Something Funny

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Posts posted by Something Funny

  1. 5 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    I fully get it. Pickup is brutal. Which is why positive mindset is so important. Which is what I am trying to teach you.

    You have to be positive like a motherfucker. That's one of the biggest things pickup will teach you. Stop entertaining disempowering narratives about your life. You don't need to be Batman, you will develop yourself to be cooler than Batman. You are GOD! Batman is stupid. This is how you must think.

    Okay I got it, thank you so much Leo.

    Do you have any specific video about being positive btw?

  2. 9 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    Obviously not. But what you don't understand is that that's her loss!

    She is fat, lazy, and smelly because she didn't have to develop herself. You want that to be you?

    Okay, sorry, you are right. I need to look at it more positively.

    It's just that sometimes I wish I had eat easier with dating and relationships. This would free my mind to be so much more into personal development and spirituality. Instead of being something that is constantly bugging me and distracting frlm everything else 24/7.

    Like I've realized that I can't even plan my life strategically because of it. Because realistically I know that I should spend the next 3 years developing myself and my carrier. But then when I think that I will have to live until 25 years old without ever having a girlfriend it makes me  feel so bad and insecure that I start looking for some random quick fixes and try to do everything at once.

    This is also one of the reasons I find you inspiring. Because you actually went through not having any relationships until your mid 20s and seem to be doing quite okay now, hehe

  3. 3 hours ago, Lila9 said:

    I wish it was that simple. I wish that people loved me for who I am. A very very few people love me for who I am and most of them are related to me by blood, but those who are not, love me because they were intrested to know who I am in the first place, made a geniune effort, and not projected on me or misunderstood me. 

    In our world, in our current society, being loved for who we really are is rare. 

    People are loved for being rich, pretty, cute, smart, powerful or charismatic but it's not a high or satisfying form of love. There is deeper, higher and more fullfiling form of love.

    Yeah, okay, I agree. Being loved for who you are is rare independent of your gender.

  4. 3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    Girls have it easier to get laid, but that doesn't mean they find good guys who don't just use them and move on.

    You are biased because all you can think of is getting laid, but if you were a girl getting laid would not mean much to you, your need would be to find a stable guy who sticks around and doesn't just pump and dumb you, or makes you his side bitch.

    Even as a hot girl many guys would just pump and dumb you.

    Idk, Leo. I don't care that much about getting laid and I feel like it's easy for a girl to find a long term relationship as well. 

    Like all the girls at work, even those who are not conventionally attractive, and would be labelled a 3 or 4 on this forum have boyfriends. And it's not just about their looks. Like I said they have many qualaities that would make you totally undatable as a guy.

    For example I have this one girl at work who plays video games, is fat, and even smells bad to a point where it's actually kind of a pain to sit next to her sometimes.  And yet... She has a boyfriend. And I am pretty sure she didn't have to do 10000 cold approaches to get him ¬¬

    But in general I agree with you Leo and everyone here. This is a stupid thread and I might as well wish I was a Batman.

  5. 16 minutes ago, Zion said:

    For example; loving this jealous, depressed person that you're being right now that you may otherwise think not to love, & know that you will get passed it if you so wished. 

    You are right. In fact, I think that even if someone else loved me the way I am right now I still wouldn't love/accept myself and would ruin our relationship because of it.

  6. 16 minutes ago, Judy2 said:

    if it makes you feel any better, being a girl can also be quite hard. 

    Yeah, I know, I am not denying that. Like I said this is just a venting post, I am not making some serious claim statement about the nature of society or whatever.

    And no, knowing that someone else struggles as well doesn't make me feel better.

    21 minutes ago, Judy2 said:

    ultimately it doesn't really help much to compare the pros and cons or whatever. what's important is that you're comfortable in your own skin and at ease with yourself. and it's totally okay to be a little frustrated from time to time. if anything it's good that you can acknowledge these feelings, understand them - and let them go when you're ready.

    Thank you.


