
transcended Culture, now what

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ok so one transcends culture... then what? i went through a phase of personal development about 5 years ago where i became aware of all these cultural norms, impositions, ideologies, ego games, traditions; and shortly thereafter became kind of embittered by it all. i started to get very serious and "anti". i grew out of that after a few months but have been revisiting this concept lately, from an objective view. so, as it seems to impact just about every facet of daily living, unless you are a monk on a mountain far-removed from anything, then i ask again; so you've transcended Culture, so what? i don't mean that in a derogatory way! :S

Edited by butcho

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@butcho I doubt you have even begun to transcend culture.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Create your own culture! 

I'd say it's almost impossible to not be in a culture unless you live by yourself. And even then you are living with your own inner-culture. 

Edited by SgtPepper

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36 minutes ago, butcho said:

ok so one transcends culture... then what? i went through a phase of personal development about 5 years ago where i became aware of all these cultural norms, impositions, ideologies, ego games, traditions; and shortly thereafter became kind of embittered by it all. i started to get very serious and "anti". i grew out of that after a few months but have been revisiting this concept lately, from an objective view. so, as it seems to impact just about every facet of daily living, unless you are a monk on a mountain far-removed from anything, then i ask again; so you've transcended Culture, so what? i don't mean that in a derogatory way! :S

Being objective, or meta, doesn't mean excluding oneself from the view. You are always at the center of it, wether you like it or not.
In the same way, being anti-culture doesn't mean you are no longer part of culture. It just means you choose to be on the bitter side of it.

Culture is everywhere. You can't escape it, nor do you have to. You can however be a lot more conscious of how it tends to move and how it influences you and your surroundings. 

The greatest artists, for example, are the ones that are able to freely manipulate all the different facets and colors of culture at will, and use it in their work. And because of this, they can eventually transcend it. And transcendence simply means understanding it, not being a slave to it. You make your own conscious choices, which can then in turn influence culture in a positive way.

Culture is a work in progress, and it needs participation to grow. Neglecting it won't work, because you'd be neglecting yourself along with it.

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@DoubleYou not currently neglecting nor anti. i mentioned that was 5 years of personal development ago. the inquiry was where to go with this currently... and i love your answer "influence culture in a positive way" thank you so much 

Edited by butcho

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You need to decide which level you want to interact with culture and society on.  You cannot ever completely transcend it, especially while posting about it on a forum ;) this is a culture and you're currently participating in it, evidently because of some sort of need for cultural interaction, which we are happy to provide.

Culture is not "one thing" it's a swarm of different levels of thinking, streams of narrative, genetics, social systems, linguistic patterns, etc. 

If you feel you've evolved past the culture you find around you, there's three choices of good places to go from here: a) learn to live with it and hold your own inner peace (the spiritual path) b) travel to other places or change your social circle to associate with different company (the path of the wanderer) c) create your own new cultural initiatives and invite people to join you in it (the artist)

As Terence Mckenna said, Culture is not your Friend... I wrote a song inspired by this taking this tbitle.  Maybe you will like it, here it is:


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@WorldlySavage great stuff! Cheers. i am going to opt for a mix of B and C. i do love the sound of C but the problem w that is you run up against a lot of barriers.

Edited by butcho

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@butcho Reintegrate into the real world. Why would you want to transcends culture? Why go into mountains. It's all right here.

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@Stakresthanks! i am very much in the real world. all day every day.i don't want to transcend culture. it just happened. i don't want to go into mountains. that is the purpose of this post brother or sister 

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7 hours ago, WorldlySavage said:

As Terence Mckenna said, Culture is not your Friend...

Culture.. lol

Genesis 27:27-29

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On 1/5/2020 at 10:50 AM, butcho said:

so, as it seems to impact just about every facet of daily living, unless you are a monk on a mountain far-removed from anything, then i ask again; so you've transcended Culture, so what? i don't mean that in a derogatory way! :S

When you transcend culture, there’s no inclination to remove yourself from it, because you’ve already transcended it. This is like saying I resolved my fear of spiders.    Just gonna move to where there are no spiders. 



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On 2020-01-05 at 0:20 PM, butcho said:

ok so one transcends culture... then what? i went through a phase of personal development about 5 years ago where i became aware of all these cultural norms, impositions, ideologies, ego games, traditions; and shortly thereafter became kind of embittered by it all. i started to get very serious and "anti". i grew out of that after a few months but have been revisiting this concept lately, from an objective view. so, as it seems to impact just about every facet of daily living, unless you are a monk on a mountain far-removed from anything, then i ask again; so you've transcended Culture, so what? i don't mean that in a derogatory way! :S

You can transcend culture. You are a drop in the ocean. You can't overwrite millions spent to indoctrinated girls with spending peak fertility chasing Chad and degrees in sock puppet therapy and major in left handed puppetry. There's a push on being woke, SJWs, ruining awesome movies like Star Wars and others. Generation of soy boys and low testosterone. Society is degenerate . The culture is cucked. Enjoy the decline. Find your peace. Live your Id. You can transcend Being. You can update your values. You won't transcend culture. You can still be that drop in the bucket.


