Michael Jackson

I am under serious psychic attack. I need your help...

31 posts in this topic

Hello beautiful people here, I thank you a lot for reading my following 1st post on this forum and perhaps giving me advice on solving the following problem.

It would mean the world to me if you could help me with that;


Last year I started experimenting with psychedelics, namely the one called LSD. This made me quickly realize that God and truth really exist, something I never thought was possible.

It continued with realizing at deeper and deeper levels what the truth really is, and I do not have a single doubt in my mind that the following statements are the best words one could find to state the truth:

  • Truth=God=Love=I=You=Everything=The Here and Now=Pure Goodness=Pure Perfection=Pure Freedom=Heaven=Divinity
  • I am God
  • As God, I am the Creator of the entire reality
  • As God, I manifest out of thin air the entire creation
  • As God, I am all powerful
  • As God, I am all knowing and all understanding
  • As God, I am pure unconditional Love


On a frequent basis, I used LSD to realize on deeper and deeper levels what my true nature is, namely God and Love. Love is the most meaningful and most beautiful thing you could ever want and it is the only true thing we all are longing for. Feeling my Love as God is something that is deeply healing. Feeling Gods Love for 1 second is worth being tortured for eternities, it feels so good.

Gods Love and Gods wisdom profoundly changed my entire way of looking at life and helped me to see everything in a much more positive light.


Now three words about my "normal" experiences with LSD, before I tell you about the psychic attacks.

Normally, my experiences are extremely clear. Even at high doses like 300ug I have absolutely no visual hallucinations, I feel completely relaxed and at ease inside of my body, I perceive everything with clarity, calmly, and my experience simply gets recontextualized without my visual field changing in any way. I feel almost no body load, hear no auditory hallucinations, hear no voices inside my head, basically LSD gives me complete clarity and melts my ego and raises my state of consciousness in a beautiful smooth and calm way.


Now lets come to my very serious issue and if you have ideas how I could handle the following problem I would owe you the world. If someone could help me to completely solve that problem I would pay you good money for it...


At the end of last year it started that in some trips I got psychicly attacked. I tripped for maybe 10 times since then and it happened 4 times that I got attacked. I cannot control the timing of when it happens. It has nothing to do with my personal state of mind or life when it happens.

So what do I mean when I say psychicly attacked? Well, it basically feels like a foreign entity is here with me, inside of my Consciousness. I personally believe that it is intelligent life from another place in the universe but I am not sure about that. This entity / or these entities have the technology to completely manipulate my state of consciousness. What do I mean by that?

By that I mean, instead of my usually clarity and calmness on LSD, I feel the exact opposite of it. Suddenly I get very weird hallucinations inside my visual field, like seing demons and devilish like templates everywhere. I hear noises and when I turn around I don't see anything. They can induce tiredness into my body, make me yawn, make me perceive my body in very weird unproportional ways, I suddenly hear an "alien language" which I do not understand permamently inside of my head, I suddenly have thoughts that are NOT MINE. They induce thoughts into my head when I am in the peak of my trip, like for example "go outside your appartment NOW." When I don't listen to these thoughts, they make me feel intense pain. They induce states of complete confusion into me where I don't even realize that they are there manipulating me. One time they managed to make me walk out of my appartment and induced a thought into me, that I should go to the train station and jump in front of a train NOW. Or that I should jump from a building. I did NOT listen to these thoughts, thank God because I love my life and I am NOT suicidal in any way.

