
Here's why you don't need shadow work

63 posts in this topic

23 hours ago, Federico del pueblo said:

@Javfly33 What's your practice? 

Like, what concretely do you do each day to pump up your energies? And what are the states like you reach with it?

Shamavhi kriya, Sadhguru teaches at the end of inner engineering course.

The states I reach are beyond anything you can imagine if you haven't gone there.

It blows any other state that I knew.

I could talk a lot about this, and at the end of the day, all that matters is producing this states AT WILL NOW, not just during a practice, but...for example with Bandhas (body locks), I have produced such intense awareness that any trace of existence Vs me completely disappears.

Now...this might seem as a normal non dual meditation state...it's not. This Bandhas effect are beyond anything I've gotten to mediating. There is such intensity of awareness that perception just becomes like an empty Diamond of Pure Power. It's just YOU, AND YOU. When you touch this just for a few seconds each day, you know what really Mastery/Pleasure/Victory really is.

I think at the end of the day, that's what all this is. If you touch this states everyday, you have a real comparison on what is actual well being, Blissfulness, Love, Victory. You know thoughts are just hell. You just don't want to go there ever again.


With thoughts you will never win this game. 

22 hours ago, Sincerity said:

Cool story. Who's pumping up these energies though? Who's activating anything?

In short You're saying: your methods are shit, my methods are good. Don't deceive yourself You aren't lost in ego. Be honest with yourself, stop lying so damn much, and opportunity can happen for you to go beyond the endless cycle. ;)

In conclusion I am awake and You're not, I know that I am lost in ego and You don't. I am the bomb ? and I win.

Hehe. :P

Method I learn from a famous Guru. The method is nothing super rare or special. Anyone can do it .

The method is not precisely the point. The point is coming to such realization of Love and Light that you accept yourself so much as a Being of pure power and light (God) that you stop fucking around with the ego and mind horror story. And start really mastering your Life (mind, body, energies, emotions)


21 hours ago, Davino said:

Just by the way you talk is clear that you need shadow work.

I see no bliss at all in your words. Yet you seem to preach that everyday you explote in infinite bliss, like it's so casual for you that you need no more shadow work. I really feel no love and bliss behind your words. How can you resolve this contradiction? 

@Davino Because I still fall to the trap.

But it's clear at a certain intuition intelligence that all there is worthwhile to life it's just over powering any kind of ego thought with intense Awareness.

I still have to tune my methods. I'm probably at about 0.1% of the waking time blisses out/God vS 99.9% in ego.

But it's clear to me that I can tweak that percentage upside down.

What I'm pointing out is: do not waste your time in ANY thought story of the self. It will not only make you suffer, it will also waste you time.

20 hours ago, 001 said:

well you're right thoughts are completely delusional but this is just another thought lol there is no escape 

after thinking about your posts it's true I used the term shadow work without truly knowing its meaning as for example what carl jung teach about the shadow but who is thinking your posts are true or not my ego or not??



10 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

@Javfly33so women painting their toenails should be a blissful experience for you then. Why acknowledge the frustration that arose. Maybe shadow work might help. 

That topic was because I was under an ego state. 

The moment you identified yourself with the body you Constructed the whole 'illusion'. If you realize everything that you know is accumulated identity, even the Creation or so called 'Dream' is also another identification. You are not in any place at all, you are beyond any identity.. 

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12 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

You can break the identification with your body, but the body still needs food and care, and it will affect your llfe. Shadow work is similarly about taking care of certain aspects of your mind, and it will affect your life, regardless of breaking identification with your mind or not.

See, here's the thing.

Right now you think some parts of your mind are still you, that's why you think there's something to do about yourself, like shadow work, or healing some parts.

 @Carl-Richard When you repeatedly verify that you are never, ever, a thought story, a concept, or an identity, you obviously realize that you are not God/Awareness only when you are in a peak meditation state, or in a psychedelic, you are that God/Pure Awareness NOW, NOW, NOW.

NOW, you have your energies slept, or intoxicated by ego thoughts, and you believe that there's a you that needs to be healed.

See, I'm not denying that the mind and body might do some behaviours that are not the best for survival (maybe who knows, someone has an addiction for shoplifting and that gets them into trouble). See, I'm not saying that is OK, I'm not saying that is a good use. All I'm saying is, you as God(or awareness, or nothing, or who ever you want to call yourself), is not a thought or concept. So you work on yourself as God, and that means, ACTIVATING yourself, stop being lost in thoughts, if Awareness is Awake, activated, channels are opened, then the body and mind will work to the best of its abilities, and it will do the necessary things or most optimal things. Suddenly shop lifting won't happen, because there is a certain consciousness or Intelligence that is not unconsciously feeding into the thoguth or energy patters that produce that behaviour.

