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Posts posted by Hardik

  1. On 22/04/2020 at 10:12 AM, Chumbimba said:

    see a couple holding hands walking down the sidewalk. I say to my mom "It seems like everyone is in a relationship now." In like a cynical, judgemental tone... She responds "Good". It suddenly hit me.. it is a good thing that people are in relationships. Why am I so bitter and angry about that.. then I realized how deeply jealous I am and that I am huge hater pretending that I am so loving spiritual person whos shit doesent stink and that everyone is unconscious but me.. SELF DECEPTION IS A BITCH !! A huge weight got lifted off of my shoulders and it made me realize that I have been suffering from that without even

    Sound Great that You Realized! 

    There's NO ugliness, But lack of vision Depth to See Beauty9_9

  2. 3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    Firstly, it wasn't a waste of time. The lessons you learned will serve you for the rest of your life. It will keep paying dividends.

    Secondly, it's important to do this work without making it a chore. It has to align with your passions. Don't do it if you aren't passionate about.

    It sounds like this work is too advanced for you. You probably have lower stages of the Spiral to work on, which means Tier 1 teachings like basic self-help, biz, relationships, etc.

    You won't be able to go for advanced spiritual work unless you take care of your more basic desires and burn through some karma.

    The stuff I teach nowadays is extremely advanced and not suitable for many people who struggle with meeting basic needs.

    Thirdly, there are much worse ways you could have used your time.

    Fourthly, don't underestimate how much you grew in those 6 years. It's easy to forget how ignorant, selfish, and fooling you were back them. Growth happens and is then taken for granted.

    Fifthly, you are allowed to have friends and relationships.


    I Just love Your Metaphor :x

  3. 4 hours ago, ZZZZ said:

    the book just didn't seem beneficial/worthwhile for me at the time. My girlfriend has been struggling with anxiety and looking for ways to improve her emotional mastery


    This Book is really amazing. I've read already. 

    And this book is recommended by Leo. In his booklist.

    Well. Don't Stop Reading. Just complete the book and start the practice as well. 

    This book is really Really Help you. If you have to dealing with your emotions. This will Help you! 

    Emotional mastery is not easy as she saying!

    That's need Hardcore practice! long term Vision!

  4. 5 hours ago, IJB063 said:


    You wanna know how I'm weird?

    Ok I'll tell you

    When I was born, my dick was like 3 feet 

    So it was basically a medical issue

    So the doctors had to cut of extra

    Thats why I got a small dick

    But genetically I got a big dick gene

    So if they didn't cut it I would have a supper big dick
