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About Hojo

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  1. Im on reddit alot and I see alot of people with messiah complex and it led me to want to see what the mental Illness a psychologist would have created to define thinking you are God since it happens so much but I cannot find one. I see Grandiose delusions (GDs), also known as delusions of grandeur or expansive delusions,[1] are a subtype of delusion characterized by extraordinary belief that one is famous, omnipotent, wealthy, or otherwise very powerful. Which none are doing maybe on the extreme ends A god complex is an unshakable belief characterized by consistently inflated feelings of personal ability, privilege, or infallibility. Thats not thinking you are God either. Anyone know any other maybe Schizophrenia? a serious mental condition of a type involving a breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behavior, leading to faulty perception, inappropriate actions and feelings, withdrawal from reality and personal relationships into fantasy and delusion, and a sense of mental fragmentation. (dont get me started on how much modern science has no idea what schizophrenia is and its ultra retarded) You'd think that they would have a term for it when they have specific terms for messiah complex which is just a grandiose delusion. Does this mean simply knowing you are God is not considered a mental illness by psychologist?
  2. the third dimension is depth. You are looking at like a single room. Dimensions are just changes of the room. 3d I can move back in forth in the room( it requires attachment to an object in space and time) 2D i can move my eyes around the room 1d I cant move my eyes or my body and its just a room but I can change rooms. Your whole perception takes place inside of a cube and the cube can look like anything and you are looking into it. where you are looking into it, you have never moved anywhere your entire life the room is just changing. There is a barrier between you and the room when you feel something about the room the room dosent have feelings, its you making up what it feels like. You are like a flat thing looking flat against a room thats also flat but appears to have depth. You literally have no depth. Your mother is just a picture in this room and you are making up what she feels like. All dimensions are imaginary based on what the room can do.
  3. Its the realm of fighting from hell to heaven Everything is coming from down going up we are going to heaven. Human body is machine to get to heaven. Mind wiped by aliens is real tho
  4. Conscious ignorance maybe. i dont know, on purpose. Intelligence dosent need logic you dont have to know you will already know without trying to conceptualize it
  5. simpliest answer I think is you arent fully the screen right now its not you, must be karma.
  6. it will be like you are in a dark room with your eyes taped open and then falling asleep
  7. I have had mild fears about it but I feel like I scared myself so much about non existence that solipsism is easy at least I will exist.
  8. Watch thought watch reaction to thought. Treat brain like its a computer. You are getting scared of a chat bot you subconscious created. Dont react to a thought its not real. Reacting negatively lowers your vibration and that makes God look like it has less vibe. You are in a simulation and its controlled by your body. There is a video playing and there is a narration of whats going on in reality you arent either of these. You are the viewer you react to what is happening your vibe as a viewer gets lower the simulation responds to this because you are viewing the simulation through the filter of your mood. Your mind is just filtering ideas that you react too. You reacting to it is saying thats me. Just let it the chat bot play.
  9. I know every conversation here is like repeat conversation day but yesterday I was talking to 3 different people and I was thinking we already talked about this 8 months ago. I experience this 3 times yesterday anyone else have this in the last few days? Sadhguru says the energy waves are converging around jupiter and it will cause us to experience things we already did like having the same conversations with people we already have had.
  10. @MarioGabrielJ its you. You dont exist in physical reality you exist somewhere else. Metaphysical reality.
  11. @MarioGabrielJ no nothing does exist . you are experiencing yourself in nothing. Its your quality with no other qualities fogging your mind.
  12. @MarioGabrielJ it does exist just not in physical reality. Having qualia shows its something you can experience and has quality to it.
  13. @MarioGabrielJ the fact that you can experience it means you are there experiencing it. you can experience it and when you do you are not sure you experienced it but the fact that you question experiencing nothing means you are there experiencing it cause it has qualia. You can look back at deep sleep and say I know what it felt like it felt like nothing
  14. @MarioGabrielJ a feeling of. How can nothing have a feeling in your mind if you have never and can never experience nothing in physical reality.