
Permanent Change From Psychedelic's

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Has anyone had an experience on psychidelics that led to permanent changes in your conscious experience. 

Each time I take a trip I am subtly hoping to have some kind of revelation that will permanently change me for the better.... but most times what happens is I will have a sense that I've gone deeper into myself and had some positive insights and moments but ultimately I end back to my baseline state of consciousness with virtually no different pre and post trip.

What are some of the most profound changes that can happen from a single psychidelic experience?

Any other thoughts or insights are appreciated. 

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Try making life itself a learning experience, and the psychedelics just the cherry on top, instead of the saviour.

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4 hours ago, Raptorsin7 said:


What are some of the most profound changes that can happen from a single psychidelic experience?


10 gr dried shrooms. I couldn’t come back nor awaken, i was completely lost. After that 2 years non stop (3 hours meditation in darkness) everday, made me realize my entire life, duality and universe was just a process of thoughts.  And monkey mind never come back. No questions left. 

Edited by James123

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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@James123 In hindsight do you understand why the trip was so profound, and why it took you two years of constant meditation to breakthrough?

@James123 @electroBeam I'm stuck and i'm hoping the psychidelic can ignite some momentum to facilitate change...I think many of my current issues are due to unresolved emotional issues and maybe the psychidelics can shine some light here. 

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15 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

n hindsight do you understand why the trip was so profound, and why it took you two years of constant meditation to breakthrough?


Because psychedelic trip, you can still think, name and label what are you experiencing. Additionally, you experience that you are infinite, have infinite mind, are infinite love and have infinite intelligence vs. Than these infinity collapses into a singularity, which is just nothingness than you realize because you are nothing you haven’t experience a thing whatsoever, because no one was there. So psychedelic trip is very confusing at the same time.

But in real sober awakening, you just forget everything and be that singularity nothingness with forgetting everything that you have learned. Direct and clean realization. You just become directly nothing. What was before big bang thats what is it, and you realize everything that so called real for you, it was just a process of thoughts. If you dont think nothing never happens. Because you are already it. Additionally, when there is no monkey mind there is no self, therefore you can never understand psychedelic trip why no one was there to experience anything (meanwhile you experience infinity mind, love vs). But real awakening you get it why because when there is no thoughts, you are that nothingness and that no one. But during the psychedelic trip, there is many thoughts. Otherwise, you will be stuck in leo s wonderland.

Edited by James123

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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@Raptorsin7  Bro I don't think this works. I have a couple of friends who rely on psychedelics and they are just becoming miserable. Quality over quantity, if you wanna continue with psychs, don't try to take them often and think like it will make things better if you do that, listen to your feeling what it says, what works for you. I don't think experience or change of state helps ever, there needs to be further growth and learning.

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I have a theory, and that is, that psychedelics help and raise baseline level of awareness and ego development, yeah, but you must be in a minimal point of these two for the psychedelic to start helping you.

What I think happens for a lot of people that take psychedelics and dont go anywhere is because they still are not open to the experience really, to be really changed by the trip/shown things, and have a change in their awareness or development. It might be because the user doesn´t have a genuine curiosity or achieve to develop himself, or might be because the user is fine with his life and doesn´t want to go to deeper places.

The only solution is, to keep doing trips, and doing all kind of integration and sober healing work, meditation introspection, contemplation, therapy, you nanme it, eventally it must happen to you come to a place of development where the trips will start to be very profound.

A single acid trip, which was my first, completely changed me from being suicidal and deeply neurotic to the point of doing crazy things, to the next morning being as a someone who has done a meditaation 90 day retreat, instant new "neurochemistry" you could say, there wasn´t any change after the trip, I literally was another person. The suicidal and neurotic persona had died in those 6-7 hours of trip Lol.

Of course that neurochemistry WILL COME BACK if you stop doing work, or really changing yourself. Psychedelics are a great aid but you can´t expect to trip and get your problems solved. No, they are a great help but its not a lazy route. 

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3 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

A single acid trip, which was my first, completely changed me from being suicidal and deeply neurotic to the point of doing crazy things, to the next morning being as a someone who has done a meditaation 90 day retreat, instant new "neurochemistry" you could say, there wasn´t any change after the trip, I literally was another person. The suicidal and neurotic persona had died in those 6-7 hours of trip Lol.

What do you think happened during that trip? Did you process unresolved emotional/body traumas... have a dramatic shift in thinking or perception?

I know my good trips all have the same flavor of relieving tension and pressure in my head and face. When the pressure releases I literally feel like a different person in my body. 

@bejapuskas What do you think of what @Javfly33 wrote? And what is a better way to go about transforming your life from scratch without psychedelic's?  

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Maybe add things that give a psychedelic like experience in your ordinary life.  It's playing with fire but entering a positive psychotic like state over and over will create permanent changes in your level of consciousness. My partner and the people I meet tell me how much I've changed in a positive way after two psychotic/mystical breaks from reality. Also there's a sweetness and euphoria I can't really properly describe.


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14 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

What do you think happened during that trip? Did you process unresolved emotional/body traumas... have a dramatic shift in thinking or perception?

I know my good trips all have the same flavor of relieving tension and pressure in my head and face. When the pressure releases I literally feel like a different person in my body. 

@bejapuskas What do you think of what @Javfly33 wrote? And what is a better way to go about transforming your life from scratch without psychedelic's?  

When I had that trip I didn´t know anything about spirituality, so I wasn´t able to contextualize it as a spiritual awakening, but I think that´s what happened.

