Julian gabriel

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About Julian gabriel

  • Rank
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  • Birthday 12/28/2002

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  • Location
    New York
  • Gender
  1. aweomse thanks leo
  2. it literally makes me so happy by accepting how sad I be is that y?? idk y tho?
  3. I think it's weird that sex is only legal once ur 17 in New York, the body becomes sexual way before that, and its not like 17 year olds are much smarter than 15 year olds, what do you think?
  4. in my opinion the whole concept of "game" as a way of interacting with other humans only gets in the way of real connection and intimacy. maybe if u aim to show ur real personality as much as u can instead then maybe it won't feel so bad when ur rejected, that's what I do, it still feels bad but at least I get to know she's really rejecting who I genuinely am and therefore I probably wouldn't like her anyway in the long run if she doesn't like who I am. maybe the homeless guy was more real
  5. thought it would be cool to create a thread of just the coolest most profound questions we can come up with without giving answers. Here's some examples: what happens after you leave the body? what do you think about throughout the day? what was the most traumatic experience of your life? what do you want most? are others concious? how to become immortal? what do you fear most? how to control reality? what makes reality exactly the way it is?
  6. maybe the desire for a life long partner is the desire to have a parent instead of a lover because romantic love doesn’t last it comes and goes so maybe a lover is naturally a temporary thing and a life long partner is the desire to return to childhood instead of growing up and realizing that the only one who is always there is yourself there is such value in being alone because ur forced to confront yourself without distracts, and that’s painful. maybe that’s what growing up is though maybe if society wasn’t set up around living consistently to have a job and AI did the working for us then we wouldn’t arrange relationships in a way which prioritizes stability and consistency but instead feel the wave of romance going up and down as a natural thing instead of something being wrong
  7. kinda
  8. @Davino yeah I do feel like for me solopsism feels like tenstion between unity and division, when solopsism could rather be taken as that which encapsulates both
  9. solipsism is the most profound concept I know. what is above and beyond it? any concept more profound?
  10. it is understood that the beautiful sunrise is there because the eyes look at it. but it is not understood that the beautiful sunrise is beautiful as a reflection of the beauty of your own heart. it seems that I use actualized.org to invalidate my emotions, hopefully this post will be relatable to you too. when I listen to Leo's voice it is cold, love is often cold. but the heart is also often warm. the subjectivity of reality is not to be ignored as it so often it in philosophy, in these contemplations of the state of an external world, the state of the heart is ignored, hence it is not seen that the heart projects outwards these observations. the tree of life is the heart the tree of knowledge is the mind
  11. Walking into the forest from the city an owl asked who was walking from such order into such chaos. but the one who was walking did not know who they were so the owl flew deep deep into the forest to find the bear to tell them that there was one in need of an identity. the bear was sleeping but the bear could smell the one who had no identity and the smell smelled of fear so the bear stretched their legs and ran towards the new one. but the new one did not jump or scream but did only stare at the bear so the bear stopped right before the new one and sat down feeling confused about where or what or why this one was not scared. then the new one smelled fear as they gazed at the bear and the bear stared back in confusion. the new one knew the smell of fear for they themselves smelled of it. As the new one steed at the bear the bear turned into the new one and the new one turned into the bear. they danced all night long in fear of one another. Hoping not to step one foot out of line in case the other May become angered by the mistake, and when morning came the bear ate the new one but they never did know if the bear was the new one or if the new one was the bear so the new one may still be out there not knowing who they are and searching far to find an owl who will ask them who
  12. Today I saw the village homeless man in Starbucks and so I went inside and sat next to him because I was lonely and it was cold outside. he began to talk and talk and talk. I sat and listened so intently that I heard my own assumptions about his words in his words My eyes fixated on the homeless man’s face to such an extent that his face resembled the face of the guru I had been searching for. I found that I was afraid of his acceptance of me, I found that I was afraid of his vision of my face and my body and my mind and my heart. I knew he was a fraction of this warm snowy night at Starbucks, and so was I. but as he spoke and I relaxed into his words knowing he would continue to speak with the same realness no matter if I laughed at him or closed my eyes or mocked him, I found my inner peaceful youth resting for the first time in a while and it felt like magic and for an instant I felt as if I was the entire scene.
  13. @Razard86 extremely close, so ur good at this shit huh bro.
  14. Take this post more as a prayer from the collective unconscious of the forum members, rather than a scientific analysis. I miss when Leo was sharing so openly with me the passion of his psychedelic experiences, I miss how excited I became when I saw a new YouTube video about how he had reached new heights from which he could look down on me from. Perhaps I enjoy being shat on by a pretentious prick. perhaps I enjoy learning by wrestling intellectually. Perhaps I cannot stop myself from watching who Leo has become because I want to be like him. I want to portray my heart so vividly for all to see while simultaneously hovering above what their intellects will grasp. it is the small elements of Leo which resonate and stick with me the most. for example how he has become so articulate about spiritual matters but still struggles to look cool at a party. I can relate to these things. With other spiritual teachers I did not see their development as much. but with Leo I saw as he went from just another self help fake ass overly optimistic person to someone who represents furthering of the bravery which is required to come to know oneself. I fully admit that my fixation on him could be reasonably seen as unwholistic from certain angles. I fully own up to how much I want to be famous so that I can feel loved. I fully want to convey to the reader that if you don’t like me for some reason I’m fine with you criticizing me. There are a lot of stupid fearful selfish things about me. idk i enjoy writing love letters Because what else is there to do