Stoica Doru

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Posts posted by Stoica Doru

  1. 11 minutes ago, Dodo said:

    O shit,  uhhh hi constable,  I wasnt talking about myself, i meant "a friend I know" :D

    I like this. Straight edge.  I used to be absolutely clear of everything until the downward spiral after my longest relationship broke down when I was 20 or something! 

    The biggest suffering of my life was her betrayal.

    Women don't really know what they want, especially nowadays, with all the modern mediatic propaganda. They're easy to brainwash, given their emotional inclanation. I've also been hearthbroken myself several times, but that fueled my awakening process, so we should thank them, somehow. Trusting women in this day and age is a very naive thing to do. An exception should be when you're about to get married or do something really serious, otherwise it's wise to be cautios and don't have any expectations.

  2. I don't mean it in a philosophical manner, like yeah whatever I am here, doing my own thing... 

    Just think about it! From the vastness of this entire universe and from its infinite potential which is indescribable, we get the chance to fucking be, to exist, at random! What an shocking honor! Just try to zoom out into the universe, in a search for borders and you'll get the feeling. 

    What more could we ask for and do? ?



    I got this magnific overwhelming feeling while reading Conversations with God, Vol. II, in a part where was described the everlasting contraction and expansion of the Universe, which will happen, basically, forever! 

  3. @Sevi We are all loved. This encounter made me sure of that, indeed. But, as long as you accept your soul with full understanding, rather than judging it by terms of ''ego'' and so forth, you'll see that the Kingdom of Heaven is within you, not in the acceptance of others, or in the harsh critics you might bring to yourself from time to time. Just by living at this particual moment and having the amazing power to just be, it's a certain guarantee that you are loved beyond any imagination.

  4. It basically happened one night ago. I remember falling asleep around 9PM and waking up around 2:30 AM with a pretty annoying hunger. Then, I fell asleep an hour later, only to wake up in a dream, right in my room, in the same position I went to sleep. In this other dimension I could see it standing next to my bed, like it was investigating me. Once I saw it, I immediately grabbed her hips, and shouted to her "don't leave me, I love you so much", because it turned out to be a woman, as it was wearing a wedding dress, and after I woke up around 4AM, it turned out that her name was Sofia and she was my wife from a past life, who came here to guide me. There are Around 7 types of Spirit Guides and one category of them are Light Beings, which look like this. You should've seen the amazement I had. The-Lightbody.jpg

    She was pure white radiant light, and once she was next to my vecinity, the buzzing in my ear, which increases proportionally with the vibration I'm tuned in, transformed into a very noisy sound, like that of a jet plane engine, and I couldn't even hear my own voice, no matter how hard I shouted. I also remember that after I touched her, she disappeared from that Light Form and I was transported back with my head on the pillow and I rushed to see the clock and instead of seeing numbers, the digital clock showed me  - - - - . Then, as the pressure in my ears got tremendously worse, I remember shouting to my mother, because I was very scared, and once the angel remarked this aspect of fright, it let me wake up. 

    I'm usually very receptive to Downloads from Spirit Guides, which in essence are our Higher Self. I usually have intuitive discussion with them every night, as I can get meditative very fast, which makes me tune in easily to external guidance. I wish I could describe the love and light that The Spirit Guides have, but I can't find words for it. We also have this gift of infinite abundance, they're just here to remind us.

    Funny fact that I was an atheist 3 years ago. My life changed so much that it's indescribable. This existence is magic itself. Love yourself and love this planet. Make your existence the most beautiful dance ever known. Peace. 

  5. @Max_V You simply need to accept yourself fully, along with all of your "flaws". Think how you would treat, let's say, the most beautiful woman who falls in love with you. You take care of her, you respect her, you make sure she has all of her needs met and so forth. Until you haven't accepted your "debilitating" traits, you won't be able to change them accordingly, because acceptance means, above all, understanding on a very profound level. 

  6. @SOUL I've been also going back and forth between the deterministic theory and the ability of human beings to manifest their future. 

    I think the truth is somewhere between those two. For example, you can't manifest not being involved in accidents and live your life totally unharmed, but, at the same time, you can create your dream life, as long as you truly believe and fully envision it. We're not fate's prisoners, but just tiny creators with big accomplishable dreams. :)

  7. 51 minutes ago, Martin123 said:


    I am completely here with you now

    Devour me. I am yours to be eaten. Do onto me as you will.

