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Posts posted by LordFall

  1. On 10/25/2022 at 4:15 PM, Phil777 said:

    @LordFall You do realize that your mind is powerful. What you focus on and what you envision has power. Look into manifestation teachings for more info on this. You can test this hypothesis. More key words: reality transurfing, law of assumption/attraction, Neville Goddard

    This is where spiral dynamics reaches it's limits. If you look through it's lens, you will come up with horror scenarios like you just did. You basically believe that the worst possible scenario that could emerge with the new technologies will be our future. Why, why do you do this?

    This isn't rational and based on your bisaes and selective attention. How about you stop misusing your mind and train it to come up with more holistic and promising scenarios? Of all possibilites you have chosen this. Why? Because you are looking through fear, you are looking through limited models of reality, because your mind is unconsciously running wild and you are not controlling it.

    Let me tell you another reason why Leos 200 to 300 year time frame is not sensible: Until then we have reached the technological singurality with general prupose AI exceedeing human intelligence by a million fold.

    How do you think spiral dynamics, that nice, little cozy, linear model holds up to predict what will happen at this point?

    Thank you for the reply. I'm not really too familiar with manifestation(which is what I assume you're referring to) which I'm gonna consider as optimism. I think the most reliable ways to trust in the future is to understand how the systems we have now currently work and the issues with them. The point is not to come up with a doomsday scenario but to see how the world has been, how it's now, how it could go and how we can address that.

    If we understand how wealth and business have progressed then switching to a more widespread decentralized freelancing/startup industry seems like the next logical step rather than a full-on socialist/Ubi revolution coming from nowhere. This is especially backed up by the coming recessions and global conflicts meaning that big western states will not have the leisure to spend free money on their populace. 

    I predict that the economic and geopolitical conflicts will start ramping up next year and last throughout the 2020s. 2030s will see new tech kind of solidify itself and we can expect more calm, peace, and a return to growth in the mid-2030s and 2040s.

    To me studying, understanding, and preparing for these scenarios gives me great peace and comfort instead of being in a cloud of uncertainty, naively hoping for the best at any time, and being decimated by tragic events that I would have no way to predict. 

    I feel like believing too much in manifestation seems to be a bit like magical thinking to me, I manifest by being prepared for the future and being ready for the opportunities it's gonna present to me. 

  2. 35 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:


       Dude, Cryptocurrency is a scam, an escape from accountability, and most users have had their bit coin wallet hacked and stolen far more frequently than any other form of currency. It's a wolf of wall street day trader fantasy come true.

    What does it have to do with an escape from accountability? It's a decentralization of central banking and digitalization of asset classes. Very few people have ever had their wallets hacked/stolen, definitely way lower than people's online banking/credit cards getting stolen. A lot of people have lost money stored on exchanges but that's a whole different story.

    You're undereducated on the subject and exactly the kind of person that will regret not understanding this technology. 

  3. @Razard86 I mean you're taking it a bit too literally. Self-made just means built their own companies themselves without being handed down wealth or having their businesses massively subsidized(there's a line here, you can argue this one a lot of ways.)

    A good example is the new crypto/blockchain/metaverse revolution that's gonna happen in the next 5-10 years. It's already easy to predict that this is gonna be a new gold rush and plenty of people are gonna become millionaires/billionaires from it. Then there are those that complain now that's its a scam and will complain in 10 years that it's unfair when thousands become rich from it while they haven't gotten much out of the opportunity. 

  4. This is a win for progressivism worldwide and also environmentally as well. Bolsonaro had really industrially destructive plans for the rainforest and Lula is much more environmentally friendly. The amazon is the largest rainforest in the world and thus impacts literally everyone on earth.



    Congrats Brazil, will have to come visit you guys soon. 

  5. Christian Leblanc and his business Lost Leblanc 


    He graduated college and worked as an accountant in Toronto and figured out it was miserable and not for him. He flew to Thailand with a GoPro and started posting content. Now his business generates 7-8 figures and he has a community where he mentors people on how to be traveling content creators.