Only thing that I know is that the next morning all of my problems were put into perspective, because I saw that my problems were only "relative" problems of the person, and the trip showed my that there was things beyond the person. I was literally that beyond. So the person was just a perspective. So I stopped giving importance to the person and the problems of the person.

Honestly if psychs don´t work for you, my guess is that your ego is not prepared yet to surrender to them. If that is the case, you should do all kind of sober practices and then when you are ready trip again and it should be more profound.

You should strive for ego death since all kind of emotions are still part of the story of the character you believe to be, so at first it feels like healing but imo is just re-inforcing the illusion. True healing will come from realizing you were never a person.

Those who want to leave footprints will never Fly

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No, you get permanent changes mainly from meditation / yoga etc.

Never rely on psychadelics as your only tool. 

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The goal with spiritual work is not to change permanently nor temporarily. It is, rather, to accept yourself and others and reality as you are no matter what. Change is inevitable, and unpredictable. There's literally no point in seeking change except for the ego. If you still want to change, you don't get it, and you are still living in fear/resistance.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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What exactly are you hoping to make permanent changes to? Yourself? Are you permanent or impermanent? 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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One orientation is focusing on & believing the thoughts. This reinforces the thought story of the separate self. (The suffering). 

Another orientation is focusing on perception & feeling. This releases thought patterns which don’t resonate, simply because they are not focused upon.

Monkey mind will hijack, contextualize, and recontextualize the trips, just as it will any other ‘ordinary’ thought. It does not care. It will contextualize literally all experiences to warp and wrap them around - the idea of the separate self (monkey mind). 

Do not be a gardener of weeds. Address the root. Monkey mind. 

Peace is never created.

Peace is always under-lying of the monkey mind. 

In the orientation of letting go, of focusing on perception, feeling, and wanted, peace is abundant & ever present. 

Here are some suggested meditations



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9 hours ago, Raptorsin7 said:

Has anyone had an experience on psychidelics that led to permanent changes in your conscious experience. 


9 hours ago, Raptorsin7 said:


Each time I take a trip I am subtly hoping to have some kind of revelation that will permanently change me for the better.... 

Do you have an idea what “permanently changed for the better” looks like? Or is it an open, unknown thing that is better than Here and Now?

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@mandyjw I'm hoping to go deeper into the tension/emotions that i've been struggling with for a while now. There's a way to let go of the tension by feeling deeply into it but the capacity to feel into it and let it go is dramatically different on psychs. 

I think this tension/emotional muck is driving a lot of behavior and thinking because I am constantly resisting it, and I want to let it go. A breakthrough experience on psychs will allow for the emotional release, at least temporarily, and that may make it easier to find ways to release while sober and it could make it easier to make changes to my behavior and thinking to get unstuck.

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@Nahm In David Hawkin's book letting go he talked about how letting is a pre-lude to spiritual investigation for some people because they have unresolved emotional issues that need to be let go of before they can really get deeper into spirituality.

I've been aware of this emotional blockage for a few months now, and almost all of my behavior can be divided into either feeling into and accepting the moment/emotional state or distracting myself somehow. Any practice it seems like is going to work only to the extent that it helps release this muk I feel, and allows me to feel more peace, relaxation etc. 

If the underlying issue is the tension/emotions "underneath" the thinking then the underlying block should be addressed directly no? 

I've been a person who's "Meditated" for multiple months at a time for an hour a day with little to no progress because I didn't have any context of the meditation and I didn't know that resistance to emotions and feelings was driving my behavior. 

As far as focusing on feeling and perception instead of thinking... it's not as simple as just re-directing attention. I can notice the difference between thinking and putting attention on feeling, but i've gotten stuck in the same pattern here.... I'll bring attention to feeling but the feeling is tense and uncomfortable so I end up back thinking about how to address the feelings etc and I just go back and forth with little progress. The advice would work better imo if the underlying tension and emotional blocks were eased to some degree so attention on feeling was more pleasant or captivating than thinking. 

I don't see what I'm missing here... if suffering and monkey mind are largely a result of resistance to the emotional/being state in the now then unless you do something to address the underlying state of the being you will be stuck on the surface and never go deeper into yourself. A person unable to let go of their repressed emotional state could spend 30 years "meditating" without ever getting close to addressing the root of their disordered thinking/monkey mind.

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3 hours ago, Forestluv said:

Do you have an idea what “permaInently changed for the better” looks like? Or is it an open, unknown thing that is better than Here and Now?

I have an idea. When I tune into what's happening now, I notice there's a uncomfortable feeling/emotional state. There's also a sense of throbbing or tense muscles in the head/brain region. On psychs, and a few times on sober long meditation sessions, i've felt deeper into the tension and current emotional state and it's possible to let go of the tension and let go of the emotional state. The result is a complete shift in how the body feels and how the mind operates. It's like i'm living with a weighted vest and it gets removed from each part of the body when the tension is let go of. 

I do believe that if I were just to sit down and be for long hours eventually I could reach the same place, but I find myself getting so distracted and there's so much aversion to the process of just being, even though I have a good sense of where it would lead.

I'm thinking if the psychs can facilitate this letting go and release, then it will be easier to have the same experience while sober. Even if I had to keep dong psychs to let go and feel better I wouldn't be opposed to it, at least until I can bridge the gap between what's happening on psychs that let's me release the tension/emotional block

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Effects of psychedelics can occur years later also.

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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@Raptorsin7 In terms of relaxing, releasing and being now - I’ve found it important to be able to do it sober - which can be difficult. One thing that helped in the past was doing micro doses to help bridge the gap. 

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