
Will in the future most people become vegan or vegatarian?

41 posts in this topic

There have been many threads on the topic on veganism already.

The future scenario I've been thinking about lately is humanity genetically engineering superfoods in the future

The problem with GMOs and other attempts at this is that the food has either been unhealthy, bad tasting, or both. Humanity should spend billions of dollars researching this.

If you could eat a GMO food that was super nutrient dense, bioavailable, contained no toxins or heavy metals, and overall improved your biomarkers for health, would you really not eat it? I would.



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56 minutes ago, aurum said:

If you could eat a GMO food that was super nutrient dense, bioavailable, contained no toxins or heavy metals, and overall improved your biomarkers for health, would you really not eat it? I would.

Me too.

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I don't think so. I think in the future people will look at vegan diet, the same way they look at smoking. What they claimed to be healthy (without evidence) is in fact unhealthy and unnatural.

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3 hours ago, KH2 said:

Do notice, that if ethical arguments for veganism were to be erased - let's say one day, we'd suddenly discover how to make delicious, tasty and healthy meat artificially - then the entire vegan movement would crumble like a house of cards. 

Yeah meat tastes good. Doesn’t mean it’s healthy or needed. 

3 hours ago, KH2 said:

But yeah, to answer your question, I think hardcore vegans will start slowly but surely dropping like flies over the incomming decades - because it's not healthy for most people. And I think invention of artificial meat will end the movement for good.

That’s not what the literature says. A well planed vegan diet is healthy. 

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17 hours ago, Tudo said:

What do you guys think?

Yes. There are multiple reasons could be given why it will possibly happen.

It seems others already gave the 'lab meat' reason. Other reason will be about the environment, because its less harsh on the environment. Other reason is the basic one (morality).

From these, probably the lab meat and the environment will be the biggest motivating factors.

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1 hour ago, KH2 said:

You can find literature and studies that are both pro-vegan and anti-vegan. I do not have time to check validity of all these sources, and nor do I care honestly.

What I know is that health organization around the world either support veganism or say that there aren’t enough studies yet to come to conclusions. I think vegetarianism gets a lot more support. But you also have to take into account that when you make recommendations for society there will always be stupid people who don’t properly plan their diet. And if you recommend to them a diet that is limited, chances will be higher that they will fuck up.

1 hour ago, KH2 said:

Humanity did not achieve the things it has achieved, by cutting out certain foods from it's diet. That's just basic good old common sense.

If you have limited choices of course you gotta take them. We have unlimited choice now. Just because something worked in the past doesn’t mean it’s optimal for the future. 

1 hour ago, KH2 said:

Besides, you're probably biased anyway.

We both are.

1 hour ago, KH2 said:

Have fun with those B-12 injections?

Same as you. The cows that you eat don’t get their B12 from grass, they eat pills as well lol.

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2 hours ago, KH2 said:

You can find literature and studies that are both pro-vegan and anti-vegan. I do not have time to check validity of all these sources, and nor do I care honestly. Humanity did not achieve the things it has achieved, by cutting out certain foods from it's diet. That's just basic good old common sense.

The World Health Organization and various government health departments around the world agree that you should limit the consumption of processed meat and red meat. My physiology professor also said the same thing during a lecture some years ago.

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7 hours ago, KH2 said:

Do notice, that if ethical arguments for veganism were to be erased - let's say one day, we'd suddenly discover how to make delicious, tasty and healthy meat artificially - then the entire vegan movement would crumble like a house of cards.

It would "crumble" because the movement would have basically won at that point. The entire point is to get rid of the suffering caused and environmental ills, lab grown meat solves both those.

Edited by thepixelmonk

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If meat will be consumed in the future advanced enlightened civilization in my opinion it will be either lab grown or from animals that somehow agreed to the harmony of giving us their meat, and animals would be raised peacefully with care and love for their sacrifice.

I don't see future humanity tolerating the suffering of other species in slaughterhouses for the sake of tastyness, vitamin b12 or even longer life. I hope we will become deeple compasionate eventually. 

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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The primary motivation for veganism is ethical concerns and climate change. Not to make you healthy.


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2 hours ago, Bobby_2021 said:

The primary motivation for veganism is ethical concerns and climate change. Not to make you healthy.


Yes but it doesn’t mean it can’t also be healthy. 

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56 minutes ago, Jannes said:

Yes but it doesn’t mean it can’t also be healthy. 

Highly unlikely. At this point, meat eaters are simply more healthy in my observation, on average. 

Agriculture is a fairly recent development. We relied on meat for millions of years for than on plants. 

Vegans overcompensate for not eating meat is already coming across as try hard. However lab grown meat is still in it's early phases. We are yet to see it's real world effectiveness and side effects. Personally I don't have much hope. 

There is a whole agenda by the ruling elite to make you go vegan, while they themselves may eat meat. Especially Bill Gates. The way they are pushing the agenda onto people as if this is healthy seems so unnatural to me.

Anyways I am open to the possibility that vegans could be better when a random vegan beats a meat eater. 

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5 hours ago, Bobby_2021 said:

Highly unlikely. At this point, meat eaters are simply more healthy in my observation, on average. 

Agriculture is a fairly recent development. We relied on meat for millions of years for than on plants. 

What did we eat before those millions of years? Does eating plants require agriculture? ? In what way should we appeal to evolution to inform our dietary choices? Should we eat things that increased reproductive fitness during a certain period of our history in a world of pre-modern scarcity, or should we eat things that increase health and longevity today in a world of modern post-scarcity? Are those the same?

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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1 hour ago, Bobby_2021 said:

Highly unlikely. At this point, meat eaters are simply more healthy in my observation, on average. 

Source: Gigachad

1 hour ago, Bobby_2021 said:

Agriculture is a fairly recent development. We relied on meat for millions of years for than on plants. 

Vegans overcompensate for not eating meat is already coming across as try hard. However lab grown meat is still in it's early phases. We are yet to see it's real world effectiveness and side effects. Personally I don't have much hope. 

There is a whole agenda by the ruling elite to make you go vegan, while they themselves may eat meat. Especially Bill Gates. The way they are pushing the agenda onto people as if this is healthy seems so unnatural to me.

That sounds like such a conspiracy theory. 
Don’t you think they could also be just stage yellow thinker and recognize that we won’t sustain the human race with meat consumption and because veganism is healthy and sustainable it should be supported? 

1 hour ago, Bobby_2021 said:

Anyways I am open to the possibility that vegans could be better when a random vegan beats a meat eater. 

In what? 


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5 hours ago, Bobby_2021 said:

Anyways I am open to the possibility that vegans could be better when a random vegan beats a meat eater. 

Why would betaing anyone at anything would have anything to do with health? I can use PEDs and I can beat you at most things, but that doesn't mean I am more healthy than you.

5 hours ago, Bobby_2021 said:

Highly unlikely. At this point, meat eaters are simply more healthy in my observation, on average.

Lets get into specifics, what a vegan or a vegetarian is missing when he/she is not eating meat?

Edited by zurew

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