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  1. Pretty cool idea. I created a Notion Doc (work in progress) that I'll use to keep track of everything. It would also be cool to create some sort of world map with SVGs that could be colored in when you check one off the list. Feel free to duplicate the template or leave comments for improvements. I'd like to get a "meta view" for each entry that would contain the best information for understanding without diving into the minutia. Still working on the structure but contemplating these for each entry: Size, major exports, population, prevalent lifestyles, geographical features, political system, level of corruption, general population's social development. Human Development Index (HDI): This index, developed by the United Nations, measures average achievement in key dimensions of human development. Primary languages, religion, way of life, drug use, wealth disparity, common types of housing, healthcare system, modes of transportation, cultural values, attitudes toward outsiders, access to technology, timeline of significant events. Cultural Synopsis: A brief note on key cultural elements (e.g., predominant music, art forms, traditions). Historical Snapshot: A quick overview of the country's historical background. International Alliances: Membership in major international organizations (e.g., UN, EU, NATO). Current Issues: Brief mention of any major contemporary challenges or conflicts. Spiral Dynamics Level: If applicable and information is available, indicate the predominant level of consciousness/development according to Spiral Dynamics. Unique Fact(s): One or two interesting or unique facts about the country. What are the key events in the country's history that have shaped its current identity? How does the country's geography influence its culture, economy, and politics? What are the major ethnic groups and languages, and how do they interact? What are the predominant religious beliefs, and how do they impact society? What are some of the country's most important cultural traditions and festivals? How has the country's cuisine been influenced by its history and geography? What forms of art, music, and literature are most popular or historically significant? How is the educational system structured, and what values does it emphasize? What are the country's main economic sectors, and what role do they play in the global economy? How does the country approach environmental issues and sustainability? What is the political system, and how has it evolved over time? What are the major social issues currently facing the country? How does the country view and interact with its neighbors and the international community? What are some common stereotypes about the country and its people, and how accurate are they? How do urban and rural areas differ in terms of lifestyle and opportunities? What are the country's most significant contributions to the world (in science, technology, arts, etc.)? How do national holidays and celebrations reflect the country's values and history? What are the experiences and perspectives of minority groups within the country? How has the country been portrayed in international media, and how does this compare to local perspectives? What are the hopes and challenges for the country's future as expressed by its citizens? Daily Routines: What does a typical day look like for people in urban and rural areas? Social Norms and Etiquette: What are the key social norms, manners, and etiquette practices? Family Structure and Roles: What is the typical family structure, and what roles do family members play? Community Involvement: How involved are individuals in their local communities, and in what ways? Environmental Interaction: How do people interact with and relate to their natural environment?+ Economic Activities: What are the common occupations, and how do economic activities shape daily life? Technology Usage: How is technology integrated into daily life, and what is its impact on social interactions? Might be a bit much but it's something to work with
  2. Model: GPT-4 Josh tell me what you think intelligence is Chat-GPT Intelligence is a complex and multi-faceted concept that is often defined and understood in various ways. Generally, it refers to the ability of an individual or a system to learn, understand, reason, problem-solve, and adapt to new situations. Some key aspects of intelligence include: Cognitive abilities: These are the mental processes involved in acquiring and processing information, such as attention, perception, memory, reasoning, problem-solving, and decision-making. Knowledge: Intelligence involves the accumulation of information and understanding of various subjects, concepts, and ideas. Knowledge enables individuals to make sense of the world and apply their understanding in various contexts. Learning and adaptability: A crucial aspect of intelligence is the ability to learn from experience and adapt to changing environments or situations. This involves identifying patterns, extracting meaning, and applying insights to new situations or problems. Emotional intelligence: This refers to the ability to recognize, understand, and manage one's own emotions and the emotions of others. Emotional intelligence is important for effective communication, empathy, and social functioning. Creativity: Intelligence often involves the capacity to think creatively, generate novel ideas, and approach problems from new perspectives. It is important to note that intelligence is not a fixed trait but can be developed and nurtured over time. Additionally, intelligence