Leo Gura

New War In Israel / Gaza

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6 hours ago, Lila9 said:

They are anti-Israel because this is what is expected from them, any pro-Israeli hint in the Arab world which doesn't match the pro-palestinian narrative is frowned upon and seen as betrayal and may have drastic consecunsess for the individuals and their families. In Gaza and WB it may end up with executions.

People are not allowed to express pro-Israel opinions about the conflict or challenge the Palestinians narrative, there is no room for that or for any form of critical thinking. 

But why do Arabs hate Jews when they lived together for centuries at peace? When they treated Jews far better than Europeans did historically. You can say "there was oppression", and maybe there was but far less than in Europe. When you see how Europeans treated Jews it is insane.

So it is not true that Arabs or Muslims are inherently anti Jewish. 

Israel created this hatred, therefore you need to start to think why is that the case? If Arabs were so anti semetic they would have wiped out the Jews a long time ago in Palestine. 

Why they want to do so now?

What changed?

Maybe because the way Jews in Israel acted made them anti Jewish?

Start thinking about this.

@Nivsch Same goes to you

Edited by Karmadhi

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1 hour ago, Danioover9000 said:

Good example of ART being coopted and weaponized by either side:

This is the full video clip-

Just to make it clear, there is nothing in this song saying to kill all the Palestinians.

This is very clear who they are talking about-

"Everyone who planned, everyone who supported (the massacre), everyone who carried out (the massacre) everyone who murdered."



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What's going on with this thread? 200k views 

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11 minutes ago, Lila9 said:



I have absolutely no idea what’s being said in the song, but that beat and flow definitely slaps hard! 🎵🎤🎵

I tried to catch some fog earlier. I mist.

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55 minutes ago, Karmadhi said:

But why do Arabs hate Jews when they lived together for centuries at peace? When they treated Jews far better than Europeans did historically. You can say "there was oppression", and maybe there was but far less than in Europe. When you see how Europeans treated Jews it is insane.

So it is not true that Arabs or Muslims are inherently anti Jewish. 

Israel created this hatred, therefore you need to start to think why is that the case? If Arabs were so anti semetic they would have wiped out the Jews a long time ago in Palestine. 

Why they want to do so now?

What changed?

Maybe because the way Jews in Israel acted made them anti Jewish?

Start thinking about this.

@Nivsch Same goes to you

They lived in peace, and they didn't live in peace, depending on the time, the area, and the leadership.


I don't think Israel is entirely responsible for creating this hatred.

Perhaps the immigration of Jews to Israel and the establishment of the state triggered pre-existing feelings of superiority towards Jews, leading to hatred.

They were used to the historical fact that Jews were under their control since the dawn of Islam.

And here, what they see is that an inferior group (to Islam) becomes superior, winning a war, establishing a Jewish state, which triggered feelings of humiliation.

It certainly hurt Muslim pride and the collective self-image they held, as well as the image they had of Jews in relation to Muslims.

The most conscientious solution is not to attack Jews or harbor resentment for their expulsion of Arabs to build a state in a Jewish historical homeland for survival.

Instead, it is essential for them to introspect and recognize that Islam have expelled many nations throughout history, committing actions more brutal than what Jews may have done, acknowledge the dirt caused to people in the name of Islam.

Acknowledging that Jews also deserve autonomy and one state of their own, while they already have many Muslim states, fostering forgiveness, and moving forward is a path toward understanding, resolution and peace.

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Edited by Nivsch

🌻Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF.

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1 hour ago, OBEler said:

What's going on with this thread? 200k views 

   When people are too biased, too dogmatic, too close minded and too triggered, we get threads 300 pages and counting with some heated debates and instigations and exchanges, that's what's going on!😂

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15 hours ago, Heaven said:

Jewish country is justified after the holocaust.

The UN agreed they will live in Israel. So they didn’t just occupied the land.

Israel is the Jewish country for almost a 100 years. They are not going to move anywhere. The acceptance should be there to begin with after holocaust. Or maybe there should be a WW3 for Muslim countries to accept it.

Israel doesn’t oppress Syria, Iran, Lebanon, Qatar. Still those countries are doing anything they can to terrorize Israel. It was never about Palestinians and Israel it is much broader.

9/11 Didn’t happen because America is oppressing the Middle East but because of power games.

The history repeat itself. Just in a more complex way. Hamas = Nazis = Isis. 
To try to justify their actions is to believe a story that they are telling you. Guess what? They are lying to you.

+1 🧡

Liked your points.

Edited by Nivsch

🌻Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF.

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43 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

They lived in peace, and they didn't live in peace, depending on the time, the area, and the leadership.


I don't think Israel is entirely responsible for creating this hatred.

Perhaps the immigration of Jews to Israel and the establishment of the state triggered pre-existing feelings of superiority towards Jews, leading to hatred.

They were used to the historical fact that Jews were under their control since the dawn of Islam.

And here, what they see is that an inferior group (to Islam) becomes superior, winning a war, establishing a Jewish state, which triggered feelings of humiliation.

It certainly hurt Muslim pride and the collective self-image they held, as well as the image they had of Jews in relation to Muslims.

The most conscientious solution is not to attack Jews or harbor resentment for their expulsion of Arabs to build a state in a Jewish historical homeland for survival.

Instead, it is essential for them to introspect and recognize that Islam have expelled many nations throughout history, committing actions more brutal than what Jews may have done, acknowledge the dirt caused to people in the name of Islam.

