Chrissy j

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About Chrissy j

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  1. Life is neutral, so why do the hard things?
    Life is neutral, so why do the hard things?
    Because you still have to live, you still have to create and make decisions in every second. That is the nature of life. So why not do something you love, and if you don’t know what you love why not give yourself the freedom to explore and try new things until you find that which you trul prefer and enjoy! It dosent matter if what you enjoy isn’t obviously going to make lots of money. If you are passionate about it, reality will have your back and give you all the money you need  Now, live!

  2. Anyone here have a psychology degree?
    Anyone here have a psychology degree?
    I dropped out of the program in my 2nd year. Like B3N said, the theory passed to students comes from a very materialist paradigm. Basically, they teach you to see the brain has a one big machine. It's almost a biology program.

    You'll also learn that everyone suffers from at least one mental illness according to the DSM-5. And what is the solution for most you ask? You guessed it, pillz baby!!! One day, a professor spent 5 minutes explaining to the class how big pharma was in bed with the American Psychiatric Association and how the DSM-5 was 95% bullshit.  Had he not been the most popular professor on campus, he would've been fired. A petition from the students saved his ass...

    If you are a truth seeker, you'll be left starving.

  3. Spiral Dynamics Stage Green Examples Mega-Thread
    Spiral Dynamics Stage Green Examples Mega-Thread
    Because to take Trump seriously is to go too far. The proper response to Trump is ridicule.
    You don't engage someone like that in serious discussion because he is not an honest actor. He's a con-artist and he doesn't care about truth. So there can be no serious philosophical discussion with him or his ilk.
    This is not really judgment. Yes, it's my subjective evaluation. Trump is who he is and he cannot be otherwise. In fact, he is a facet of myself, so for me to demonize him would be just me demonizing God. Which is silly to do. But that doesn't mean I have go along with Trump's machinations. Trump is just very unconscious, and there millions of unconscious people all over the world. I can refuse to take part in their unconsciousness without making it a personal thing.
    For me to concede ground to unconsciousness when I know better would just be foolish. Whether you agree with me or not is not my problem. You are free to disagree with me and love Trump. Ultimately you have to learn to think for yourself. I am just presenting my ideas here.
    There is always a point at which you have to draw a line. For example, if someone comes to you and says, 1+1=5, you laugh him off. If you took every such case seriously, you would be very open to manipulation. People could just overwhelm you with false information to push their egoic agendas through. So there needs to be a firewall. The key is tuning your firewall properly so it doesn't reject legitimate points of view. It's always possible to miscalibrate one's firewall, but in the case of Trump, I'm not too worried about that being a problem. He's just not presidential material. This should be obvious to any unbiased observer. If you disagree, then we'll just have to agree to disagree and we'll see who wins at the ballet box in 2020.

  4. Spiral Dynamics Stage Green Examples Mega-Thread
    Spiral Dynamics Stage Green Examples Mega-Thread
    @Emerald My guess is, we will have to have some Green leaders first before we are ready for Yellow leaders.
    Bernie Sanders seems like a healthy Green leader. There is a high likihood of a Green leader winning in the next election cycle as mainstream America sees the full ugliness of Trump's version of Orange America. It's going to turn a lot of moderate, mainstream people off. Trump is less consciousness than the average decent American.
    The entire culture needs to shift Greener. Which is why we have this on-going culture war. Blue/Orange does not want to shift Green. Hence it's so actively demonizing Green and fighting against it tooth and nail. Hence the rise of someone like JP, who's riding this wave.
    But Green is coming regardless. It cannot be stopped. #MeToo and weed legalization is sweeping the nation, and more of that will come. America still has yet to awaken to Green's opening of the heart.
    To me, it's not a question of IF, it's question of HOW LONG?
    It's gonna be interesting to watch it all unfold.

  5. Spiral Dynamics Stage Green Examples Mega-Thread
    Spiral Dynamics Stage Green Examples Mega-Thread
    Blue/Orange is opposed to weed.
    Case in point: Jeff Sessions has a hard-on for criminalizing weed.
    Legalizing weed will open the gateway for psychedelic experiences, which spells doom for the Blue & Orange paradigms. Orange doesn't like weed because it: A) hurts profits, B) undermines Orange's mindless materialistic ambitions, C) undermines capitalism.
    Weed will help Green win the progressive culture war. Which Blue/Orange doesn't want. Weed helps open the mind and heart. So a closed-minded, closed-hearted ego will not allow it.
    It's no accident that weed is legalized in the most developed Green countries and states in the world first. Alabama is not about to legalize weed. Because they are too Blue.
    If California is the head of the snake, Alabama is the tail.

