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Posts posted by machiavelli

  1. 2 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

    @GreenWoods ok but follow me here ..because heres the thing...with this paradigm you would still be able to shiift to what you are calling the Absolute Infinity God or the Absolute existence, thats holds all the infinite God's within it.  So, you could become this.  When you become this, all others are absorbed into You. . All other Gods collapse into you.  You are Alone.  But also, right now, according to this paradigm as one of many Infinite Gods, if you shifted to God Mode of your own infinity, all others would dissolve into you and you would be Alone.  Absolutely Alone.  There is no difference between that Alone and the Alone as the Absolute God of God's because you could be both.  

    If you could be both, why even have the extra layer -- unless of course, it was IMAGINARY!

    Because basically you just pushing the problem down a layer (or adding an unnecessary layer)  see what I mean?  Its still all the same one God fundamentally.  

    @Inliytened1 Completely agree with you. Subinfinity is completely unnecessary. And this thing makes even more complicated. As leo said you can do telepathy to other dreams . Does it still hold in my finite limited state? Can other subinfinity dream tap into mine ?


  2. 6 minutes ago, zurew said:


    You are capable of imagining an infinite number of other Absolute creators, but they would be still part of your own dream.

    However, because you can't escape your own dreaming you can't possibly know if there are really any other Absolute creators just like You (Because that would require to be able to step out from your solipsistic Absolute bubble, and thats impossible, because you can't stop dreaming).


    @zurew But in Leos video he has achieved telepathy to other dream ? Can you explain this?

    If our dreams are separate , how can I can do telepathy to your dream?

  3. 6 minutes ago, GreenWoods said:


    But they can also decide to give up part of their sovereignty in order to have a shared experience with other Gods.



    @GreenWoods Please ellaborate this point.

    If I am dreaming up my own dream and I am sole dreamer of my own dream. Do you mean other dream can interact to my dream?

    If I am dreaming everything up in my dream how can other people dream tap into my dream?

    It would mean I have no control over my dream. 

    or you are trying to say if we both become infinite in our dreams than we can have telepathy to each others Godhead or subinfinity right?

  4. 3 minutes ago, LastThursday said:

    Whether something is separate or not, is within consciousness. It makes no difference if there is one or two or more consciousnesses. It's like water, if you pour water into two glasses, it's still water - it's irrelevant that it's in two glasses. There isn't one water or two waters, it doesn't make sense at all.

    @LastThursday How can consciousness separate itself? 

    You are saying God can cut off portion of itself . 

    He can only imagine sepatation. 

    You mean absolute infinity is imagining separation right?


  5. 3 minutes ago, zurew said:

    That you are as an Absolute God, you have your own experience, and that experience is being constantly created by you (just as your own self is being constantly created by your own self), and no other can tap into your Absolute experience.

    @zurew So it means that no other absolute being can tap into my dream? Because I am sole creator of my dream and its content just like nightly dream right?

    Example- infinite nightly dreams happening separately. Each soverign of its own.

  6. 29 minutes ago, Razard86 said:

    The answer is a paradox, yes and no. Yes in that I cannot access your reality as you are a sovereign being, and no because all separation is an illusion.

    The best way to understand this is....if God believes it is a turtle....its a turtle. But in the true scope of things...God is not a turtle. But because God chooses to believe it is a becomes a turtle and that becomes REAL. This is why what is real and not real.....there is no difference. Infinity encompasses everything. The only limit on infinity that is placed is Unconditional Love. So that is why the sovereign thing is such a big deal. To violate that wouldn't be Love. 

    So yes there are seperate dreams...but the interesting thing is....those dreams CAN BECOME ONE through forging a RELATIONSHIP. 

    You see each video actually builds on itself. The Solipsism video gives you the awareness that everything is one, but the current video reveals that you can forge the deepest connection ever by splitting....reuniting....and sharing. God is able to split off and share with itself. It is actually truly amazing when you think about it. It actually makes existence even better because each version of God would have its own unique dream, and can choose to share it with you. So you can explore each other into infinity and never get bored because you each have a separateness. 

