
Why Video Games Lower Consciousness?

15 posts in this topic

Hello, I am really fascinated about computer programming and also spirituality. Currently, I am meditating and also working on enlightenment process, but at the same time I am developing websites and also working on mobile apps. I am finishing my 12th grade this year and would like to major in computer programming, because I see a huge possibility to earn a significant amount of money from IT. And also my friends/colleges will be studying there, too.  After acquiring a required money and skills set I am willing to invest all that into creating a mobile games company. But at the same time, I hear a lot of negative feedback about mobile games. People say that games are counter productive and more actualized ones claim that they lower consciousness...However, I did an interesting investigation, which disproved this belief. I watched really closely my attention and all perceptions while playing games. And I definitively feel, that not all games distract you, because some of them even evolve your creativity and create a mindful state, filled with a high level of concentration. Also, I have contemplated a lot about future of humanity and I see that a lot of careers will be automated by robots/AI, like doctors, lawyers and etc. At the same time, I feel that people will even play video games more, but for creative and mindful reasons. Not for fast enjoyment  and escaping reality. That is why, I would like to hear some researched opinion about video games. I just can't see it as a factor for lowering consciousness, if playing simple, not fast paced and beautifully designed games. But maybe it is just my ego trying to defend my beliefs and my life purpose :)

Edited by vikisss1

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I Am not an expert in this area, but Yesterday i downloaded a stupid app on my phone, which i am now kind of addicted to and dependent on. I Think i spent maybe two hours just playing, and when i Started meditating later that day, i found it Harder than ever to focus. i Got all frustrated and annoyed because i just wanted to skip and keep playing.. so on the spirituality path, it can difinitely be a distraction! But i agree that it can improve Peoples creativity.

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playing video games is an empty circumstance, if you feel fresh, if you feel better after playing a video game,if you feel like you learned something about yourself playing that game, then that video game is the right path to take. 
I used to have an intense connection to a game in this way when I was younger,I was learning about myself while playing the game. 

If you merely feel distracted, like you managed to find a way to pass another hour and not be bored then it's not really productive. 

but the video gaming in itself is neutral. 
Your higher self may want you to be playing video games or not, it's up to you to trust and accept the wisdom of your highest self and be honest with yourself about how you feel while playing

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@vikisss1 I am playing a game right now called "The Witness". I think it is an interesting example of a constructive video game because I feel like it forces you to use your intuition and not rely so much on your logical mind. If you rely on your logical mind then the puzzles are overwhelmingly hard and you will give up. But if you just observe and let a deeper part of your mind do the processing, then you will find yourself solving puzzles that seemed impossible. 

I wasn't going to post this here, but then I strait up ran into a quote in the game about infinity and god. So I felt like I had to post this here.

The kingdom of heaven is within.

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As said every coin has two sides. Specifically, when one discusses about the advantages and disadvantages of playing video games, one needs to consider both the sides. Although some may feel it's a total waste of time or even as a distraction, there is also one side which claim that playing video games can treat ADHD. Sometimes, playing video games non stop can be monotonous. But the efforts taken by a person to understand and play the games increases their learning capacity. One gets socially involved and also playing video games also slows down the aging process. There are exclusive offers being provided by different store providers just to boost up the gaming experience of a person. Also, no game can uplift your spiritual conscious, this can be done only with a strong will power which can be built by playing a video game.

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On 24/03/2017 at 8:09 PM, vikisss1 said:

Hello, I am really fascinated about computer programming and also spirituality. Currently, I am meditating and also working on enlightenment process, but at the same time I am developing websites and also working on mobile apps. I am finishing my 12th grade this year and would like to major in computer programming, because I see a huge possibility to earn a significant amount of money from IT. And also my friends/colleges will be studying there, too.  After acquiring a required money and skills set I am willing to invest all that into creating a mobile games company. But at the same time, I hear a lot of negative feedback about mobile games. People say that games are counter productive and more actualized ones claim that they lower consciousness...However, I did an interesting investigation, which disproved this belief. I watched really closely my attention and all perceptions while playing games. And I definitively feel, that not all games distract you, because some of them even evolve your creativity and create a mindful state, filled with a high level of concentration. Also, I have contemplated a lot about future of humanity and I see that a lot of careers will be automated by robots/AI, like doctors, lawyers and etc. At the same time, I feel that people will even play video games more, but for creative and mindful reasons. Not for fast enjoyment  and escaping reality. That is why, I would like to hear some researched opinion about video games. I just can't see it as a factor for lowering consciousness, if playing simple, not fast paced and beautifully designed games. But maybe it is just my ego trying to defend my beliefs and my life purpose :)

