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Posts posted by Sbilko

  1. Do you get it through meditation? Like, focusing on your breath?

    That's interesting, because the closest I have been to such a feeling was when I was doing self-inquiry and a significant realization suddenly came. 

    I wonder if meditation could work for me; like, I can question things for a long time; but if I try to restrain my attention on a single thing, I get distracted after 5 min. 

  2. @Revolutionary Think

    I completely agree with your ideas. Just like in your case, this is my greatest worry these days. My worry is that we live in a world that is so technologically advanced that it can blow up the entire world; nevertheless, it is not culturally and sociologically developed enough so as to prevent that.

    It is the person pulling the trigger that kills, not the gun itself. With this I mean that being technologically advanced is a good thing; but it is not when you are not enough sociologically advanced too.

    Now, why is our society so technologically advanced and so little sociologically advanced? There are a few reasons:

    The first reason is that the government has it easier when there are no people who are smart, self-aware and go call out the system's faults. Whenever a dictatorship comes to power, the first thing they do is deport or execute all the teachers and smart people (at least that's what they did in Cambodia, the Soviet Union I think and such). Why? Because those who are smart enough would not support such a regime. For a dictatorship to educate well its people would be like a person shooting themselves in the leg.

    The second reason is that all technological advancement has as it's core objective war supremacy. Why else do you think that it is during wars that the greatest scientific achievements are made? Nuclear energy, rockets, modern warfare tactics, etc. were all developed in the WW2. The space race and all that space exploration started during the Cold War. We aren't willing to move unless we are threatened with death.

    And if a technological advancement is not developed during a war or in preparation for a war, then it's developed to outcompete your opponents. And that's because economics and war go hand-in-hand: the better your economy is, the more weapons you can build and the more likely you are to beat your opponents.


    I am very frustrated with the educational system, it uses us like tools. There was a time when my dream was creating a computer program that would enable you to learn everything you're interested in, in a simple and pleasant way, for free.

    Nevertheless, I later discovered that the problem is not that these programs and tools don't exist, but because the system doesn't implement them.

    Doctor Skinner's Learning Machine existed since many, many decades. Nevertheless, it was never implemented in the educational system.

    There is this amazing app called Euclidea, it's a game that teaches you geometry in a very interesting and pleasant way. It starts simple and then goes on to teach you complex Euclidean constructions, step by step.

    There is this app named Phet, it teaches many things, from Biology to Physics, and from Mathematics to Chemistry. And it does it just like a game, in an interactive and pleasant way.

    There is Space Odyssey: The Game, it teaches astronomy, astrophysics, physics, chemistry, biology, etc. in a fun and interesting way. You have to found a civilization and maintain it. It was scheduled to come out this month, but will instead come out next year.

    A too effective educational system would make people too smart, too inquisitive and curious; and therefore, dangerous (for the government, because it would not be able to manipulate them so easily). Only the government has the right to be curious, to spy you and such.


    Nevertheless, why is all this happening? Why are governments doing this? I'll tell you why: because those governments who didn't focus all their efforts into advancing technologically as fast as they could, were conquered by their neighbours and had those systems implemented on its citizens anyway.

    The educational system just wants to train us into loyal and submissive workers (or in the case of the 20th century: soldiers). Yes, submissive because you can't have 30 students in a class being silent while listening to you, their authority figure, without learning to be submissive.

    The people in power don't care whether we like it or not; which is why they don't teach us creativity, nor do they teach us things in a pleasant way.

    The only pleasant thing about studying is that once you go to College, you finally get to study mostly only what you have chosen to; and the only reason for that to be this way is that if we do what we like, we'll do it better and be more productive.

    It all turns around profit, and it's so ingrained into our society that we say things such as "time is money" and "don't waste my time".

    The thing is that society makes us do mechanical tasks which could be done by machines without a problem. Working in a factory, or as a supermarket cassier, or as a teacher, could all be perfectly automatized.

