
LSD Report.

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So, I deal with a lot of shame, fear and anxiety in my day to day life. I am a very conceptual, very intellectual person. I have built many prisons in my mind which suffocate me and rob me of joy and freedom.

This problem can seem immune to meditation sometimes. (I have been meditating seriously for over three years now and have done four retreats.) The mind takes the meditation and uses it toward it's own end.

I thought a good dose of psychedelics might break things open a bit. I booked a cottage in the country side, took 150 mics of very clean LSD and tripped for around 10 hours. I experienced a radically altered state of consciousness. Much fear arose. Much anxiety arose. I remained as open as possible throughout. I can't quite remember, but I think there were periods of no-self throughout. I just became consumed by visual fractals. Fractals in fractals in fractals. At one point I remember 'me' the observer falling into this unfolding fractal. The screen of awareness itself was now moving through the fractals.

But every time I came back to the room I was in, a subtle fear was present, a holding on. An unwillingness or inability to truly let go.

I was with a very close person who has much experience with psychedelics. He seemed to be having insight after insight.

Ultimately I felt depressed after the whole thing. I felt as though it may as well not have happened. I didn't feel more open or that my mind was really opened/changed in any significant way. 

Anyway, I keep hearing about the positive effects of psychedelics, and I want to grow and learn and evolve and ultimately just be a more conscious human being. "The prime directive of my life is to increase the quality of my consciousness". I have this written above my bed.

Does anyone have any advice here as I plan and consider my next trip?

The Delphic Oracle said that I was the wisest of all the Greeks. It is because I alone of all the Greeks know that I know nothing.


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For me, tryptamines are more introspective and lsd is more extrospective.

Fear and anxiety have been an issue for me as well. It has lessened with experience.

Trips can be radically different from each other. Sometimes so different, I'm amazed I took the same substance.

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@Joseph Maynor  "breathing". Could you explain this more? Also, have you experienced fractals in other contexts?

@Serotoninluv Cool to hear. Thank you for your feedback! Could you perhaps describe some of the major differences between trips on the same substance?

The Delphic Oracle said that I was the wisest of all the Greeks. It is because I alone of all the Greeks know that I know nothing.


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@John Good. So you've taken your first step. But that's just the beginning. One trip won't radically change you. It takes many trips and combining it with contemplation and meditation and self-inquiry and read books and building good habits to start to make lasting changes. And even then, the changes are gradual. You cannot change the shape of your teeth overnight. You have to wear braces for years to gradually correct them. Same thing with your mind and this work.

I like to trip every 2 weeks, consistently. I have found this to be the perfect schedule. Unless I have a really deep trip that requires more time to integrate.

I have gotten to the point where any trip on any substance, even small doses, takes me to straight to Absolute Infinity, and I can largely control the trip without any fear. I can use the trip to heal myself physically and psychologically and introspect about many things. I have access to infinite wisdom.

But that's taken about a year and a half of tripping to achieve. Not to mention the thousands of hours of meditation, contemplation, research, study, and self-inquiry which I've done. It all adds up.

5-MeO-DMT is really helpful for taking your tripping to a whole new level. Although I haven't even done 5-MeO in over a year. Half a tab of LSD will send me to infinity the likes of which most people have never experienced.

For me, visuals on 1 tab of LSD (125ug) are mild. But my consciousness goes to total infinity. At this level of consciousness, there is zero difference between life and death, all living beings are one, all of nature is understood, and the love is heartbreaking.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@John Thanks for sharing! In hopes of seeing the actual progress in this, though it probably doesn’t seem like it, I’d look at the trips like a practice. Those years of meditation having probably served you very well. Look at it like you just started another practice, one that the meditation is foundational to, one that is going to really expand you, probably completely. In terms of the larger stratosphere, you just got on the path, congrats!!!  It can take a lot of trips to get through whatever needs getting through. 10 hours...? Might have been too ambitious outta the gate. Ramp up next time. Think about ramping up for 5 trips. 



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@Leo Gura My mind is blown Leo, thanks for everything already.

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all of the barriers within yourself that you have built against it 

- A Course in Miracles

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You want to know the kicker?  That sadness you feel now has always been there.  The LSD just brought it to the surface and forced you to look at it dead in the eyes in the most vivid and blunt way possible.  The important part now is to stay on point with your meditation practice.  This part can be unpleasant, but give it time and  have faith that you'll be better for it in the long run.  The  alternative is to go back to hiding from it in TV, internet, food, drugs, sex, or whatever distractions you have.  You have to face it eventually, just do it now and you'll achieve a level of happiness you didn't think was possible.  

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@Leo Gura Leo, I have a problem with not being able to sleep for the next 2 days specifically with LSD. Do you have any tips? It drives me insane being sleep deprived and it deters me from using it. I know it's such a powerful tool. Thanks. 


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@JustinS I dunno. Doesn't happen to me.

Look into shorter-duration substances like AL-LAD, mushrooms, 2C-B, 5-MeO, DMT, etc.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I@JustinS this happens to me when my mind is over stimulated by the trip.  It’s just a side effect 

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I had my first trip a couple of days ago 
like you I was afraid and the worst part is that I had expectations about the trip 
what helped me at a moment when I freaked out and the world started to collapse around me 
is that I took a blanket cover myself play a nice slow music and close my eyes (who am I ? who am I I kept repeating) 
you'll have to keep your mind of thinking and wanting something from the trip. you'll have to let the trip do what it does without you pushing it to make you heal or to give you something 
I had the best experience in my life during that Trip which was my first one. I am 55 kg and took 200 mg LSD 
you'll have to lose control during the trip. you'll have to lose control over your life to be honest that was the important insight I got from that Trip 
is that I am the cosmos and I have to relax and let the world make his perfect dance. my effort to make it perfect is what make life harder 

take the right dose 
don't talk to anyone during the whole trip 
don't seek anything from the trip, let the trip take you where ever it wants even if it's bad. 
I recommend this play list : 


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@Leo Gura 

Hi Leo,

While in that state,what do you mean by "infinite wisdom" ?

Can you solve high level creativity problems while in this state ?

And,do you get intuitive insights while in this state ?

Also,which drug do you think can be used as a replacement for NZT-48 ,if followed systematically (like you do with lsd)?

Edited by captainamerica

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