
How is winning the lottery possible for those who don't create value?

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14 hours ago, Shaun said:

The universe gives back to you what you put in. Many spiritual teachers say this. How is it then that lottery wins happen to people who give nothing and are totally selfish? 

Anyone can win the lottery but it probably won't change the person so he'll continue to be selfish and get selfish results.

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Many people misinterpret these kinds of “lessons”. The universe as far as I’m aware has no morality to it, at least with respect to how we normally conceptualise it, I mean if it did we’d likely have a completely different world. We were setup from the start to have the population and general global issues we have based on our weaknesses, we haven’t addressed those weaknesses that were built into our evolution, so in a way that is our karma (we allowed the power hungry to rule and the stupid to breed, simply said, so these are the consequences we see today several hundred years later) while at the same time it was inevitable given our level of consciousness (inclusive of but not limited to fluid intelligence) achieved overall to date.

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To me the highest level of consciousness would be acting in a way that supported those hundreds of years into the future and beyond, at least that is one behavioural attitude I think would be correlated. This is why at the highest levels of consciousness or just with every increase, you’re going to see a different kind of morality play out that you’re not necessarily going to be comfortable with given you may have very different experiences and reference frames you’ve developed from those experiences. As for the lottery, we’ll, our future is a bit like that at the moment, which is why I’m an advocate for consciousness expansion as much as possible, from fluid intelligence to empathy to spirituality to wisdom and so on. Think of future generations, those living in other solar systems potentially, what they may have wanted if we were to survive. By raising our consciousness we reduce their future problems.

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20 hours ago, Shaun said:

The universe gives back to you what you put in. Many spiritual teachers say this. How is it then that lottery wins happen to people who give nothing and are totally selfish? 

I strongly believe that we get what we put in. When someone wins lottery and haven’t deserve it, they usually waste the money, spend it really quick and the benefit gets passed on others. Sometimes, it can take a while, sometimes, the order is other way around (something is taken from us and then we get compensated). But I still think that eventually it gets all balanced and distributed well.

I have an opinion on everything :D

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15 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

People who will the lottery do not experience any real change in themsleves as a result of the win. They don't grow. The money only exacerbates all their egoic tendecies and so they are no happier for it.

It's just a lucky event no different than finding a penny on the sidewalk. It won't solve anything.

I think it can be a tool, it just depends how you use it. If all of your energy is freed up as a result of not having to spend 40 plus hours at a job you hate, then amazing opportunities for personal development can be unlocked. Depends on the person though.

“Words are like Leaves; And where they most abound, Much Fruit of Sense beneath is rarely found.”

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@Shaun Real development has nothing to do with how much money you have. 

Happiness based on conditions in not true happiness. 

Who am I lying I enjoy this more then anything. ?

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@Shaun  Winning the lottery is one of the worst things that can happen to you statistically :D 

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22 hours ago, Natasha said:

@Shaun We already won the biggest lottery - the Universe is giving us the experience of a lifetime!

Realize YOU ARE the Universe giving itself the experience of a lifetime through this form.

Enjoy the beingness and be grateful :)

People who believe in nothingness after death to me could be deluded. Could be that there is only life after life, who experienced true physical death here ? :D 

"Eternal return" makes almost more sense to my ego, even from a physics point of views. The universe is more like a giant sand falling machine, You'll not "reincarnate" as in this world/ lifetimeworld , but reincarnate as the entire universe turning upon itself again & again.

the only way is truly becoming god and infinite within this framerate and stop the wheel, or maybe god itself can't. 


23 hours ago, Preetom said:

You are seeing only a very little portion of time and trying to make sense of it.

What makes you think we weren't here before?

They are winning lottery or whatever due to their good karma. And that good karma is getting spent real fast.

And all these self-help/spiritual instructions are meant to act as principles to create good karma for you so that you too can win the lottery down the at some point, either this lifetime or next.

explain me how you get " good karma ", what kind of actions will help me increase karma ? I m all sited

Edited by Aeris

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What if Karma doesn't think that winning the lottery is a "good thing" ?


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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@Aeris What I was trying to say to the OP is instead of wishing what could or couldn't happen, to just enjoy reality at hand, with or without the big $$. Winning the lottery cannot even come close to the 'high' from 'drinking' of Being-ness (poetically speaking, so don't come for me ;))

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Whatever is destined not to happen will not happen, try as you may. Whatever is destined to happen will happen, do what you may to prevent it. This is certain.

The best course, therefore, is to remain silent. 

- Ramana Maharshi



Buy that Ticket = Planting of the Seed. You've done your part.

Leave the rest up-to the rains/sunshine/soil.

