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Posts posted by herghly

  1. @Osaid we aren’t designed to be eating many meals throughout the day. 

    I’ve done multiple 72 hour fasts, and during those I experience moments of such clarity. I’m convinced it can be a tool for spiritual purification, and physical healing. 

    I’d appreciate if someone can recommend good books / resources on spiritual prolonged fasts. The next fast I do will be at least seven days 

  2. On 23/05/2021 at 6:55 AM, Leo Gura said:

    My work has a strong bias towards pure understanding. Pure understanding is not always useful and it does not promise you embodiment.

    My work is not results oriented. So if you care about maximizing results you have a different value set than me.

    I don't wanna hijack this thread.  Who are good teachers the teach maximizing the results?

  3. 1 hour ago, Hello from Russia said:

    Be careful, It can be very misleading

    My research into witchcraft and similar things says that desire or intention is KEY to doing it.

    There is especially a lot of emphasis on having a very good focus (a.k.a. concentration) with the proper intention, it's like one of the core fundamentals of this skill

    I even came up with a good analogy from my readings, your concentration skill - is like your mana from RPG games, and your visualization skill - is like a spell power.

    More mana allows you to cast more and higher tier spells and spell power makes them more powerful and juicy

    Intention is the steering wheel for life 

  4. 17 minutes ago, Haumea2018 said:

    I guess we're entering into the Jihad/Holy War phase of the actualized.org religion where all the heretics are expelled and the true believers are mobilized for P.R. warfare against the naysayers and unbelievers.

    Are you following the Muhammed playbook here, Leo?  OK, if you feel froggy, leap, what can one say?

    I will observe all of this with great amusement.  I'm genuinely curious to see whether you can pull it off.  


    LOL this made my day

  5. I feel compelled to leave a comment. @Leo Gura You've been a great teacher to me. And I've always felt you give plenty of warnings and guidance for how to do the work safely. 

    I've gone down the path of using psychedelics for spiritual development. I would of never done this without your videos and I always use these substances safely, which also means I do MORE research than just watching actualized.org  (leo recommends this too!) 

    Much of this criticism pointed towards Leo is just bullshit.

    You can extend this quote from Terence Mckena "Psychedelics don't work on stupid people" to also include spiritual work in general.