  6. Spiral Dynamics Stage Green Examples Mega-Thread
    Spiral Dynamics Stage Green Examples Mega-Thread
    That's LIFE: A battle against entropy that we will all lose.
    That's not the issue. The issue is, HOW will you live life? What is the healthiest way to live? That's what Spiral Dynamics is about.
    Manipulation of the world must happen for life to live. The question, which ways of manipulating are the healthiest, the most sustainable, the least harmful?
    Even after enlightenment you will still have to manipulate life if you want to live.

  7. I'm probably orange, and I have issues with green
    I'm probably orange, and I have issues with green
    @lmfao Or... that's just a clever story your ego has concocted because it doesn't want to grow outside its comfort zone.
    Opening your heart takes work. Especially if you didn't receive proper love from your mother.

  8. Trip Report: First timer Changa (DMT-infused smoking blend)
    Trip Report: First timer Changa (DMT-infused smoking blend)
    @Clayman Good work. Messy, but you gotta start somewhere.
    Try some LSD for a less twisted and less disorienting experience.
    The goal with psychedelics is to be able to contemplate on them. So you can figure stuff out rather than just being blasted into hyperspace -- which leaves you confused after you return.
    You wanna contemplate questions like:
    What am I? Where did I come from? What is intelligence? What is God? What is another? What is language? What is time? What is the purpose of life? etc.

  9. Spiral dynamics stages in women, stage orange and relationships, etc.
    Spiral dynamics stages in women, stage orange and relationships, etc.
    Friendzoning is independent of your Spiral color. Guys of all colors get friendzoned, and only because they are clueless about pulling the trigger and escalating.
    Friendzoning is never going to be a problem if you just learn a bit about flirting with girls.

  10. Watching Spiral Dynamics blue and orange episode has made me very confused
    Watching Spiral Dynamics blue and orange episode has made me very confused
    The problem here is that you've got a highly skewed, demonized notion of what multiculturalism is about.
    Multiculturalism is about valuing diversity of human cultures, not holding your own as superior. It's about being curious about exploring other cultures and noticing how all cultural norms are relative, arbitrary, and socially constructed.
    It would help if you actually traveled abroad or deeply studied other cultures and saw the rich diversity that exists all around the world. This would open your eyes to whole new way of seeing humans, societies, and life.
    For example, you could travel to Costa Rica and see what life is like in a country which has abolished its army entirely. Costa Rica has zero army. And people there seem to be happy with it.
    Don't make this political. Politics is ego. Work to let go of your judgments. If you're judging a thing, that means there's something about it you don't fully understand.

  11. Is it possible your passion fade away?
    Is it possible your passion fade away?
    Harness your passion by zooming in & zooming out. Relish in the intensity of your artistic focus (zoomed in). But know, be aware, when that focus is becoming spent / unwinding  (perfectionism creeping in) and step away. Go for a walk, meditate, do whatever, but step away from the project and zoom out - go bigger picture general & simple - just go outside and notice the beauty of nature, the sky, take some deep breaths and relax head to toe a few times. 
    You can’t just flex a muscle and hold it flexed and expect it to develop. The relax is as important as the flex. The retreat is as important as the forward thinking. The zoom out is as important as the zoom in. You have to be conscious of doing both. Sounds like you’ve been hammering the zooming in. 
    This cycle might be two minutes, then later 10 minutes...while you’re ‘getting your groove back’, but it will develop beyond even what you’ve experienced so far if you practice. Otherwise, you are just hoping lightening strikes. Hoping inspiration “hits”. 

  12. On naive application of spiral dynamics
    On naive application of spiral dynamics
    @tsuki It's not strictly a prerequisite. There are people who I would classify as Yellow who don't know Spiral Dynamics exists.
    But learning Spiral Dynamics will super-charge your ascent and mastery of Yellow and help open you up to Turquoise.
    Noam Chomsky is a Yellowish guy, and I don't think he knows about Spiral Dynamics.
    Yellow just requires a passion for removing all biases from your perception of the world, and being able to explore diverse perspectives with radical openmindedness and neutrality.