    And the problem with this is that people don't understand it, they think that they have to work so as to keep their belly full; despite the fact that they could simplify the process a lot if they grew their own crops.

    People are doing the jobs of machines and have been doing them ever since the Industrial Revolution; and it will hit them all like a brick falling from the sky when machines start taking their jobs.

    "Of course," you will say, "more jobs will be created". And while that is true, it is also true that machines will start replacing you even in the jobs requiring creativity (as a matter of fact, there already are machines writing articles and books).

    And the problem with this is that the people in power will no longer see any need of you, because everything you are capable of doing could be done much faster, better and cheaper by a machine. You were 'educated' (I would rather say trained) to be a loyal and submissive worker only because you were profitable; but now you are not profitable anymore.

    What will happen, then? One would think that they would starve us to death and outcompete us because we can't find a job (and that is indeed what would happen if the world population kept itself stable or grew).

    However, I think that they would be smarter than that: they will drug us with smartphones, the internet, pornography, virtual reality, reality glasses, etc. just like they are doing at this very moment. And they will spy you to make sure that that is happening and going smoothly. This would drastically decline the population growth; just like it is doing now, but on a bigger scale.


    What can we do to prevent all these terrible things from happening? Only one thing comes to my mind as a good solution: to protest and pressure the government into changing the educational system.

    The educational system should be just like a game; the human being, just like every other mammal, has evolved to learn through playing. In primitive societies, children ran around with their spears and learned to hunt by playing. Playing is the way to learn things effectively; memorizing them would only make you forget most things after a while.

    Furthermore, if children learned things by playing, they would no longer need to have the same things repeated to them year after year. Our educational system teaches us for too many years; it keeps us sitting in a classroom for too many years of our lives. That would no longer be a problem if children learned by playing, because: they would not have needed the same thing to be repeated to them over and over; and they would be more skilled in it because they've been playing/doing it for some time.

    Bonus video:


    "For example a factory that just replaced its workers with automated robots means abundance for the one who bought the robots and scarcity for the person who is being replaced by them."

    I would like to add that the scarcity comes from the too much competition and complete lack of cooperation. With this I mean that the scarcity comes because of the boss not sharing his profits with people; he's selfish, not generous.

    Nevertheless, that could be reversed if the system taxed the rich and redistributed the wealth equally among everyone. See:

  3. @Rilles They say, practice makes perfect. Developing extraordinary mindfulness isn't something which happens in a day, or a year. 

    “If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” - Martin Luther King Jr.

    Who keeps going eventually reaches the destination. But there is no destination in this case. ?

  4. @SoonHei

    "is this just a belief that the one who watches everything CANNOT BE SEEN ? is it not possible that there could be something meta to our beingness which could watch each of our Ones that Watch Everything

    ?? please someone clarify?"


    - Whenever you are observing an object, there is the observed (the object) and the observer. 

    - However, whatever the observer is, it cannot be located at any point in space. Because in that case one would be able to observe it, and in that case it would no longer be the observer, but rather the observed (the object).

    - Therefore, the observer has to be outside of space, so that it wouldn't be exposed to being ever observed. 

    - Since the observer is outside of space, then space and all objects in it have to be inside the observer. 

    Did you find this of any use?


    That logic process came to my mind to explain to myself how can time and space be inside consciousness. The insight came to me thanks to one of Leo's exercises:


    "Exercise #8: Noticing You Are Not A Point-Camera

    Sit comfortably and quietly, still your mind, and become aware of direct experience.

    Notice that you feel like you are a camera looking out onto the world.

    But notice that reality cannot have any point-cameras.

    Notice that reality cannot have perceivers.

    What would a perceiver be?

    Anything you might want to call a "perceiver" would have to be an object percieving another object.

    But this is illogical.

    An object is really just a series of sensations. And one sensation can perceive another sensation.

    Become deeply conscious of this.

    Notice that there in fact is no "perceive" object in your direct experience.

    Try as you might, you cannot locate any perceivers. All you have a perceptions.

    So then, what is perceiving all these perceptions?

