Leo Gura

New War In Israel / Gaza

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A brief clip giving a rare glimpse into the situation at Rafah, near to the Gaza / Egypt border. Tents continue to build up.

Date presumed to be yesterday - 19th Jan 2024.



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@Danioover9000 I agree with most of your things you wrote here.

The problem though as I see it, is that, hezbollah can still attack on the ground with dozens of Israeli killed (even if IDF is well spreaded there already) and also and maybe the main problem now, to shoot an anti tank missiles against civilians which proved to be a well known tactic of him.

This is why I don't know if anything but a preventive attack on him can remove this threat to the residents who want to live there safely.

Edited by Nivsch

🌻Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF.

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People denied the holocaust..They will deny the actions made by Hamas on October 7th.

People will always try to justify their opinions rather than look on facts.

Israel didn’t occupy any land for over 40 years and still terror will terrorize. Don’t try to find logic in illogical actions. Like taping innocent girls and kill people in a party.

Israel is in existential risk to be more accurate the Jewish people. If it was your life or another person, what would you do?

Terror organizations are highly manipulative to choose “poor” Gaza for this war to make it look like Israel is the oppressor. The real players against Israel is Iran, Russia, Turkey, Yemen, Lebanon and Palestinians(Obviously not all of them).

Suddenly it doesn’t look like Israel is the strongest one.

Leo I consider you a really smart person to have such a narrow view on this topic. But it’s fine because you live 15 hours flight away.


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Saturday Jan 20th 2024

Hugely damning CNN video report into the desecration of 16 Gaza cemeteries by the Israeli military. 

Aside from being yet another war crime under International Law (civil infrastructure), what's interesting is that it is CNN reporting on it.

Historically CNN tend to be biased in Israel's favor, but that's obviously not the case here. 




Edited by kenway

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1 hour ago, Heaven said:

People denied the holocaust..They will deny the actions made by Hamas on October 7th.

No one serious is denying that Hamas is awful.


Israel didn’t occupy any land for over 40 years and still terror will terrorize.

That's false.

It is this view which is the root of this whole problem. This whole notion that terrorism comes out of some black hole is patently false. Israel's policies and actions directly contribute to the creation of terrorism. Just as US actions did with 9/11.


Leo I consider you a really smart person to have such a narrow view on this topic. But it’s fine because you live 15 hours flight away.

Or perhaps I just don't indulge in your biases.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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10 minutes ago, Raze said:


   Yeah that Bassam Youssef in PBD was just something else, Adam was just crushed down!😂

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25 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

It is this view which is the root of this whole problem. This whole notion that terrorism comes out of some black hole is patently false. Israel's policies and actions directly contribute to the creation of terrorism. Just as US actions did with 9/11.

In the other hand, serious terror activities against the Jews here were also in the 1920s and 1930s, Israel went highly towards the Palestinians five time with five different agreements in the 1990s and the answer was the 2nd Intifada, and couple of more times with peace proposals during the 2000s which every one of those deals means automatically stopping settlements expansion forever, but the Palestinians refused, and refused, and refused.

Edited by Nivsch

🌻Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF.

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16 minutes ago, Nivsch said:

In the other hand, serious terror activities against the Jews here were also in the 1920s and 1930s,

If that's true, ask yourself why.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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41 minutes ago, kenway said:



I tried to catch some fog earlier. I mist.

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@Leo Gura I thought about violence of forceful stealing in those years and searched for it but could not find it yet. If you or someone else knows about this you can share. 

Edited by Nivsch

🌻Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF.

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@Nivsch I don't have that deep of a historical knowledge of that region. From what I heard small groups of Jews mostly lived in Palestine peacefully for a long time pre-Israel.

Obviously ethic violence was always a thing to some degree in all places. So some of that is normal.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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40 minutes ago, Nivsch said:

@Leo Gura I thought about violence of forceful stealing in those years and searched for it but could not find it yet. If you or someone else knows about this you can share. 

Iv seen this documentary circulated around before call Tantura. 


The problem is that these men were traumatised from Germany and then inflicted further trauma which has led to a back and forth till today.

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In 1948 the Arabs started the war when the Jews were mostly in deffense and after almost lost it all and only then changed tactic in which neither of the sides was an angel in this Jungle conditions.

I understand that the terror today is because of Israel and the terror before Israel is just a natural course of a conflict. Ok. Doesnt make so much sense to me but everyone can think whatever they want. Not gonna push anything.

Edited by Nivsch

🌻Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF.

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From ReliefWeb (United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs)

Hostilities in the Gaza Strip and Israel - 19th Jan 2024

https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/hostilities-gaza-strip-and-israel-flash-update-96-enarhe#:~:text=Additionally%2C due to the lack,since the outbreak of hostilities.


"As of 18 January, the MoH in Gaza stated that over 8,000 cases of viral Hepatitis A resulting from overcrowding in shelters had been recorded. The number of hepatitis cases is expected to double in overcrowded shelters. Additionally, due to the lack of access to hospitals, 60,000 pregnant women are at risk of not receiving adequate care in case of complications. Hundreds of cases of miscarriages and premature births have been reported since the outbreak of hostilities."

There are 60,000 pregnant women currently in Gaza.

No food, no aid, no home.

All because they have the wrong ethnicity.



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Very rare Palestine footage from 1896

Muslims, Christians and Jews living peacefully.

(Ironically, 1896 was also the year that Theodore Herzl over in Europe wrote 'The Jewish State', and within 50 years everything would change)


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2 hours ago, Heaven said:

People denied the holocaust..They will deny the actions made by Hamas on October 7th.

People will always try to justify their opinions rather than look on facts.

Israel didn’t occupy any land for over 40 years and still terror will terrorize. Don’t try to find logic in illogical actions. Like taping innocent girls and kill people in a party.

Israel is in existential risk to be more accurate the Jewish people. If it was your life or another person, what would you do?

Terror organizations are highly manipulative to choose “poor” Gaza for this war to make it look like Israel is the oppressor. The real players against Israel is Iran, Russia, Turkey, Yemen, Lebanon and Palestinians(Obviously not all of them).

Suddenly it doesn’t look like Israel is the strongest one.

Leo I consider you a really smart person to have such a narrow view on this topic. But it’s fine because you live 15 hours flight away.


No ones denying the Holocaust or that October 7th was terrible. What is denied by a lot of pro Israelis is the context behind such an atrocity and the reaction to that atrocity being completely disproportionate - all in the name of defence. 

Israel isn’t at threat existentially - Hamas don’t have a navy, airforce, nukes, tanks or the numbers to invade. It was partly border negligence, partly incompetence, distraction (personnel in West Bank) and who knows what else (conspiratorial) that allowed them to pour in the way they did and with the delayed response from the IDF.

Israel becoming a pariah state puts it at risk more than Hamas. Defying international law by saying they will go ahead and do as they please despite the ICJ hearing - and Bibi denying a state and confirming they want complete control of the land (from the river to the sea) despite the world opinion including Israels main backer (US) wanting a two state solution to settle the situation. 

IDF mocking the war situation on tik tok continuously also puts Israel at further risk of isolation by how disgusting the behaviour is. The Gazans were criticised for celebrating the October 7th breach of the fence (whether they knew war crimes were being committed and that’s what they were celebrating is another thing) but what’s not acknowledged is the same criticism of the IDF’s mockery of their actions in Gaza which Israel should temper for its own sake and image of its people.

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Jan 20 2024 - Israel destroying an entire Palestinian village.


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