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Posts posted by Knock

  1. @tsuki Not at all. It is because I feel a lack of integrity in what I am doing that provoked me to ask this question.

    However, I know that integrity comes from your values. I am worried that my values may be false and ungrounded with the reality of life. If I am the only one in the company that has a problem with this issue, logically I think it is me that holds the wrong belief, and not the company. I am very unsure, and would like some guidance.

  2. I also agree. 

    Leo utilising his many hours of focused intellectual growth and insights into commonplace and practical areas would provide a great service to humanity for the many of us that are stuck in getting our lower needs met. Although his older videos are reasonably good, I am sure his newfound wisdom would produce empowering videos that can really provoke real change and make a difference.

    However unfortunately this won't happen. Leo doesn't make the videos for us or at our level. He makes it for himself and at his level. :(

  3. I am having trouble reconciling if its me or the company I work for that is creating the problem. Basically, I have to push a supplementary product to the service I provide. But the product isn’t worth the value we are selling it for, and I know that competitors sell it better for cheaper. I don’t believe in the product I am being obliged to sell, but it makes the company a lot of money.

    Hence, my sales numbers are low. My boss talked with me saying that I have a ‘mental block’ that I must overcome if I was ever to expect a bonus at the end of the year. Note that all my other colleagues seem to not have any problem in this area.

    Maybe I do have a mental block, and hence need to spend time overcoming the issue. Or maybe the company has deceptive practises, and my values are simply incompatible with that?

    Any advice?

  4. 26 minutes ago, Robi Steel said:

    Youre also utterly, utterly, utterly, utterly, utterly plain stupid. The deeper I dig into you, the deeper your shallowness shows. The deeper it shows, just how little you care about yourself, how little you care about others, how few thoughts go into your own being, how much you are wasting EVERYTHING. You are boring. You are disgusting. You are hurting. You are stubborn. You are ignorant. You are your own greatest enemy. And yes, I am your greatest enemy. I will never stop giving light to your devilry. I will always show it to you. 
    Because I love you. All your quailities, I cant get enough of them. I love them all, thats what makes this exciting. I would die for you, so that you can see real love in your life. Just for once.

    Are you talking to your shadow?

    I'm confused at who this is addressed at.

  5. As some encouragement and for those who are curious, I thought I might share how ColdTurkey has helped me overcome by Youtube addiction. I used to obsessively browse hour after hour of YouTube. As a new years resolution I vowed not to go on Youtube for a year, and put it on a block list on Cold Turkey. Here are my past 6 month results:

    cold turkey 6 months data.PNG

    If you are wondering what's with the spikes lately, I have exams next week xD:/:ph34r:

  6. I see taxes are repayments for all the abundance and opportunities we are have in the modern world. I am so thankful for all the contributions of those citizens in years before me in enabling me to have such a comfortable and safe life. 

    I owe my life to public funded goods. I had a near life threatening situation, so I caught a public train to see a public surgeon. I was then able to buy publicly subsidised medicine while I recovered, all the while being supported by the government on a study allowance while I attended university on an interest free loan.

    To claim taxation as theft wouldn't be anything less than pure self-entitlement. 

  7. @Shaun Just a word of caution.

    Most financial planners are not worth their fees. They will try and up-sell you for other services, especially insurance and retirement fund management (called superannuation here in Australia). 

    I wouldn't recommend going to one, but if you do, make sure they are an independent adviser. Those that are part of banks will only sell their own products, which may not be the best fit for you (nor the best price).

    Any adviser that talks about 'active asset management' thinking they can beat the market is either deluded or dishonest. Passive & diversified management may sound boring and 'unsexy', but its most likely to lead you to the highest growth over a long term horizon. 

    What kind of investments do you have in mind Shaun? What are are you expecting, and why?

  8. 34 minutes ago, flowboy said:

    And what's your progress on that so far?


    I ask because you seem to have not emptied your cup.

    Very good question, I was thinking about the same thing earlier today.

    Although I may come across resistant, my perspective has definitely widened thanks to this conversation. I especially now understand the drive of why people get into pick-up, and how it may be necessary growth for some as they learn to find themselves. I have also come to realise why pick-up is so masculine intensive, as many boy's have not matured their masculinity throughout childhood, and pick-up is just one of many paths to do so. 

