
How To Explain All This Is Not Made Up Religious Nonsense?

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Is there a way of explaining all this with ego, enlightenment, spirituality (not the typical spirit persona that's going to some heaven) in just 5-10 minutes without sounding like you're part of some nonsense religion?

I came from a very atheistic, grounded, scientific point of view before I found and Leo's videos and other research it lead to. But I can't exist in this short period of time in eternity and not try to understand it or not search for deep truths if it can be found by humans, and all this with enlightenment and everything around it really got my attention, seems like the most "neutral" study of existence to me.

But when trying to explain it in a few minutes (that's all the time most people got) I can't get to get through why this is different from religion. Although Leo has given some good lines about why this isn't made up religion in some of his videos, I think "ego", "enlightenment", "nothingness" just sounds like another idea. Especially this thing with our true nature and enlightenment, although everyone agrees that everything in our body has changed throughout our lives, it's easy to think that we are this deep memory or sum of an equation of all things that has happened.

Of course you could say not to care what people think, but eventually someone will ask and for some reason I want the explanation to catch their curiosity.

How would you explain all this in 5-10 minutes to someone that know very little to nothing about it? Can it even be done? Is limitations of language the problem?

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@Kenhol Dude, you've been exposed to ESOTERIC knowledge. This is stuff you'd normally have to get initiated for with decades of training! You're not supposed to go around preaching it to fools on the street. You'd get killed for that just 100 years ago.

If someone asks, you tell them you like to meditate.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Yeah I don't go door to door saying "Have you heard of our lord and savior Leo Gura?" :P

It's just that sometimes here and there I get in the position where I feel an explanation would be in order, not like the "here's the ultimate truth" but something worth learning more about. I also use a lot of time researching this now in the beginning. 

Maybe I should just live it and let people ask questions here and there lol

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@Kenhol You can tell them you've found God. And then watch with amusement as they give you a weird look like you're crazy. But in the meantime you know they are actually the ones deluded beyond their ability to imagine. And you just look at them with pity and compassion for their ignorance.

I mean... this stuff is beyond belief. You cannot believe it. It's the most elaborate hoax ever conceived. Perfectly executed in it's deception. I'm frankly surprised we have the ability to break free of it at all. Most creatures don't.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I don't think people are very open minded when it comes to such stuff. So yeah its difficult.

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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@Kenhol dont bother. You could but its not like they would get the picture. Stick to simple short truths. They atleast have affect.

Plus people dont like to be told there insane 9_9

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Most people, even if they ask you, will not understand your spiritual journey and will confuse it with religious dogma.   I think most people who have any kind of jarring experience such as weird synchronicities, a bad divorce, a breakup, etc will be more likely to self inquire spontaneously, like I did.  My self inquiry didn't start until I had a series of JOLTING synchronicity experiences, about one every day for three months cumulating in one that convinced me that there was something going on beyond my ordinary waking consciousness.  What's behind the curtain?  Something was trying to get my attention and break me out of my limited rational and scientific views of reality.  After years of searching for "me", I learned it couldn't be found in body or brain.  So elusive.  After moving beyond explanations for self in the physical, I started reading spiritual books and watching you tube vids on similar topics.  I've learned much and meditate daily.  I'm being longwinded, but I guess my point is as follows:  one has to become the seeker before they will even begin to understand or even open up to radical new concepts.  Trying to explain this to a rationalist, religious person, scientist or atheist will get you nowhere.  If one is identified with the body and mind the only breakthrough happens when they identify as being the witness of body and mind, (in Vedanta this is called Soul Consciousness, one step up from the ordinary waking state).  Even higher states of consciousness can be realized.  But no one understands really, unless they too are on the Path to self realization.

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I'm currently working on a 4-minute presentation of the process that leads to Liberation from Ego. It's been a lot of fun obsessing over this for the past 2 weeks, and it's going to be a lot more fun obsessing over this for the next 3 weeks.

It went something like this :
A 4-minute presentation about anything I want => about the True Nature of Reality (I was gonna bring in quantum mechanics, here) => about Epistemology (especially how much you lie to yourself about how you're this real thing that exists - that was a laugh) => about your Brain (and all the different areas of the brain responsible for your sense of self) => about Liberation (through 5-MeO).

To put this into context, I'm in college and a course I have this year is "Communication," and our professor asked to make a 4-minute presentation about our passion. All of my classmates already think I'm crazy, so this is going to be SO MUCH FUN!!!!!! I can't wait.

I'll probably report back what happened.

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I like whay was said earlier, but if you really want to be able to defend your paradigm,  you should go with Rupert Spira. He gets one to begin to really wonder,  through logic even.

Its what I use when my sister starts arguing and telling me im crazy. Im like hold on hold on, i am just carrying out an honest observation of what I know to be true from my own experience!


🌟  The  🌟 Logos 🌟


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@Dodoster Thats right.  Moving forward and going back to what Leo was saying in his video on Naive Realism, when we go to work and lock the door behind us and walk away, is your house still there?  Your mind says, "of course, stupid, its right behind you".  But what's there?  Possibly a void of nothingness.  The only thing real is what's right in front of you in the present moment, from your personal experience.  The house exists as a concept now, a thought.  If you turn around to see if your house is still there...boom!  There it is.  But something comes out of nothing, so.....maybe I'm just taking for granted that objects exist when not in my direct experience.

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Best is probably to keep it for yourself and only try to explain what you seek and see to close relatives and family. Anyone who's willing to learn more about the subjects on this forum will eventually come here anyway.

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@Kenhol it cannot be done.

look at yourself. the urge for TRUTH has to come from inside. nobody would insert this kind of wisdom/knowledge in your head if it wasn't because of your own hunger. it would be impossible a few years ago, wouldn't it?

unborn Truth

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Why yall preaching yo.
Is it really necessary? 
Just chill it =D

Follow me on Instagram for quantum and energetic healing.

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4 hours ago, Tancrede Pouyat said:

I'm currently working on a 4-minute presentation of the process that leads to Liberation from Ego. It's been a lot of fun obsessing over this for the past 2 weeks, and it's going to be a lot more fun obsessing over this for the next 3 weeks.

It went something like this :
A 4-minute presentation about anything I want => about the True Nature of Reality (I was gonna bring in quantum mechanics, here) => about Epistemology (especially how much you lie to yourself about how you're this real thing that exists - that was a laugh) => about your Brain (and all the different areas of the brain responsible for your sense of self) => about Liberation (through 5-MeO).

To put this into context, I'm in college and a course I have this year is "Communication," and our professor asked to make a 4-minute presentation about our passion. All of my classmates already think I'm crazy, so this is going to be SO MUCH FUN!!!!!! I can't wait.

I'll probably report back what happened.

hahahaha do it!!! I wanna know! 


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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@Kenhol  Why don't you tell them that if they meditate they will find easier to correct bad habits, because when you calm your thoughts your mind gets more clear, you can see your limiting beliefs and change them easier. Tell them is just a practical method, you do meditation, you get this results.

And don't tell them more, if they meditate and find that what you said to them is true they will begin to open to new possibilities. But it takes time, it's difficult to see through the ego delusion, and I tell you because it happened to me and still happens.


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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