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Mdma Trip

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Hey guys I recently took mdma in a party setting with my brother and some friends (I was the only one taking it) and it was truly eye opening. Normal I am very socially anxious when I am around people even if they are friends or family but this time all of this was just gone and for the first time I felt genuine love and compassion for my friends and my brother. I really loved them. And I told them that I will always be there for them no matter what. But of course you can imagine that that didnt lasted very long. The day after I was back feeling anxious and depressed and now I am kind of obsessed with the thought of getting there the natural way. 

Do you guys tried mdma and can relate to what I experienced here?  And could you give some advice or strategies to getting to that connected, loving place through practice. Because I know that I cant be on mdma 24/7 but I also dont want to remain in my current state now that I have experienced this.


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Next time you do it, do it with the intention of your question and the answer will or at least should arise so you don't have to keep going back to the substance because substances can delude you further if you abuse them too much. I abused them all, i am so much better now without substance because i actually started to apply the teachings of what i realized during substances on a daily basis so i never have to go to the substance to feel that way or have those insights again. Of course this is not to say i will never do them again, but i allow them to come from a spiritual calling rather than a mental one so the once in a blue moon i do reconnect with the plant teachers, its a divine marriage and cosmic orgasm that lasts and lasts long after the substance has worn off.

MDMA is one of the harder drugs, it should not be used more than once every 3 - 4 months but if it turns into a habit of taking it every 3 - 4 months then you are not really learning anything. Same for all other substances, I prefer mushrooms or DMT as they feel most natural and healing too me.

I personally experience low-dose MDMA high almost all the time now that i have stopped using all substances and all chemicals in processed food and over-use of technology in my diet/lifestyle including weed which was masking my natural enlightened state and giving me a false-enlightened state.

I will say there was a time where i felt on a high dose MDMA high all the time naturally but i was Alien to everyone else around me and i understood i need to find a more neutral or balanced point to get by with everyone else or else i would have to become a hermit and move away from society completely.



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@lennart You're never gonna be naturally as high as MDMA makes you. That's sorta like expecting to be on a constant heroin high. Not gonna happen.

But doing years of Kriya yoga might best the closest thing, if you open your heart chakra and deeply awaken.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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44 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@lennart You're never gonna be naturally as high as MDMA makes you. That's sorta like expecting to be on a constant heroin high. Not gonna happen.

But doing years of Kriya yoga might best the closest thing, if you open your heart chakra and deeply awaken.

Do you think kriya yoga is superior to meditation? 

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58 minutes ago, Curiousobserver said:

Next time you do it, do it with the intention of your question and the answer will or at least should arise so you don't have to keep going back to the substance because substances can delude you further if you abuse them too much. I abused them all, i am so much better now without substance because i actually started to apply the teachings of what i realized during substances on a daily basis so i never have to go to the substance to feel that way or have those insights again. Of course this is not to say i will never do them again, but i allow them to come from a spiritual calling rather than a mental one so the once in a blue moon i do reconnect with the plant teachers, its a divine marriage and cosmic orgasm that lasts and lasts long after the substance has worn off.

MDMA is one of the harder drugs, it should not be used more than once every 3 - 4 months but if it turns into a habit of taking it every 3 - 4 months then you are not really learning anything. Same for all other substances, I prefer mushrooms or DMT as they feel most natural and healing too me.

I personally experience low-dose MDMA high almost all the time now that i have stopped using all substances and all chemicals in processed food and over-use of technology in my diet/lifestyle including weed which was masking my natural enlightened state and giving me a false-enlightened state.

I will say there was a time where i felt on a high dose MDMA high all the time naturally but i was Alien to everyone else around me and i understood i need to find a more neutral or balanced point to get by with everyone else or else i would have to become a hermit and move away from society completely.



My intention is to really connect to and understand people. I also realized that everyone kind of needs human connection and love so I gave it to them because I had it! I cant imagine feeling like it 24/7.

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Look into Jhana meditation, that can actually surpass MDMA. You probably wont be able to be on an MDMA high all the time. Also a very clean lifestyle with lots of METTA (loving kindness) practice can defo made you feel similar.  Ultimately tho you will find your main goal is just to awaken as deeply as you can. MDMA is an amazing insight into love for sure. Its a shame its damaging to the body.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

@lennart You're never gonna be naturally as high as MDMA makes you. That's sorta like expecting to be on a constant heroin high. Not gonna happen.

But doing years of Kriya yoga might best the closest thing, if you open your heart chakra and deeply awaken.

You would die within a week if your Serotonin was rushing like that all the time, you couldnt even sleep or eat. Years of meditation can probably give you a strong taste though. 