    That summed up what I was about to advice. When the teachings or insights become too strong, it's like a tsunami or an avalanche. You may run away from them, but they're still going to catch you up, the extra effort not being worth it, so don't fight, only accept and embrace the harsh crisises, and they'll pass and wash over you proportionally to the magnitude that you surrender.

  8. @Shin Dude, ''enlightened people'' is contradictory. They're no longer individuals. Spiritual crusade - I'm doing it right. But, yeah, as long as you believe that you're a loser, for example, regarding women or money, you're going to attract that negative vibe, and you'll manage to manifest the reality correspondent to that belief. As Neale Walsch said :''God cannot say no''. 

    Change your pulsation, and you're going to become a magnet for whatever you may call ''good'' or ''evil'' circumstances, depending on the manifestation sent towards The Whole.

  9. What do you think about it? Have you managed to use it? I recently started reading Neale's "Conversation with God" volumes , and I'm also doing some investigation as to how this basic principle works. Some say, Teal Swan included, that the Law of Attraction is the first law in the universe, example being the fact that some yogis, monks or whoever it may be, which have an increased counciousness, can even levitate as long as they change their universal constructs and beliefs, defeating gravity, which is below this primordial law. 


  10. @Simon Håkansson Enlightenment doesn't come upon motivating yourself. The ego needs motivation mainly. You need to learn to fully surrender and let go of the control you think you have. This denotes that you are trustworthy to The God within you, and only then the peaceful Love that you are in essence will shine bright within you. 

    Enlightenment is Love. Can you force yourself to love me more, a stranger on the Internet, more than you love your mother? No. You need to let go of stories, personal justifications, egoic ambitions, in order to see the fully loving nothingness that you are. Once you're there, attend to your soul's core desires and wounds, as you'll begin the awakening of the heart.  Good luck! 

  11. @Danielle You must quit your addictions, shortly speaking. You'll be alright in the end. I went through the same horror and it lasted for some good months. This will help you get a bigger picture of what's happening : 

    Also, feel free to contact me in private if you're in the midst of a huge crisis. I know it can be excruciating at times, but, all in all, it's a blessing. Even if it might sound depressing, you need to learn to die and surrender to life itself. 

    Much love, you'll see the light! 

  12. So, I've been working real hard on the admission to a college I really like for two years now. But, lately, just as the registrations are about to go down, I keep getting the insight into signing up for another one. I really don't know what to say, as I've sacrificed so much time and effort into getting myself ready. Could insights also be too risky, or are they an absolute must? I really can't resonate with this new insight, it's weird. I'm confused, because I don't know what to go after, besides the Police Academy I choosed. I don't think I'll serve a low counciousness purpose there, so I don't see what's the catch, but I don't think I'll get it either. 

    I remember Leo saying that insights need time and judgment to pursue, some taking real effort. 

  13. @Who_Am_I She and Matt Kahn have the most comprehensible, holistic and gentle approach in spirituality that I've found so far. I was able to grasp their frequency and teachings pretty fast. They're straight to the point and effective, not insisting on old school masculine and harsh approaches like "the ego is an obstacle, or the mind is a disturbing trash can". Those kind of approaches really set a huge fire within anyone on the path, resulting in "What have I been doing wrong?". You haven't loved yourself and your imperfections, that's what happened. 

  14. @egoeimai There's nothing as good or bad. The individual circumstances of each person decide what suits them better. As for those two guys criticizing her, I wouldn't bet my belief on them, as the gossiping interest about someone's private life doesn't seem so wise. As long as everyone gets the suitable information from whoever it may be, there's no need to say that's a fake guruu or stuff like that. Teachers should take care of their own teaching, rather than going on crusades of jealousy or hatred against someone else. That doesn't seem so spiritual or wise. People need to convince themselves on their own, by being in alliance with their true self and with the external frequencies they're receiving, as long as those factors improve their well-being. 

  15. Would you dissolve your own child, shame him, beat him, start a conflict with him? If not, STOP trying to do that with the ego. People should just start loving themselves and accept their unresolved issues yet, rather than trying to hide everything under the rug, or dissolve a part of themselves which is divinity and innocence in its nature. You're more likely to try to dissolve your taste, it'll be more effective.

    Ego needs love, not escapism through the searching of greedy experiences, which is still the ego trying to fly to a "better" place, not realizing that enlightenment is right here, not anywhere else.