
Discussion About Conspiracy Theories

37 posts in this topic

I want to start a meta discussion about conspiracy theories.

So basically I used to believe that all these conspiracy theories about 9-11, illuminati, jews running the world etc are all bull shit and the people who believe them are crazy.

But I'm starting to suspect there might be some truth to it, and as i'm starting to looking into this stuff i'm getting a sense that the common narrative that we have been fed on important topics may be bull shit.

I don't want to get into specific conspiracy theories, but what are the chances that there is some truth to this stuff? 

Has anyone gone full circle from not believing in conspiracy theories, to believing in them, and then finding some balanced perspective on all this stuff?

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since i saw how you reacted in the nahm thread and you said that you were kind of gullible and donated large sums of money

i don't think you should get into conspiracy theories

i don't think it's healthy

it can really mess with your mind

Edited by PurpleTree

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I think a big part of this work is being able to hold multiple contradictory worldviews in your head at once. Most people cant do that, its either a conspiracy or not for them.

I am equally okay with 9/11 being a conspiracy or not

I am willing to hold all these possibilities below in my head and be okay with the fact that I simply dont know. Of course I assign my own probability to each:

Jet fuel melts steel beams or not, controlled demolition, plane was actually a missile, remote controlled planes, no actual passengers on board, government allowed it to happen to justify war, real terrorist attack with negligent response, real terrorist attack and government did everything in their power to stop it, Bin Laden did it, Israel did it, America did it.

Most conspiracies have a kernel of truth to them that get blown way out of proportion. You have to do your own probability analysis and determine where on the spectrum the truth is.

In an ideal world you can eventually rule out false info and converge all your probabilities into one true statement, but in many instances it's impossible to get enough information to do this.

Watch out for controlled opposition on the extreme ends trying to make the whole idea look insane.

Another example... If you believe the entire government covid vaccine narrative you're too far in one direction. But if you believe the vaccine puts graphite nanobots into your blood you're also way too far in the other direction. Find the truth in the middle where nefarious or profit-driven stuff really is happening, and ignore the smear labels of pro vax, anti vax, etc.

I probably shouldn't use actual examples because that might trigger people to defend or oppose certain ideas, so try to just look at the substance of what I'm saying. If you want to argue about a specific topic feel free to DM me so we don't derail this entire thread xD

Edited by Yarco

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2 hours ago, Raptorsin7 said:

But I'm starting to suspect there might be some truth to it, and as i'm starting to looking into this stuff i'm getting a sense that the common narrative that we have been fed on important topics may be bull shit.

Conspiracy theories are like crack. The best ones survive because they go viral and are very good at implanting themselves into the minds of the populace. If you don't want to fall for the bullshit then just believe that organised collusion is bullshit. It's hard to get two people to agree with each other let alone a bunch of people to nefariously control the world - just look at this forum. 

No. What you really have instead is good old fashioned ignorance, corruption, greed, warmongering, and "I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine" mentally between governments, rich people, corporations, the military and science and research, all fuelled by capitalist greed and globalisation.

57% paranoid

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11 minutes ago, LastThursday said:

If you don't want to fall for the bullshit then just believe that organised collusion is bullshit. It's hard to get two people to agree with each other let alone a bunch of people to nefariously control the world - just look at this forum. 

i think that's a terrible argument though

how were things like the "Nazis" possible if it's so hard for people to agree and find common ground?

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18 minutes ago, LastThursday said:

What you really have instead is good old fashioned ignorance, corruption, greed, warmongering, and "I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine" mentally between governments, rich people, corporations, the military and science and research, all fuelled by capitalist greed and globalisation.

Yes, this is what real and proven conspiracies almost always boil down to.
See: MKUltra, COINTELPRO, Watergate, Tuskegee experiment, NSA mass surveillance, big oil / big tobacco lying, etc etc

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42 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:
55 minutes ago, LastThursday said:

If you don't want to fall for the bullshit then just believe that organised collusion is bullshit. It's hard to get two people to agree with each other let alone a bunch of people to nefariously control the world - just look at this forum. 

i think that's a terrible argument though

how were things like the "Nazis" possible if it's so hard for people to agree and find common ground?

Obviously people can agree and collaborate and share ideologies, the world is full of nations, organisations and religions and so on. 

But let's say you and I wanted to control the world population because we think there's too many people in it. How would we do it effectively? Just two people? Even if you scaled it up to a thousand people secretly conspiring to reduce world population, the task is so ridiculously large and nuanced that it's impossible to agree on how to do it effectively. Maybe we eventually decide to release a deadly engineered virus from a lab: how effective is that? Perhaps only 0.01% effective?