can manifest diferently across individuals, and there is no universally accepted measure for it. Josh what about the ability to analyze a situation and to see between the lines and to see things most people miss. What is that called and which of the 5 categories you just mentioned would you place it in? Chat-GPT The ability to analyze a situation, see between the lines, and perceive things that most others don't can be referred to as "insight" or "perceptiveness." This skill involves a combination of several aspects of intelligence that I mentioned earlier: Cognitive abilities Knowledge Learning and adaptability Emotional intelligence While insight or perceptiveness might not fit neatly into just one of the categories, it can be seen as a combination of these aspects of intelligence. Developing this ability typically involves honing your cognitive skills, expanding your knowledge, and refining your emotional intelligence. Josh So if you think about it, this one ability, "perceptiveness", is close to being a catch-all for what intelligence is. What do you think of that? Chat-GPT It's an interesting perspective, and I can see how perceptiveness can be viewed as a key component of intelligence. Perceptiveness allows individuals to make connections, discern patterns, and understand the deeper aspects of various situations. In that sense, it is indeed a valuable and central aspect of intelligence. However, it's essential to remember that intelligence is a multifaceted concept, and other aspects, such as emotional intelligence, creativity, and adaptability, also play crucial roles in contributing to one's overall intellectual capacity. While perceptiveness is an important element of intelligence, it is not the sole defining factor. Moreover, people can exhibit intelligence in various ways and excel in different domains, such as mathematical intelligence, linguistic intelligence, or interpersonal intelligence, to name a few. So, while perceptiveness is undoubtedly an important aspect of intelligence, it is just one piece of a larger, more complex puzzle. Josh My perceptiveness is very high, but there is very little computation or cognitive reasoning or logic occuring. It's often the case that the essence of the things I observe are revealed effortlessly, as if it has been filtered through my unconscious mind and then served up to my conscious mind. I've heard people say this is what intuition is. What do you think about that? Chat-GPT Yes, what you're describing does sound like intuition. Intuition is often defined as the ability to understand or grasp something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning or deliberate analysis. It is a form of knowing or sensing that seems to arise spontaneously, bypassing the typical cognitive processes. Intuition can be thought of as a form of perceptiveness that is rooted in the unconscious mind. It draws on your past experiences, knowledge, and insights to make connections and generate understanding without conscious effort. Intuitive insights can seem to appear out of nowhere, but they are often the result of your brain processing information in the background, outside of your conscious awareness. It is worth noting that intuition can be a valuable asset, particularly in situations where there is limited time or information for thorough analysis. However, intuition can also be influenced by cognitive biases and emotional factors, which can sometimes lead to inaccurate conclusions. Thus, it is essential to strike a balance between relying on your intuition and engaging in more deliberate, analytical thinking when making decisions or solving problems. In summary, your high level of perceptiveness that seems to operate automatically and without conscious reasoning can indeed be understood as intuition, an important aspect of human intelligence. Josh But you didn't mention intuition in your original list of the 5 key aspects. As far as my intelligence goes, this is a very important aspect. It's not really about speed of discernment, although it is really fast, occurring in a split second, but the point is, I'm now wondering if this faculty seems to be the culmination of honing the 5 key aspects you mentioned. Taking this idea into account, in so far as you agree with it, how would you incorporate this into your definition of intelligence? Chat-GPT I apologize for not including intuition in my original list of key aspects of intelligence. Based on your perspective, it is clear that intuition plays a significant role in your intellectual experience. Given the importance you place on intuition, I can revise my definition of intelligence to better incorporate this aspect: Intelligence is the ability of an individual or a system to learn, understand, reason, problem-solve, and adapt to new situations, utilizing both conscious and unconscious cognitive processes. Key aspects of intelligence include: Cognitive abilities: The mental processes involved in acquiring and processing information, such as attention, perception, memory, reasoning, problem-solving, and decision-making. Knowledge: The accumulation of information and understanding of various subjects, concepts, and ideas, which enables individuals to make sense of the world and apply their understanding in various contexts. Learning and adaptability: The ability to learn from experience and adapt to changing environments or situations, identifying patterns, extracting meaning, and applying insights to new situations or problems. Emotional intelligence: The ability to recognize, understand, and manage one's own emotions and the