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Posts posted by Sparkist

  1. 31 minutes ago, Spacious said:

    Yeah, I'm a lying mother fucker, and continual working to be less so!!!

    The truth of my inner self-contempt, jealousy and secret longings to domination/control were challenges which came up post watching this episode. It's amazing the games the little ego plays to try and smother a situation to avoid seeing your own shadow.

    It's mind blowing isn't it? 

    I feel a great shift having seen this. I haven't felt 'genuine' for many years and it's caused great suffering. I take a deep breath now I know why. Constant lying. Lies upon lies upon lies.

    Well, now to do something about it. 

    It's a good place to be, I think.

  2. Holy fuck...

    If you haven't watched this one yet...I recommend that you do. 

    It actually hurt me to hear most of this. My heart was physically aching because it was like a frickin' dagger was stabbing me right in the ego. Can't argue with it, though. 


    And now I feel like I'm totally exposed and that I can be and sometimes am seen for who and what I really am. It was pretty dumb of me to think I was holding up a perfect mask. This exposure kinda excites me though, as well as scares me - Liberation vs Consequence



  3. 9 hours ago, White said:

    @Sparkist xD don't get me wrong. I don't known what you're getting at, but just to cover my ass I am just giving my opinion on what i think . I'm definately not dictating the law here. Just disclosing how I think 

    Lol it just made me laugh...and I was feeling kinda sassy before I went to bed last night :D Of course, it's all opinion so it's all good. Thank you for not responding in an offensive/defensive manner. I'm not sure I can cope with that at this early hour of the morning :P 

  4. ^ From the new album 'Singularity'. Going to see him perform (for the 2nd time) in July. The 1st time I saw him it was like nothing I'd experienced before. The whole audience was 1! It was like we all connected and we were all in sync it was absolutely unreal. AND I was stone cold sober. He is the reason I learnt transcendental meditation <3 I'm absolutely in love with his music. The animation for the video for this is also beautiful. 

    This one just electrifies every cell of my body. I fricken love it! Saw this performed live and a massive thunder storm happened. ABSOLUTELY UNREAL! I'm getting chills and goosebumps just remembering it!

  5. 24 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

    You’re stuck in the Conceptual Truth Paradigm.  What’s interesting is you are advancing a moral stance here, you’ve just cloaked it well.  The Ego is sneaky.  You’ll get to the point where you notice that. You’ll see it right away.  And what you see you can’t unsee.  That’s when you’ll break out of morality as an ideology alltogether.

    I can see how my thread was coming from a stance of morality, yes. I guess I just wanted to promote peace rather than argument, to make myself feel better, and those who may have also found it uncomfortable to view, too. My ego wanted everyone to know that I don't desire them to change. So that they feel accepted rather than attacked.

    ...which really thinking about it, was also a message to myself, for myself to feel accepted.