel is strong is because the support it receives as a democratic country. None of you would want to live in Iran yet you still support it.
  9. He is extremely charismatic and highly educated. You don’t need to agree with him to see it.
  10. Life is about your options. Trump is a clown but at least he is better than the democrats. You can’t be selfless in a selfish world. Governments took advantage of the weakness of the Democratic Party and the results are bad.
  11. @Leo Gura I thought you are wiser than thinking it’s Israel against Gaza. Iran tried to kill and destroy Israel not too long ago. Not speaking about the constant war with Hizbaula and the Hutis. Btw don’t expect those members to be classy..It’s like asking from a cat to bark.
  12. I dare you to keep an open mind and listen until the end. Understanding politics deeply will make you change your opinions about the world.
  13. As an American I expect you to understand the word ‘Usually’.
  14. It’s super hard but it sounds like you’re determined and dedicated. Give this business another 2 years and if it doesn’t work move on. Personally It sounds like a long time. If a business doesn’t produce me an income after 6-12 months I’ll probably be out.
  15. So not to listen to you as well? Maybe you’re wrong? I feel by your post that you see life as black and white and it’s much deeper than that. My guess is that you’re in your 20’s. Nothing bad about it but you lack life experience so you are far from all knowing. Try to keep an open mind. Growth is real. Self actualization is real.