
Is it wise to divide Spirituality from other aspects of life?

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For example, this forum separates between those. I totally understand it, however on the other hand i can sense there has to come a point where you have to actually recognise you can´t separate them. 

What do I accomplish if i separate the Spiritual truths that i discover, with career/work/dating...etc?

Is it career/work/dating OUTSIDE the laws of non-duality and fakeness of all identities?

Is it really wise to first realize for example that your desires are a way that your ego keeps the illusion alive, and then go rationalize why you should take yourself your career this x seriously or have this materialitic approach to dating, because "things work a certain way"? 

Are they? Or are we telling ourselves that to keep the illusion alive?

Complete Liberation is the decision of the Creator to cut all kind of identification, including with the creation itself. With no entanglement of any kind towards anything, it can truly enjoy it and even dissolve completely if that is the wish. May you realize you are sitting on your Inmortal Throne of Bliss, and you have no obligations of any kind but to enjoy What You Are. Shambo

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Abraham Hicks will solve them dilemma for you nicely. It's mind boggling how magically she seamlessly uses one to teach the other, just like life. 

Separation is necessary for teaching at a certain point, for example if you want to teach a child to read, you'd first teach them all the letters of the alphabet before you expect them read words themselves. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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You can do both simultaneously. Just like you can be conscious that you are God and simultaneously be in the world as YOU. It's sounds like a paradox, like it's contradictory. No, it flows naturally by pure will, pure perfection. 

Do the spiritual work, but also don't go as far as thinking you are having sex with yourself when in fact you are having sex with a hot witch. 


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@Javfly33 The main thing is to stay authentic and true to yourself. Go at your own pace, and be selective with your company.

"Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence". Erich Fromm

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It allows you to see "yourself" in a new and different way. It changes everything, but it is the same. In a sense a perspective shift. A new way of making sense of "what is". In the end the world you see is the world you are experiencing. There is no separation between anything, spirituality, whatever insights there are and your life, world, job, relationships. They are all still there, if you choose them to be. You see them differently, they might not carry the same meaning or value to you anymore, but they are no less real as real as anything you ever experience. They "are", and there is no separation.

It is all within non-duality. Non-duality cjabges how you relate to those things. Again, changes the relationship, the perspective. That does not mean that you can't till pursue or accomplish things. What you want to accomplish may be different. How you want to accomplish will be different. How you percieve accomplishment will be different.

In a sense, there is no "taking it seriously", that is much too serious. It just is. Accept what is and the illusion is no illusion, it just is. 

It changes the "whys" in your relation to materialism and dating.

Edited by Eph75

Want to connect? Just do it, I assure you I'm just a human being just like you, drop me a PM today. 

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@Javfly33 if you integrate spirituality into every moment in your life that's when the magic starts happening. <3

3 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

Is it really wise to first realize for example that your desires are a way that your ego keeps the illusion alive, and then go rationalize why you should take yourself your career this x seriously or have this materialitic approach to dating, because "things work a certain way"? 

We can theorize that certain outcomes might happen but unless you try them out you will never know. That's the best way, try it out and see if you like the results. If not you xan always go back to your old ways.


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@Javfly33 This is a common appearance along the spiritual path. At first, it can seem like compartmentalizing. There is "spiritual time" in which one may meditate in a spiritual room or sangha. We may have spiritual statues and light incense to create a spiritual atmosphere. We may contemplate afterwards. . . The tendency is to then switch back to "regular" mode. Now it's time to run errands, study, go to work etc. After a while, they start to integrate and overlap. The world becomes one's sangha.

3 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

Is it career/work/dating OUTSIDE the laws of non-duality and fakeness of all identities?

At the personal level, it feels like a process. For me, it felt like I was transcending my personal story during my spiritual practices - during solo time in nature, yoga and meditation. And then I went to work and it felt like I was "flipping back" to playing a made-up character. Then I would "flip out" of it. It made for some uncomfortable moment at work and with family. I spent a lot of time alone. . . One thing that helped me was realizing that this "character" appears and disappears. Yet this is not outside nonduality. The character appears just like music and bird chirps appear. That character can appear without any attachment or identification. . . For example, last week I was at a meeting at work. There were appearances of characters in the room - including "me". At one point, someone asked me "what's your opinion?". Then an "I" appeared and words of an "opinion" left "my" mouth. Yet there wasn't attachment/identification. There weren't thought stories like "I hope my opinion was good enough", "She thinks she is smarter than me. I saw how she sighed when I was talking". That type of personal attachment/identification dissolves. . . Then later, I'm walking through nature. There is no need for that character and it disappears for a while. 

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@Serotoninluv that's nice to hear. Make sense! Haha

Complete Liberation is the decision of the Creator to cut all kind of identification, including with the creation itself. With no entanglement of any kind towards anything, it can truly enjoy it and even dissolve completely if that is the wish. May you realize you are sitting on your Inmortal Throne of Bliss, and you have no obligations of any kind but to enjoy What You Are. Shambo

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Life is spirituality, this very world is the Buddha planet. 

Eventualy you transcend non duality, spirituality all of those are concepts which are useful but eventually need to be transcended.


you can’t separate anything as EVERYTHING is the Self, it’s all there is! 

Non-Duality is like medicine for duality, once you’re better you don’t keep taking the medicine do you? 

Thats how it works with the teachings, until you arrive at the finishing line, where this very moment is seen to be all there is, and is seen to be enough, you need them.

but if there’s even a subtle feeling you aren’t there, keep going until you are, you will know when you’ve “arrived” trust me. 