  13. Spiral dynamics stages in women, stage orange and relationships, etc.
    Spiral dynamics stages in women, stage orange and relationships, etc.
    Many women are naive and underdeveloped themselves. And also, Green guys are pretty rare. Most guys are Blue/Orange. And since women don't do pickup on guys, they don't have many choices a lot of times.
    An Orange woman is not conscious enough to realize that what she really wants is a Green guy. She will keep getting attracted to Orange assholes for a long time, until she learns her lesson the hard way.
    Like attracts like.
    The best way to attract a Green guy or girl is to become solidly Green yourself. Hang out where Green people hang out.
    Oh, definitely!
    The problem is it rarely works. Most Orange guys are stuck being Orange. Much easier to find a guy who's already Green.

  14. clash of spiral dynamics stages - interesting experience today
    clash of spiral dynamics stages - interesting experience today
    @dynamics Yellow is aware of the entire Spiral for the first time.
    Orange is not aware of itself. Yellow is.
    Orange does not do true systems thinking. Orange manipulates systems, which is NOT systems thinking. Systems thinking is when you design systems to enhance the ENTIRE spiral, not just your stage. Orange only cares about Orange. Yellow cares about all the colors.

  15. Spiral Dynamics Stage Orange Examples Mega-Thread
    Spiral Dynamics Stage Orange Examples Mega-Thread
    @danilofaria Osho was obviously enlightened and way beyond Orange is many ways.
    But he also had some hangups with Orange. He took it to unhealthy levels.

  16. Why would followers be mostly orange?
    Why would followers be mostly orange?
    Cause most people on YT and in the West are Orange.
    Of course many Green people watch me too.
    Fully overcoming Orange isn't easy cause it's the predominant culture of our time. Even much of personal dev is Orange.
    As my channel evolved over the last year or two, I've probably alienated many solid Orange people with my mystical talk. So maybe now I have more Green people. Who can say? The majority of viewers stay silent. The wisest, most Yellow viewers probably don't ever post a comment, which skews my understanding of my audience.

  17. Stage Orange and Science. Thoughts?
    Stage Orange and Science. Thoughts?
    Disowning reality does not work.
    The purpose of Spiral Dynamics is to help you OWN every stage. That can only happen when you understand that every stage is necessary to the functioning of the whole.
    Yes, even Nazi's are necessary. OWN it.
    Everything is you.

  18. Spiral Dynamics Stage Orange Examples Mega-Thread
    Spiral Dynamics Stage Orange Examples Mega-Thread
    Oh man, you couldn't be more mistaken.
    Women LOOOOOOOVE Green sex!
    You will love it too.
    To you it seems as though they aren't turned on by it because they follow your lead. So if all you lead them towards is shallow Orange sex, that's all they accept without even knowing what they're missing. And you cannot lead a woman to Green sex unless you are first comfortable being there yourself. When you give a woman Green sex, she will love you forever.
    Most guys suck at sex. Sex is an artform.
    Like attracts like.
    Orange attracts Orange.
    Green attracts Green.

  19. testing kit question(s)
    testing kit question(s)
    @KMB4222 No, there are only 2 types of testing kit: Erlich and Marquis.
    Each one tests for lots of various substances with a color-coded chart.
    Run your substance through both.

  20. Duality IS Non-duality
    Duality IS Non-duality
    Of course. Unity = multiplicity. Form is emptiness, emptiness is form.
    You are your wife.
    You are me.
    Evil is good.
    Hate is love.
    Yin is yang.
    God is the devil.
    Illusion is reality.
    Enlightenment is non-enlightenment.
    Life is death.

  21. Is Stage Green A Weird One for Men (Spiral Dynamics)?
    Is Stage Green A Weird One for Men (Spiral Dynamics)?
    Yes, this is actually a big obstacle for men, because most men are so preoccupied with appearing alpha.
    From all the criticism, judgment, and resistance that I see about Green, it feels like 50% of it is coming from males who have not sufficiently embodied their manhood, so they are insecure, and try to act macho, thereby demonizing Green.
    Which is why I said about stage Blue: embrace your feminine side. This will also apply to stage Orange males. The power of embracing your feminine side is enormous.
    To a juvenile man or "bro", Green will feel soft and weak.
    I once recommended a Matt Kahn video to a PUA coaching client of mine who was stuck in stage Orange. It was a really important video about love. He refused to listen to the advice because Matt Kahn came off as "too soft and feminine".
    The striving to be alpha and macho is really toxic.
    I was basically unable to coach him out of his issues because he was so insistent on acting out Orange to the max. He just couldn't fathom the value of Green. And yet, all of the answers to his problems lay in Green and beyond.
    The problem with Orange is that it's extremely shallow. There is no satisfaction to be found there.