    But think about choice all the parts could also choose to merge back into One with no separateness as well. But they would all have to agree. So you can experience infinite variety and the deepest connection ever.


    Here is the best way to show you.

    Watch this video of this famous sketch comedy Youtuber. Notice every one of the "characters" is him. But his acting is so good they all seem like separate individuals.

    @Razard86 What do soverign GOD means? Can you ellaborate please.

  7. 14 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

    No what he is saying is he had a more profound realization that imagination IS reality.   Here he imagined an Infinity of God's into existence - literally.  That's how reality WAS.   That WAS reality.  Remember reality has no ground.  It can be whatever it wills.    However he also realized that those other Gods must collapse into him as the Absolute.   The Absolute realization here is that what you imagine becomes reality.  But YOU are still the One, Singular Absolute.  You are the fabric of reality.

    It's just like saying you imagine your mother exists at her house right now.  She DOES, as long as you are imagining it.   But once you stop imagining it it collapses or dissolves (or is it absorbed into you as Infinity).  

    @Inliytened1 Idk why but I think leo is serious. Otherwise he wouldnt be making video on this.

    How can there be multiple experiences simulataneously ? And yet you are unaware of them?

    If my consciousness is Absolute , it must include every infinity into it. Not just one infinity. Leo is pointing to existence of independent infinities each dreaming up finite selves and having experiences of their own separately. 

    Yet inlightened1 is only conscious of his experience.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

    Yes but as @Ry4n points out it's not the ego so it's not really a bubble - that sneaks in perception - but there is no perceiver.  It, or You, are just Pure Absolute Consciousness or Awareness.

    @Inliytened1 I think Ry4n is pointing to simulatenous experiences and POVs. 

    I understand what you mean that there is not really a human . Human POV is being imagined. But actually there is only ONE POV looking from your eyes. But it imagines it as human. And their is no other people POV and experiences. Because your mind is all that exist. The only experience.

  9. 8 minutes ago, Yarco said:

    My initial reaction to the latest video was genuinely "Leo's finally lost it". Of course the obvious counterpoint is that I'm not spiritually enlightened and I'm not actualized enough to understand. I'm open to that. But realize how extremely cult-y this sounds to even a moderately interested subscriber, let alone someone coming across the work for the first time.

    Let's assume what's said in the latest video is completely true. Even so, some things are so crazy to say that they aren't worth saying publicly. All it does is destroy credibility and make as a whole look insane. If the first solipsism video was too advanced and dangerous to release to the masses, this latest one absolutely is. Not because of danger to the viewer but just because it's optics suicide. We're definitely at a point where even hardcore non-enlightened followers can no longer follow along.

    "I'm talking to other Gods and technically they're real but also I'm the only one that's real and I created them, also all of this can only be realized on drugs" Like what is the average person to make of this.

    If the goal is to niche down to only the most hardcore followers, or leave something behind to be recognized for your genius hundreds of years down the road, then this is the right path. But if I considered myself the most awakened being in reality, I would personally want to put more emphasis on bringing non-enlightened people up to Sadhguru, Peter Ralston levels first. Instead of trying to elevate the top 1% even higher. I feel like appealing to the masses would make a more meaningful and needed shift in consciousness in the short term. Otherwise it's like trying to have a stage coral conversation with a medieval peasant.

    A long time ago there was an analogy of holding a mirror up in front of a donkey and saying "this is you!" No matter how many times you try to explain it, the donkey's mind is not capable of understanding. With this latest video, 90% of us are donkeys that literally can't comprehend. 9% are taking it as belief and mental masturbation. Far less than 1% who ever watch it will ever understand and experience it for themselves.

    @Yarco Yes, I agree. That video is dangerous and highly misleading to masses. Our understanding of non-duality is what other teacher teaches. This video will lead people to more confusion . This video was most absurd thing because, it completely contradicted God's omniscient and Oneness.