The ordinary becomes the extraordinary.

oh and yes as others have said you still get to be you, in fact more you, I recommend Enneagram work to everyone, you get to have your cake (The Self) and eat it (Be you on a human level!) 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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Is it wise to divide Spirituality from other aspects of life?”

Collapse all.  Nonduality, “not two”.  Spirituality is an idea. Other aspects of life is an idea. 



“Grasp” those, and then let that idea go too. 

These are the fingers. What is the moon



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20 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

For example, this forum separates between those.

Does it though? 

To answer your question, no, separating spirituality from other aspects of you life is not wise and will lead to dysfunction. 

"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

Sent from my iEgo

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On 12/20/2019 at 0:58 PM, Javfly33 said:

For example, this forum separates between those. I totally understand it, however on the other hand i can sense there has to come a point where you have to actually recognise you can´t separate them. 

What do I accomplish if i separate the Spiritual truths that i discover, with career/work/dating...etc?

Is it career/work/dating OUTSIDE the laws of non-duality and fakeness of all identities?

Is it really wise to first realize for example that your desires are a way that your ego keeps the illusion alive, and then go rationalize why you should take yourself your career this x seriously or have this materialitic approach to dating, because "things work a certain way"? 

Are they? Or are we telling ourselves that to keep the illusion alive?

This is a story, created from connecting one-at-a-time-linear thoughts....which are completely non-related - together. 

This story, of you the human, the individual separate self, is resistance. 

The resistance to allowing everything you want into experience. 

This story, resistance... is suffering


A thought arises, let it go. ‘Tune into’ perception. See. Hear. Feel. 

Watch what ‘happens’ in perception. 

Scrutinize your belief in separation...do I really know I am perceiving objects? ...or do I know perception? 


“The kingdom of heaven, is within”

Beginning of circle... “oh, ok. So meditate. Let go. Connect with this inner being, this heaven  ‘within’.’” 

End of ‘circle’...”oh!!!!!!!!! This is heaven, ‘it’’ is all an appearance within me.”



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2 hours ago, Nahm said:

This is a story, created from connecting one-at-a-time-linear thoughts....which are completely non-related - together. 

This story, of you the human, the individual separate self, is resistance. 

The resistance to allowing everything you want into experience. 

This story, resistance... is suffering


A thought arises, let it go. ‘Tune into’ perception. See. Hear. Feel. 

Watch what ‘happens’ in perception. 

Scrutinize your belief in separation...do I really know I am perceiving objects? ...or do I know perception? 


“The kingdom of heaven, is within”

Beginning of circle... “oh, ok. So meditate. Let go. Connect with this inner being, this heaven  ‘within’.’” 

End of ‘circle’...”oh!!!!!!!!! This is heaven, ‘it’’ is all an appearance within me.”

What to do when this type of thought arises?

"This is amazing, but, if i let go completely, then how i am going to control my plans for the future, I need to get a job, self-actualize this and that ...etc"

If i let go, then fear arises. I want the fear to be gone, so I start believing my "story" again. 

Maybe i should wait to "mature" my life more before enlightment? It seems I have more or less a good tune with what to do to become effortless, but there´s doubt in this effortless into what to do once I am there (or more precisely, when i´m "nowhere")


Complete Liberation is the decision of the Creator to cut all kind of identification, including with the creation itself. With no entanglement of any kind towards anything, it can truly enjoy it and even dissolve completely if that is the wish. May you realize you are sitting on your Inmortal Throne of Bliss, and you have no obligations of any kind but to enjoy What You Are. Shambo

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1 hour ago, Javfly33 said:

What to do when this type of thought arises?

"This is amazing, but, if i let go completely, then how i am going to control my plans for the future, I need to get a job, self-actualize this and that ...etc"

Does this thought feel good, “I have to control my future” 

Why doesn’t that thought feel good?

Does this thought feel good, “I need to get a job” ?

Why doesn’t that thought feel good?

Does this thought feel good, “I need to self actualize” ?

Why doesn’t that thought feel good? 

Notice, I’m not asking about your story. I’m asking only about the thought. How each thought feels.  

2 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

If i let go, then fear arises. I want the fear to be gone, so I start believing my "story" again. 

If you listened to the inner guidance, the feeling, you wouldn’t even be able to blame your inner being, by referring to feeling as “fear”. It wouldn’t even occur to you, because you’d still be at “This is amazing”. 

Let go - of the thoughts - which do not feel good.   Unless you are afraid of feeling good - there is literally nothing to fear. You are letting go of the very thoughts which do not feel good to you. The end result, will be feeling good. Let not-good feeling thoughts go swiftly, diligently - because you want to feel good - soon enough, it’s autopilot. (In truth it already is - there’s just a “claimer” & “blamer” in the way)

”My story” = Creating fear (ignoring inner being).

What you seek is seeking you. Rumi    (This is a reference to right now. Not a “future destiny with enlightenment”.)

Write down the duality, the two opposite perspectives, of each of your beliefs: Control, future, and need. 

Of the two perspectives, choose the better feeling one. 

2 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

Maybe i should wait to "mature" my life more before enlightment? It seems I have more or less a good tune with what to do to become effortless, but there´s doubt in this effortless into what to do once I am there (or more precisely, when i´m "nowhere")


If you inspect and dispel the belief in a “future”, in “control”, and that you “need”...that thought wouldn’t even arise.




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