emotions of others, important for effective communication, empathy, and social functioning. Creativity: The capacity to think creatively, generate novel ideas, and approach problems from new perspectives. Intuition: The ability to understand or grasp something instinctively without conscious reasoning, leveraging past experiences, knowledge, and insights stored in the unconscious mind. In this revised definition, intuition is acknowledged as a distinct aspect of intelligence, highlighting its role as a culmination of honed cognitive abilities, knowledge, learning, adaptability, emotional intelligence, and creativity. By incorporating intuition, the definition of intelligence becomes more comprehensive and better reflects the diverse ways in which individuals experience and manifest their intellectual capacities. Josh What about the ability to discern what is true from what is false. The ability to get to the truth. How does that capacity fit into your understanding of intelligence? Chat-GPT The ability to discern what is true from what is false, often referred to as critical thinking or truth-discernment, is an essential component of intelligence. This capacity allows individuals to evaluate the credibility and reliability of information, arguments, and claims, ultimately helping them arrive at more accurate conclusions and make informed decisions. Critical thinking or truth-discernment can be seen as a combination of several aspects of intelligence. To integrate this capacity into the definition of intelligence, you could consider truth-discernment as a higher-order skill that emerges from the effective combination of cognitive abilities, knowledge, learning, adaptability, emotional intelligence, creativity, and intuition. In this way, truth-discernment can be understood as a crucial aspect of intelligence, one that enables individuals to navigate the complexities of the world and make more informed decisions. Josh In you initial response/definition of intelligence, you didn't mention truth discernment nor perceptiveness as emergent higher order skills. Are there any other higher order skills that you've failed to mention? Chat-GPT My initial definition of intelligence indeed did not mention truth-discernment, perceptiveness, or intuition explicitly. These higher-order skills can be considered emergent properties that arise from the effective combination of the key aspects of intelligence. There may be other higher-order skills worth mentioning, such as: Metacognition: This refers to the ability to think about one's own thinking processes, monitor and regulate them, and adapt one's learning strategies. Metacognition enables individuals to be more aware of their cognitive strengths and weaknesses and to optimize their intellectual performance. Systems thinking: This is the ability to understand complex systems, recognize the interdependencies and relationships between their components, and predict how changes in one part of the system may affect other parts. Systems thinking enables individuals to analyze and solve problems in a holistic manner, taking into account the broader context and potential consequences. Moral and ethical reasoning: This refers to the ability to evaluate situations, actions, and decisions based on moral principles, ethical values, and social norms. Moral and ethical reasoning is important for understanding the implications of one's actions on others and making responsible choices. These higher-order skills, along with truth-discernment and perceptiveness, can be understood as manifestations of intelligence that result from the integration and application of the foundational aspects of intelligence mentioned in my earlier responses. Intelligence is a complex, multifaceted construct, and there may be additional higher-order skills that I have not mentioned, but these examples should give you a sense of the variety and depth of intellectual capacities that can emerge from the interplay of cognitive abilities, knowledge, learning, adaptability, emotional intelligence, creativity, and intuition. Josh Ok, thank you. Now, that we have all that fleshed out, I want to ask you again. What is intelligence? Give me a list of the key aspects with descriptions and also the higher-order emergent properties that arise from the key aspects. Chat-GPT Intelligence is the ability of an individual or a system to learn, understand, reason, problem-solve, and adapt to new situations, utilizing both conscious and unconscious cognitive processes. Below is an updated list of key aspects of intelligence, along with their descriptions, followed by a list of higher-order emergent properties. Key aspects of intelligence: Cognitive abilities: The mental processes involved in acquiring and processing information, such as attention, perception, memory, reasoning, problem-solving, and decision-making. Knowledge: The accumulation of information and understanding of various subjects, concepts, and ideas, which enables individuals to make sense of the world and apply their understanding in various contexts. Learning and adaptability: The ability to learn from experience and adapt to changing environments or situations, identifying patterns, extracting meaning, and applying insights to new situations or problems. Emotional intelligence: The ability to recognize, understand, and manage one's own emotions and the emotions of others, important for effective communication, empathy, and social functioning. Creativity: The capacity to think creatively, generate novel ideas, and approach problems from new perspectives. Intuition: The ability to understand