Love Is The Answer

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47 minutes ago, Aeris said:

explain me how you get " good karma ", what kind of actions will help me increase karma ? I m all sited

Maslow's hierarchy of needs, spiral dynamics etc. Basically any self help model and principles that spirals upwards more and more towards progressively balanced, healthy values, decisions and worldviews.

You reap what you sow.

Keep on doing that, accumulate good karma and get your goodies. Do the opposite and you accumulate bad karma and you suffer more and more as your life spirals down in unconscious animalistic instincts.

The advaitic sage Adi Shankara gave this analogy.

1) The ones with 'good' karma get a human life with a relatively healthy body-mind that can achieve it's goals and conquer circumstances

2) The ones with 'better' karma get born in great affluence, wealth and circumstance. In other words, being born with a golden spoon in mouth. They are set for life and almost all the worldly pleasures are available to them

3) The ones with the 'best' karma get born with a certain dispassion and inquisitive mind. They are like the 0.0001% who come across this message of nondual liberation and intellectually understands the significance of it. They are the most blessed ones who have the most chance to escape the wheel of samsara. 

But the downside is, the better karma, the quicker it burns out. So fasten your seatbelts folks!

''Blessed is he, the wearer of loincloth; having the earth as his bed and sky as his roof; he remains ever free, in absolute bliss without a single care of the world''

Edited by Preetom

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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1 hour ago, Natasha said:

@Aeris What I was trying to say to the OP is instead of wishing what could or couldn't happen, to just enjoy reality at hand, with or without the big $$. Winning the lottery cannot even come close to the 'high' from 'drinking' of Being-ness (poetically speaking, so don't come for me ;))

yep I just had a selfish reflection on this matter, something triggered the box.

yes winning the lottery will not help in anyway with getting a real state of happiness or spiritual growth it could even create a contrary paradox and you'll feel lesser.

and I don't believe in the human with under dev mind, to give monney to charity especially if you don't sustain your life at the moment, that is the beautiful picture you would paint to why you diserve this monney "more". ( I don't know about op )

in reality, you would not have enough monney if you won the lottery ; because the entire spectrum of stupid possibilities opening in a short time into your brain of what you would do with this monney would be too huge.


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29 minutes ago, SoonHei said:

@Preetom nice. thanks for sharing :)


just being a good boy passing the notes to another good boy xD


''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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@Shaun 'Thinking and Destiny' by Harold Percival.

interesting and weird book that I am reading at the moment.

if you think about it, why would one assume that there is something like 'accident' or 'luck' or 'fate'? wouldn't it actually be plausible that there is an impartial law / laws governing everything just as the universe is governed by 'physical' laws?

Percival contends that all events are the exteriorizations of thoughts by which the thoughts get 'balanced' if you learn from the events. overall, the aim is to free oneself from the grip of the body-mind, the senses and desire.

Edited by Petals

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You are confusing 2 different things:


1. God does not intervene in the affairs of man: for example, millons of people suffered and died in the Holocaust, included children. Were these children guilty of something that caused them to suffer in the hell of concentration camps? Definetly not, they are children so innocent.


2. If you are a demon you suffer more because you are more attach to your ego and less to God. So, in this sense, yes, you are rewarded for your effort and for your morality

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On 23/07/2019 at 1:56 PM, Shaun said:

The universe gives back to you what you put in. Many spiritual teachers say this. How is it then that lottery wins happen to people who give nothing and are totally selfish? 

This is simple, the lottery is about odds- maths and about luck. 

I have more insight into the strange world of luck than most others on this forum, due to my 12 year old fascination in the game of poker, which is a big mixture of skill and luck. 

There is no evidence to suggest that any sort of Karma is responsible for how the deck of cards is ordered after a random shuffle.  So too the numbers drawn in a lottery have nothing to do with Karma. 

Ofcourse in poker AND in the lottery there is some sort of skill involved if you want to improve your chances of winning.  This is *not* done by praying and/or doing good deeds, but by applying mathematical concepts such as combinatorics, right odds and percentages.

By applying these one can have much better odds at winning the lottery, but it would still require an enormous amount of luck to do it from a single game.

In the long run, however, as we move closer towards big number of attempts,  the one who played it smart and had the better odds will outperformed the one who just played randomly. 

TLDR: Irrespective of whether you are a good or bad person, what is more important in games that include chance is to simply have better odds than your opponents.  Casinos do that and they win consistently,  even though many would argue that their karma is not the best out there.

Free yourself from attachment; Free yourself from fear; Free yourself from desire; Take deep breaths through the diaphragm and train that muscle; Meditate and meld with reality; Never skip spirit day 🙏 🤲 Don't have enemies, they are you.

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