    He's fully financially independent and travels the world and is now building his own custom villa in Bali that will serve as a community compound and rental property when he's not there. 

    In terms of lifestyle design and life purpose, I'd say he's pretty up there. Get to do what you want, wherever you want, and develop a community around it. He also has a girlfriend that he travels with and shoots with so he's got the relationship department going pretty good as well. 

  6. I would just like to say I empathize with self-shame regarding materialistic pursuits. Mine wasn't caused by Owen and I don't necessarily think yours was caused by him either possibly just awakened. This seems to be a strange feature of the human race. Most religious people have this where they think extramarital sex will cause them to literally burn in hell for eternity so I think you're not doing too bad. 

    I don't actually understand where this is coming from but it's very deep in our psyche. I have huge self-doubts and overthinking when it comes to my motivations when it comes to things like masturbation, porn and money as well. It causes me to examine my thoughts and actions over and over again which is good because I try to choose the wisest path but it also comes with a lot of self-demonization and anxiety. I literally feel physical sensations as if my body was fighting against "negative energy." 

    You're definitely not alone in this. 

  7. Money is the accumulation of human work and value. Have enough of it and other people will work for you. Have not enough of it and you will have to work for other people. 

    Jobs suck because other people have a monopoly on all of the world's resources and they make you work legal slavery to maintain it. You need to invent a winning hand in someone else's game basically. 

  8. @Yarco This is why the market averages out things relatively well by giving it an economic value. This is gonna become even more accurate when central banks lose some of their power. Those activities that you mentioned are great but are niche whereas there is an almost accurate objective value that a human brings to the global economy. Onlyfans is a fascinating study into a woman's sexual value translated into economics, and for the well-marketed hot ones that goes for about $1.5M/monthly.

    You can consider only fans a woman dating mankind in general instead of just an individual man. 

  9. Depends on what your goals are and what lifestyle you wish to have. My dad has rental properties and tenants and renovations are a pain in the ass so I would never go down that path. Makes it hard to travel for long periods of time too. If you plan on staying in the same place and you're satisfied with your lifestyle then your net worth doesn't really matter as long as you can maintain your expenses indefinitely. If you aim to keep building businesses or live a more extravagant lifestyle then that question matters a bit more.

    Net worth itself is a fairly useless measure of lifestyle. Plenty of people worth 7-8 figures are not liquid enough to enjoy a peaceful leisure-filled life. 

  10. 14 hours ago, Sempiternity said:

    Goals? Being able to effectively approach, and close. To be able to connect deeper with those I'm attracted to. Could be casual hookups, which could maybe lead to more committed relationship if we click and have common lifegoals and the love is deep enough. 


    Get a nice place(ideally with a hot tub) right next to the biggest game venue near you so you can point to it and say "hey come over, I live 30 seconds away."

    Do trauma releases and look into divine feminine meditations so you can effortlessly be vulnerable and connect to women on an emotional level. 

  11. Do you have another source other than Fox News? And foreign spies are nothing new, Soviet spies and American CIA assets learning Russian have been a thing for decades. I would be shocked if any moderately relevant country didn't have people inside of every other moderately relevant country. 

    Who are these people even loyal to though? 


    The most interesting thing to me about China is the various factions and groups surely vying for power behind the scenes. The CCP itself isn't a very united entity, it's just held together by destroying anyone that openly questions/opposes it. 

  12. @Heart of Space For someone trying to make a point for intelligence, you make quite remarkably stupid points. This is not a personal attack, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, your original posts and all your following comments fit the 5 definitions of the word stupid.



    I actually agree that we should open up controversial topics for discussion but none of your arguments stand the test of scrutiny. Are you aware of how the metric of IQ is defined and how it was invented in the first place? You didn't really answer Leo's point on how you can't judge a group in a vacuum, you have to access the history of that subgroup. What's your answer to the Japanese having higher IQ than white western countries? How do you even define a race? Do you judge the anglo Saxons the same as the white Eurasians? They have drastically different average IQ scores. What do you even consider black? Are black Brazilians included in this? 