See the difference? I'm not saying humans are perfect or don't do dumb things that it would be better they don't. I'm saying You as Who You Are, is not a concept, human, identity, or a memory, and thus your "zone of work" so to speak is not that one of bettering anything (because you are already Perfect), but rather of activating yourself and reclaiming the Power you are Now.


12 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:



12 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:



The moment you identified yourself with the body you Constructed the whole 'illusion'. If you realize everything that you know is accumulated identity, even the Creation or so called 'Dream' is also another identification. You are not in any place at all, you are beyond any identity.. 

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How do you define shadow work?

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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1 hour ago, Carl-Richard said:


How do you define shadow work?

13 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:


By the meaning I've gotten out of it, it's sort of working on yourself, like for example healing your inner child, or solving stuck emotions, or something like that.

The moment you identified yourself with the body you Constructed the whole 'illusion'. If you realize everything that you know is accumulated identity, even the Creation or so called 'Dream' is also another identification. You are not in any place at all, you are beyond any identity.. 

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2 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

By the meaning I've gotten out of it, it's sort of working on yourself, like for example healing your inner child, or solving stuck emotions, or something like that.

So I guess it's an intention to do those things. You can argue that awakening leads to the ego being healed in a spontaneous and intuitive way, rather than an intentional way. But that is just one way to heal your ego, and I don't see it replacing the role of shadow work. You can still do shadow work while being awakened, and you will probably be more inclined to do so (or at least be better at it, as @SeaMonster pointed out in the other thread). You'll still be able to form intentions, plan things and set goals, despite being awakened. Awakening is not a lobotomy of your higher mental functions. It only frees them from certain constraints. So I don't see shadow work being "bullshit", just "different shit" than awakening.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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I never got the need for Shadow Work - except when I gifted my gf at the time one of Teal Swan's books, Shadows before Dawn - and that was because she was, like 99.999% of people, immersed, identified and addicted to thoughts. And that gift got this body a few pleasurable experiences B|, since then it was "obvious" I really understood her.

That was even before the realization of the nature of thought, there was still something that prevented me from getting too deep into shadow work. It must have been Bentinho Massaro who said something along the lines of "If you think you need to do shadow work, the mind will keep you occupied with shadow work for decades :ph34r:."

Which is not to say it's totally useless for everybody. Each spiritual path is unique, and if some believe they need to first change "their" negative thoughts/feelings of powerlessness/fear/despair/etc to better feeling thoughts, before they can have other considered by some more advanced/higher awakenings, who are we to disagree?

That was a trick question... @Javfly33 by simply creating these topics (and I like them a lot) and "arguing", us who disagree with shadow work are being pointed to a (small amount) of shadow work we might perform on ourselves. Note that in the moment you're creating these topics, you also are identified with the thoughts that say "those imbeciles, they're so silly about being identified with their thoughts, let me shine the light upon them"  xD

Then the opposing camp is assigning us the label of "spiritual bypassing", and round and round we go. What are we bypassing? A whole bunch of thoughts, after having seen their true nature? well... alright then...


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9 hours ago, josemar said:

Note that in the moment you're creating these topics, you also are identified with the thoughts that say "those imbeciles, they're so silly about being identified with their thoughts, let me shine the light upon them"  xD


I know, you are so right ? 

The moment you identified yourself with the body you Constructed the whole 'illusion'. If you realize everything that you know is accumulated identity, even the Creation or so called 'Dream' is also another identification. You are not in any place at all, you are beyond any identity.. 

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18 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

I know, you are so right ? 

I’m a lefty. Biden 2024! 

Why did the snake need glasses? Because it had a reptile dysfunction!

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Shadow work is somewhat helpful if you have many small traumas along with the big ones. If you work on the small traumas, you will be able to break free from them easily. 

Well, it's easy to say that one can be blissful and have high energy but it's not easy to embody this bliss. 

Also, it's not easy to let go of all traumas or some physical ailments or pain you may have. If you can do that, then you are probably enlightened or highly awakened which most of us are not.

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Just now, hyruga said:

Also, it's not easy to let go of all traumas or some physical ailments or pain you may have. If you can do that, then you are probably enlightened or highly awakened which most of us are not.

Learn to appreciate aspects of yourself that you  aren’t allowing yourself to be in alignment with. 

The goal is not to eliminate suffering, but to see what suffering is clearly. 

Why did the snake need glasses? Because it had a reptile dysfunction!