    I see it like a pendulum swing. For those who have been holding themselves back for a long time, a long swing may be necessary. Eventually in time, they will find an appropriate middle ground. Until then, we must be understanding and compassionate for where they are in their growth.

  9. 14 hours ago, flowboy said:

    Both sexes are there because on some level they enjoy the game.

    Not everyone (your girlfriend, for example) may be there to be picked up for real, but certainly they are there because they enjoy the game and like the attention.


    3 hours ago, Key Elements said:

    @Knock just wanted to add...

    If you and your gf don't like that kind of party environment, don't go. 

    @Key Elements @flowboy I go out to clubs because I love the music and atmosphere. It is not true (for me at least) that I am there for the attention, or wanting to be involved in any game. I think it is the unfortunate fact for music lovers (of EDM) that pick-up is infused with clubbing. Acknowledging that is the case, I am seeking to understand pick-up culture more with these posts.

  10. 1 hour ago, Stenne said:

    @Key Elements Hey thanks for the good video's

    This is Some good advice !^_^

    “We sit with our friends discussing the rules but no one even knows what game we’re trying to play, Because the problem with our generation not wanting relationships is that, at the end of the day, we actually do.”
    I appreciate the effort in sharing those videos. They definitely resonated with me.

  11. 39 minutes ago, DrewNows said:

    @Knock why don’t share some...?

    There is a lot going on here, so I won't be able to explain how it all works in depth. Some may seem silly and weird, but is what has worked for me. So here is a quick list:

    Technology tools:

    ·         DF Tube – Distraction Free Youtube. Blocks autoplay, recommended videos, trending videos, comments and more. I have mine customised so it is just a search bar.

    ·         Cold Turkey – Free software that blocks specified websites for a set time.

    Technological tricks:

    ·         Clear desktop on computer. Nothing within immediate sight that can distract you,

    ·         Clean phone home screen. Same as above

    ·         Grayscale phone. Most phones had a settings menu where you can change all colour to grayscale. This lowers appeal of browsing on your phone = less dopamine = less addictive draw.

    ·         Removing all trash content from your Facebook News Feed. Personally, I just unfollowed every page except close friends. However there are some apps that can do this for you.

    ·         Delete social media apps from you phone. You can delete the Facebook app but still have the Messenger app (most people use this over texting nowadays).

    ·         Long phone password. Use something like “myintentionis” or “Ihavefullintention”. This one has worked really well for me as I have to consciously think about what I am doing when I take out my phone. Yes it is a pain in the arse, that is the point.

    Practical tricks:

    ·         Put your laptop away in its case out of sight before you go to bed. Same with your phone. Personally I put them in a drawer that is hard to get to without effort.

    ·         Get a separate alarm clock. These are cheap, no excuses. Use it to wake up instead of your phone (otherwise you will browse your phone instead).

    ·         Have a ‘shutdown’ time for your laptop or phone. Something like no screens after 9pm.

    ·         Have the better alternative right in sight. Personally, I have my workout clothes already laid out before I go to sleep. This works too with a journal or book.


    ·         Obviously, all these tricks won’t work in the long term until you reprogram your psychology. I highly recommend reading books on dopamine addition and creating habits.

    ·         The books that helped me the most were:

    o   Any 3 of Cal Newports latest books

    o   The Shallows, by Nicolas Carr

    o   Atomic Habits by James Clear

    ·         Fundamentally, what you want to do is make the additions undesirable and hard to do, and make the new actions you want to take more desirable and easy to do.


    There is a lot to this all, and its not a quick fix. It took me many months to overcome my internet addictions and establish a healthy relationship with using technology and the internet. One last thing, I would not recommend anyone to give up the internet entirely. I have tried many times and it always results in bad ego backlashes. The internet is a tool, you just need to learn how to use it appropriately, instead of letting it hijack your brain and use you. I wish you all the best. :) 

  12. It is about the intention of your attention.

    It is okay to watch some Youtube or google something on the internet, if you are coming to it with intention for a specific task. When you are coming to it out of boredom, and your only intention is 'entertain me internet', then you will never have enough, and you will get addicted.

    Conscious awareness of your actions is the key, but that is harder said then done. The trick I apply is to use tools that create 'friction' between mindlessly doing tasks. The few seconds spent on overcoming the friction can be enough to bring awareness to your actions and to choose right action instead.

    I can list some friction tools and tactics that I am using and worked for me in the past if you are interested.