Yesterday I was tripping again and reality was not unravelling as it should and as it usually does... I felt unclear, confused, my visual field was vibrating weirdly my body felt bad, they made me feel so confused that while I was peaking I thought maybe the LSD was not working properly because the dose was too low... Then I glimpsed God and his Love for a second until extreme pain and confusion hit me once again. They induced thoughts like "Love is just a concept, love does not exist" and made me perceive everything in a very strange way. Suddenly I felt an urge to go to the fridge and start eating like a madman. When I started eating I realized "wait a second, I did not want to eat now, right?" I stopped eating and that was the moment I realized that I was being attacked again. I asked for God to help me and I said clearly: "I do not want these beings to manipulate my state of consciousness, this is against my will. The only thing that I want is Love and Light. Please give me clarity and make me see the truth." I only wanted to create Love... For a second I got into a state of clarity, seeing everything as my creation but then they induced intense pain. They got me to a point of my body curling up in pain, it was so intense... Also they made it hard for me to stay connected to my body For example it felt to me like I couldnt "embody" my hand at one point... I managed not to pass out but I think it would have been possible...I just prayed for God to help me stay clear and see love but these beings are too fucking powerful. They can literally manipulate my state of consciousness in deep disturbing ways...

What these beings want is they want me to feel small and engage in meaningless activities like watching stupid videos or eating crap until I get fat and numbed out. They want me to perceive myself as a small, unworthy human and they want me to believe that I am unworthy of Love and unworthy of God. They do NOT want me to see the truth, namely that I am an all powerful infinite Consciousness that is creating the entire reality, including them.

I do not exactly understand, why they want that. I guess it has to do with power. My theory is, that these beings are disconnected from Love and therefore all they can do is to seek power and control over other beings, which is their twisted way of reaching for the Love they truly long for. As God I am all powerful. Realizing that I am all powerful goes against their agenda. In comparison to Gods power, every limited way of power fails and crumbles.

I do not know what to do at this point. These beings are very powerful. I assume that they do not exist in the way humans do (namely as the five senses sound touch feel hear smell). Maybe they exist in other dimensions but they have the technology or the power to manipulate our five senses (or at least mine) in very deep and vicious ways. Gladly they do not seem to be interested in that when I am not tripping so that's something I am happy about.

However, when it comes to me wanting to feel my own Source and wanting to feel my own Love as God they seem to be determined to do anything to stop me from doing that.

I realize that on the absolute level I as God am even the creator of these entities. I know that. But knowing that is not enough because their actions affect me anyways. Imagine while you where tripping your neighbour came over to your appartment threatening to stab you with his knife. Yes, on the absolute level you are the creator of your neighbour, but I guess when your life is threatened you won't solve this problem by "uncreating" your neighbour as God. Your state of consciousness when in serious danger will be way to low to do that. Instead you will be afraid and run for your life and you won't have any deep metaphysical realizations that day.

Please treat this thread with the seriousness it deserves. It is a huge problem for me and I would owe you the world if you could help me solve it. If you have any ideas on what I could do to solve this problem I would be deeply thankful if you could share that with me. Feel free to share it down below or send me a pm. Everything goes. I would even be open to new-agey ideas like wearing crystals or whatever you think might help. If you have an idea, just share it.

Thank you so much guys, I love you.






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The best way to deal with psychic attack is with psychic protection. 

I recommend these 2 books:

  • "Magickal Protection" by Damon Brand 
  • "Angelic Protection Magick" by Ben Woodcroft

Both books have angel rituals against psychic attack. Do all these rituals.

Then right before tripping, do all of the banishing rituals (it takes just a few minutes). 

If all of that was not enough, and you still get attacked, then during the attack, say the code word for emergency protection from the second book, and do the banishing rituals again.

You can also try saying with strong intention and authority something like:

"By the power and in the name of God and Jesus Christ I tell you to leave me alone, and to respect my free will as you must"


These things are not a guarantee for protection. But you will be far better off than without them.

Edited by GreenWoods

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33 minutes ago, GreenWoods said:

The best way to deal with psychic attack is with psychic protection. 

I recommend these 2 books:

  • "Magickal Protection" by Damon Brand 
  • "Angelic Protection Magick" by Ben Woodcroft

Both books have angel rituals against psychic attack. Do all these rituals.

Then right before tripping, do all of the banishing rituals (it takes just a few minutes). 

If all of that was not enough, and you still get attacked, then during the attack, say the code word for emergency protection from the second book, and do the banishing rituals again.