    You would at least think that if you're trying to make an argument for intellectualism you would cover your bases.


  13. On 10/23/2022 at 8:51 AM, Phil777 said:
    12 hours ago, Phil777 said:

    @Leo Gura

    You cannot honestly state that most people are inherently lazy and selfish if you have the right understanding of what causes people to develop psyches that manifest such characteristics. There are seldom children that get born in a healthy, growth conducive environment with their needs met and that are loved by both parents, that do not have an insatiable drive for exploration, adventure, expression and "doing things" as well as a ln inherent drive to share and collaborate.

    However, and I am going to make an additional point here, how much more a CEO for example gets compensated more than his/her employees is, as you point out in your video, relative. We agree. You seem to make the point that that justifies the current level of inequality. No, I would argue that it has gone way out of hand and that people havng to work 2-3 jobs just to make end meet is not tolerable or justified by "value creation" which is relative as well. The determination of the value of goods and services may be best determined through market forces as of now, but it is still a relative system. Furthermore, How the generated profit is split between all actors within a company is completely relative and to a large degree not coupled to market forces. If the CEO or the savings account of the company got 10 percent less of the overall profit but instead this money got addeed to the salary of all workers, they would all have significantly higher standards of living without significantly infringing on the survivabilty of the company or the standard of living of the CEO. That's how out of proportion and radicalized this capitalistic system has become. We don't need communism but simply a less prominent lower class and an uncompromising social security system.

    My friend, I think you're in for a rude awakening. Our society is not really even close to stage orange yet, meaning the full depth of capitalistic individualism has only begun to manifest itself. It's still being held up by tribal collectivism(stage blue.)

    When the scope of things like automation, decentralized finance, drone warfare, etc are reached and you can start to make billions with 5-10 people as opposed to tens/hundreds of thousands of employees, you will see what a stage orange world will look like; which is needed to reach the stage green state of a more humane economy. 

    The 21st century will IMO be way more brutal than the 20th century. Your ideas are nice but the average person is not ready/willing to take full responsibility for their own existence. Even today you can make a living-learning relatively simple freelancing skills and most people refuse to do that. I say refuse because I'm not talking about people in poverty that don't have time to study business because they're working three jobs. I mean middle-class cosy people. When the rugged is pulled from under them, they will struggle big time.

    COVID has taught me how separated and antagonistic our communities and society still are. We are nowhere close to widespread mutual collaboration. When the basic comforts of society are pulled from us, the average person is just as ruthless and cruel as you would expect stage-red people to be. 

  14. 10 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

    @LordFall You are not commiting to either side thats why it doesnt work you are dipping your toes in 2 different pools..

    You valuing yourself is only way anyone is going to value you but it comes from not wanting anyone to value you because in that way you will be 100% focused on yourself and your inner things that will bring true value or you will try to trick and manipulate good luck with that existence...

    This and your other comment are exactly what I mean by pseudo-spiritual nonsense. That's a good mindset but it literally doesn't work. You are literally a human being in a society made up of human beings. Being consumed by others' perception of you is of course a fool's errand but not taking it into account is just as much. Be careful not to drink too much of the kool-aid. 

  15. @NoSelfSelf I mean sure but at this point, we're talking semantics. That's why I say value to yourself and value to others. You can value your existence but if nobody else does then you're gonna struggle. You could also argue that if you value yourself you have a responsibility to cultivate your "material" value to experience the most of the gifts that this reality has to offer you. Especially in a dating context your self-love is only gonna take you so far. 

  16. @Max_V You're a man, she's a woman. A man is supposed to be the rock that will keep his woman and their bloodline safe. Think about all the previous generations that had to deal with life and death. Don't fall into this mindset of having an androgynous relationship. People don't like Tate but he had a point where like if an intruder breaks into my house I'm gonna go down there and protect my woman whereas the streamer that he was arguing with said he would stay with his girl in his room with his girlfriend hoping they go away lol.

    It's a good example of masculine and feminine polarity, if a woman doesn't feel safe with you and like you can handle life's challenges why would she feel safe to stay in her feminine energy around you?