
How Women Are Being Exploited & Traumatized Through AI Deepfakes

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Contemplate this: Imagine that every woman and pornstar is like QT, and imagine that she is your daughter. Notice how just by watching and using pornography to masturbate, you are supporting the demand for the continual objectification and exploitation of women.

“Oh, but R0ckyreed, there are some women who consent to it and so I watch them.”

You would be a fool and a poor parent if you would say that to your own child. Why is a stranger any different? You also don’t know what goes on behind the scenes, roles, and act. 

Think about that next time you jerk off. ;) 

But seriously, let’s look at this from the big picture. Society has shown us that with new innovations in technology come newer ways to flourish and hinder the development and consciousness of humanity. Whatever your life purpose is, you have to consider all the cons that could come out from your new invention because as they say, “everyone acts from good intentions.” And all new inventions will be used as weapons by Devils.

I am not telling you to nofap. I am telling you to noporn. Because fapping doesn’t hurt anyone, but porn does. You have always contemplate: “how is this going to affect my mind and consciousness?” “How am I a devil?”

The fact that there are hardly any laws that protect women from deepfakes is very unsettling.

Edited by r0ckyreed

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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When Indentity are in the arena things get difficult. And make no sense to say people should stop caring about their Identities

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Someone used AI to make a false Zelensky speech. 

Intel is developing an AI to spot this shit.


My guess would be that in the future, companies who use AI generated stuff must say so in the video. Like a logo somewhere.

For example, in EU's cookie law, when you visist a website it tells you that the site has cookies and you must consent. 

Edited by D2sage

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AI is an infinite creativity tool. As your imagination, or when you dream, you can also imagine your favourite celebrity doing nasty things, and what?

If we keep with this morality debates we will have in the future the thought-police that will put us in prison just by imagining things... that's crazy and orwellian.

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6 hours ago, r0ckyreed said:

Notice how just by watching and using pornography to masturbate, you are supporting the demand for the continual objectification and exploitation of women.

Thats sounds like an implication that porn (not just deepfake porn, but regular porn) can't be done in an ethical way. Do you actually believe in that?

6 hours ago, r0ckyreed said:

I am not telling you to nofap. I am telling you to noporn. Because fapping doesn’t hurt anyone, but porn does. You have always contemplate: “how is this going to affect my mind and consciousness?” “How am I a devil?”

If you really want to establish an argument here, you would have to argue how one person watching porn contributes to how much objectification and how much exploitation of women (assuming you have your own threshold , because there is a lot of stuff that somewhat contributes to the exploitation and objectification of women).

How much money does a person generate to the porn industry by sometimes watching porn (but never paying any money for it) and by the generation of that money, how much of that is directly contributing to how much exploitation and objectification of women?


6 hours ago, r0ckyreed said:

The fact that there are hardly any laws that protect women from deepfakes is very unsettling.

 Thats more than likely will change in the future. 

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On 17/02/2023 at 2:10 PM, r0ckyreed said:


Contemplate this: Imagine that every woman and pornstar is like QT, and imagine that she is your daughter. Notice how just by watching and using pornography to masturbate, you are supporting the demand for the continual objectification and exploitation of women.

“Oh, but R0ckyreed, there are some women who consent to it and so I watch them.”

You would be a fool and a poor parent if you would say that to your own child. Why is a stranger any different? You also don’t know what goes on behind the scenes, roles, and act. 

Think about that next time you jerk off. ;) 

But seriously, let’s look at this from the big picture. Society has shown us that with new innovations in technology come newer ways to flourish and hinder the development and consciousness of humanity. Whatever your life purpose is, you have to consider all the cons that could come out from your new invention because as they say, “everyone acts from good intentions.” And all new inventions will be used as weapons by Devils.

I am not telling you to nofap. I am telling you to noporn. Because fapping doesn’t hurt anyone, but porn does. You have always contemplate: “how is this going to affect my mind and consciousness?” “How am I a devil?”

The fact that there are hardly any laws that protect women from deepfakes is very unsettling.

   I'd have to disagree. Firstly, based on Spiral dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality typing and traits, states of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development, pornography is overall relative to one's sexuality, sexual orientation, sexual preferences and biases, kinks and fetishes. Also, due to immense technological, economic, and socioeconomic and sociological and sociocultural development,  as well as psychosexual and psychosocial development throughout history, pornography today is far more favorable due to many layers of simulations and virtual realities that you can safely explore your own tastes, compared to centuries of porn in the past when there wasn't the internet, and majority of pornography was largely physical beings interacting between.

   Yes, if you do contextualize pornography down, you can find some cases were porn may be doing some harm psychologically or physically, but overall pornography today is much more evolved than in the past which required human slaves, brothels, or actual abusive relationships to occur. Modern pornographyz while not perfect, caps those dark thoughts for the most part.

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@r0ckyreed The problem lies in all of us.  We all like to look at better-looking people.

Look at the Avengers, Robert Downing Jr, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson.  

There are also evolutionary elements of wanting to pass on better genes.  As a man, I'm going to mate with the best-looking person I can be compatible with and can mate with.  


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On 2/18/2023 at 3:59 AM, Shawn Philips said:

If we keep with this morality debates we will have in the future the thought-police that will put us in prison just by imagining things... that's crazy and orwellian.

Good point

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"No porn" is a good idea regardless of the existence of Deep Fakes.

As for banning it -- good luck.  It's like banning music file sharing back in the day before streaming services.  The best you can do is reduce the distribution channels.

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13 hours ago, SeaMonster said:

"No porn" is a good idea regardless of the existence of Deep Fakes.

As for banning it -- good luck.  It's like banning music file sharing back in the day before streaming services.  The best you can do is reduce the distribution channels.