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@butcho  Embracing the grey I read your words and attempt to feel a meaning, I seek your heart & the intention of your questioning evolution.  Regardless of the technical interpretation of the words used, outside of the rigid lines of proper philosophical definition I seek to hear what it is you wish to convey.  

What I wonder is when you say transcend culture do you mean that you have seen the large scale collective functioning and long for another?  You may not know what it is, where it could be, but what you see doesn't provide what is beckoning from within?  

I find there are plenty of "enlightened" or "wise" people who have found knowledgeable interpretations  of remarkable depth and wisdom that offer paths to more of the same but with understanding that somehow makes them feel above it, outside it, while remaining solidly within it.  They hold insight that allows them to paint remarkable linguistic portraits of the fabric that forms our experiences.  They can see where we are brilliantly, however, they have a hard time seeing where we are not.  How do you know something that you have never consciously witnessed?  How do you embody a "culture" that has not yet taken root?  

Every opinion is rooted in some aspect of truth, there is varying degrees of value to be gleaned.  

When the opinions are played out, when the path they offer is walked, where does it lead in the infinite chain of expression?

I believe there are expressions of culture on the horizon, expressions that are mapped upon perceptions and insights that function differently than what we are currently existing within (uncomfortably for many of us, if I may add).  Maybe your internal compass feels & desires the new and is no longer satisfied with maintaining status quo, simply "making sense" of what is present in a way that acts more like a sedative.  Maybe you have "transcended culture" in the sense that what is being expressed no longer resonates.  This is beyond bad and good, right and wrong.  This is simply the awakening or evolution of being at play, from one paradigm to the next, wandering through a misty cloud of grey seeking the cultural expression that temporarily feels like home.  

What I am saying (just another voice in the wilderness finding its way, degree of value is TBD)...   

The "past" or what we have achieved is easier to reflect upon and take stock of then the "future" or what we are moving towards, this is something mostly unknown.  The future in the sense of fine details, the evolving expression we know as our lives, the awakening journey; this is mostly unknown.  Fortunately we have the pillars that construct the framework, the steady reliable pillars which can be used to navigate the way the stars used to assist those masters of the high waters.  With incredible precision we can navigate into the unknown and engage with what lies ahead.  To look forward, to actively seek out and construct the new, means to no longer being transfixed with the past or where we are at present. The past and present are incredible sources of information and education, examples, points of origin used to calculate position and trajectory.   The journey is the destination, the destination is the journey.

Seekers may have the best of intentions but they live within this truth, hindsight is sharp and detailed predictions of the future, well, not so much.   @Leo Gura  is undoubtedly one of my favorite personalities delivering truths that comprise the Truth but even he is held within this space (delivering with grace, grit, game-changing effectiveness,.. Thank You!).  His remarkable skill is evident when it comes to reflecting on broad large scale truths that exist deep within the fabric, truths that remain relatively stable and constant; acting as pillars.  Transcending duality liberates a person in a confining way, it allows them to return to duality and resume the process in a new way.  Sure there might be that newly found vision that offers a unifying insight that obliterates right and wrong, good and bad but... but.. Rabbit hole for another time.. Point here is.. this space,, held within the pillars of deep Truth, from which we build tomorrow is murky for all of us... ALL of us.  I have seen videos of Leo owning this, make that clear.  

There is a big difference between dissecting and witnessing eternal truths of the Truth, the pillars that build the structural framework and the constant stream of temporary states of evolution.  The grand chain of links, one leading to the next.  The expressions of potential that dance their way through the story of creation.  The unfolding and enfolding of expression, the movement from link to link in the chain, is more akin to the interior design, the decoration, of the structure, not the structural framework. 

Culture and society have been constantly changing their expression, Spiral Dynamics or esoteric wisdom traditions, throughout history and will continue to do so.  There are many of us that see the society and culture around us while feeling one that hasn't manifested to a degree that soothes the itch.  The itch might be a motivating irritation, one that propels us to continue to do our part in the development of what is attempting to be brought forth.  

Inside of all of us lies the totality of existence, the fabric of reality, a direct link to Truth.  It beats inside of us, it calls to us.  It asks each of us to do our part, to fulfill the stages of evolution of which we are presently tasked.  For those of us on the forefront we have an interesting challenge, we don't necessarily have examples to look to for guidance.  There are those that can help us understand the framework, the deep truths of Truth that construct the framework but when it comes to developing the temporary expression of continued evolution which replaces the one which is now and will eventually be replaced... well... here we are... 

What I am saying... Listen to that internal calling, listen to others but don't let that internal beacon be smothered.  There is a new tomorrow that needs to be built (not because it is better or right and what is now is wrong or bad, because it is what is next), it will take those whose vision can see the unseen, know the unknown, and become what is... 

Blessing my friend... 

Edited by RevoCulture

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On 1/12/2020 at 11:36 PM, Maximus said:

My full peak experience of transcending culture was bliss and now what did not occur. My only real problem was seeing how everyone else was not on board and attacked me, and how there was not any help for the issues I was having that I was detached from. Executing things in time and having a single true friend. Now what was not a problem. No one else transcending and the world turning too fast was a problem.

@Maximus   question.. about the "how there was not any help for the issues I was having that I was detached from."  Can you dig into that one a little more for me, expand on it?  Example maybe... Thanks. 

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