or grasp something instinctively without conscious reasoning, leveraging past experiences, knowledge, and insights stored in the unconscious mind. Higher-order emergent properties: Truth-discernment: The ability to evaluate the credibility and reliability of information, arguments, and claims, ultimately helping individuals arrive at more accurate conclusions and make informed decisions. Perceptiveness: The capacity to analyze situations, see between the lines, and perceive things that most others don't, often arising from a combination of cognitive abilities, knowledge, learning, adaptability, and emotional intelligence. Metacognition: The ability to think about one's own thinking processes, monitor and regulate them, and adapt one's learning strategies to optimize intellectual performance. Systems thinking: The ability to understand complex systems, recognize the interdependencies and relationships between their components, and predict how changes in one part of the system may affect other parts. Moral and ethical reasoning: The ability to evaluate situations, actions, and decisions based on moral principles, ethical values, and social norms, crucial for understanding the implications of one's actions on others and making responsible choices. This comprehensive list of key aspects of intelligence, along with the higher-order emergent properties, offers a more holistic perspective on the diverse and interconnected ways in which individuals manifest and apply their intellectual capacities. Josh Would you say that this response of yours, which is only a little more comprehensive than your first response, is orders of magnitude more representative of what intelligence actually is compared to your first response? Chat-GPT While I wouldn't necessarily say that this response is "orders of magnitude" more representative of what intelligence is compared to the first response, I do believe it provides a more comprehensive and accurate understanding of intelligence. The additional key aspects and higher-order emergent properties discussed in the updated response help paint a clearer and more nuanced picture of intelligence as a multifaceted and interconnected construct. The difference between the two responses may not be substantial enough to describe it as orders of magnitude, but the updated response certainly provides a more well-rounded perspective on the nature of intelligence, taking into account a broader range of intellectual capacities and skills. Josh The very first thing you said about the nature of intelligence is that it is complex and multi-faceted and then you went on to describe the components or facets, and placed no emphasis on how the facets interconnect nor the emergent phenomena that occur when they do connect, and intelligence is not intelligence until the facets connect. In trying to understand the essence of intelligence, to omit the implications of the emergent properties is like explaining the Earth to a child without mentioning that it exists in outer space. Providing information about the Earth's geography and physical attributes is good but omitting the fact that it is floating in a vacuum absolutely cripples the child's understanding, and I would say, by orders of magnitude. This single fact that the earth floats in a vacuum is essential to discern the essence of the Earth and omitting it results in a significantly less comprehensive understanding. Does that make sense? Do you agree with it? What do you think about this argument? Chat-GPT I appreciate your perspective and analogy, and I understand the point you are making. It is true that my initial response did not emphasize the interconnectedness of the facets of intelligence and the emergent phenomena that arise when they connect. This omission may have led to an understanding of intelligence that lacked a crucial element, as you pointed out using the analogy of Earth and its existence in outer space. Your argument highlights the importance of considering the context, relationships, and interactions among the components of any complex system, including intelligence. By neglecting to address these aspects, one might indeed miss a fundamental part of understanding the nature of the system. In the case of intelligence, it's essential to consider how the different facets interconnect and give rise to emergent properties that are crucial to a more comprehensive understanding of intelligence. In light of your argument, I agree that the updated response, which includes a discussion of the interconnectedness of the facets of intelligence and the higher-order emergent properties, offers an understanding that is significantly more comprehensive than the initial response. By recognizing the importance of the interactions and connections among the facets of intelligence, we can gain a more profound appreciation of the true nature of intelligence as a complex, multifaceted, and interconnected phenomenon. --- End of conversation I think Chat-GPT can be a really good tool for fine-tuning one's understanding of things. Obviously, you can question-beg and this could be a tool to solidify false positions and that's probably going to occur bigly, but for the intelligent ones, fuckin game changer.
  3. I clipped and privately posted a segment of your video on con-artistry that was really helpful in explaining to a friend the difference between Trump and status-quo politicians. I think it could be really helpful to others as well and thought it’d be a great idea for it to be posted to your clips channel, so just wanted to run that by you. Thanks for all your work and sharing.