Here's an idea for game design. Yes, make it mindful. Perhaps make a game where a player gets penalised if they are not mindful.

I personally was in programming,  but got out of it because of the information overload at work that I was just supposed to know. 

You can imagine a guy who was trying to achieve a state of no thought and every day being bombarded by new things to think about.

I dreamed of being homeless.. 

Free yourself from attachment; Free yourself from fear; Free yourself from desire; Take deep breaths through the diaphragm and train that muscle; Meditate and meld with reality; Never skip spirit day 🙏 🤲 Don't have enemies, they are you.

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Games make you chase numerous little achievements/do repetitive plausible actions that are a source of pleasure for your ego.

Chasing pleasure can never satisfy the ego, it will always want more of it. That is why it's low consciousness, you get addicted to stimulation and become like a squirrel in the wheel. While high consciousness means to give up your pursuit for pleasure and realize that being itself is hella satisfying. 

Game addict is unable to sit under the three and admire nature for hours because it's not stimulating enough. He will take his phone and play floppy bird and crave to get back home.

I think if you are fascinated with IT you can look for ways to make people curious about high consciousness by using technology and ego's weaknesses. This is what Leo does, he uses content overconsumption maschine called 'YouTube' to make people interested in consciousness.


Edited by Privet



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@Colin Yes! I love this, very creative and beautiful game.

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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It's distracting you from being present in the "real" world.

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Most games abuse psychology the same way or even worse as ads do. Overstimulation and addiction are main dangers. The same arguments that go against porn could go against games.

Some games are very bad, some are ok and from a few you can even benefit and learn something. But most developers want to make serious money on their games, so they create very bad, addictive ones and that's what people play the most.

Playing a game is mostly a "short-term pleasure vs. long-term satisfaction" argument. In my opinion it just can't ever satisfy you and after few years you will wake up with regret and remorse. I am only 19 and I already feel like I have wasted a lot of my early potential by watching cartoons and playing video games. And I wasn't even that into playing! It feels like instead of becoming a full fledged human being, I am a mass produced product without character that stills needs to grow up. Thankfully, now I have the choice! And I choose not to play games.

Edited by Girzo

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I cant play story games/adventure games. It consumes too much time. I like to play quick competitive games that I can play an hour tops. COD, Rocket League, Fortnite. I just pick up the controller and play for an hour tops once or twice a week. Not bad for me honestly. 

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I think because video game is like a perceptive reality that works differently on different people. Actually, I believe that VR was created for such purposes and it's true since there were different cases where people told about losing consciousness after some hours of playing... U know, guys, I feel the same pleasure when I gamble in TFT. This game has an option that gives u a chance to learn more about the tactical combat things. Actually, there's only one thing that disturbs me and it's ranking of the profile. The process goes soo long that I can't spend it on the things that I want to spend. However, I'm glad that there is a boosting service that can help me with my task. It's not expensive so I believe it's a lot better to use such service, because u can liber the personal time..

Edited by SebastianBailey

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@vikisss1 i was gonna object to your post title but I seen that you are also saying that it doesn't always lower awareness but actually might even increase awareness. I mean, complex and difficult video games are what pushed my mind to think independently and in extreme measures of creativity. I cant really talk though because I don't know what awareness is haha, no clue whatsoever. It'll take more DMT trips.

I think video games boost overall mind power though. However they can be bad, releasing dopamine alllllll the time and 12 year olds spending 4 hours every single day on Minecraft, C.S go and fortnight. It releases the same chemical that gambling releases, making it addictive.

Edited by Aaron p

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