  7. @Roy I don't even mean like pretty girls. Just girls in general. There is just something special about people liking and getting attracted to you for just existing.

    Honestly, one of my biggest fears is that one day I will make it, will become successful, confident, develop a life purpose and overall be a highly developed person. And I will find myself a girlfriend, but in the back of my mind I will know that she only loves me for all those things that I've achieved / became and that she wouldn't give a shit about me the way I used to be.

    Even though I would still be essentially the same person on the inside.

  8. Disclaimer: please don't take this post too seriously. It's more of me being temporarily depressed and wanting to whine for a bit rather than making some serious statement about society...

    The Post

    I am kind of jealous of girls because they can be loved for who they are just by being there, just by the virtue of being a girl.

    I wish I didn't have to push myself, get out of my comfort zone, work super hard on my confidence, social skills, becoming a millionaire (exaggerating here for a dramatic effect), etc., just to feel like I finally deserve some love and attention.

    Even bad habits or "negative" personality traits that make a guy unattractive can make a girl seem even more desirable. For example if she is into computer games or anime or is kind of shy and introverted.

    I imagine it must be cool to be regularly hit on, told that you look cute / pretty / beautiful, to always have some people who want to talk to you, etc. Sure, it must have its downsides and can probaably even get tiring but still...

    And yeah, like Leo said in his pickup video it's great that a guy can increase his attractiveness a lot by working on himself. And I am all for that idea, sure. But sometimes I wish I could be loved the way I am right now.

  9. Day 5/90

    Today's session was rather low quality because I felt really sleepy and tired. I would move a lot and feel anxious at the end. But I showed up and sat there until the end end, which is the most important. Sitting through all this anxiety and sleepiness without quitting is also a really great exercise by itself. 

    Also, if I can show up and meditate for 3 hours when I am sick and tired it will be much easier for me to meditate when I feel great.

    I didn't do any yoga or qigong because I jad plenty of movement before meditation and after meditation I decided that the best thing I can do right now for my body is to go to sleep.

  10. Day 4/90

    Today's session was kind of unique. I was really tired after work and also a little sick so after eating and watching some youtube I decided to take a nap. I woke up at half past 8 and was still tired, but I knew that I will do the session no matter what. I did around an hour of qigong to wake myself up a bit and it has put me into a great, calm state of mind.

    The meditation itself was quite pleasant, it's like my mind has finally started to adapt and I got a little breakthrough. I still moved around during the session and change positions several times but I think I moved less then I did previously, and, more importantly, my movements and mind in general were much less frantic. I felt rather calm and as if I finally got a grip on my mind, even though there were challenging moments of course. I didn't look at the timer this time, which I am also really glad about.

    • About 1 hour of qigong/yoga/breathwork - Done
    • 3 hours of meditaion - Done

    P.S. I finished meditating at 1 am, but I don't care. By my rules it still very much counts.

  11. @Leo Gura  okay.

    23 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

    I mean to odd but also diverse experiences, things your ego isn't identified with and that are unlikely for you to do, it might be related to traveling but not necessarily. In my opinion, people who go through such unusual or diverse experiences learn a lot about themselves and end up feeling more confident than the average person.

    I see, thank you for advise.

  12. 1 hour ago, r0ckyreed said:

    The only thing worth comparing yourself to is compare yourself to God.

    I like that perspective. 

    @Lila9 thanks, the notebook idea sounds really cool and creative. I think I will try it.

    50 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

    Spending more time alone, doing things alone, traveling alone, going throught challanges alone.

    I am almost always alone. So this one is covered xD

    51 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

    Having a hobbie that help you to feel more connected to your body, or mindful, or boost your confidence, not necessariliy going to the gym, it can be something like surfing or sub-form of it or any cool hobbie that you feel related to but isn't ncessariliy very common in your area or popular. 

    I have this handled as well.

    51 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

    Collecting both usual but also unusual experiences, things that most people are unlikly to do.

    Do you mean things like travelling? Can you explain how this should help?