   Well, the main issue, is not appreciating that pornography of today, has provided a lot of simulation and a virtual environment to explore sexual preferences safely, and underestimating the past forms of pornography being more crude and more eviler than modern pornography and that the majority of it was not by video or internet, but mostly by real bodies exploring sexual situations. The main issue is overestimating the harms of today's pornography, and underestimating the negatives of past forms of porn and real life sexual intercourses. No porn, even if it's an ideal, is just an ideal, and not a realistic attitude to take on, for men or women. What is needed, is stop demonizing today's pornography in generalizations, maybe to critic and offer more regulations of the pornography industry and commercial porn, but to stop being close minded and demonize abstractly.

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13 hours ago, Tanz said:

@r0ckyreed The problem lies in all of us.  We all like to look at better-looking people.

Look at the Avengers, Robert Downing Jr, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson.  

There are also evolutionary elements of wanting to pass on better genes.  As a man, I'm going to mate with the best-looking person I can be compatible with and can mate with.  


   That's true, the technological development is such that deep fake A.I can replicate almost accurately attractive features of the human face and human body, which can hijack the reptilian brain for more attention.

   Although, the deeper issue isn't deep fakes, it's the demonizing and close mindedness of the stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types, states of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development in various domains of life, and differences in ideological indoctrinations in upbringing. It's the overestimations and exaggerations of the dangers of modern pornography, whilst downplaying the bigger dangers of classical porn and real life sexual explorations, underestimating that today's pornography, for virtual and simulated environments offers safer explorations, but past forms of porn, don't have.

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@Danioover9000 Most people would rather have healthy, loving relationships, but that takes a lot more work than watching porn and even going after casual sex.  Very much like people who would love to have a fit chiseled body but do not want to put in the work for it.  

Having sex with someone you love feels a lot better than masturbating or having a one-night stand.  The real solution is not a viable one for most humans on this planet.  

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15 hours ago, Tanz said:

@Danioover9000 Most people would rather have healthy, loving relationships, but that takes a lot more work than watching porn and even going after casual sex.  Very much like people who would love to have a fit chiseled body but do not want to put in the work for it.  

Having sex with someone you love feels a lot better than masturbating or having a one-night stand.  The real solution is not a viable one for most humans on this planet.  

   I advocate for more understanding of this issue, rather than jumping ahead to prescriptive solutions, but that's me. This deep fake issue definitely has some interconnections to issues with pornography, and misunderstandings between the male and female mind.

   Ideally, for young men and women, go socialize in your circles, and date through social circles, or just cold approach at night clubs, bars, or if adventurous in the day. During the dating phase, occassionally study about short term relationships and long term relationships, until, eventually you burn through that sexual karma.

   Also related, is the red pill/blue pill conflations, and the black pill victimhood echo chambers that germinate and proliferate the Doomer or Incel mindset and worldview of the world and other people, especially the opposite sex or sexual interest, that Destiny and people like him sometimes do. Destiny has some good points for young men, and tries to communicate why it's good to have more ambitions and more long term goals than hyper pursuing short term goals like increasing one's date count, one night standing 10/10-8/10 women. However, I think he and people like him, with the ASD neurotypical brain and other cognitive biases and blind spots, rigid moral system, strongly stage orange values system, logical and left brained personality type and traits, some higher degree of neurosis and sociopathy, limited life experiences and other lines of development in various areas of life that distorts his takes, as well as ideologies indoctrinated into him from upbringing. Also other biases and limited dating and relationship experiences, even though he was married, he got a divorce, then ends up dating a few women. That's about it. 

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On 17.2.2023 at 3:10 PM, r0ckyreed said:

Because fapping doesn’t hurt anyone, but porn does.

What if the porn is fully AI generated?

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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On 18/02/2023 at 6:59 AM, Shawn Philips said:

AI is an infinite creativity tool. As your imagination, or when you dream, you can also imagine your favourite celebrity doing nasty things, and what?

If we keep with this morality debates we will have in the future the thought-police that will put us in prison just by imagining things... that's crazy and Orwellian.

Very true, 1984 Vibes

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Man I remember a feeling of insane optimism when I was a kid in the early 2000's. I was so hopeful of all the cool technology that could happen and seeing where it would take society.

Fast forward 20 years later I'm extraordinarily underwhelmed by what has developed. It all seems so bleak and depressing - Social media, alternative news, online dating, filters, AI deepfakes, toxic marketing, etc......

It seems like we fucked everything up big time and our technology ended up being awful for us. People are more depressed, lonely, delusional, violent, and unhappy than ever.

The idea of being "online" in the 21st century seems like a fast track to get corrupted and twisted by human bullshit, and a way of life that is antithetical to being fulfilled. Every day I get closer to wanting to abandon all this and live in a cabin in the woods off the grid.

Edited by Roy


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@Roy I can totally relate. I have a similar story. 

I was a naive kid at the time, thinking that 'Technology is what separates humans from animals. In fact, technology is what separates first-world countries from third-world countries, the rich from the poor. So, more technology = more progress!' 

The reality is that in an unconscious world, we will use technology to create more and more separation. And, that is a more important problem to solve. 

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2 hours ago, mr_engineer said:

@Roy I can totally relate. I have a similar story. 

I was a naive kid at the time, thinking that 'Technology is what separates humans from animals. In fact, technology is what separates first-world countries from third-world countries, the rich from the poor. So, more technology = more progress!' 

The reality is that in an unconscious world, we will use technology to create more and more separation. And, that is a more important problem to solve. 

Technology needs wisdom to not be corrupted. When were given self-awareness and conceptual thinking, we unlocked the power of technology, but it happened too soon, because we lacked the wisdom to use it well. That is why the story of the Garden of Eden was a fall.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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