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Posts posted by Shadowraix

  1. I only know them online (hope to make it irl when I can afford it) but my friend knew of Leo and he showed him to me when I was tripping. So there's him, but his mom who is also on these forums is who showed him so I suppose that counts for 2 :P

    @Angelo John Gage Spiral Dynamics doesn't resonate with everybody and thats fine. Its usefulness goes as far as the user. I think its a good model for behavioral understanding and self improvement, but this in of itself already demands significant growth to even start using. So I don't see it as useful to the majority of the population.

  2. This is really bizarre to me. Most of the time it is extremely difficult to bring me into a phase of resistance. It does happen though. When I try to self reflect on where it's coming from, it seems to come from nowhere. Almost feels like it originates from being rather than a thought based process. But this makes it kinda difficult to learn surrender. Most of my work to this point has been unraveling my intellectual mind and resolving where thought causes problems. 

  3. 3 hours ago, Harikrishnan said:

    So what should i do here. Act like it dosent matter. Or supress my supress my this kind of emotions.

    First you must inquire on the difference of truth and delusion and then reconcile how delusion exists in truth. 

    A big help is to deconstruct everything you know, observe then construct from the very beginning. A lot of your ideas about experience were given and you built from there, but if the foundation is false how can the house be entirely true? 

  4. @ActualizedDavid I remember laughing, so much because reality was so beyond anything I could understand but yet it works. It feels like pure magic. And when separation dissolves all ideas that hinged on it, are destroyed or at least no longer fully representative. This is what I realized. I spent a week not knowing how to handle it. Felt like I was going insane. Leo's videos were what gave me the intellectual model to know how to operate. 

    He has a Halloween video on the implications of oneness. 

  5. @Yog Say the taxes go to making society healthier. This can only reduce company responsibilities for employees since the gov covers it and it increases spending elsewhere. 

    If you aren't in the medical industry price gouging for example, healthier people who can spend elsewhere is something you want. 

    This would certainly cover if not reduce the tax impact no? 

  6. If you are a teacher, a student who approaches with intent of pushing their own views will not be receptive to your teachings. They turn it into an ego battle. 

    Coming to a teacher to learn only to reject their teaching and call them arrogant doesn't sound like a place of sincere seeking but position maintenance. 

    Pick and choose your battles to accomplish what your goal is. Would a teacher in this work feel the need to defend themselves in front of those not receptive? 

  7. 11 minutes ago, peanutspathtotruth said:

    Interesting indeed. It says the path was made for women, what does she say in detail about that in the book? I definitely see myself more on the side of surrender, grace, love and emotional sensitivity and I'm a guy. Would love to know if there really is any difference, because I might want to look into those :)

    There will probably still be a lot for you. It can also be useful for understanding the dynamic women go through. I peg myself in a similar way. Mdma is great for emotional work. 

    4 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

    I think this might be over analyzing.

    Love is the unity of Masculinity and Femininity.

    Therefore you need a balance of both to awaken.    If you cling to one that harmony is lost.



    My understanding of what Mandy is saying isn't that one is more clung to but that generally women and men operate in opposite directions to come full circle. So one may be encouraging a path for someone that goes in reverse to what their more resonating path would be. 

  8. 5 hours ago, Bill W said:

    I'm not even sure why so much political discussion is allowed on the forum in the first place. It seems out of place. Are we supposed to be discussing politics and all this extra speculation at times on where various politicians are on the spiral dynamics lol 

    Seems like the conscious thing to do to grow and find out you and politics fit in together, because you aren't gonna escape it. It impacts your entire life.

    Its so impactful its no wonder why its such a polarising issue. It could be life or death here, whether it be literally or a belief.

  9. 1 hour ago, Aeris said:

    Maybe the reason I m living with few monney.

    What motivate me in monney is everything that will makes my life cooler. ( Fun )

    The idea of having kid in this World is sick.

    Monney doesn't assure survival. It can help at best. But that's précisely a deluded stage orange thinking.

    Monney power of survival increased. This thought is a powerful delusion.

    There is truth in it but you still can die for many reasons.

    Apocalypse zomby. Powerful virus. Private jet crash / boat stormed.

    The list is Infinite as your possibility of dying.

    When you swim with shark you increase your chance of being hunted.

    Différent way of dying.

    Someone who pursue monney all his life will never leave the thought of it saving him. That would rape is meaning.

    Unless you do monney as breathing without even trying to make it.

    Like a Johnny Depp rich kind of life. ( Not the best but not fixed on 'keeping monney for survival' ) that's why Johnny Depp is T2

    Belief plays a good role here too. If you believe it'll maximize your survival. But when it encourages you to enter discomfort thats not good for ego either. Its a balancing game in the mind I think

  10. 29 minutes ago, Omar1219 said:

    Additionally they have a plant variety called Huilca, which they say is even stronger that the Toad which I'd also like to know if anyone had anything to share.

    Thanks for sharing this, here's an article on it after a google for people to check out, interesting stuff:

    Huilca or Vilca contains 5-MeO-DMT,N-N-DMT, and bufotenine.