    Notice further, that whatever "it" is, it cannot be a sensation.

    Notice further, that whatever "it" is, it cannot be located at any point in space, because all of space has to occur "within it".

    Notice that you are NOT like a camera. You are NOT looking out onto the world from a point behind your eyes. Instead your are omni-present.

    Become deeply conscious of this, until your conviction of you being located as point in space breaks down."

  5. @Roman Edouard

    The soul, spirits, God, matter, energy, the universe, etc. are all one and the same, where only the terminology changes. This is because of the following logical process:

    - When we look inside us, there is nothing solid and lasting which we can call "us."

    - Therefore there is no "I". We are all matter and the universe is just a bunch of matter. 

    - According to E=mc^2, all matter is energy. Therefore everyone and everything is just energy. 

    From now on it's a question of terminology, you can call that everything as: soul, energy, spirits, God, etc. 

  6. I can't meditate for longer than 5 or 10 minutes without getting distracted by thoughts or the environment (and not returning to meditation).

    Maybe if someone threatened to cut my arm if I don't meditate for hours, then I'd greatly improve my meditation time.

    ...that is, until I see the truth and stop caring about losing my arm. 

  7. @phoenix666 The only reason which I find to love, be compassionate and kind is because everything that is kind, compassionate and loving is more beautiful than if it weren't. And everything that is rude, angry and cold is less beautiful than it originally was. 

    This is my reason. But what is your reason to think that everything is love, that it's all about love and such? What makes you think that? Can you explain it (preferibly in a logical way with logical steps)?

  8. @lmfao I completely agree with what you said. 

    When I tried to explain it to people who were suffering, some were like "no thanks, I'm Christian."

    Only one friend can understand (and is trying to understand) what I say about the absolute truth. And indeed, she's open-minded, agnostic, understanding, interested in philosophy and psychology. And as you said, these people are rare. 

    When I explain it, I explain it in a way so that it makes sense. I believe only what I see, and I have the same scientific mindset, so I try to explain it with logical steps that go like this:

    - When we look inside us, there is nothing solid and lasting which we can call "us."

    - Therefore there is no "I". We are all matter and the universe is just a bunch of matter. 

    - According to E=mc^2, all matter is energy. Therefore everyone and everything is just energy. 

    From now on it's a question of terminology, you can call that everything as: energy, spirits, God, etc. 

  9. @XYZ

    Your reasoning is correct: selfishness pushed to the extreme turns into selflessness, because as one wants to get everything for oneself, thinks only of oneself, and guarantees only oneself's own safety, they realize that they can get for themselves much more (including more safety) if they were selfless and thus gained the favour of the people surrounding them. 

    Let's show this with an example: Nazi Germany wanted to rule all of Europe and (almost) achieved it, but didn't last long because they were selfish and wanted themselves to be the only rulers (for 1000 years). Even if they had lasted, they would have turned into something unstable, like Yugoslavia. People don't want to be taxed but not represented into the power holders of the political entity. 

    Now let's compare them with the EU: the founding countries (including Germany) agreed to form an union, each sharing a fraction of the total power.

    The motives were no longer the same kind of selfish, the sort of "I want to rule all of Europe." Instead, they turned into another sort of selfish: "I want my rightful fraction of power over the EU." You may even consider them selfless: they no longer want to be the sole rulers of Europe; instead, they agree to share that power with the other countries of the EU, and they even would call up their army if some other country attacked any EU country. Their motives are still selfish, though, and they always will be: they do it all thinking about their own safety. Can you see how the border between selfish and selfless starts to become less clear?

    We have evolved to have selfishness so as to improve our odds to survive: the more material goods we have, the better are our chances to survive. However, the more we are selfless and thus improve our relationship with the people around us, the better are our odds to survive too. 

    This selfish selflessness can be seen even more clearly in this other example: natives of Papua New Guinea used to exchange gifts with members of other tribes near to them. Those other members, in turn, return them the favour. However, both parties have only one objective in mind behind their apparent selflessness, and it is a selfish motive: if I give gifts to members of that other tribe and they do the same, then it is less likely for a fight to break out between us and probably kill me. 