You can also try saying with strong intention and authority something like:

"By the power and in the name of God and Jesus Christ I tell you to leave me alone, and to respect my free will as you must"


These things are not a guarantee for protection. But you will be far better off than without them.

Thank you. I will read the books and try to do what you recommended. Do you have experiences with psychic attacks?

Thanks for your advice.

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Stop tripping before you hurt yourself.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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24 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

Stop tripping before you hurt yourself.

why do you think he is gonna hurt himself

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6 minutes ago, ethanb121 said:

why do you think he is gonna hurt himself


8 hours ago, Michael Jackson said:

They induce thoughts into my head when I am in the peak of my trip, like for example "go outside your appartment NOW." When I don't listen to these thoughts, they make me feel intense pain. They induce states of complete confusion into me where I don't even realize that they are there manipulating me. One time they managed to make me walk out of my appartment and induced a thought into me, that I should go to the train station and jump in front of a train NOW. Or that I should jump from a building. I did NOT listen to these thoughts, thank God because I love my life and I am NOT suicidal in any way.


Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Angelic rituals and magical incantations? Sigh... honestly some people should be banned from giving advice here.

OP, the more you feed these delusions the stronger they will become, don't feed delusions with more delusions, you have acknowledged these entities as true, which is a mistake, the root of your problem is belief and the only way to get out of your situation is to untangle those beliefs with self-reflection, contemplation and mindfulness.

Please be safe. 

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16 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:



yeah he should probably put down the lsd for awhile

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8 hours ago, GreenWoods said:

The best way to deal with psychic attack is with psychic protection. 

I recommend these 2 books:

  • "Magickal Protection" by Damon Brand 
  • "Angelic Protection Magick" by Ben Woodcroft

Both books have angel rituals against psychic attack. Do all these rituals.

Then right before tripping, do all of the banishing rituals (it takes just a few minutes). 

If all of that was not enough, and you still get attacked, then during the attack, say the code word for emergency protection from the second book, and do the banishing rituals again.

You can also try saying with strong intention and authority something like:

"By the power and in the name of God and Jesus Christ I tell you to leave me alone, and to respect my free will as you must"


These things are not a guarantee for protection. But you will be far better off than without them.

I second this, this is pretty good advice. I would add that if you can sincerely feel gratitude and love for these entities, it will most probably make them go away because as you said yourself, they have the illusion to be disconnected from love and are trying to gain polarity through power and control.

Also you should definitely ask yourself if the psychedelic experience is worth it, maybe it is preferable to simply stop.

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@Michael Jackson Maybe you should look at your problem from a different angle.

You are using LSD as a supressor of your unconscious shadows, your fears and traumas. When the supression effect disapeares, all of the repressed content emerges on the surface. Because it is to painful, you are projecting your own content onto imaginary beings.

Also your knowledge of psychodynamics is incomplete, so that also contributes to your difficult state of mind.

Also the advices about "angelic and magic protection", given to you by some members of this forum, are not helping you. It shows their ignorance considering their own psyches.

I sugest you stop using LSD and start doing some form of autotherapy, shadow work.

If you can't do that, then you imediately seek help from a professional psychotherapist.

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Welcome to the forum, glad to have you ?

I truly believe that there is negativ psychic entites out there in the realm of mind.

These are called demons, would actually recommend you search after a serious priest who deals with these kind of problems, like a spiritual father.

Also, I firstly would say this, that perhaps you misjudged the God thing, that God truly is other and you need to truly open yourself up, like a confession, and ask for forgiveness.

And notice, if there is resistence against this, you should truly investigate why, the devil hates God and wants you in complete ignorance and darkness and not in God's infinite Light. 

Take the role as a servant and come to God naked, understand that God is God, leave his works to his works but trust in the Lord.

I truly believe that , that approach would help you alot, since you know that God is real and exists, then invinite him in fully and live in his being and he will protect you against the evil forces.

