Leo Gura

Resources For INTP's

169 posts in this topic

Since many of us here are INTPs I thought it would be useful to start a collection of resources for this personality type.

If there is high demand, we can do the same for some other popular types.


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You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I've started diving into the 16 personalities quite deeply 3 days ago for no reason. I'm a mix of INFJ/INFP, but it's quite amazing to see our collective chimp mastermind come together. I wake up and suddenly, there are threads all over the forum!

Edited by SirVladimir

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I found this online course specifically for INTPs & INTJs:


Can't speak to whether it's worth it or not, but seems promising.

- - - - - -

Seems like us INTPs have a unique challenge with awakening & meditation because we love to use our minds so much. It's harder for us to shut down our minds because we are so creative and philosophical.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura

I have been researching this topic for a while. From my understanding there is quite a plethora of different personality theories, but among them MBTI and Enneagram seem the most reliable and helpful for growth.

From what I've seen, It seem that next to an INTP you are also a 5 type on the Enneagram. I myself am an INFJ on MBTI and a 5 on Enneagram. Which leads me to believe that most people that connect with your teaching are either INTP's (so similar in how their cognitive functions work) or enneagram 5's (same mode in how to approach life and similar core fears). I think it's interesting to look at what kind of people are drawn to your work and if there is a certain similarity to be found among those people. Could help to draw in those that would benefit most and identify most with your approach. 

Edited by Max_V

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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Michael Pierce is a great resource for MBTI 

This is his first video on INTP's 

And here is his revisited one: 


Edited by Max_V

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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I'm intp and this was fun/interesting:-)

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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MBTI is just a simplified version of Socionics. There is much more to learn - cognitive functions and intertype relationships. You just need to remember about j/p switch for introverts.



I also highly recommend YouTube channels Type tips and Casual Cognition. C.S. Joseph is also interesting but I hope typing methods aren't accurate in my opinion (he typed Leo as ENFP ;D ;D)

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49 minutes ago, Max_V said:

From what I've seen, It seem that next to an INTP you are also a 5 type on the Enneagram. I myself am an INFJ on MBTI and a 5 on Enneagram. Which leads me to believe that most people that connect with your teaching are either INTP's (so similar in how their cognitive functions work) or enneagram 5's (same mode in how to approach life and similar core fears).

Yes, of course.

There's nothing like a 2 hour metaphysical video to weed out all the non-INTPs.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Hahahh, but that's what I'm saying. I'm not an INTP, but I still love it. Could have to do with Enneagram types, who knows

Edited by Max_V

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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Personality comes from the ego self, the false self. It's just an illusion. Better be in the real self, identify as consciousness we are, don't try to isolate yourself into these mbti boxes.. 

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@Leo Gura Hmmm. Makes me question my personality type o.O

I love your long videos on metaphysics/epistemology the most.

Although there seem to be many people here who are INFP or aren't sure if they're INFP/INTP

Plot twist: Waldo finds himself.

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1 hour ago, Amit said:

Personality comes from the ego self, the false self. It's just an illusion.

Personality is NOT ego. Be careful making that conflation.

11 minutes ago, ItsNick said:

@Leo Gura Hmmm. Makes me question my personality type o.O

I love your long videos on metaphysics/epistemology the most.

Although there seem to be many people here who are INFP or aren't sure if they're INFP/INTP

I was joking. Sorta.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Max_V INFP here with primary type being 5 and then 4.

Plot twist: Waldo finds himself.

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37 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Personality is NOT ego.

@Leo Gura How would you define personality? where does it "come from"? 

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56 minutes ago, Godhead said:

How would you define personality? where does it "come from"? 

probably different sources, so you would maybe not mind different people answering.

some of it is genetics, like how you perceive the world,  gives you a special ability to interact with it. how you grow up and your socio cultural education probably plays a big roll. some of it is created through not only your own interaction with the world but how people react towards you (which is part of socio cultural interaction) so the traits about you which are vavored in your socio cultural surrounding will play into it. educational resources may play into it.

theories of personality types usually have some kind of structure they are building the theory on. the myers briggs is built on decision making and cognitive  theory.

which does not mean that ego is not part of the personality type, it just means it is not measured and integrated in the theory. although it would be interesting to integrate spiral dynamics for example and look how traits like pride interact with myers briggs personality types. also how different ego dynamics play a roll in different myers briggs types how they push or trigger each other and may also change the spiral dynamic for individuals just by interaction.

Edited by remember

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2 hours ago, Amit said:

Personality comes from the ego self, the false self. It's just an illusion. Better be in the real self, identify as consciousness we are, don't try to isolate yourself into these mbti boxes.. 

Personality comes from the ego, your body is an illusion, the world is an illusion... and yet here you are, talking about stuff within the illusion, talking about illusory spiritual concepts, meditating(which is an illusion and within the dream) Making big life decisions based off this apparent illusion, finding tha certain meditation techniques work better than others because of the illusion, having mystical insights because of the illusion, being able to conceptually conceive of the idea of illusion because of the illusion...

Maybe form and illusion are 2 different things being conflated as the same.

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