    There is no selfishness or selflessness, all is one; there is just a tool to seem like the good boy in the eyes of other people, which is deep down us justifying our own actions to ourselves.

    The only information needed to correctly understand and use that tool is: killing, stealing, lying and sexual misconduct are seen as something evil by everyone (unless it's used to "punish" a "criminal"); all ancient societies and religions condemned these acts, in order to bring the order and stability which they need in order to function properly. 

  10. @XYZ

    My opinion on this is split in half:

    On the one hand selfishness and selfnessness are one and the same, because they are both in relation to "I" and the "others". When in truth there is no "I", because we all are just a bunch of matter put together (in fact, we are just energy, because of E=mc^2), which makes these two words be one and the same. 

    On the other hand arrogance, anger and selfishness are ugly things. Everything that is angry and arrogant is repelling (even if it doesn't look physically ugly). And everything that has kindness and compassion looks better than if it didn't have them.

    Moreover, anger, frustration, greed and such are all unwholesome states, meaning that they fade away as soon as you become aware of them. Like, has it ever happened to you that you were upset and your friend asked you to lower your voice, and then you became aware of it and you weren't angry anymore even if it was just for a moment? Instead, compassion, kindness, generosity and such are wholesome states and don't disappear when you become aware of them. 

  11. "Take things as they are. Punch when you have to punch. Kick when you have to kick." - Bruce Lee

    I say, fap when you have to fap and fuck when you have to fuck. Take things as they are. 

    Sex and spirituality have nothing to do, since the pleasure which you feel out of sex or masturbation is just what evolution gave you so that you will like it and have higher chances to generate offspring. 

    The same happens with fear, feelings, emotions, etc. They are just what evolution gave you to improve your odds to survive. 

  12. @phoenix666

    I also study in university and the following advice has helped me: 

    (A foreword though: I love what I'm studying and feel passionate about it. You can't force yourself to study something you don't like.)

    - Whenever I'm tired after a whole day of studying and feel like procrastinating, I remind myself that these are just feelings which evolution gave me, but that I don't have to listen to them because it's in my best interest to follow through and keep studying. 

    - Whenever I'm tired after studying every day while on the 2 weeks of final exams period, I remind myself that nothing lasts forever. This is a truly universal truth. I may only wake up, go to classes, study all the rest of the day and then go to bed, but I know that it won't last forever. 

    - Remember what you're studying for! You have goals, and following through your studies is your way to achieve that. 

    Good luck! ?

  13. I think that no porn is good, but no fap is bad.

    Also, you don't want to spend your whole day in your room fapping, wasting time and the future health of your tool. But you also don't want to spend the whole day undressing girls with your mind and thinking 99% of the time about sex. 

    Moderation is the key! Masturbate enough so you don't think about it or stare at girls all day while they don't look. But not so much that you spend hours at it a day and waste all your day on it. 

  14. @CreamCat Good luck with it!

    Also, take into account the following facts:

    - Life is not a game. Once it's game over, there is no replay. 

    - Your emotions are there for a purpose: you have evolved them in order to have a greater chance of survival. Your fear saves you from taking your life in some way. Lack of fear means danger to you, just like one doesn't really care about dying while they're playing GTA V. 

  15. @Aaron p

    Buddhism (at least the Theravada branch of it) explains this by showing that there are wholesome and unwholesome states. 

    Wholesome states are the ones like kindness, generosity, etc. These states stay, even if you are aware of them. 

    Unwholesome states are the ones like greed, anger, disillusionment, etc. These states disappear when you become aware of them.

    One example of mine to prove this point is: Has it ever happened to you that you are upset but are not aware of it, and then a friend asked you to lower your voice, and then you become aware of it for a moment? And in that moment when you are aware of the fact that you are angry, you are not angry, even if it's for a moment. 