Acknowledging that Jews also deserve autonomy and one state of their own, while they already have many Muslim states, fostering forgiveness, and moving forward is a path toward understanding, resolution and peace.

   So the ultimate logical conclusion is that you want Palestinians in Gaza, in West bank, to convert to western values and democracy and stop fighting? Also by implication you want Syria, Egypt, Lebanon, Turkey, Yemen, most of Iran, to just speed up development into western democracy, egalitarianism, and feminism? You ultimately want this American ideology to quickly spread and infest most of the middle east, regardless of cultural lose to those following Islam?

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5 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:


   When people are too biased, too dogmatic, too close minded and too triggered, we get threads 300 pages and counting with some heated debates and instigations and exchanges, that's what's going on!😂

This thread must actually bee the book Leo was referring to that he was working on


I tried to catch some fog earlier. I mist.

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1 hour ago, Yimpa said:

I have absolutely no idea what’s being said in the song, but that beat and flow definitely slaps hard! 🎵🎤🎵

Yes the beat is awesome, I think that I've seen a translation of the song by someone in the comments on YT.

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5 hours ago, Vrubel said:

Ben Gvir and Smotrich as elected officials is a new phenomenon in Israel. Historically Israel’s leader were very down to earth and uncorrupted (they had to be for survival of the country), I can still see this integrity within the center left. 

I connected some dots today and realized that what many people here in this thread see as "Israel" is ,mainly, the 5% most far-right sector. I now understand this when I remember all the links and statements being quoted here.

Why is that? Maybe those 5% have the highest sound volume, or that the world media wants to focus almost solely on them out of a confirmation bias. 

Edited by Nivsch

🌻Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF.

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15 hours ago, Heaven said:

Jewish country is justified after the holocaust.

The UN agreed they will live in Israel. So they didn’t just occupied the land.

Israel is the Jewish country for almost a 100 years. They are not going to move anywhere. The acceptance should be there to begin with after holocaust. Or maybe there should be a WW3 for Muslim countries to accept it.

Israel doesn’t oppress Syria, Iran, Lebanon, Qatar. Still those countries are doing anything they can to terrorize Israel. It was never about Palestinians and Israel it is much broader.

9/11 Didn’t happen because America is oppressing the Middle East but because of power games.

The history repeat itself. Just in a more complex way. Hamas = Nazis = Isis. 
To try to justify their actions is to believe a story that they are telling you. Guess what? They are lying to you.



   So because Jewish country is justified after holocaust gives them a genocidal pass? If I survived your attempts at murder, and you killed some of my family, am I justified in murdering you back, because I nearly got murdered and you killed some of my family?

   When did the UN agree they would live in Israel?

   Israel is Jewish country for almost 100 years, they aren't going anywhere, justifies the IDF in using dumb bombs, targeting civilian buildings, destroying 70% and more buildings in Gaza, and restricting Aid from outside world? In comparison, when allies bombed Germany during WW2, 40% of Germany's buildings got destroyed, so why the 70% plus destroyed buildings in Gaza? Also why assume a binary ultimatum for the Muslim countries nearby, to accept Israel unconditionally or do WW3, when this specific issue is genocidal intent and acts by IDF onto Gazans?

   So what 'power games' are you referring to here that caused 9/11 in America?

   How does HAMAs=Nazis=ISIS, when Israel=N? Why is trying to justify their actions=believing a story told? Who's lying to who? 

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3 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

Yes the beat is awesome, I think that I've seen a translation of the song by someone in the comments on YT.

Imma need to cross-reference them on https://genius.com/ and it better have that green verification checkmark to prove that it’s the right lyrics!

I tried to catch some fog earlier. I mist.

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I am biased about this war since I am a non-white progressive person living in America.

I tried to catch some fog earlier. I mist.

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53 minutes ago, Nivsch said:


This reminds me the iconic performance (including the dance) of Noa in the Eurovision show:


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11 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

This reminds me the iconic performance (including the dance) of Noa in the Eurovision show:


Oh yes that was super iconic 🤩

And Neta in 2018 too.

To be honest Sweden's song this year was beyond amazing (but the performance was less to my type).

Edited by Nivsch

🌻Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF.

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8 minutes ago, Nivsch said:

Oh yes that was super iconic 🤩

And Neta in 2018 too.


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12 minutes ago, Nivsch said:

To be honest Sweden's song this year was beyond amazing (but the performance was less to my type).

I'm in love with the Sweden song, loved the performance too!

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Netanyahu and his supporters are far bigger threats to Israel than Hamas.

He is now admitting he will never abide by a Palestinian state. He wants to continue the status quo, blockade Gaza, mass bomb them when they try to resist creating orphans for extremists to recruit, and allow settlers to slowly force out those in the West Bank. This is assured violence, this is the situation that lead to every attack on Israel in the past decades including Oct 7. This is going to blow up when the surrounding middle eastern countries have had enough and given that Israel has nukes and is prepared to use them, it could take the rest of the world with them.

Virtually every other country in the entire world including the US believes a Palestinian state is the only chance for peace. 

If the US keeps supporting Israel after this it’s going to be clear they are entirely in the pocket of AIPAC.

Young voters are souring on Israel and this will continue until they are the majority of voters in 30 years, but by then Orthodox Jews will be a much larger population in Israel and their politics will be even more extreme.

This is a disaster in the making.


Edited by Raze

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