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On 22/6/2023 at 3:24 PM, Javfly33 said:

This is the one of the highest teachings you will find. I'm not going to try to convince people, I'll just ask one question, and you think for yourself the answer.

If you could be blissed out by yourself, totally intense, just way beyond any thoughts of ideas, would you waste your time and energy in arguing and losing yourself with thoughts?

Because at the end of the day, that's all there is to shadow work, or healing, or etc. Thought, identity, memory, self with minus s.

So I find really ironic, that you guys say you are so Awake, yet you cant get this simple thing. The moment you guys tell me "you need to work out your shadows", at that precise moment I know that absolutely you are lost in the ego Illusion and you understand yourself still as a hurt imaginary character (that is built by thoughts).

This is the reality. You don't know how to pump up your energies, you are lost in thought as always, you don't how to activate Intensity and Blissfulness to break through any kind of stuckness and identification in mind.

But I won't convince you, just see for yourself. Be honest with yourself, stop lying so damn much, and opportunity can happen for you to go beyond the endless cycle.

I asked the same question to a christian missionary that was in Africa. I said to him why not just be a hermit and be blissful by yourself meditating?

He said because the well-being of the children is more important than my own happiness.

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@Shawn Philips Perfect example of the opposite of pedophilia. 

Both love children, but one is obviously acting more selflessly.

Why did the snake need glasses? Because it had a reptile dysfunction!

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22 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

Shamavhi kriya, Sadhguru teaches at the end of inner engineering course.

Sounds amazing. So overall you'd say the inner engineering course from Sadghuru was the best investment of your life?

Somewhere else you talked about how for about a year you were just unravelling knots with some yoga technique or so, to then eventually experience all this bliss. Is this working on the knots related to the Sadghuru course?

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2 hours ago, Federico del pueblo said:

Sounds amazing. So overall you'd say the inner engineering course from Sadghuru was the best investment of your life?


I´d say after doing that course something clicked in me in what I really value in life. 

The thing about teachings... I know its very personal, and some people think going full throttle on a single type of teaching its mistake...yet as I wrote in the past, 1-2 years ago when I was coming down on acid I did the infinity meditation video of YouTube and what happened there completely made me realize sadhguru wasn't talking just shit, when I touched a certain thing that shattered through all bondage to thought-body, I knew wanted that before anything else. I think at that point its when I intuit isha teaching could fit perfectly with me.


Somewhere else you talked about how for about a year you were just unravelling knots with some yoga technique or so, to then eventually experience all this bliss. Is this working on the knots related to the Sadghuru course?

Yes, it is the same thing. Before certain asanas postures are taught in the course that you should do before doing shamavhi

Even though the real juice its in the pranayama (Imo), the asanas are also very important, I believe they have done as important work in me as the kriya itself. 

Hatha yoga is more powerful than people think...the issue is in western society people think Hatha yoga its gimnastics and relaxation.. so people think its just doing postures lol

Edited by Javfly33

The moment you identified yourself with the body you Constructed the whole 'illusion'. If you realize everything that you know is accumulated identity, even the Creation or so called 'Dream' is also another identification. You are not in any place at all, you are beyond any identity.. 

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1 hour ago, Javfly33 said:

I´d say after doing that course something clicked in me in what I really value in life. 


Now may I also ask you how this spiritual practice and the awakenings have affected your worldly, material life (if you still have one).

I can still vaguely remember our exchanges from about over 1 year ago in which we talked about dating related stuff etc. Is that still any element in your life or on break or abandoned, transcended or whatever? 

How have your views and emotions changed? 

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9 minutes ago, Federico del pueblo said:


Now may I also ask you how this spiritual practice and the awakenings have affected your worldly, material life (if you still have one).

I can still vaguely remember our exchanges from about over 1 year ago in which we talked about dating related stuff etc. Is that still any element in your life or on break or abandoned, transcended or whatever? 

How have your views and emotions changed? 

Good questions.

I would say material attachments hasn't been abandoned. But the focus on how I try to act on them (like dating) has changed.

There's an stable understanding than everything that I must do in the world, must happen within a pleasurable-well being state of consciousness, and not otherwise (trying to get whatever, in order to feel good).

Not much has changed in my dating or career challenges from 1 year to now though. What has changed is how I feel within in regards to it. Some different results have started to happen in life as a result of this, but still at the beginning phase.

The moment you identified yourself with the body you Constructed the whole 'illusion'. If you realize everything that you know is accumulated identity, even the Creation or so called 'Dream' is also another identification. You are not in any place at all, you are beyond any identity.. 

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1 hour ago, Javfly33 said:

I would say material attachments hasn't been abandoned. But the focus on how I try to act on them (like dating) has changed.

