
Why NDEs differ so much from LEOs teaching? Life Review, Witnessing others thoughts .

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@Kksd74628 Archangel thinks we are all having experiences and POV simultaneously .

His claim-You must understand that Leo's solipsism is from the Higest POV possible. From God's POV other mind's don't exist, from a more mundane POV, colloquially, other mind can be said to exist. This is not regular Solispsism, It's Metaphysical Solipsism.

Leo never said other minds exist. If they were God mind would not be singular.

There is just this present moment. Present moment is all that exist. If NOW is only thing that exist so how could other people exist outside what you are perceiving right now.

Remember life is a dream. And there is a single dreamer dreaming whoe reality precisely like a night time dream.

Do you really think other people are having their experiences in your night time dream?

Do you think there are things outside the walk of room in your dream? So how could other pov exist simulataneously.


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Everything is correct that what you said and so called "god pov" is same as what is "your pov" right NOW. Even from "mundane pov" there isn't anything happening on the background.

Who told you that "others" are real?

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@Kksd74628 But who will explain these people that multiple experiences donot exist.

There is a single conscious entity. Others people are not conscious at the same time.

They treat Absolute solipsism as if universes stretches forever having infinite conscious beings each having their own POV and all are having experiences simulatenously . They treat Absolute solipsism like this.

They want to have truth be comforty. And want to keep the dream of other people be alive.


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@machiavelli no...... We dont say each have their own pov... Since everything is one this is not possible absolutelyspeaking... 


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@machiavelli It's very simple: Notice that you are right now imagining NDEs.

The fundamental problem is that you are reading stuff, imagining stuff, and taking that as something which exists outside your imagination of it. You just gullibly read some NDE text and believe it is real. This is you dreaming.

You aren't just dreaming these NDEs. You are even dreaming your biological birth and what you ate yesterday. It's all a dream.

You are not ready to take responsibility for your dreaming. You keep looking for some external authority whom you could pin it on. You're not realizing that the only authority here is you. If you tell yourself that NDEs are real, then that becomes your dream and no one can tell you otherwise. If you tell yourself that you were born out of your mother, that becomes your reality. You can ask your mother all you want whether she gave birth to you, and it will not change a damn thing because you are so gullible you actually believe her words as if they have some absolute reality.

You cannot realize what is real by asking people because asking them already assumes they are real, thus begging the question and trapping you inside your own dream.

Awakening is a radical thing and most of you here are not mature enough to handle it.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Thanks for replying. I have a question.

I know I am the only conscious entity in whole existence. And my mind is absolute. And their is nothing outside my mind.

Do other people are having experiences of their own ? 

In your video you said my absolute mind is imagining self and other people and their is only a single POV. 

Other people are not conscious. Only I am conscious. Multiple experiences are illusions.



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3 minutes ago, machiavelli said:

I know I am the only conscious entity in whole existence. And my mind is absolute. And their is nothing outside my mind.

You don't know that. If you did you wouldn't be asking me these questions.

Be careful parroting ideas you have heard but are not directly conscious of.

There is nothing I can tell you that will grant you the awakening you need to understand this issue.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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23 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

You aren't just dreaming these NDEs. You are even dreaming your biological birth and what you ate yesterday. It's all a dream.

A trap with the dreaming term (like all terms) is that you can project a mechanistic significance to it, like thinking you can use it to predict some specific outcome about the dream ("you're dreaming, therefore NDEs shouldn't be possible"), while in reality, it's just an affirmation of what is, which is not limited to anything specific. Dreaming is just the case.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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9 minutes ago, machiavelli said:

@Leo Gura You could atleast give me pointer. Is there anything that exist outside this present moment? 

Why do you trust me?

What if I am the Devil pointing you in the wrong direction? You're just going to believe me?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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7 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Why do you trust me?

What if I am the Devil pointing you in the wrong direction? You're just going to believe me?

But even the Devil is valid? 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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@Leo Gura You can liberate others if you help them. Its ok if you dont want to answer.

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22 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

like thinking you can use it to predict some specific outcome about the dream ("you're dreamin

Do you think that everything is a dream? 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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9 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

Do you think that everything is a dream? 

I'm not saying it's an invalid description. It's the conclusions you draw out from that. For example, I can say I'm dreaming up everything, including my current double ear infection which I'm taking NSAIDs for, but that doesn't really change much so to speak. That is what I mean by how it's closer to a general affirmation of "what is the case" rather than a means to say something about how specific events unfold within the dream. It's a bit like how ontological statements (what reality is) =/= scientific statements (how reality behaves), but it's also on the level of reality as a whole, so it's even less specific. Of course, calling it a dream is more useful than calling it a big banana, but even there, it's a pretty marginal difference.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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It does little good to call reality a dream. The point is to be conscious of it. If it's just something you tell yourself verbally it's not helpful and perhaps even harmful because it contradicts your direct experience.

Changing your consciousness is the point. If your consciousness isn't changing then it's all just hot air.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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15 minutes ago, machiavelli said:

You can liberate others if you help them. Its ok if you dont want to answer.

The usefulness of conversations and language can only go so far when it comes to existential questions. Language can be effective and deceptive at the same time. You can only grasp really deep insights and experiences if you have had some similar or identical experiences to the person who is sharing his insights with you.

You can ask the same question for yourself ,that you asked Leo. After that, you can investigate it yourself, thats the only way (using direct experience) to make sense of existential questions.

Even if he gives the perfect answer for you, it won't be anything else, just a belief that you can hold onto.

Investigate, then come back with your own exp and insights.

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6 hours ago, machiavelli said:

I have read hundreds of NDEs. And most of them shows life review in which we experience what others felt from every POV . Like how our action have had affected them . In life review we became every POV and experience every person and how our words affected them all at same time.

Second thing NDEs often shows how Nder could read the thoughts and emotions of other people around them. 

This contradicts Absolute solipsism.

Link to NDE-Link

Excerpt from the nde~

Then, just like that (clapping her hands), I became a ball of light or energy in the midst of this crowd that was circling a body. I became massively aware, unlike any awareness I had had during physical existence. I was not really aware of myself. I was aware of everyone around me. I was aware of my mother and my neighbors, and my friends and the firemen and what they were thinking and what they were feeling and what they were hoping and what they were praying.

Sorry to disturb you all guys. But can you help?

@Inliytened1 @Someone here @Kksd74628 @Arthogaan

@thisintegrated @justfortoday


Like I said, be careful with falling into belief systems.  If you really want to know, look up Tom Campbell's videos on the topic.  Although he'll give you the best answer you'll ever find, it's still just a model and shouldn't be taken literally, or as a belief.

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That's right, if you trust men, that's how you know you're fucking up. Never trust men. You're welcome.;)

"Reality is a Love Simulator"-Leo Gura


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10 minutes ago, OBEler said:

@thisintegrated can you send tomp campbells Video, he posted so many without even a good title

Just search youtube "Tom Campbell afterlife".  Probably like 100 hours on this subject alone.




Edited by thisintegrated

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