Leo Gura

New War In Israel / Gaza

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3 hours ago, Lila9 said:

If you support Islamic fundamentalism so eagrly, don't be surprised if...





lol. Love your propaganda. This is the same bullshit the Americans tried to push with 911. It doesn’t work on foreigners, we aren’t brainwashed monkeys. 

And no one on this thread or in the greater world, supports Islamist terror or fundamentalism. The west is pretty Islamophobic. Not anti semitic at all. I know its hard to get your head around the conditioning that you have had since birth that everyone hates you, its just not true. People are reacting about Israel because of the human rights violations in the same way the same people would have been very vocal about what the nazis did to the romas, Jews and gays etc. 

Edited by Merkabah Star

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1 hour ago, Danioover9000 said:

   Cringiest mile long star ever:


So creepy. 

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5 hours ago, Karmadhi said:

Israel has caused  more human suffering under BiBi if you adjust it for its size relative to Russia under Putin.

In the second chechen war, syrian war and ukraine, wars under Putin, combined to around 50.000 civilians have died.

Under BiBI in Gaza just this war is close to 25.000, and will probably go to 40.000. If you add the other wars in Gaza it comes close to 50.000.

So he is responsible for as much human suffering.

Numbers mattes.

Usually the number of people that died under someone's rule is a good indicator of how ruthless a leader is.

You are comparing apples and oranges.

The death toll from military policy is one thing. Murdering your political opponents is another.

When Bibi starts murdering his political opponents and journalists, let's talk.

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4 hours ago, Lila9 said:

Don't worry, they will put everything in place, if that's bothering you.

What a load of BS.

You guys really need to keep rewatching my videos about Bias, cause that lesson flew over your head.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Why did the snake need glasses? Because it had a reptile dysfunction!

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2 hours ago, kenway said:


It's a very good question, and really is central to the issue in play.

At it's core, Israel has a constitution that revolves around ethnicity, rather than a constitution that revolves around principles (as in for example the principle-led US constitution).

Or in other words Israel is an artificially created ethno-state, aka The Jewish State.

The problem is that within the context of the land that Israel wants for itself as an ethnostate, there are simply too many Palestinian Arabs in the area.

This is known as the demographic problem.

Simply put, if there was a one-state solution and Arabs and Jews lived side by side under the same democratic framework, you would have an Arab majority population that would most likely vote for an Arab majority government. And so the artificial Jewish ethnostate would be no more.

Up until recently Israel has got around this by rounding up a critical number of Arabs and maintaining their population in territories, that Israel like to pretend is divorced from Israel (in order to deny them the vote) but in actuality is defacto controlled by the Israeli military.

Most recently however, Israel has gone full Zionist Nazi and is now trying to push the entire 2.1 million Arab Palestinians out of Gaza as a kind of final solution.

The Israel vs Hamas war is just a convenient cover story in order to do this.

Great synopsis. At its core its a foreign imposition thrust onto an existing Arab population and at their expense - this Zionist entity looks to establish a majority Jewish democracy on a majority Arab demography.

The only way around this predicament is demographic engineering through laws and guns ie occupation, oppression and apartheid but not calling it as such because those parts of ‘Israel’ are ‘run’ by Palestinians yet are governed (controlled) by a higher power (Israel) the same way districts, states and counties are run but subservient to a master govern-ment.

To normalise this status quo requires: the dehumanisation of Palestinians, the amplification and elevation of threats, the entitlement of ancient scripture claiming them as the chosen ones and as a title deed to the land, and absurd levels of impunity from a compromised superpower and a guilt laden coalition of Western allies who committed the worst atrocities to the Jewish people. 

To reinforce the above demands the masterful use of propaganda and narrative control to commit to a slow process of ethnic cleansing (rather than a single genocidal event) that goes under the radar of the world’s eyes. Before they drop bombs, they must drop narratives, before missile launches they must launch propaganda campaigns, before settlements expand they must shrink Palestinian resistance into the gaslit box labelled terrorism.

Edited by zazen

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2 hours ago, Karmadhi said:

Did not know that the biggest open air prison in the world called Gaza, where nobody can go in and out and is heavily controlled by Israel is a "state".

By Israel and Egypt ;)

I answered above about this to @zazen

They have honestly earned the distrust towards them and why they can't allowed to have marine and air ways.

Edited by Nivsch

🌻Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF.

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2 hours ago, kenway said:

One of the bad things about being telepathic is feeling people's suffering.

One of the good things about being telepathic is that I can feel @Lila9 already feverishly typing a response to the above.

I had a nice tea break at that time. Maybe you need to sharpen your telepathic skills... 

1 hour ago, Merkabah Star said:

lol. Love your propaganda.

Thank you, that's a nice start, maybe if you could replace the word 'propaganda' with 'truth' that could be more respectful.

1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

What a load of BS.

You guys really need to keep rewatching my videos about Bias, cause that lesson flew over your head.

I was sarcastic.

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4 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

I was sarcastic.


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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On 1/22/2024 at 3:11 AM, Leo Gura said:

Do you have any sense of how difficult it is to lead a nation?

Would be a killer episode topic to hear a breakdown of all the ins and outs of nation building and leading and what life would be like as a ruler 

Edited by Twentyfirst

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31 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

   Interesting debate on Israel:


Ben Shapiro....

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14 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

Thank you, that's a nice start, maybe if you could replace the word 'propaganda' with 'truth' that could be more respectful.

If i lived in your bubble maybe i could but I don’t, so, you know, that’s a hard no. Sorry. 😁

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Not condoning the situation here or saying is the best way to reach infinite Love but second to this video, we are here debating a situation where many souls are reaching Infinity


The ice scupture is relate of something with form and Identity becoming selfless and formless. 

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Is anyone watching the UN livestream?

Please let me know, cos otherwise I don't know what the point is in me giving status updates.

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@Girzo They partially cut out from the world for a reason.

And yes they have responsibility for their situation. Everyone have full responsibility to work on their thinking patterns and their part in every interaction with others, be their situation fair less or more.

Edited by Nivsch

🌻Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF.

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20 minutes ago, kenway said:

Is anyone watching the UN livestream?

Please let me know, cos otherwise I don't know what the point is in me giving status updates.

   I'll be watching that UN later, as I'm watching the Ben Shapiro and Destiny debate. First impressions is the UN being the UN, and looks like they did some renovating of the place last time I remember. Good English speakers also.

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Since Israel doesn't have strict borders for itself and has expanded and created settlements over all these years that means all of the land is still up for grabs. Palestinians could take back most of the land by expanding over years just like how Israel did. 

Why is it wrong for Oct 7th attacks if neither state is solidified with strict borders and both are invited to take as much land as they can? Never mind the resistance coming from occupation thats still huge but even without that since Israel doesn't have strict borders you literally don't know where they begin or end

Why doesn't Israel settle on a border and stick with that through ceasing of settlements or a two state solution and that way they don't ever risk Palestinians somehow taking back all the land since its all up for grabs still?

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