There's an stable understanding than everything that I must do in the world, must happen within a pleasurable-well being state of consciousness, and not otherwise (trying to get whatever, in order to feel good).

Yep. It's like a change on the inside affects how you can operate in the outer world. 

If your energy changes, what happens to you in the material world changes too.

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@Javfly33 if you dont think about your trauma it doesnt exist.  Thats from the Absolute POV.  So from that point of view you are correct.  The ego is an illusion and thus so is any trauma.   

The issue is we don't dwell in the Absolute - we dwell within our minds.   So healing through shadow work is necessary.  I would love to live in the Absolute 24/7, but it's just not realistic when we look out through finite eyes.  What is finite can be wounded, and healing is necessary. 

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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21 minutes ago, Federico del pueblo said:

Yep. It's like a change on the inside affects how you can operate in the outer world. 

If your energy changes, what happens to you in the material world changes too.

Yes , indeed.

14 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:


The issue is we don't dwell in the Absolute - we dwell within out minds.   

That's not true brother.

Hear me out.

I have repeatedly gotten into states of being after practicing certain tools (like the one I was talking about in the previous messages to @Federico del pueblo) where there is something done to the energy level (not to the level of thoughts or emotions as other practices) where trauma/trauma related thoughts is not there. 

See, if you could see that what you were trying to solve was something that was a backpack that you were putting on your back everyday, and suddenly you realize it's something you can stop carrying it, would you carry it?

Before you thought you were this backpack, you thought you need to solve or heal this backpack because it was something or a part of you. But now you clearly see it's something that you pick up and attach to it.

Here's the mindfuck, trying to solve the trauma, it's literally feeding to the trauma. Because that's another thought that creates the illusion that there's something about you that is not absolutely Free and Light right now.

@josemar Maybe can confirm this to you:

This is not "Absolute" speaking stuff. This is real. But you guys keep doing the duality of relative Vs absolute. PLEASE realize that making this duality NOW it's literally the way the ego creates itself. 

There's only Absolute. You are not your mind ALWAYS, not only on a psychedelic tripping. As long as you do not know how to keep a distance from the mind and have a strong clarity of who you are (not as narrative! As an actuality!) then the endless cycle will not stop.



Thus why I keep repeating in this forum the importance about raising your energetic levels, and overall exploring other practices and tools that are different than meditation or psychedelics.

If you don't believe me, just look at drugs, there are certain drugs that let you operate completely in the world but at the same time block the trauma. Well, here's the thing, some of them block them, but others work in the way that the chemical does something to the energy of your system, so the energy consciousness level where the trauma exist, is lower to the consciousness energy level where the chemical is putting you, so you basically are at a point where it is "trascended" or in other words the energy system is no longer getting identified with the thoughts of trauma (and therefore, they stopped happening altogether for the duration of the effects of the drug)

Here's the thing. I have explored certain practices that do the same that drugs do, and sometimes they do it even more efficiently.



Edited by Javfly33

The moment you identified yourself with the body you Constructed the whole 'illusion'. If you realize everything that you know is accumulated identity, even the Creation or so called 'Dream' is also another identification. You are not in any place at all, you are beyond any identity.. 

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5 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

Yes , indeed.

That's not true brother.

Hear me out.

I have repeatedly gotten into states of being after practicing certain tools (like the one I was talking about in the previous messages to @Federico del pueblo) where there is something done to the energy level (not to the level of thoughts or emotions as other practices) where trauma/trauma related thoughts is not there. 

See, if you could see that what you were trying to solve was something that was a backpack that you were putting on your back everyday, and suddenly you realize it's something you can stop carrying it, would you carry it?

Before you thought you were this backpack, you thought you need to solve or heal this backpack because it was something or a part of you. But now you clearly see it's something that you pick up and attach to it.

Here's the mindfuck, trying to solve the trauma, it's literally feeding to the trauma. Because that's another thought that creates the illusion that there's something about you that is not absolutely Free and Light right now.

This is not "Absolute" speaking stuff. This is real. But you guys keep doing the duality relative Vs absolute. PLEASE realize that making this duality NOW it's literally the way the ego again creates itself. 


that drugs do, and sometimes they do it even more efficiently.


@Javfly33 what you are talking about can work - it is basically dissassociation from the self and thus disassociating from the trauma.  But notice that this IS a form of healing that you are doing.   Or to properly put in context - it is a defense mechanism.  The wound will still end up coming back because it is not a permanent heal.    You could technically float through life like this and be happy- which is why I said it could work.  I've used this method myself and I know it works.  But ultimately its better if you address baggage you are holding and resolve it so that it can't come back and nag at you later. 


Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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