  22. The Clare Graves Model is the Most Manipulative Thing I've Ever Heard Of
    The Clare Graves Model is the Most Manipulative Thing I've Ever Heard Of
    @Sea A stage Yellow person is never going to revert back to stage Blue. It's sort of like leaving a cult. Once you are conscious enough, re-joining a cult cannot work on you. For example, there is no way that Albert Einstein or Barrack Obama could become an ISIS Jihadist (unless maybe his brain is damaged). It would never happen because he's too conscious for that.
    You're not going to see a stage Orange society revert back to stage Red. America is never going to become a theocracy like Saudi Arabia, for example.
    Temporary regression is possible in the sense that one may still not be stabilized at one's level. For example, America leaned Green with electing Obama, and then regressed back down to Blue/Orange with electing Trump. But this was not a change in America's level of development, it was just a difference of expression. America is evolving up the Spiral. America is not going to be Blue in 100 years as much as it will be Green. So to say that there is no directionality would be very misleading. There will never be a time when slavery and Jim Crow laws get re-instated. That ship has long sailed for Americans.
    When you are angry/fearful, you will express lower stages than when you are joyful and confident. So there's that additional wrinkle. For example, if America experiences a new great depression, or a nuclear attack, then the population will be angry and fearful, so they will skew more conservative, more Blue, more authoritarian.
    BTW, Clare Graves' understanding of Spiral Dynamics was itself limited because he was not a nondual mystic. He didn't really understand the connection between Spiral Dynamics and Consciousness. My explanations of Spiral Dynamics are not just a parroting of someone else's theory, but my understanding of it, which is informed by my nondual experiences.
    And very importantly, being at higher levels is not "good" or "better". Turquoise is no "better" than Red. At the highest levels of nonduality you will have unconditional acceptance for all stages, all "evils", all ignorance. You, as God, are EVERYTHING, with no better than, worse than, or lesser. A human is not better than an ape or a dinosaur or a pig.
    Yes, Spiral Dynamics can easily be abused, like any model. As far as models go, Spiral Dynamics is a very complex and nuanced one, with lots of subtlety, which can easily be misapplied unless you study it very closely. There is a tendency to oversimplify Spiral Dynamics. To apply Spiral Dynamics properly you need to be a solid stage Yellow. Lower stages will tend to misapply it.
    Is Spiral Dynamics limited? Of course.
    Is Spiral Dynamics the Absolute Truth? Of course not.
    Is Spiral Dynamics helpful for growing yourself and your society? Very much so, if you apply it carefully.
    Can Spiral Dynamics be abused to justify all sorts of judgments and evils? Of course.

  23. I sense an anger in Jordan Peterson, it's a vibe
    I sense an anger in Jordan Peterson, it's a vibe
    The issue has never been a denial of post-modernism's or stage Green's limitations. OF COURSE they are limited. Every stage is limited in its own way. The greater mistake is to react against the limitation in a closedminded and egoic way.
    Post-modernism has it's limitations, but JP is overreacting to it, blowing it way out of proportion, which just polarizes people and creates a lack understanding.
    You are not going to transcend Green by badmouthing Green. Most people who hate post-modernism are stuck in deep Blue/Orange, haven't bothered to actually read it, or think about its lessons. It's just an egoic judgmental reaction out of ignorance.
    JP is ensuring that stage Blue and Orange people stay stuck there forever by feeding their demonization of Green.
    Classic example of a red herring. Classic Spiral Dynamics trap: failure to fully integrate.
    P.S. Soviet Communists/Marxists were not modern Green post-modernists. They were Blue ideologues closer to JP's audience than to SJWs.
    Oh the irony...

  24. Sadhguru
    Well sadhguru really stands out from the rest of the gurus. He's among the few rare being that are refered as a Chakreshwara, witch means he has complete mastery of all dimensions of energy. Not only that, he creates Gods like Linga Bhairavi and temples like Dhyanalinga witch no one did it before. He often claims himself that he knows this life from it origins to it's ultimate possibility, all the mysteries and secreats of life. Not many can say that about themselfs And also his very funny

  25. 360ug of LSD trip report: My first mystical experience
    360ug of LSD trip report: My first mystical experience
    Speech is freer today than it has ever been in any time in human history.
    Stop listening to the intellectual dark web crybabies.