Since he is the Infinite, he allows evil but remember he can figuratively snap his fingers and destroy the demons in an instant.

Or you could practice extrem mindfulness and learn to recognize even more than you do now, I must say that it truly shows that you are really self aware, but sometimes it is hard to get a grasp on our minds, it is a deciever, but its truest nature is pure and made in the image of God, God's spirit keeps you alive and safe no matter external cutcumstances. 


All of those, is from God, without that, there is no life.

Also read the Philokalia, they speak about these topics from different spiritual Masters on the struggle against passions and what not.

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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12 hours ago, Michael Jackson said:

Do you have experiences with psychic attacks?

A bit.

Sometimes dreams suddenly became sinister, then I woke up, was in sleep paralysis and could feel the presence of dark entities. Several times something entered my body, usually at the stomach region and tried to move up to my head, which felt quite physical and somewhat painful. With all my willpower I tried to prevent that thing from reaching my head. Usually after 5-15 seconds the sleep paralysis ended. If I remember right, this hasn't happened again since I started invocations and other similar practices. 

I've also had times when entities messed with my thoughts. 

@Michael Jackson  Another thing to try is a talisman. A physical object like a necklace charged with a protection spell. You can wear that while tripping. 

You could hire someone to make such a talisman for you.


It might be better to stop tripping for now, or only smaller doses, so you can better deal with these entities. 


@Mafortu @Bojan V The entities might be just hallucinations and subconscious projections, but in his case it sounds like actual independent entities. 

If they are actual entities, then psychological advice can help to the extend that it makes him stronger and thus more difficult to mess with.

But if they are really interested in him, they are just gonna laugh at such attempts.

Edited by GreenWoods

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@Michael Jackson

Whenever you come down from the trip, I would advise you to have a look at shadow work.

Try to precisely identify the emotions under the narrative at play in your mind by the thoughts.

After that, do shadow work directed at the targeted emotions. Go through your childhood memories, teenage and adult ones in search for each time you repressed these yourself. Explore particularly highly identified negative emotions, as such as shame, despair, and lack of power. When did you internalize those? Search for them and alchemize out of your body through some emotional release. For instance, I use crying them out a lot.

What it makes you feel is probably your own shadow. These are probably internalized feelings and complexes coming at the surface while you trip. Do as much as possible shadow work until you've got them. I think that what people call or perceive as entities are in fact autonomous, disowned part of ourselves coming back in the consciousness. And they feel foreign because of how much we've rejected them.

An emotion is like a file holding potentially thousands of thoughts. Delete the file, and the thoughts will be gone.

I have noticed for myself that thoughts are stickier when there is a huge emotional charge behind. They get energized and feed out of the emotion.

Also be wise. You don't need to use psychadelics if they do not make you feel good. Be gentle with yourself.


Lots of love. You've got this.

Edited by Etherial Cat

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1 hour ago, GreenWoods said:

The entities might be just hallucinations and subconscious projections, but in his case it sounds like actual independent entities. 

What is the difference?

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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1 hour ago, Carl-Richard said:

What is the difference?

Lets not do that, it doesn't help OP or anyone battling with their inner demons.

Imagine being a therapist and telling a schizophrenic that his hallucinations are just as real as material reality becase "it's all the same consciousness hur dur". There is a place and time to approach those insights, and this isnt one of them.

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It happened to me recently, but usually never happens.

So what helps is to keep your vibes positive, be in the flow, have a cheerful attitude. Also when it happened to me I imagined sending white light to the body parts that were feeling bad. 

Just remember that it might all be in your imagination, but nevertheless the mind is a very powerful thing so you might want to lay off the psych for a while and concentrate on becoming more positive and happy/carefree. 

Also avoid doing psych during major transits and full moons.

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5 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

What is the difference?

If it's only internal then internal work is all that's needed.

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Doctor. Medication.

Just lol @ irresponsible advice dished out. "Psychic attacks" aren't real. It's your own mind doing it. Even in line with mysticism, so...

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