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About zurew

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  1. Are YOU Leo's new girlfriend? (serious)
    Are YOU Leo's new girlfriend? (serious)
    Welcome to reality.
    You know, it's not like us men sat down and decided one day: we will be attracted to X but not Y. Attraction is not a choice.
    Contemplate this: why aren't you attracted to a gorilla? When you get to the bottom of that one, you may understand why not everyone is attracted to you.
    No one likes being rejected for any aspect of themselves, flesh or otherwise. Rejection always hurts. And women reject men all the time over the most superficial things. I've had women reject me because of the necklace I wore. I've had women punch me in the mouth and I couldn't hit her back.
    That's life. You suck it up.
    I have literally been rejected 1000s of times. Some nights I'd go home and cry. It's good for the ego. Makes you stronger. Teaches you not to care what people think.