    I also have a theory about it. It's the following: the first step towards solving your problem is acknowledging its existence. This is because you can't solve a problem if you don't know about its existence, just like even the fastest car in the world won't be useful to you if you don't know where to go. 

    The reason why becoming aware of your problem makes it easier to handle is because it's the very first step towards solving it. 


    Do these explanations make sense?

  16. On 8/19/2018 at 7:43 AM, Tausif Ahmed said:

     I have observed that there is spirituality in all religions, does that mean all are true when they externally contradict each other as well?

    So we can rightly say that spirituality is the core of all major religions(Christianity,Judaism,Islam,Hinduism,Buddhism,Sikhism,Taoist faith etc).

    Does that mean all of them are true & from same Source?

    & is there a universal spirituality/path to God?

    Yes there is, at least from my perspective. 

    My theory is that everything is energy (because all matter is energy according to E=mc^2, but not all energy is matter [such as sounds and weaves]). Therefore there is no "I", we are just energy; there is no difference between the outside and the inside. There is no duality, all is one. 

    This coincides with the animist idea that there is a soul in everything, not just in humans; and with the Christian idea that God is everywhere (omnipresence), that we are God (which is why they forbide suicide, because killing ourselves would mean killing God).

    Enlightenment is where spirituality and philosophy overlap; Enlightenment is an experience which can't be explained with language, because it shows to the fullest extent that all is one, and instead language is used to categorize, create duality, define something as different from something else, and such. Can you see how I went from a purely philosophical/metaphisical idea (e.g. "we are all matter"), to a completely spiritual one (e.g. "all is one, it can't be expressed with words")?

  17. @Nahm

    Yes, a priori is a knowledge which you know without requiring any previous experience, like 3*4=12, you don't need to actually go test if it's true. 

    Yes, I do believe that when I die my elements will change shape. And also that this universe will continue to exist until its end; how can this one be a false assumption? Yes, it is the source of what I find depressing; however, I know no better either ;p

    Well, let me explain my viewpoint: The world is matter to me. Everything is matter, even I and every human on Earth are entirely and completely made of matter. Since we are all made up of matter and nothing else, there is no "I". Since there is no "I", there is no death in my opinion, but just a recombination of the matter of which we are made from.

    6 hours ago, Nahm said:

    What’s the difference between “The Big Bang” as the beginning of you (what you’re parents did lol) as an acceptable explanation for your beginning, and “The Big Bang” as an explanation of the beginning of the universe?

    Therefore, to answer your question in the quote above: There is no difference between the beginning of the universe and my beginning, because I am made from the same matter which was created at the beginning of the universe; the only thing that happened is that this matter of which I am made of today, had changed shape over and over in the past dozen billion years. 

    Your 2nd paragraph is a joke ?

    How can there be no beginning or ending, and no time? I don't understand where your logic comes from. Like, yes, it comes together with the Enlightenment knowledge pack, but I have no idea from where that logic comes from. I would like to understand it, thought. 

    However, I also think that our 5 senses don't lie to us (most of the time), so there must be truth in your words, even if I don't see it. It's just like this meme: 6vs9.jpg


    6 hours ago, Nahm said:

    Consider, what is an apple? 

    When, exactly, were you “conceived”?


    Well, in my opinion an apple is a bunch of elements gathered together, just like a rock, the Sun or any human being. The only difference between an apple and a human being is that the former has a different shape than the latter. If you look at it at a molecular level, their little molecules have a different shape too, and do different functions too. 

    And well, I must have been "conceived" 9 months before I was born. Only a liar would remember. Though I see your point: I don't really know when I was conceived, the only thing I can do is believe what I was told. I have no idea if the world and everything is a lie. I have no way to know if everything before me didn't exist, and was created specifically to fool me to believe it. 

    How can I stop being uncertain about the fact if it's all a lie? Simple: there must be a way to see for oneself; the same path through which you passed in order to see that "There’s no beginning or ending, there’s no time. It’s an illusion."