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  2. You made some good points but specific points would have helped. I'm not sure what you're implying people are ignoring.
  3. I know you guys hijacked the thread for petty and childish drama, as tends to happen, but I still want to respond to the topic at hand. I think as society becomes more sophisticated and mature, freedoms will expand. A fully conscious and mature civilization would in theory require no regulations as to what individuals can do with themselves and to each other. This cannot be fathomed because of how profoundly immature our society still is. But remember, it was not that long ago when civilizations had to mandate even the position in which you could have sex in, so that you wouldn't become a horny bastard who ruined society and got everyone enslaved by the tribe next door. The kind of freedoms we are given require of us greater responsibility, which requires greater consciousness and maturity. As far as euthanasia for mental diseases goes, I think people underestimate how significant the suffering from mental diseases can be, and how little we have to actually treat some of these conditions. The mind can create any type of hell, ideally, if we have systems to prevent individuals from simply committing suicide (which seems to be the case in the netherlands despite the attempt to smear the whole thing by the media) in situations that might be fixable, there is nothing that makes this different from someone who suffers from some physical condition that causes immeasurable pain and cannot be treated. But nonetheless, it is a complex ethical issue. I want to urge people to actually investigate the reasoning behind permitting such things with an open and mature mind. I also want to point out that these types of topics tend to evoke strong emotions in us, that make us unable to consciously engage with the substance at hand, and makes us reactive rather than open-minded. I think there is something that was given little importance in this discussion so far that in general is overlooked when it comes to controversial topics like these, and that is the value of autonomy. While it is true that certain freedoms will lead to negative consequences, it is also true that limiting freedoms means violating fundamental human autonomy and will. While harm reduction principles are important to consider, we must weigh them against the principles of liberty and dignity. Not allowing this means that you will inevitably violate someones autonomy, and not someone who was simply irrational and therefore not functionally autonomous. You will condemn such individuals to an undignified death or to a life of unbarable suffering. Or simply to prevent them from making the choice of ending their life. It's easy to ignore this, to not be aware of it, to only see the potential harms from this, which are certainly present. But if we do not recognize this reality, we will not be able to actually contend with the issue at hand. In the end, the more pressing manner is for us to find a way of living and coexisting such that we don't have so many people who feel hopeless in life, such that they want to kill themselves.
  4. I wouldn't worry too much about value stuff really because it's hard to change in the short term, although you can see a stylist or something since appearance does really matter if you aren't super charismatic or have some other way of building situational status. Besides that, if you just want a gf whose status is similar to yours for companionship and other basic needs then it's not necessary to increase it -- there are a lot of women with similar value to you. Of the women with similar value, you'll still only be the "type" of something like 20% of them. And, most of them will have boyfriends already and not be open to your advances. So, randomly approaching women will mean getting repeatedly rejected, especially if you are aiming for more physically attractive girls. Approaching random people is basically a numbers game (like cold outreach in sales). Let's actually go with the sales analogy for a bit, because it is less emotionally loaded. In sales, you make a list of qualified prospects -- compnaies that can both afford and benefit from your service -- and try to book meetings. But, 95% of the people you contact will brush you off because they already have an existing provider. Of the 5% of people who give you a chance, some will brush you off because they're in a bad mood, don't like the sound of your voice, etc. This is why cold-calling is brutal and the best salespeople hire underlings to do it, rely on marketing to generate leads, focus on going to industry events where companies go to meet new vendors, build a network of referrals, or at least use software to measure "intent." This is doubly the case in an era when people are much more cagey about answering their phones. Ok, so let's go back to your situation. If you find the repeated rejection exhausting, you can make it a bit less of a grind. Pre-qualify your prospects. If you continue with cold approach, try to pre-qualify the women you approach for interest and availability. So, do far fewer approaches, like 3-5 per day, but on women who indicate some interest in you or at least high availability. This is what I did when I was single because the spam appraoch was way too exhausting for me. Some ways of doing it (none are foolproof, just increase the odds): Eye contact If she meets your eye contact for more than 3/4 of a second or so, she is likely single and will be receptive to a conversation. Slow movement, wandering around during the day The girl is probably bored and will be receptive to at least talking for a few minutes If she does not have her phone out as a shield, then she is probably hoping someone talks to her on some level Hanging around in your proximity in a bar situation Use a marketing channel -- like a dating app -- to screen for women who are looking for guys and who at least like your photos and what you say in your profile Lower the price of your offer, i.e., approach less physically attractive girls Just like in business, you should only lower your price after experimenting a bit with the other options though.