You see, you wouldn't even bother to collude in a conspiracy with figures like that. Not only does it it take agreement, but it takes a very strong set of shared beliefs (Nazism), and a very strong motive (domination of Europe), and a large threshold of people (hundreds of thousands if not millions).

57% paranoid

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You might find reasons why some people believe to them, but you should take into account that this which you believe slightly - that is possible -  convinces you more and doing so is like rabbit hole that feeds itself. You will start to connect things in your thoughts and you may accidently start believing to something that you made up from your mind.

I don't deny nor accept those theories, but I would be extremely caution when researching them. Video below shows potentiality of stupidity :D 


Who told you that "others" are real?

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Break down the definition of the words 

From dictionary.com

Conspiracy=a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful

Theory=a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained

yes there are some crazy theories out there and, some theories end up being facts

I think it’s important to keep an open mind and use discernment. Also being careful not to get sucked in because there is a “conspiracy theory culture” that is full of bs and fear-mongering but those groups are sort of separate from conspiracy theories -by themselves-


"You Create Magic" 

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Some of what Leo teaches to discover the truth would be very useful tools to work out the validity of a conspiracy theory. Emotional issues, self bias, misinterpreting information, not using a variety of sources etc. I think it's almost certain that there are some truths (or even some completely true conspiracy theories) out there. The ones with more followers would probably be more likely imo. CTs probably think they are being open minded and doing good, but it's like they close it up again from points of view that the theory is wrong or misleading. They probably see it as an illogical step backwards. Ignorance can be just as prominent in a CT and a non CT (e.g. someone assuming group-think is correct when they have done no independent research or thought into the possibility of a CT to be valid and just taking on the majority of people saying they are crazy etc. These people won't be on the spiritual path for sure. Understanding of epistemology would be the key to working out which theories are trash and which are valid.

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@itachi uchiha Probably the quickest way to get yourself banned from the forum. Don't go down this road. The JQ is specifically against the forum guidelines.

"If you want to know who controls you, look at who you are not allowed to criticize"

Edited by Yarco

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6 minutes ago, Yarco said:

@itachi uchiha Probably the quickest way to get yourself banned from the forum. Don't go down this road. The JQ is specifically against the forum guidelines.

"If you want to know who controls you, look at who you are not allowed to criticize"


 this froum  is  ""THE MOST OPEN MINDED FORUM IN ALL OF THE INTERNET ""      the mods   will block me.this is ironic but what can i say .personal bias is a big thing

one of the values of the forum is finding truth and open mindedness . but leo and his follower modes will do this only  when it suit themself.

Edited by itachi uchiha

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From the forum guidelines:

No conspiracy theories: Covid hoax, 9/11 inside job, David Icke stuff, reptilians, Pizzagate, QAnnon, pedophilia accusations, the Jewish question, holocaust denial, etc.

I'd tread carefully discussing this topic, because mods could give you points.

Edited by Ananta

“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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@itachi uchiha There's a guy who used to post here @TJ Reeves. He is big into conspiracy theories.

I think once you get past a certain point the desire for truth will bring you to conspiracy theories because on every topic there is truth.

But you can't force it on people who aren't ready 

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@Raptorsin7 yeah u need a lot of research to arrive at conspiracy theory and u need to have some  charecter to stand up against the propoganda of  "" oh conspiracy theory are for stupid people.only fools will take conspiracy theory seriously"""

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On 2/24/2022 at 2:17 AM, Raptorsin7 said:

I want to start a meta discussion about conspiracy theories.

So basically I used to believe that all these conspiracy theories about 9-11, illuminati, jews running the world etc are all bull shit and the people who believe them are crazy.

But I'm starting to suspect there might be some truth to it, and as i'm starting to looking into this stuff i'm getting a sense that the common narrative that we have been fed on important topics may be bull shit.

I don't want to get into specific conspiracy theories, but what are the chances that there is some truth to this stuff? 

Has anyone gone full circle from not believing in conspiracy theories, to believing in them, and then finding some balanced perspective on all this stuff?

why? is this a distraction from your personal life and feelings?

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On 2/25/2022 at 4:44 PM, Yarco said:

@itachi uchiha Probably the quickest way to get yourself banned from the forum. Don't go down this road. The JQ is specifically against the forum guidelines.

"If you want to know who controls you, look at who you are not allowed to criticize"


On 2/26/2022 at 2:10 AM, itachi uchiha said:

@Raptorsin7 yeah u need a lot of research to arrive at conspiracy theory and u need to have some  charecter to stand up against the propoganda of  "" oh conspiracy theory are for stupid people.only fools will take conspiracy theory seriously"""

@Nahm @Roy @Leo Gura ban these guys, what are you guys doing???

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