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Posts posted by A_v_E

  1. whatever there "is"

     it cannot be spoken of really. I mean.. yes you could, and you will.

    but the universe or what seems to be for "self" >>> only pure experience,

    that phenomenology may keep talking. ( and even me describing anything is rape of what truly is )

    because what truly is, is absolutely alien.

    Every concepts, every models is just fantasy, game.

    but ultimately there is only game, at least to my level of current experience.

    and you'll keep constructing and building sandcastles.

    but most people just really agree on sandcastles.

    reality is only sandcastles, but they may be beautiful and some of them can be used to keep playing the game.
    you can ground yourself in permanent not knowing. ( But even that could still be a religious dichotomy )


    Also there is no problem with having faith/religion,

    unless you want to create one <


    maybe a practice :

    you can be absolutely "free constructing"

    just put black on the white paper,

    throw at it things, build a thing or don't even try, what do you see ?

    the biggest mindfuck is that, dichotomy can be very functional and story can be absolutely REAL.


    ultimately I believe the nature of reality is a phenomenology unfolding infinitely ( an infinite movie ), the game of deconstructing is also just an happening, a little sandcastle story within the whole story.


    Reality is a 5D movie happening to yourself ?

    All of this is maybe not true

  2. Are you aware that the belief in an "ego" having projection and that nothing has meaning, is also a "self constructed" meaning projection coming from the so call'd "ego" ?

    if nothing had any meaning, why your acts doesn't match your words ?

    nothing leo has said is truth, only truth is truth, words is words, concepts are cheaps against experience and "reality".

    nothing I m saying here is true

  3. Alright maybe I spoke too fast, all the demons have been released, maybe there is no master plan and he is truly dumb as fuck.

    As one of the most intelligent being on earth I m easily biased to think that everyone is being a smart strat neo punk master chess player, but maybe many are just randomly throwing dices all the time.

    Twitter will stay alive, but if that help the king of hell take back the crown I may bet on the end of USA ( twitter may succeed, but will USA keep the line ? )
    It may have a big long term secondary effect on the political chess, but that's assumptions, does the words of fools really makes people more foolish ?

    I've seen the skill of andrew tate in drawing, it's so bad.
    for me this show the property of a mind when you draw big lateral wings as boobs with the skill of a delayed 2 years old

    Also Jordan peterson seems to say that he want to cancel everyone who is "psycho, narc" 
    It's clearly not wisdom and clearly the same bad rhetoric he accuse others to do on himself.. how pityful.
    He sound like those poor girls who had toxic exes and find justification to hate all of them.

    that was my last post on the topic and the drama, have a good time, god bless and save America.

  4. musk is a genius, switching with coral & turquoise frame and adapting to orange/red masses his message via ritual ( memes/humor ).

    We see that he is a pro psychedelic ( very green ) he reprogram the basic public to like him, because he knows fame matter way more than "pure money"


    he knows exactly how to spread chaos at the right time, and how to get his army to bend the knee.

    "prove your loyalty or die say the new king."

    knowing how to master the attention economy is probably the biggest shift in our era. 

    being childish don't matter, musk perfectly master the art of being switching to any stages when necessary.
    He only show to the public whatever is needed to capitulize on attention. ( capitalisM )

    Coral is the true "effective altruism"

    we will see if I m wrong, I glady accept that my vision is absolutely wrong, I've done exactly same type of fake antics only to fish people limitation of mind.

    He is not a conservator. ( but he is not on the left either ) Whatever node he has to use to get attention he will do.

    Pure "absurdists" that rebuild reality to their arrogances are really something.

    this is what a master who control chaos does, he has no allegiance, every schemes is good to succeed, to create anew, you need a lot of space, to get a lot of space, one must destroy.

    This is pure creation and we are witnessing how to take and rebuild an empire.

    I m not sure of his success, there is always many factors, but so far he is not making mistakes.

    Beware none of you has never been CEO of huge company, this is exactly what a Tyran have to do to succeed.

    Of course from the point of the view of the victims of his violence, it looks absolutely awful, evil, childish.

    that was my take, whatever the synthesis of this story I'll learn at the end if my intuition was right or need total recalibration.


  5. there is not a single distinction between sanity and insanity, this rationalization comes only from a place of infinite madness, if inspected properly.

    Only a false sense of narrative stuck in belief in sanity remain with ego, but it is complete mirage, you can drop coherency.

    coherency has never been but a dream stuck in your head, it doesn't need to happen or to be thought, when it will be, it will absolutely be.

    Life has no goal and nothing has to be achieved, success is just another label for the drunk.
    just like you're born, everything keeps infinitely happening as it should and you don't have to unfold anything, because you're the unfolding.

  6. @The0Self "chemicals" is god way of doing things.

    whatever how you name them, whatever the models.
    yes there is "brain" and yes there is "chemicals"

    what else could it be, it's good to say something is wrong, but you need to back up your critics with something. Only another theory deny a theory.

    of course it doesn't represent the whole map, but it sounds quite a good one to start with.

  7. @thisintegrated  read da vinci life, found it inspiring

    I get you, I m between silence and noise, most of the time. Now I even find pleasure in full control over pleasure. ( no drugs, no orgasms, pure meditation and learning )

    to be intellectual or not, in fact, it means nothing, my cousin doesn't even know how to write his own tongue ( me included, lot of grammar faults all the time ) but the thing is.. "intellectuality" is over rated.

    try new spiritual thing, open your mind to people you hate, and makes things meaningful on the moment. Be in the flow of life and you'll not ask for "why"

    infinite cooking master, infinite musicians, infinite talker, infinite bullshit, nothing can be mastered entirely, and so you'll never reach the goal

    there is only your adaption growth curve into a set of relative parameter.

    Electronic composition seems infinite, but also drawing, creating new thoughts and integrate them to see where this goes when you apply the philosophy behind some new metaphysics.

    there is no goal to nothing.

    Or out of nothing you can still become a crypto zealot, 

    just try to explore new thing all the time.

    or maybe this is just how I function.

  8. @no_name I m not saying don't work, we all need to do something anyway, I m saying we need a FAIR share redistribution and no one would have to work so much ( which working so much for SURVIVAL in a society that took everything around for itself isn't what I call "fair" ), because yes there is people exploited by higher power, who never had a right to benefit from this higher power.

    we need a decentralized, peer to peer society ( real democracy ) ( web3 )

    and yes currently in most society you're forced by many things to do FOR SOCIETY an unfair amount of work ( exploiting your energy ), yes you could still live in a forest, but even that, most indian are being ass kicked by "ruling society", so even them are threatened.

    if that's not "violence" I don't know what is, now , if you say it's fair violence, that's your bias, because you appreciate the current state / rule of law.

  9. @no_name  right, then I can cultivate the land for myself, fish the river I want, breath the clean air I own.

    this is why there is no way to steal, you only take back what is yours by right of birth.
    Society is not owned, society is yours.

     you always take back what is yours, what is on the earth is all yours, no one have a right of property over you or ANYTHING that came from the dirt or your way to sustain in this life.

    everyone who claim right of property is a thief and shoulnd't be dealt with differently than through violence.

  10. every job you do to survive is slavery.

    everything you do against your will is slavery in my definition.

    as defined by Nietzshe is the more rightful way to perceive the nature of work.

    it's slavery for CULT-ure.
    the word "wageslavery" say it all

    take what is yours by right and forces.

    if someone abuse you, whatever the source of abuse is, never deal with abusers.