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Posts posted by Iksander

  1. Q. 

    Are you being Self- Responsible? Are you putting yourself through hell?

    There is no other hell than yourself. Let's examine fear for a minute, please sit and go through this with me for a moment.


    The Nature Of Fear

    Crime is committed by Men and Women who have fear inside them, fear of life. They don't understand it. Crimes are committed to try to get a feeling other other than fear, but it never works. The object of fear is to keep you under fear so that other human beings who are passing it onto you can try to feel relief from anxiety and insecurity (which never happens)


    A Bold Move

    See that the purpose of fear is to intimidate you. To make you think you are necessarily under it's all power, but it isn't all power. It seems to be because you haven't achieved a certain insight yet. That means you must get rid of your fear, and that is the solution to the whole business.

    You are going to have to be spiritually unique. You're going to have to be a Truly noble human being. Through the nobility of Reality itself NOT of your own self.  You're going to have to break the pattern that has kept your insecurity in place. And you can do it right NOW.


    Relief Is No Relief

    When you choose relief from your tension, from your worry, when you choose to relieve it, it always comes back. What are you doing to relieve your fear of life? What are you doing to escape the fact that you have no idea who you are? Some go into alcoholism, others become workaholics, others invent a variety of escapes.


    Be Audacious!

    Why don't you be very audacious right now and never again relieve your anxiety. No matter who is pursuing you down those dark foggy streets, no matter what is after you, REFUSE to try and escape from it to find relief. Imagination, false concepts about yourself (e.g. I am unlovable). When you have a false concept about yourself you are afraid because you are apart from reality. You feel unreal, and that is fear, then you create all these fears because it has become your solidified life! Most people never escape a certain horror which is this;

    They alternate between being the scared girl and the hooded figure stalking the scared girl in the foggy streets.

  2. I had just now, a glimpse of awareness into the possible nature of non-duality. I have been in great pain over the last few days, replaying different situations that hurt me over and over in my mind in order to learn from them, exploring them as deeply as I can. 


    After entertaining a few different perspectives and coming up with solutions, I became open to the possibility that I created all of the problems, including the people who "wronged" me. When I analyze where people have hurt me I see that I would've also hurt another the same way. Is it possible that I am creating experiences unconsciously so that I may wake myself up? That those people in my life are actually me, and I them? That the inner world and the outer world, perceived in my mind as separate, are actually one and the same?

  3. I am currently laughing like a maniac for no reason. I feel like I just took a drug (I didn't)

    I sat down to meditate and became conscious of how utterly ridiculous and wonderful life is. ITS ALL EXPERIENCE. IT DOESN'T MEAN ANYTHING AND THAT IS THE MOST FREEING AND WONDERFUL THING ABOUT IT! 

    I feel a tremendous weight off my shoulders, I feel light, I want to play. There's an art to living life, you know? I have small human goals, ambitions ect and they are fun, but that's all they are. It's all about the approach to them. One thing I Know for sure is that I am going to enjoy this ride and squeeze every last juicy drop out of it that I can. It's so fucking beautiful. 

  4. Occasionally, during contemplation I get the sensation that I am on the verge of uncovering a deep truth. A sensation sweeps over me, some of my muscles contract and sometimes I begin shaking. The sensation then vanishes suddenly an  I feel a brief frustration. The feeling is similar to being close to orgasm and then  'losing it'. That's the best way I can describe it.


    Every time this happens, I accept it but can't shake the intuition that I was close to a transformational discovery. If anybody has had this experience or managed to create a method in which they go through what seems to be an internal block to the insight, please respond I implore you!

    Perhaps I am simply not ready for the insight yet.



  5. @Thought Art You're the only person I have seen on the forum mention Howard Vernon's work. Shocking really, his teaching method is absolutely no bullshit straight to the point. 


    One of the greatest teachers I came across on my journey waking up. Guys, if you haven't listened to his talks, you can find them on YouTube for FREE.


    @Farraew2014 You are on the precipice of discovering something here. Keep digging. Maybe do something nice for someone and see how it feels

  6. @alpha_ulrich Short term it's gambling, whereas for a professional over a very long time the skill aspect comes out in results. Poker is by nature a high variance game and the cure for variance is volume, the amount of hands you play. In Ten-Thousand hands you cannot get a clear picture of someone's skill level in the game they are playing. In One-Million hands however, you will have a very clear picture. 

    A career as a poker player is viable, but it's difficult and unglamorous. Today you will have to practice online in progressively tougher fields of opponents and study computer generated solutions to different situations. Like anything else, it will take dedication to become good.

    As for building a platform for poker players, could you shed a little more light on what you mean?