  5. I’m not on TikTok or facebook or instagram or twitter, but dont think tik tok should be banned. If i was tik tok, i would just middle finger the US and let people just use VPNs to access from the USA. Another reason why Biden will lose the election.
  6. The medicalization trend of mental experiences is by itself a problematic perspective needs to be questionable just as everything else.
  7. Almost all of your statements you speak on others behalf. How are you sure about what's helpful to someone and what's not and why should any of your suggestions or advice be considered legitimate when you're not an expert especially when you lecture others on not being able to decide what outcome is possible or not possible in the same breath? That sounds hypocritical and deceptive to me.
  8. What are you talking about dude, which statement of mine implies that Im an expert or that Im a doctor?
  9. Of helping a person in believing in himself and building an infrastructure of self validation and independent thinking.
  10. All your statements imply it sorry. Just don't play that game please.
  11. Does no one here remember this happening?? A member committed suicide here a handful of years ago.... Taking direct responsibility for people is not something which should be done automatically nor lightly. Having and developing general empathy, within your means as best as humanly possible... that is a separate issue.
  12. You are being bad faith there. Im not saying what you should do, we are having a debate about which approach is better and which approach has more downsides. I never claimed to be a doctor or an expert and never implied it.
  13. Mostly not that helpful but I had some brief periods where I almost couldn't function during my awakening journey, and it helped for those blips so I only recommend it for short term use I guess.
  14. I regret not being part of this thread sooner, wow it's kicking off now!
  15. That's exactly what you're doing, you aren't some doctor or expert. Telling me what to do funnily enough.
  16. Hence why you shouldn't give advice about certain things, that you are not educated or sure about (especially when it comes to medical advice). Thats possible, but I think its still better than letting that person seek medical advice from people who are not educated on the topic, and who are explicitly stateing that they won't take any responsbility when their advice do more harm than good. Thats being framed like that person was boxed in based on little info or framed like there was a strong sign that her relationship to the forum was getting better. People here triggered her and she triggered some people - if you want to manage that, that requires a lot of care - will you take responsibility for monitoring and moderating all discussions like that? And yes, certain people can't take as much responsibility because their ability to take responsbility is undermined. Treating some people as if they could take as much responsibility for their decisions as you is one assumption that you should question, because that base assumption can lead to harm. That supposed to be an argument in favour of what exactly?
  17. @zurew Nice looking modal and good visuals. Main issue with this hyper alien mind is literally @Leo Gura and maybe very few people are literal pioneers, and when someone's a pioneer there's only so much knowledge base and conceptions to go off of. It's actually pretty dangerous work as there's just so little to base precautions or protections, you just are literally like an explorer on some alien planet, literally that dangerous and exciting. Another big issue with alien mind is we're still mostly extremely selfish to just collectively go hyper mind. 100% willing to bet if you got telekinesis, you'll use that selfishly. Horny teen with telepathy and telekinesis is just a recipe for chaos.
  18. He is already munching on that idea in his bunker probably.
  19. @Buck Edwards STOP! Elon's got Twitter-sorry X- don't give him anymore ideas. I want him to actually refocus and make some cool stuff in Tesla or SpaceX and not to clown so much in X. Elon's gonna be a legit addict to Tik Tok if he takes it over, and then when that happens we'll legit have a strong argument to ban Tik Tok then.
  20. @Leo Gura Which is why I'm offering not just a ban, but heavier regulation of Tik Tok. Tik Tok isn't doing itself any favors by not trying to increase more knowledge or educational clips to try and not make it mostly trashy BS click baits. Oh and before I forget @Juan's framing is a false dilemma here, as I've demonstrated a market or something isn't limited to should/shouldn't ban, but there's also regulation levels to consider as well or other alternatives.
  21. Or Elon Musk owns it..and renames it as TOK-X. 😉
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