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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Thanks for sharing your experience. I had taken MDMA once when I was much younger at a party and the deep feeling of love I felt for my friends as I was talking and interacting was something I can still remember to this day. It's almost the same feeling as falling head over heels for a guy or girl when you first start dating but possibly even more intensely. Experiences such as these is what has allowed me to understand what Leo means by statements such as expanding your capacity to love.  

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You could start developing that feeling toward yourself, about yourself, and be that feeling. Try to imagine the distinctions you made while on MDMA and try to recreate that in your current experience. It's a long shot, but it may help you a little. ?

Maybe try being fully OK down to your core about your anxious and depressed thoughts / actions. You can relate to the thoughts / emotions in a different way. That should produce a shift in your experience if you stick with it. ? 

Edited by Brenzo2

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@lennart Excuse my choice of words, i did not exactly mean the "excited" state all the time, just the bliss, the love, the ecstasy without the druggy, super happy, supper excited state. Its more like a blissful peace or calmness yet the same level of unconditional love for all life can be experienced naturally.

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@Rilles Does make sense, i did not really sleep or eat those several weeks or however long that period went, i struggle to recall how time worked during that phase, maybe random days i would eat fruit or sleep for a few hours at most, i was like a feather but eventually i needed to ground myself because it was not sustainable it seemed, I felt like i was going to fly away somewhere else.

Edited by Curiousobserver

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24 minutes ago, Curiousobserver said:

@Rilles Does make sense, i did not really sleep or eat those several weeks or however long that period went, i struggle to recall how time worked during that phase, maybe random days i would eat fruit or sleep for a few hours at most, i was like a feather but eventually i needed to ground myself because it was not sustainable it seemed, I felt like i was going to fly away somewhere else.

Trying to reach ecstatic states can be harmful. Most teachers would advise you to let go of the pleasure and stay equanimious with it, otherwise its impossible to see the truth of who you are because youre too wrapped up in it. All your pleasures and states are impermanent and you will never be happy unless you can let go of them. 

It depends on what you want though, theres absolutely nothing wrong with pleasure.

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@lennart You're never gonna be naturally as high as MDMA makes you. That's sorta like expecting to be on a constant heroin high. Not gonna happen.

But doing years of Kriya yoga might best the closest thing, if you open your heart chakra and deeply awaken.

Not true. Of course depends on the dosage but do the wim hof for an hour then jump in ice water for 10 minutes. After you warm up It's exactly like a nice dose of mdma. i will say it's better. Last longer, feels better and you have a clear mind. 



Same with fasting. Do 3 to 5 day fast, eat, rest, do the shamanic breathing for at least half an hour after meditate for an hour and you will get a good dose of mdma with 2cb combination. My favorite. And if you eat healthy, meditate at least two hours, force mindfulness throughout the day like a hawk, take it eazy and don't learn or go out socializing so you will make the monkey mind going, you can keep up that high and that awerness for even a few days. 

Edited by Arnold666

“The decisive question for man is: Is he related to something infinite or not? That is the telling question of his life. Only if we know that the thing which truly matters is the infinite can we avoid fixing our interests upon futilities, and upon all kinds of goals which are not of real importance. Thus we demand that the world grant us recognition for qualities which we regard as personal possessions: our talent or our beauty. The more a man lays stress on false possessions, and the less sensitivity he has for what is essential, the less satisfying is his life. He feels limited because he has limited aims, and the result is envy and jealousy. If we understand and feel that here in this life we already have a link with the infinite, desires and attitudes change.” - Carl Jung

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5 hours ago, lennart said:

I also dont want to remain in my current state now that I have experienced this.

This, is this, with thoughts of not wanting this. It’s yours, but not if you let it go. 



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You´re not going to be in a state of MDMA loving&Kidness because you are an Ego trying to survive, and survival being can´t love everything lol is not good for survival.

However as Leo said, Kriya or Kundalini Yoga where heart chakras are awakened (metaphorical or really, at this point, there are just concepts and the bottom line is if they make a difference in your life or not, and they do) is your best bet. Also because in this way you will developing your love and empathy on a progressive, coherent level. MDMA and similar empathogenic drugs are great for discovering points of view similars of psychedelics, but, even if you could be on an eternal high of m it wouldn´t be very good since that love would be "forced" since deep in the inside you really don´t love or understand empathy.

Edited by Javfly33

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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A friend of mine asked me what it’s like when I’m in a mystical type state.

I said it’s like you are in a dream where you took XTC ?

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9 hours ago, lennart said:

Do you think kriya yoga is superior to meditation? 

Yes, but discover what works best for you.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Thanks to all of you :).

Leo could you tell me the title of the book for learning kriya yoga?

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I remember sam harris saying he experienced similar feelings of love during loving kindness meditation and he's a vocal advocate of mdma for spiritual purpose


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