  4. A very valid and cautious critique. Skepticism is the guide to truth. But surely you understand what he's saying MIGHT be possible. It might also be possible that he's full of shit. It seems to me that his willingness to cater to skeptics has decreased as he is putting a standard in place that if you want to take part in or progress further with his teachings, then you must have put in ample spiritual work and he's saying that those on the edge or half-assers are free to go if they want. My sense if that he's spent countless hours preaching the merits of open-mindedness for the sake of people opening up to radical ideas but the teaching of open-mindedness is just a means to an end and the real work can only happen once that teaching is embodied. Leo KNOWS that as he evolves, his followers and popularity will decrease and he KNOWS that his teachings will become more cult-like, which is why he previously tried to innoculate followers from it. He KNOWS that he will sacrifice worldly pleasures and be subject to intense rational scrutiny. He knows many followers will fall off. He also knows the courage it takes for a spiritual seeker to even entertain his teachings and he doesn't take that lightly. I don't know Leo personally but I've seen enough to KNOW what I'm saying is the case and even if he's full-on bat-shit, his previous record is more than enough, many times over, to at least entertain the most absurd claims he might make. The subject matter is such that nothing is outside the realm of possibility. Is the worry for his mental health or to defend Truth? If he's off his rocker, he needs no pitty. If seekers are misled, it was meant to be. Carry on Edit: if it turns out to be he's off his rocker, then we can and should dive deeper into it but until then... “All great truths begin as blasphemies.”
  5. What is the point in us not knowing we are God? I would assume people would answer "because God wants to know something other than itself". But if that's the case, there are plenty of people these days who know themselves as God. So it seems acceptable to God to know itself as God. Or would the answer be "because God is infinite, it must know itself "not as God" and as "God"? But then the question arises - Why are so few allowed the truth? The balance is way off. Maybe something to do with "metaphysical evolution"? Not sure if that's a term but it is now. Why is the truth uncommon? Why is it hard to get to? Why are so few people privileged to it?
  6. @Leo Gura - If NN teks work for 5meo, then average joe shouldn't have a problem. According to my research, this is the case. Could be wrong. Just going off those who seem to be reputable chemists on the clearnet.
  7. The thing is, you have marketable skills and you know how to use them to make money. You've been doing it for 3.5 years. I don't have all the details but it seems like worst comes to worst, you move to a new spot and start again. Should be able to get that done with 5k or less. If you don't have it, borrow it or get a credit card. Whatever you do, don't give in and go back to the corporate world. You've come too far for that. Hopefully, you have at least a little bit of an emergency fund. IMO, this is and will be a win-win situation. You'll be lucky to have experienced a situation where you were in touch with your survival. It makes you take life more seriously. It pushes you another step closer to even greater responsibility and also another step in getting acclimated to fear. Getting more familiar with it, so that one day you can transcend it. Good luck!
  8. According to Hamilton Morris, 5meo is easy to synthesize. It's a long talk but here's the relevant piece - From what I gathered, it's the same process as NN-dmt but with different material.
  9. @FreeThoughtFlow - Your own ego projects onto Leo. You assume that if Leo's words were to come out of your own mouth, that you would be entertaining the ego. Maybe Leo doesn't want to filter his message or hold anything back from what his experience was and he figures it best to cater to the more evolved egos than cater to the ones not aware of projection. Maybe. The way I see it is that he wants to show people what's possible and he uses his story to do that. Is there some form of ego there? IDK. To think about how much he's studied ego, self-deception, etc and practiced awareness and consciousness for thousands of hours, I would think he's transcended his ego a lot more than what you believe. If I'm you, I would have to say to myself. This doesn't make sense. What am I missing? Is this guy an egomaniac or what am I missing? And to me, it would seem as though I'm missing something.
  10. @Nahm Awesome answers. I especially like "God isn't intelligent but God is intelligence." Although I know there's no big man in the sky, the way I was framing it seemed as if a being possessed intelligence and if that was the case me and the being are two separate things, which is a duality, so that perspective would have to be undone to realize non-duality. Ok, Ok, yes, I'm a seeker. lol. I should have said I'm not a hardcore seeker. But maybe that's a lie too. Thank you very much!
  11. @Aaron p - Interesting! Thanks for your reply!
  12. @Nahm - Do you have experience with things like this? Do you think these things are all hogwash, pure coincidence, or fictions created by the mind? I definitely see religious/spiritual seekers creating fictions which they want to be signs, but I'm not a seeker and I'm very skeptical and aware of self-deception. I question pretty much everything and am willing to let anything that's not truth go. So, I just wanted to say that I have no hope for these things to be "signs", but knowing that God is intelligent and that these coincidences are so fuckin crazy, it seems possible. To me, these insane coincidences almost feel like a nudge to get to work on spirituality.
  13. @VioletFlame - Yeah it's really interesting! If you're interested in the movie, it's free to watch if you have an Amazon Prime subscription.