  10. 22 minutes ago, zurew said:

    God is Absolute, everything is God and part of God. But if God copies its own Absolute self an infinite number of times, what happens? What happens, is that those copies can dream their own dreams seperate from each other. These Absolute Gods cannot know about each other, because the Absoluteness of their nature is limiting them to do so. They cannot escape their Absolute consciousness so they can only interact with their own Absolute/solipsistic bubbles.

    Being Absolute comes with a cost, the cost is that its impossible for you to know if there are other Absolute copies of you.


    @zurew But leo said he was having telepathic connection to other Gods. How can my bubble of awareness is only thing that exist in my reality. And in other reality another entity bubble of awareness is only thing that exist.?

  11. 10 minutes ago, zurew said:

    It doesn't contradicts it , it builds on it. You have your own solipsistic bubble, you can only interact with your own self, you can only know your own self, You are Absolute. Lets say you wanted to make infinite number of copies of your Absolute nature (not just parts, but literally clone your whole self an infinite number of times).

    Those infinite number of Absolute copies are 100% identical to you, but at the same time you can't know about them, because you can only interact with your own solipsistic bubble, they can only interact with their own solipsistic bubbles. You create your own self and your own reality, they create their own self and their own reality.

    You cannot interact with them, because you can't escape your own consciousness, because its Absolute. Whatever would come inside your conciousness that wasn't there before, would automatically become a part of your consciousness (a part of you).

    So , because of your Absolute nature, for you its impossible to know, if there are an infinite other number of Absolute copies of you.

    @zurew It do contradict.

    Leo always taught GOD is one singular being. One singular Mind.

    This singular mind is omniscient and all seeing.

    If God is omniscient nothing can be hidden from his awareness. Whatever he imagines he is aware of.

    Now think if two absolute minds exist at the same time.

    If God is one singular Mind , then he must be aware of other minds and their imaginations. Because he cannot hide from his awareness.

    Either GOD is Singular Mind which is Omniscient or God is Multiple Minds each separate from other , each omniscient ( which leo video claims).

  12. 1 minute ago, Michael Jackson said:

    @machiavelli exactly. Happy to see that other people are seeing this contradiction as well.

    It also completely contradicts all my own awakenings, it is completely absurd.

    @Michael Jackson Yes , his all his teaching is contradicted by this video. This video affected my mental health. Leo is not even bothered to clear this thing in forum. I feel like I wasted my 5 years on actualize trying to do spiritual work only to find this absurdity.

    He used to claim that reality is singular and one mind. But now his stance is there are other minds having their own experiences separate from you and having their own pov . Isnt this classical non-dualism which everyone teaches? How this is Absolute solipsism?

    Earlier he was so confident on his claim that you are the only conscious entity dreaming everything up precisely like night time dream. But now after his new video it contradict even his claim that our life is a dream .


  13. Just now, Leo Gura said:

    @machiavelli Why don't you awaken and see what's up?

    @Leo Gura Because I already wasted my 10 years on this thing doing this work. Whats the point of teaching on youtube when you cant clear doubts on forum? At one point you have absolute stance on absolute solipsism and on other time you are saying other bubbles exist having their own experiences?

    All your previous videos is contradicted by your current video. 

  14. Just now, Leo Gura said:

    You guys wouldn't be so confused if you were focused on doing practices. If you are just building conceptual models of spirituality then, yeah, you will get very confused.

    But also, confusion is a huge part of this work. You are in for years of confusion as you struggle to make sense of all the different stuff that spiritual teachers tell you.

    @Leo Gura Why dont you answer whether these different absolute minds are existing in differenr realities completely separated from your?

    Because if you can have telepathy then it means you are part of their reality . And Absolute Solipsism is contradicted. As it would imply multiple experiences .

  15. @Michael Jackson His all teaching is contradicted by this latest video. His claim how can there be no other mind but yours. His claim how you are the only conscious entity in existence .

    His claim how others are figment of your imagination .

    But now he is claiming multiple entities with their own consciousness .

    It is like GOD is having infinite POV separate from you and having infinite experiences which you are not conscious of.